The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1234: Autonomous Union of Saket City-States

Claudesa is a small town located in the middle-eastern part of the mainland of Mozambique. It was originally a small town on the border of the Kingdom of Parnir. However, after the foggy year, it lost contact with the capital of the Kingdom of Parnir due to the barrier of mutant monsters. , And then formed self-government, and then became independent from the Kingdom of Parnir, and joined the Autonomous Union of Saket City-States ten years ago.

Although the Saket Autonomous Union of City-States claims to be a country, in fact, the countries of the mainland of Mozambique have never recognized it. The city-states that make up the Saket City-State Autonomous Union are all border towns of various countries, because they are located in the central and eastern regions. The Saket Plain happened to be cut off from the political center of the original country, and was in a semi-autonomous or fully autonomous state, so it simply broke away from the original country and united to form a new country.

Although the original countries of these towns opposed the establishment of the Saket City-State Autonomous Union and did not recognize its existence, they did not take any further action to take back these towns.

This is mainly because in the period when mutant monsters are rampant, it is already very difficult for the military of various countries to protect the main urban areas. It is almost impossible to form an army to attack the city. Moreover, the autonomy of these border towns is the same for the central government of each country. This is a good thing, because if there is no self-government and separation, they still need to try to provide these towns with personnel and material assistance, and they cannot collect the corresponding taxes, which means that these towns have become a burden on all countries at this time.

Now that these cities and towns choose self-government, the central governments of various countries have not only reduced their burden naturally, but can also take back these towns by force or other methods on the grounds of illegal self-government at any time when the time improves.

The mayors or mayors of these towns who choose to govern themselves and join the Sacht City-State Autonomous Union are very clear about what will happen when the time improves in the future, but their immediate survival is the most important thing. If they do not join Sacht In the case of the City-State Autonomous Alliance, it would be difficult to survive in this world where mutant monsters often haunt with the power of a single town.

Among the towns that have joined the Autonomous Union of Sacht City-States, Klodesa should be regarded as one of the latest towns to join, because the mayor and city councillors of Klössard were all in because they should join the Autonomous League of Sacht City-States. , It is time to join the Kingdom of America.

The vast majority of people think that it would be better to join the Kingdom of America, because the Kingdom of America is the largest country in the continent of Mozambique and has a strong military theory. Joining the Kingdom of America can be well protected, unlike the Kingdom of Parnell. That would be discarded at will.

But those who know the upper echelons of the country very well know that joining the Kingdom of the United States is definitely not better than being in the Kingdom of Parnir. Those outsiders who have just joined are likely to become the United States in a battle against mutant monsters. The decoy or chess piece of the kingdom's army.

Although many people are well aware of the disadvantages of joining the United States, the stronger United States is the best umbrella for ordinary citizens. Therefore, most of the city council members are in line with public opinion and feel that they should join the United States.

In the face of this situation, the mayor and a few sober people in the town could only suppress the matter of joining the Kingdom of America, until they felt unable to suppress it, a rumor helped them to get rid of their current predicament.

This rumor is that the Seventh Army of the U.S. Kingdom actually used people from a nearby village as bait to introduce the mutant monster group into the ambush in an annihilation battle against the mutant monster group, although in the end these mutant monster groups were eliminated. What damage did it cause to several large towns nearby, but the village and the villagers living in it either died under the attack of mutant monsters or were killed by the attack by the army. In the end, only a few people survived and escaped. The Kingdom of America, announced this matter.

At that time, the incident was so violent that the U.S. Kingdom naturally did not recognize it. However, there were too many participants in the war, and it was impossible to kill them. In addition, the traces on the battlefield could not be concealed. In the end, they could only find an excuse to make the seventh. Several generals in the legion were dismissed, but they didn't take any further action, and they confused the past very perfunctorily.

After the spread of this rumor to Claudesa, the people who heard the rumor instantly changed their minds about joining the United States. After all, the United States can use its people as bait today, and tomorrow it can use them as pawns.

Therefore, in a subsequent meeting to decide on Claudesa's stay, almost unanimously passed the decision to join the Sacht City-State Autonomous Union.

To this day, the parliamentarians who participated in the meeting to determine the whereabouts of Claudesa are very thankful that they have made an extremely correct decision. In fact, there is still a small mountain not far from Claudesa. A small town was also deciding which side to fall to. As a result, they made a decision that was diametrically opposed to Claudesa and chose to join the Kingdom of America.

However, in a monster wave that almost spread to the entire Sarok Plain, the town asked for help from the United States of America, but it didn’t get any response and was swallowed by the monster wave, while Claude Sar got the assistance of other autonomous alliance city-states. Resist the monster tide and survive to this day.

In the following years, the various city-states of the Autonomous Union have also relied on this mutual assistance, and have successfully survived this chaotic era. Life in the major cities in the center of the Autonomous Union has been stabilized like a foggy year. The days before.

It's just that now another decision concerning the whereabouts of Claudesa reappears in front of Claudesa's senior management, and the difficulty of this choice is no less than that of the original one.

The main reason for this decision was the news from the headquarters of the autonomous alliance. It is said that the headquarters of the self-made alliance is already discussing whether to change the current system of the autonomous alliance.

The current autonomous alliance system is actually very loose. Basically, each town and city is responsible for its own affairs. Each city is responsible for politics, military affairs and taxation. Each city only needs to pay a portion of the alliance dues to the headquarters every month as an emergency. Mobilization of funds needed at the time.

It can be said that before joining the Autonomous Union, the mayor, city councillors and government officials of Clodesa had much power in their hands, and the power in their hands remained the same after joining, without any change.

But now the headquarters of the Autonomous Union decided to change this state of complete autonomy, unified all the city-states into one country's subordinate towns, and divided the land under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Union into four counties to control a different number of autonomous city-states.

The reason for this is to improve the efficiency of the autonomous alliance, unify resources, avoid unnecessary waste, strengthen cohesion, etc., and more importantly, it can make the autonomous alliance a real country, a real country recognized by other countries .

The Saket City-State Autonomous Union has not been recognized as an independent country by neighboring countries. There are many reasons. Among them, this loose system is the most mentioned. This is something that the leaders of the headquarters of the Autonomous Union have been worrying about for many years. They think After the system is changed, it can give neighboring countries one less reason for refusing to recognize it, and it can also be more justified when resisting invasions by other countries in the future.

This restructuring policy, which is being discussed and will become a fact, has now been approved by several large cities in the center of the Autonomous Union and the first few cities that joined the Autonomous Union. Towns on the periphery expressed strong opposition to the restructuring, because this restructuring not only weakened the power held by the upper-level leaders of the towns and cities, but also made these towns worry about whether their towns and cities will be restructured. Like the border cities of those countries, they also become bait and **** in a certain event.

"I don't approve of restructuring." In the city council, a young congressman uttered his thoughts aloud, saying: "We should work with other towns that oppose restructuring to put pressure on the headquarters instead of discussing it here. ."

The population of Claudesa is only 20,000. A total of 20,000 members of the city council have been elected by the 20,000 people. These councillors also hold some secondary posts in the municipal government. For example, this young congressman who strongly resists the reform of the Autonomous Union also works part-time. The post of guard captain of the city defense army.

This young congressman was not of Klodesa's local origin, and was a refugee like one-third of the population in the town. The village where he lived was used as a chess piece by the Kuishan Allies. In the end, his family consisted of only himself and his younger brother. He escaped, and after he fled to Crowdesa, he joined the city defense army, and gained a lot of fame through his experience in battle, and finally became a member of the council in the city council election last year.

It is precisely because of his experience that he expressed strong opposition to all centralized systems, and because of his high prestige among young people, he quickly became the primary initiative in the parliament against restructuring. Moreover, when other people only expressed dissatisfaction with the reform, he has already begun to propose in the parliament to use a strong attitude to oppose the restructuring decision of the headquarters. If it is not for other parliamentarian organizations, he will even ask the parliament to organize a special organization for this matter. Support for emergency resistance forces.

After seeing that the proposal for the establishment of an emergency resistance army had not been taken to the meeting, the young congressman immediately put forward a proposal to unite with other towns that oppose the restructuring.

Regarding this proposal, the parliamentarians who were working on it did not express any objections, because it was in line with their ideas. They knew very well that it was impossible for the people in the town of Clodesa to resist the decision to restructure the headquarters, because after Over the years of integration, the forces on the headquarters side have penetrated into all aspects of Clodessa, not only food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, but also military supplies. Once the headquarters has cut off the supply of Clodessa, then no How long will it take for Claudesa to fall into civil strife on his own.

As for leaving the Autonomous Union just like leaving the Kingdom of Parnir, these councillors did not even think about it, because they had to leave the Kingdom of Parnir at the beginning, and the Kingdom of Parnir had no influence on Claudesa. , And the situation they are facing now is completely different.

As a result, all members of the Clodessa Parliament quickly passed the proposal to unite with other towns to resist the headquarters restructuring, but when they further discussed how to unite with other towns and how to deal with the headquarters’ countermeasures, the parliament gate was blocked. People smashed away from the outside, and then saw a heavily armed middle-aged soldier rushing in.

Before the people in the council began to accuse the other party of disturbing the order of the council, this person panted and said first: "It's not good! The group of mutant monsters in Mount Tebas outside the city is forming and moving towards this side. I'll be back here tomorrow morning at the latest."

"What!" All the members were stunned by the news, and some of them even criticized why the patrol team hadn't discovered such a large group of mutant monsters in advance.

In order to avoid sudden attacks by the mutant monsters, the Autonomous Alliance has established patrol points in the border areas like other countries long ago. These patrol points can help the alliance's border cities to discover the mutant monsters three to five days in advance. The Autonomous Alliance The headquarters can also mobilize manpower from other towns during this time to support the towns that first encountered the mutant monster group.

In the past, Claudesa had encountered several battle experiences that happened to be blocking the path of the mutant monster group and confronted the mutant monster group. In those few times, without exception, the mutant monster group was discovered four or five days in advance. They gathered together and prepared for the battle ahead of time. Although the casualties were not small, they were finally able to survive.

However, it was only the first time that the situation of the mutant monster group was known a day in advance. Everyone who heard the news was very sure that such a short period of time would not have time to ask for help from the headquarters, even if it was from a nearby city. It is also very difficult to ask for help, and it takes time to form reinforcements in neighboring cities, and it will be possible at least three days later.

As for preparing for war in the city, it is also a very difficult task, because the armament in the city is not sufficient, only enough to equip one or two 1,000-man city defense forces. If you want additional equipment, you need to be responsible for this. Application for the Alliance Equipment Depot in the area.

The reason for this situation is that all the equipment of the Autonomous Alliance is provided free of charge. Since it is free, the cities and towns are naturally not willing to spend a lot of money on their own weapons reserves.

When everyone was rushing to express their opinions and asking for help as soon as possible from all places where they could ask for help, someone suddenly said: "I remember that the patrol at the headquarters only carried out a routine patrol in Mount Tebas two days ago. If there is really a gathering of mutant monsters, they can't fail to find out, unless..."

The person's words were not finished yet, and the entire conference hall instantly became quiet, and everyone's expressions became extremely ugly, and it could even be said that they were covered with ashes.

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