It is not uncommon for the church to crown a king. In the past when the gods did not disappear, the power of the church was immense. With the exception of a powerful empire like the French Empire, almost all kingdoms were crowned by new kings. The highest priest of the church of which gods the kingdom believes in is crowned, so as to be able to prove the legitimacy of his identity, that is, monarch power.

However, with the retreat of the gods, the influence of the church is declining every day, and the control of the country is gradually being controlled by nobles, merchants, soldiers, and scholars. The power of the king is weakened, which makes the traditional act of coronation of the church. It is also gradually cancelled. In the past two hundred years or so, no king of a country has accepted the crown of the church clergy when he enthroned. Under normal circumstances, the clergy would just stand next to the throne and hold the crown, and then the king would directly accept the crown when he came to the throne. The crown was taken from the clergy and carried on the head.

However, now that the pope of the Ladies Church in the lake appears holding the crown, obviously he will not just be a bystander. He will definitely perform the coronation ceremony. Otherwise, he only needs to send a senior clergyman to the scene. There is no need at all. People with the status of the Pope hold the crown for the king of a new kingdom.

The envoys and envoys present are the elites of various countries and forces. Naturally, they can also infer what will happen in the next scene. What only puzzles them is that they do not understand why the Kingdom of Bodo did it, especially those who The country that has completely freed itself from the shackles of the church feels that this move of the Kingdom of Bodo is completely asking for trouble.

However, many people were shocked and confused, because the Kingdom of Bodo built with the Dodd Group as its core is definitely the world's most developed kingdom in thought, academic and industrial technology, and it is not too much to call it the top. It stands to reason that they shouldn't have done this kind of retaking the old path of monarch power and placing the king power under the religious power. Therefore, some people feel that this behavior in the Kingdom of Bodo must have some unknown purpose.

Compared to most of the people in the Star Palace who were still in shock, doubt, and suspicion, the faces of the envoys of several large churches showed an indescribable smile.

These envoys are all high-ranking members of the church. They all know more or less the news that the gods are returning, and they also know that with the return of the gods, the religious authority will re-establish itself on the world. At that time, whether it is a king or a tycoon or a tycoon. , These people who now hold the power of the world will re-contribute their power, and everything will return to the age of gods hundreds of years ago. This is the only way for them to pull the world back on track.

However, the actions of the Kingdom of Bodo did not exceed their expectations. In their opinion, Sylvia, who has an extraordinary relationship with the various churches, must have discovered the return of the gods, so she will advance. One step to complete the things that other countries and forces will need to accomplish in the future can prevent the Kingdom of Bodo from getting involved in the vortex of royal, civil, and religious rights in the future.

Moreover, they also feel that Sylvia’s selection of the Ladies Church in the Lake to be responsible for the coronation ceremony is not a random choice, because only the Ladies Church in the Lake can enable the Bodo royal family to have the greatest and most power even in the age of gods and the era of ecclesiastical authority. .

First of all, the lady in the lake can be said to be the **** who cares the least about politics among all the gods in the world of Velen. This also affects his church, so even the lady in the lake’s church has an unparalleled influence in the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Marais. However, the Ladies Church in Huzhong interferes with secular power very rarely. Almost most ordinary people, and even some scholars, believe Ladies Church in Huzhong is a church without any disputes in the world.

Therefore, even if the Ladies Church in Huzhong became the coronation church of the Kingdom of Bodo, they would not use this matter to expand the power of the church in the Kingdom of Bodo, and compete with the royal family of Bodo for control of the kingdom. Naturally, there would be no conflict between church power and royal power. Up.

Another point is that Sylvia is recognized as the favored one of the Lady of the Lake. Although this does not allow Sylvia to have any power in the Lady Church of the Lake, it is just an honor and a very high status. Title status, but the identity of the favored person can still have a certain influence on the church, and the favored family is also the most special family in the church. As long as the gods do not announce to give up the favor of the favored family, then the favored family It will inevitably get the full support of the church. Even if it encounters a war, the church will send a large number of holy warriors to join the camp of the family of Gods to fight for it.

Therefore, the Bodo Kingdom chose the Ladies Church in Lake to become the coronation church. Not only will it not lose its power in the future, but on the contrary, it will also allow the power of the church to help the kingdom develop. The biggest advantage is that there is no need to worry about some unfriendliness of other churches. The behavior is gone.

After a while, the horns sounded outside the palace. Pieces of white-tailed sparrow petals transplanted from the Bodo area were dropped by the court maid and landed on the carpet in the middle. Then the great ceremonial officer of the kingdom walked over. At the entrance, Tolan's name was read aloud, such as the only king of Bodo, the redeemer of the asylum, the liberator of the Saket Plain, and so on.

When the chief ceremonial officer read all this, the envoys and church messengers of various countries sitting in the Star Palace stood up from their seats, and only Leo and Sylvia were still sitting.

After the ceremonial official's reading fell, he saw Toland Dodd in a gorgeous costume, surrounded by the current officials of the Bodo Kingdom, entered the Palace of Stars, and soon came to the throne in the middle.

After Toran Dodd bowed to Leo and Sylvia next to him, he sat on the throne in accordance with the rules of etiquette.

After he sat down, the pope of the Ladies Church in the lake, holding the crown, began to recite the prayer, and the crown in the hands of the pope gradually emitted bursts of light with the sound of the prayer, letting the crystal crown look. It looks very sacred to go up.

Although the utilization efficiency of electric energy in this world is very low and cannot be promoted, there are still places where steam generators are used to generate electricity, light up special crystal lamps, and create some gimmicks. Therefore, the dignitaries of this world are no strangers to crystal luminescence. Everyone thinks that the principle of the luminous crystal crown is similar to the crystal electric lamp they have seen.

However, only those with extraordinary powers can truly feel the shining of the crystal crown, and at the same time it produces an overwhelming power that makes them lower their heads, which also makes them realize that the light is The light of the lady in the lake.

Just when the light of the crystal crown reached its extreme and turned into a ball of light, everyone including Sylvia felt an unprecedented peace. This feeling was like being in a world of absolute silence. Generally, it is an unprecedented feeling for other people, but for Leo, it is more like an awakened memory. He feels as if he is in the vacuum of the universe.

The pope of the Ladies Church in the Lake also stopped reading the prayers. According to the procedure, Tolan should be crowned with a crown, and then he declared the legitimacy of his throne.

But the accident happened at this time, and this accident is not a bad thing for Leo, Sylvia, and even the entire Kingdom of Bodo.

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I saw that on the stall in the center of the Star Palace, the petals of the white-tailed finches that fell on the ground suddenly floated from the ground as if they were blown by a whirlwind, and then gathered into a ball, forming a woman shape composed of petals. With a burst of light scattered from the gap between the petals, all the petals flew out, but in the petals that should have been empty, there was a beautiful woman who could not be described in words.

Everyone bowed their heads at this moment and called this woman the title of the most pious in their hearts. Even the most **** people would not have a trace of blasphemy against this woman at this moment. All they have is pious, just awe, Just worship.

Among all the people in the Palace of Stars, only Leo was able to move, and was not affected in any way. He stood up, saluted the woman, and said in the simplest terms: "Madam."

The lady in the lake nodded towards Leo with a smile, and her body suspended in the air moved to Tolan, who had bowed her head. She reached out and picked up the crown in the hands of the Pope. Then she put it on Toran’s head and said: "I Now declare Toran Dodd, you are the orthodox king of the Kingdom of Bodo, my knight."

Although the voice of the lady in the lake is not loud, everyone in the Star Palace can hear clearly, not only in the Star Palace, but also in the city of Hope outside, the entire Bodo Kingdom area, and even the churches of all the lady churches in the lake in the world of Velen. Everyone in the parish area could hear this sentence, and after the voice fell, the bells of all the ladies' churches in the lake began to ring uncontrollably, and at the same time they rang twelve times before they stopped.

After coronating Toran, Ms. Huzhong did not leave immediately, but moved to Leo and Sylvia, reaching out and touching their foreheads, leaving a supernatural imprint on both of them.

After doing all of this, his body gradually became blurred and eventually disappeared, and all the people around him recovered from the suppression of that invisible power.

At this time, there was a burst of cheers resounding across the sky from outside the Star Palace. Obviously, the miraculous voices just now let the people of the Kingdom of Bodo know that the establishment of the kingdom has been approved by the gods, and their king has become the chosen knight. .

Hearing these cheers, all the people in the Star Palace looked at the family of three on the high platform with a complicated look.

The officials of the Bodo Kingdom naturally felt extremely honored, and they were full of longing for the royal family and hope for the future.

People in other countries are extremely envious and jealous. After all, such things as gods personally crown kings are rare even in myths and legends. The only recognized king to be crowned by gods is the knight king. Now there is one more.

The crowning of gods is not only a glorious benefit, but its potential influence is immeasurable. No one can measure what this event will eventually develop into, but one thing is certain that the Kingdom of Bodo will inevitably have a leap in the near future. How to face such a country that is concerned by the gods and how to get along with this country will be things that government officials of various countries need to consider for a long time in the future.

Among the envoys of these countries, the face of Prince Will of the United Kingdom of the United States is naturally the most ugly. Now the United States and the Kingdom of Bodo are still in a state of hostility. Any good news about the Kingdom of Bodo is for the Kingdom of the United States. Bad news, and now this news is the worst news, he can already think of what ugly expressions those people will have when the news is sent back to China.

However, the ugly expression on the face of the envoy of another country is not in the least worse than the world of the United Kingdom, and this country is the Kingdom of England.

We must know that the Ladies Lake Church has a very strong influence in the Kingdom of England, and there are countless devout believers, and almost all the Ladies in the Lake are pan-believers of Ladies Lake. Even the English State Church Poseidon Church cannot compare with it.

However, the Kingdom of Inge, which is the largest country of faith in the Lady Church in the Lake, has not yet received the legendary glory of the goddess personally coronating the king. The Kingdom of Bodo, a kingdom composed of refugees from the world of Vinylon, has received this great honor. In particular, the king’s father was still an Englishman. This made the English envoys feel like their greatest wealth was stolen. Apart from jealousy, he also uncontrollably hated the Kingdom of Bodo and the royal family of Bodo. And disgust.

Compared with the complex emotions of those national envoys, the envoys of the various churches are excited and excited inside. They are not excited because of seeing the true gods, but because of the public coronation of the king by the lady in the lake. It is undoubtedly announcing to the entire world that the return of the gods has begun, the age of mythology will return to this world, and the power they control will inevitably expand accordingly.

However, compared to the people in the Star Palace surrounded by various emotions, the family of three as the parties seems very calm. After receiving the blessing of the lady in the lake, Tolan fell into a certain mysterious state, and his body also Surrounded by the divine power of the lady in the lake, it seems that the lady in the lake is using her divine power to transform Tolan in a certain way. Judging from all the circumstances, this change seems to be no harm.

Leo and Sylvia were caught in the divine power imprint just given by the lady in the lake. Although the two of them had obtained the divine power imprint of the lady in the lake before, the divine power imprint and the current divine power imprint were completely different. , Because these two divine power imprints not only contain the gods of the lady in the lake, but also contain some knowledge, some knowledge related to becoming a god.

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