The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1243: National reaction

For ordinary people in the Xinboduo area, this month is definitely an unforgettable month, because there are so many things that happened this month. A month ago, they were residents of Xinboduo County, an allied country of Kuishan, but for a month. Later, they are now citizens of the Kingdom of Bodo.

The Kingdom of the United States of America also issued a food ban not long ago to suppress the development of the New Bodo region. Other countries in the Mozambican mainland also resisted the New Bodo region, even the Kuishan Allied Power, which has the sovereignty of the New Bodo County. The country also cooperated with the Kingdom of the United States to suppress New Bodo County. The entire New Bodo region gave people a precarious feeling, and there might be a disaster at any time.

At that time, the streets were full of panic. Many people who were able to leave took the risk of being attacked by mutant monsters on the road and chose to leave New Bodo County temporarily to avoid being involved in unpredictable disasters. Others who could not leave. You can only stay here all day long with fear and fear. Only those New Bodo talents who have immigrated from the mainland of Vinylon have united very firmly around the Dodd Group to resist the coercion of the countries of the mainland of Mozambique.

At that time, no one would think that the Dodd Group and the New Bodo region would have a turning point, not only because of the strength of the United States, but also because the countries of the Mozambican continent have always regarded the people in the New Bodo region as outsiders, even if there are very Close business relationship, but what happens will not stand with the new Bodo area, and may even step on it, just like at the time.

Therefore, the new Bodo region at that time could be said to have no allies. The entire continent of Mozambique was an enemy, and there was no hope of victory at all.

However, it was in such an extremely passive situation that the New Bodo region reversed the whole situation with a series of incredible actions. First, the Torch Harbor was captured in a very short period of time to solve the worries of the future, and then the security department of the Dodd Group. The formed Bodo Army went directly south, relying on its unmatched weapons and equipment and the quality of its fighters. It took a few days to conquer the four counties of the Kuishan Allied Powers and all the way to the outside of the Kuishan Allied Capital.

Later, with the support of a large number of reinforcements from the United States of America, the Bodos army relied on its internal rebellion, and with almost zero casualties, captured the capital of the Kuishan Allied Powers and completely destroyed the Kuishan Allied Powers. At that time, the commander of the Bodos Army Toland Dodd, president of Dodd Group, announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo directly in front of the Kuishan Allied Parliament Building, and set a time for its accession to the throne.

Although the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo has made the morale of the people in the New Bodo region high, the situation in the New Bodo region has not improved much. Many people think that the United States will definitely send troops to attack the Kingdom of Bodo. After all, the United States will send troops to Kui. A support army in the capital of the Allied Mountain Power also became a prisoner not long ago, and the Kingdom of America should not let the Kingdom of Bodo by reason.

But the subsequent development of things went beyond everyone's expectations. Although the United States indeed sent troops to gather at the border between the two countries, it did not let the troops attack the Kingdom of Bodo.

In addition, the Church of the Lord of the Sky also did not intervene in this matter according to past practices. Instead, it seemed to acquiesce in the facts of the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo. After receiving the invitation of King Toland Dodd of the Kingdom of Bodo for the official enthronement ceremony, it made it clear. The announcement will send people to attend.

These extremely abnormal reactions made some people who knew the situation notice something and sent someone to Odoline to conduct some investigations. However, before the results of the investigation came out, just two days ago, Odoline, who belonged to the Kingdom of the United States of America, was aware of something. As well as the two surrounding border counties, they announced their separation from the United States of America and joined the Kingdom of Bodo. Also announced to join the Kingdom of Bodo was the Autonomous Union of Saket City-States.

This series of changes stunned not only the people of the Kingdom of Bodo, but also people from other countries on the mainland of Mozambique, because as these lands were merged into the Kingdom of Bodo, the area of ​​the Kingdom of Bodo suddenly jumped into place. To the second place on the mainland of Mozambique.

The vast majority of people don’t know exactly how all this sounds, why Odolin and the Sacht City-State Autonomous Union will leave the U.S. Kingdom, why the U.S. Kingdom has no response to this, they only think the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo And expansion is like a miracle in ancient legends. Many people even think that this is the Ladies Church in the Lake and the White Deer Church secretly helping them, because the people in the New Bodo area are believers in the two churches, especially the White Deer. The church is a church founded by the new Bodos and is jokingly called the Bodos’ own church.

But for those dignitaries who understand the actual situation and understand why the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo is so smooth, they have seen another power that influences the world situation. Although this power often appears in legends, it has always been They are all regarded as exaggerations, and now they find that they are wrong.

With the disappearance of the gods, the weakening of the power of the church, the development of the steam industry, and the establishment of various colleges, extraordinary powers can no longer influence the trend of the world. In addition, governments of various countries deliberately cover up and tamper with the past extraordinary forces to interfere with the world and change The history of the world situation, so that later generations regarded that period of history as a myth.

For example, the King of Knights led the twelve knights to directly annihilate hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. It has been regarded as a story fabricated to highlight the sacredness of the King of Knights. Even the royal family of the French Empire already believes that such stories are all. It's fabricated, let alone the low-level people.

Only a small number of organizations and families that still retain the inheritance of various extraordinary powers will think that those stories are true, but even if they are true, they think that the story is a bit exaggerated, and still believe that it is impossible for a person's extraordinary power to change one. The situation of the country.

But now, the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo makes those insiders realize for the first time those legends, those myths and legends are very likely to be true, because the facts are right in front of them, and there really is the power of one or two people to change one. The situation of a country, even a continent.

The two names of Sylvia Belmonte and Leo Dodd have once again become the objects of everyone’s attention. They have a little awe, fear, and more worry about these two people because of these two people. The displayed power has made them feel like they are facing the gods, and some people even feel that the age of myth has come again.

These people will have the idea of ​​reappearing in the age of mythology, not just because Sylvia and Leo used their power to suppress the amazing power of the Kingdom of America and the Church of the Lord of the Sky, but more from the subtle influence of the people around them. Propaganda, these propaganda forces include not only the propaganda power of the Dodd Group, but also the cooperation of various True God churches, shaman churches, and underground forces.

These forces, especially the Church of the Lord of the Sky, which should be in a state of hostility with Leo and Sylvia, will spare no effort to propagate for the two, propagating that the era of mythology will reappear, and the extraordinary power will become the main force affecting the secular forces, etc. , Not to help Leo and Sylvia gain greater prestige and gain more influence, they did it entirely for themselves.

Because with the advent of the age of mythology and the return of the gods, the magical and powerful forces in ancient legends reappear in the world, and the church and other underground forces will also reclaim the secular power they lost after the disappearance of the gods in the past.

However, they are also very clear that those who have power now will never want to let go of their power in this way. They are likely to do something desperate when they find that they cannot change the situation, or even drag it out. It is possible for the fully restored church to die together and so on.

Therefore, in order to avoid this happening, the church and other forces must make some preparations in advance, starting from the bottom of the folks, expanding their influence, so that the people begin to believe in the stories of ancient legends, believe that the gods are about to return, and then expand from bottom to top. This kind of influence will eventually stop some crazy people from making some irrational decisions at a critical time.

Because these rumors were consciously spread, they also indirectly helped the Kingdom of Bodo. When the Saket City-State Autonomous Union announced that it had joined the Kingdom of Bodo, there were originally some high-level city-states of the Autonomous Union extremely resisted, but this kind of resistance The situation did not last long before it disappeared on its own. After that, the resistance encountered by officials of the Bodo Kingdom when receiving the autonomous alliance became much smaller. The same situation also appeared in O'Dorrain and other places.

In addition, because of the changes in the current situation, the small countries on the Mozambican mainland have also begun to abandon their conflicting policies and began to contact the Kingdom of Bodo. Even many countries have made it clear that they will participate in Tolan Dodd’s enthronement ceremony, including Mingming by the Kingdom of Bodo. The Kingdom of Panier, which had annexed part of its territory, only the Kingdom of America and its dependent countries did not participate in the enthronement ceremony, and did not even intend to officially recognize the legality of the Kingdom of Bodo, even if the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo is already a fact.

However, this did not affect the Kingdom of Bodo, because at least the Church of True God such as the King of the Hill, Lord of the Sky, Lady in the Lake, and White Deer have recognized the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Bodo. Whether the Kingdom of America recognizes the Kingdom of Bodo is no longer so important. Up.

For the Church of the True God in the mainland of Mozambique, the enthronement ceremony to be held in the Kingdom of Bodo a few days later is a good excuse for gatherings. Almost all the Churches of the True God have gathered in Hope City, the capital of the Kingdom of Bodo. This is the history of the mainland of Mozambique. There has never been a thing, so much so that the Orthodoxy, which presided over this meeting, proposed to make such meetings of the Church of the True God a normal state.

It’s just that the meetings and exchanges between the Churches of True God are only the secondary purpose of the high-levels of these churches. The main purpose of the high-levels of the churches, who rarely travel far away, came to Hope City. The main purpose was to meet Leo Do. De and Sylvia Belmonte asked about their plans, especially Leo.

In these inquiries, the attitudes of the various churches are different. The inquiries of the Lord of the Sky Church are more of questioning and resistance, the inquiries of the Hill Kings Church are for watching the excitement, and the inquiries of the Lady of the Lake and the Bailu Church are about Hope Lei. When Ou and Sylvia have the next move, they can know in advance and cooperate. As for the inquiries from other small churches, they are more worried. The attitudes expressed by these inquiries also show the various churches and Sylvia from the side. The closeness of the relationship between Asia and Leo.

However, even if the relationship is poor, the Church of the Lord of the Sky has to admit that Leo and Sylvia have become important forces that shape the situation in the mainland of Mozambique, and even far exceed the church in terms of execution. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the two intend to start a war to unify the mainland of Mozambique at this time, the church will not be able to stop any action of the two unless the two enter the holy land of the Church of the Lord of the Sky.

However, after they came to Hope City, they found that they could not find anyone to ask their questions. As for the officials who inquired about Hope City, the answer was that Leo and Sylvia met them after the enthronement ceremony was over. At that time, Leo and Sylvia's titles had become Prince and Grand Duke.

The people in the church believed that Leo and Sylvia's move was solely to see their behavior at the enthronement ceremony, and then determine the order and attitude of meeting them based on their behavior.

It’s just that they didn’t know that they were completely wrong. Leo and Sylvia didn’t intend to pay attention to their attitude. The reason they didn’t see the church people was because they had what they had at hand. There are so many things, too busy to deal with other things.

No wonder they were so busy. Originally, they were only planning to take over O'Dorrain and the surrounding two counties, and had already handled the reception, and did not consider the attachment of the Saket City-State Autonomous Union.

But to their surprise, the Sacht City-State Autonomous Union was so unbearable. After the Odoryn garrison assisted Claudesa to complete the defensive battle against the mutant monster group, Claudesa announced to join Odoline in a high profile. Then Odolin announced that he would leave the Kingdom of America and join the Kingdom of Bodo.

When everything went according to Sylvia’s plan, Sylvia originally thought that it would take some means, and that it would take a month or two to win the Saket City-State Autonomous League, which even followed O'Dorrain. They announced that they had joined the Kingdom of Bodo, and this announcement did not greet the Kingdom of Bodo in advance.

Until the news reached Sylvia, I hope that the city has sent people to accept the city-states on the Saket Plain. Even Sylvia felt that this might be a trap until all the city-states in Saket After surrendering the military power, she was completely sure that the Saket City-State Autonomous Union was really attached.

The accidental behavior of the Sacht City-State Autonomous Union completely disrupted Sylvia’s plan, because the various personnel and materials prepared in the Sylvia plan did not take the city-states of the Sacht Plain into consideration. Accepting the attachment is more than just Controlling the army and taking over the power are as simple as it is also related to a series of complicated policies such as follow-up policy trends, tax adjustments, and material supply. Now Leo and Sylvia are facing a situation where they eat too much meat. Choked.

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