The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1240: New Tower Mode

"Mitan, initialization!" Leo walked to an inconspicuous decorative column on the side of the tower and said after all the runes of the wizard tower were activated.

"Initial retrieval activation!"

"The system self-check is complete!"

"The energy source is activated! The energy works normally!"

"The first defensive position is activated! The defensive position system is operating normally!"

"The first attack position is activated!..."

With a burst of mechanical sound, Leo could feel that the wizard tower he built was becoming regular and modular, and under the control of the intelligent system, it began to operate in the way he expected.

"The highest authority is initialized, and the highest authority is set."

"First level permission, Leo Dodd, Sylvia Belmont, Toran Dodd!"

"Second-level authority, Irene Belmont..."

With the retrieval sound of the initialization of permission settings, the intelligent system initialization of the entire wizard tower has come to an end, and then even if Leo leaves here, the wizard tower can still operate normally with the help of the intelligent system.

Although the intelligent system used by the Wizard Tower is the most primitive intelligent system of the Earth Federation, the core of the system is auxiliary functions, and there is no higher level of intelligence such as self-retrieving and leaking, but this has already met the daily needs of the Wizard Tower, at least very much. This system will not be outdated for a long time.

In fact, Leo can also write higher-level intelligent systems through the modules on the universal recorder. It is not difficult to even write real battleship-level auxiliary intelligent systems. There are no less than fifty sets of such systems in his memory database. , But he dare not do this, because he knows exactly how uncontrolled self-searching and evolving intelligent systems will grow.

It is precisely because of this that the Supreme Council of the Universe will impose various restrictions on any intelligent system. He does not want to see that after he leaves this world, this intelligent system will evolve to its original life form, and then assimilate the world. .

As the retrieval was completed, the energy light shrouded in the entire wizard tower diminished, but the light did not disappear, it was still attached to the surface, as if an eternal lighthouse stood in the dark city of Odolin.

"You can come in." Leo suddenly said when he left the top room.

This sentence was not spoken to the air inside the tower, but to those people who were anxiously waiting outside the tower in the former wizard's assembly hall, and now the apprentices of the tall tower wizard.

As Leo had imagined, the name of his last tower wizard had a strong attraction to all wizards. When they heard that Leo was preparing to rebuild the tower and that wizards had already joined in, even if they were right in their hearts Leo's identity and abilities are still a bit doubtful, but he still can't help feeling that O'Dorrain has found out, and the final result of this exploration has become a permanent stay without exception.

In Leo’s eyes, these wizards’ halls and other wizards who practiced alone are very ordinary, and their strength is not particularly strong. Even some people are not wizards, but some extraordinary people who think they are wizards, but he is not picky. All these wizards are collected under the name of the tower. Among them, the wizards with solid strength and knowledge will also take the role of wizard instructors, while more others are apprentices of wizards. First, build the entire system. As for the strength and knowledge. Talents can be cultivated slowly.

In terms of strength alone, not to mention that the current tower is compared with the huge powers such as churches, and even some small powers are inferior. But Leo believes that as long as he gradually learns through the wizard system he has compiled, it is very Soon, this wizard tower will be filled up, and his strength will definitely reach the top of the world.

Organizing his own wizarding knowledge into a wizarding system that can be learned by others is what Leo has been doing for a long time until he obtained a large amount of formal knowledge of tower wizards from Carson Sanjes. The wizard system is gradually taking shape, these days it is to jump out the wizard knowledge that can be learned in his system and classify the system according to the level.

In fact, his wizard system is more based on the wizard system of the tower. At the beginning, as the only force in the world of Velen that can train wizards, the wizard system of the tower itself has compiled a relatively complete learning and training system for wizards. Not one set, basically each tower has a different tower wizard system. Although they are all called tower wizards, the powers that the wizards cultivated through different systems ultimately master are completely different.

For example, Carson Sanjays mastered the system of the Wild Wizard. The core content of that system is very similar to certain doctrines of Shamanism. It can be said that they are two paths of the natural way. It is precisely because of this, Carson · Even if Sanjay has practiced as a wizard, it will not have any adverse effect on his shaman power, but will help the wizard's power grow at a certain time.

However, Leo did not copy the system of these tower wizards, but combined the tower wizard system, basic psionic training methods, shaman system with potions, and the rune array of the wizard tower, etc., and finally completed the first two days. The initial version of the wizard system.

Although the name of this system is a wizarding system, it is actually not only for wizards, but also for other types of transcendents, such as witches and other people who inspire the power of bleeding, people with shaman potential, and even possess People who are constrained by psychic energy or other forces are included in this system.

If just some training methods, this set of wizard training methods is difficult to form a system, but because of the coordination of various wizard potions made by Leo, then the biggest gap in this system is smoothly filled. Through potions, he The enlightenment stage at the bottom of this system can be made extremely smooth, just like the baptism of the gods in the church, and the effect will even be better.

However, this does not mean that this system has no defects, but Leo could not find the defects for the time being, so he can only implement it temporarily. After the defects are found, it will be like patching the intelligent system, modify this system, and update it. System version.

Following Leo’s command, all the wizards selected by Leo to be qualified as mentors entered the wizard tower. Although the wizard tower was empty and there was nothing on all levels, they were still very shocked by this place. Because the wizard runes and Turing roots on any corner of the wall have been enough for them to learn for a long time, in their eyes this wizard tower itself is a treasure house of high tower wizard knowledge.

Leo didn’t have too much nonsense. He directly asked them to stand in the different runes in the room to perform their best witchcraft and other powers, and then instructed the wizard’s tower’s intelligent system to record their life characteristics and energy characteristics. File, and give the corresponding authority.

"Have you read the manual that I edited two days ago." After doing all this, Leo motioned everyone to stop, and then asked.

"Already read it carefully! Your Excellency." Everyone responded. They didn't just read it again, they remembered the contents of this manual completely, because whether they can be familiar with the contents of this manual will determine whether they will be able to do so in the future. Stand firm in the Wizard Tower.

"You are now the enlightenment mentor of the tower. The contents in the manual are how to use the wizard tower method, my idea of ​​building the tower, and the subsequent development plan. You only need to follow the above method step by step to implement it." Leo very seriously introduced the rules of the wizard tower to everyone, saying: "All wizard apprentices can only study in the academy built around the wizard tower. Only official wizards and you tower wizards can live in wizards. As for the houses within the tower rune circle, the wizard tower can be used as a school and open to everyone, but no one is allowed to stay permanently. Once the teaching is over, you must leave.

"Your Excellency, there is nothing in the wizard tower, how are we going to teach?" a wrinkled old wizard asked with some confusion.

"I have recorded the method in the manual, but you may not understand it. I'll show it again!" Leo didn't appear impatient, and directly called the wizard tower's intelligent system, saying: "Mitan! Start teaching. mode."

With Leo’s command, the originally empty room instantly turned into a neatly lined classroom with desks and chairs, and there were complete teaching tools and alchemy tools in the classroom, and countless on the ceiling. A collection of energy clusters that can be identified with the naked eye.

"This, this is true?" Everyone hasn't recovered from seeing the changes in front of them. One of them couldn't help but curiously reached out and touched the table next to him, and was surprised to find that the table turned out to be real.

Other people think that everything in front of them is an illusion like this person, so after hearing that person’s words, they couldn’t help touching the things around them, and found that not only the table, but also other things were real. And some bold people stood on the table, reaching out to touch the energy clusters suspended on the ceiling.

Leo didn't say anything to stop him, but quietly watched the tragedy that the few people wrote down. Sure enough, when the few people touched the energy map group, the various energy contained in the energy group instantly attacked a few people. It hit several people and knocked them out. They also suffered from electric injuries, burns, frostbite and even poisonous injuries of varying degrees.

Seeing the unlucky looks of a few people, everyone instantly calmed down, and hurriedly put away their hands, fearing that they might touch something that shouldn't be touched, just like the unlucky ones.

"Mitan, end the teaching mode!" Leo said calmly, and the surrounding classrooms disappeared. Then he said: "Curiosity is a good thing, because curiosity can make people improve continuously, but curiosity You absolutely must know how to control, and you cannot be controlled by curiosity, otherwise you may be killed by curiosity. I hope that after experiencing this incident, you can know how to control your curiosity and go further on the way of wizards. ."

"Yes, sir!" Everyone saluted Leo one after another, as if disciples were receiving admonition.

Leo also ignored the few people who were in a coma on the ground, and continued the matter just now and said: "The classroom just now was made by the Wizard Tower. This can be said to be an illusion, because they do not exist, and cannot be said to be an illusion, because The power of wizards turned them from illusions into reality. When you need to teach or do experiments, you can directly instruct Mitan to create classrooms. Each floor is a separate classroom. You can only use the ones below the tenth floor. High towers. High towers with more than ten floors require you to reach a certain level before they can be opened. These are all written in the manual. After you go back, read it carefully. Some of the content is useless to remember, and you need to use it."

Someone suddenly asked a little boldly, "If I have some witchcraft questions, should I ask you? Excuse me, how can I find you?"

"You don't need to find me, you can directly ask Mitan." Leo said very formally: "The purpose of your joining my tower is to learn real witchcraft from me. I don't mind you The knowledge you want is imparted to you. This knowledge cannot be given in vain. I will ask you to make a corresponding contribution before you are eligible. As for the corresponding contribution, and the transaction details of the corresponding knowledge are written in the manual , You can check it yourself. As for normal times, the Wizard Tower will open up libraries within your respective authority to you, and you can freely read books in the If you have any questions, you can ask Mitan first , I can’t solve it only after asking Mitan, Mitan will notify me, and then I will store the content of the answer in the Wizard Tower for your own reference."

With that said, Leo ordered again, "Mitan, turn on the library mode."

As Leo’s voice fell, this level of wizard tower immediately became a library with countless bookshelves. Although everyone was mentally prepared, they still couldn’t conceal the shock in their hearts. Some people couldn’t wait. Taking out a book on the tower wizard sorcery from the shelf, they were all blocked by an invisible force without exception.

"I have stored all the knowledge that I have now in the Wizard Tower. You can read related books according to the corresponding permissions. If you can’t get them, it means that you have insufficient permissions, and you need to elevate your permissions. As for the elevating permissions The methods are also written in that booklet.” At this time, Leo showed everyone how to get the book he wanted from the shelf, and explained the situation at the same time.

"Your Excellency, won't you be in the Wizard Tower?" someone asked suspiciously.

Leo nodded and said, "What you need is my knowledge, not me. My knowledge is in the Wizard Tower. The method of obtaining it is also telling you. It doesn't matter whether I am in the Wizard Tower or not."

After hearing this, everyone showed a little hesitation on their faces. After all, they were all coming to Leo, but now Leo said he would not stay in the Wizard Tower, which made them feel an inexplicable sense of loss and deceit.

Leo added at this time, saying: "I have completed the foundation of the tower, and the tower will eventually flash like a meteor or stand in this world like a group of stars. It's yours."

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