The bishop in white walked out of the congress hall, avoiding the wealthy and wealthy businessmen waiting outside the hall, and quickly boarded the carriage waiting at the front of the congress and drove towards the church's main church.

On the carriage, the bishop in white looked at the people who were still waiting at the gate of the Congress. He was very clear about the ideas of those people. For these rich and powerful businessmen, the content of the Congress meeting was related to their vital interests.

Although the official relationship between the Kingdom of the United States and the Dodd Group is very poor, this does not prevent the rich and powerful businessmen of the Kingdom of the United States from doing business with the Dodd Group. They also monopolize the Dodd Group to sell to the United Kingdom. Commodities make a lot of money.

Today, the relationship between the Kingdom of the United States and the Dodd Group has deteriorated further. The previous grain ban, and the recent Dodd Group’s seizure of the United Kingdom’s franchisees, etc., have caused the relationship between the two countries to deteriorate to the extreme. Judging from the fact that the Kingdom of the United States of America began to deploy standing legions stationed in various key areas in the country, it seems that there is a big battle to be fought, and as soon as the war begins, the influence of these rich and powerful businessmen has both advantages and disadvantages.

The positive side is that the prices of the products of the Dodd Group will inevitably rise because of the war. As long as enough goods are hoarded, the war will be enough to allow participants to earn several or even ten times more benefits than before.

The downside is that their supply of goods can only rely on inventory. Once the supply chain is cut off, they can only watch a lot of benefits slip away from them.

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And more importantly, although the overall strength of the U.S. Kingdom now seems to far exceed the Bodo Kingdom established by the Dodd Group, people who know the Dodd Group very well know how powerful and advanced the Dodd Group is. Equipment, once a full-scale war begins, the United States will not necessarily be able to win the Dodd Group. By then, the war will become a protracted battle. This is not a good thing for anyone, except for the soldiers, because Only military personnel are likely to gain sufficient benefits in a protracted battle.

Bishop White is very clear about the thoughts of these people. In fact, when he came to participate in this meeting, many people had come to him, hoping that he could stop the outbreak of war at the meeting, even if it could not be stopped, he should try to get someone The full-scale war was reduced to a small-scale conflict.

However, how can these people who only saw the struggle for secular power see the struggle of another transcendent world, and that battle was over before this meeting began, and it ended in the defeat of the Church of the Lord of the Sky .

In fact, there are actually two images shown in the Congress Round Table Hall. Compared to the destruction image targeting the mutant monster group, only Leo Dodd appeared, and the other image appeared Leo Dodd and Sylvie. Two of Ya Belmonte.

In that image, Leo and Sylvia easily defeated the most powerful holy warrior regiment sent by the Church of the Lord of the Sky, just like war veterans teasing recruits. Leo not only used the power of wizards in the battle, but even He also used the magical skills of the Lord of the Sky in an incredible way, as if he was the patron of the Lord of the Sky. Facing such an attack, even a holy warrior with a firm determination would lose his intent to fight.

Sylvia did not lose to Leo at all, and suppressed her hostile holy warrior to death during the entire battle. Although it can be seen that her power is still not comparable to Leo, as long as Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sylvia is very close to the level of the demigod. If there is the guidance of Leo, a true demigod, she should be able to cross that level soon.

A power has strong industrial capabilities, war capabilities, a large number of transcendents, and two demigods standing at the top of the world's power, and these two demigods are not yet believe in demigods, but the kind of demigods with pure power. God, let alone this powerful strength, even in ancient times, the era when the gods appeared was extremely rare.

Just like the question that the middle-aged congressman posed to other people, an archbishop also raised a similar question at a meeting convened by most senior leaders in the main chapel of the Lord of the Sky Church not long ago. Ask everyone if Leo and Sylvia sneak into the main temple alone and use their powerful demigod power to attack, who can resist them in the main temple.

Unlike the silent crows in the congress hall, at the meeting of the main church, someone quickly gave the answer. Yes, the church of the Lord of the Sky, the largest church in the world of Velen, will definitely have its own guardian demigod, even if It is the most debilitating time, this hidden power has not disappeared, and is still passing on.

But everyone in the room is very clear that this answer is similar to no answer, because the demigods of the church are flawed and cannot be used easily. Once used, not only will it not be able to solve the crisis, but will lose the most advantageous hole card.

So in the end, the church decided to adopt a strategy of ignoring Leo and Sylvia’s actions in O'Dorrain, and would neither accuse them of using extraordinary powers to invade O'Dorrain, nor report anything to their actions. The attitude of approval is when this matter does not exist.

They know very well that the conflict with Leo and Sylvia will only make the Church of the Lord of the Sky become very passive, allowing the Lady in the Lake, the King of the Hill and even the White Hart Church to take advantage of what they need now. It is time, a smooth transition period, as long as the day of the return of the gods is reached, then the Church of the Lord of the Sky will no longer need to have too many scruples.

This time, the Bishop in White, who is the permanent residence of the government of the United Kingdom in the United States, was assigned to participate in the Congress, and used the auditorium that had not been used for a long time. It appeared in the center of the round table hall, just to let the Bishop in white suppress the United Kingdom. The hardliners in the United States and the newly established Kingdom of Bodo from launching an all-out war.

Although the Church of the Lord of the Sky has a large number of believers in various countries on the mainland of Mozambique, the foundation of the church is in the Kingdom of America, and it is very closely connected with the Kingdom of America. If there is any problem in the Kingdom of America, it will inevitably affect it. Church of the Lord of the Sky.

It is almost certain that once a war between the U.S. Kingdom and the Kingdom of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Kingdom will inevitably end in a disastrous defeat, and it may even happen that Leo sneaks into the capital of the U.S. Kingdom to directly erase those important officials and let the government of the U.S. Kingdom. Out of control, just like what he and Sylvia did in Odoline.

As a result, the Kingdom of America will inevitably fall into endless turmoil, and the Church of the Lord of the Sky will also be involved, and some more serious things may even happen. This is not acceptable to the Church of the Lord of the Sky anyway. of.

That's why the Church of the Lord of the Sky will try its best to stop this war, and even if necessary, show the most embarrassing scene of its church to the members of Congress and high-ranking officials.

Fortunately, only one segment of the two prepared images was played, and those who had been clamoring for an all-out war seemed to have become dumb and did not speak any more.

Although the meeting is not over yet, the final details of how to get along with the newly established Kingdom of Bodo and how to redeem the army that supports the Kuishan allies from the Kingdom of Bodo have not yet discussed a feasible plan, but Bishop White already knows. What is the ultimate direction of this meeting? It will only waste time to continue to stay in the conference hall. Reporting the news to the main church as soon as possible will enable the main church to improve the earlier response measures as soon as possible.

There is a very spacious road from the Congress that leads directly to the main church of the Lord of the Sky. Only certain officials and clergy can walk on this road. Others can only walk on both sides of the road, so there will be no congestion on the road. The problem was that the carriage was traveling very fast, and the bishop in white only took a nap in the carriage before he arrived at the reception hall of the main church.

After getting off the bus, the bishop in white did not go to the sky temple of the main church, but went through the reception hall, followed the edge of the tearful wall of the main church and walked a half circle around the outside of the main church, and arrived at the main church. In front of the secret hall on the side of the church.

After a briefing to the guards waiting in the secret hall, he entered the secret hall and, under the guidance of the **** servant, came to a small room.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen people sitting in this room. These people are the highest level of the Church of the Lord of the Sky. Except for the accidents of the archbishops of the various clergy, there are also the leaders of the Holy Warrior Legion, etc., except for the pope who cannot leave the seat of God. The leaders of the Lord’s Church have gathered here. It’s no exaggeration to say that if the people in this room are dead at this moment, then the Lord’s Church in the sky may fall into ten years or even decades. In chaos and power struggle.

After the bishop in white entered the room, someone immediately asked, "How is the matter over there?"

"It has been resolved, they should not have the idea of ​​launching a war." The bishop in white immediately replied, saying: "Now their headache is how to face the Kingdom of Bodo."

At this time, someone couldn't help but muttered: "This is also our headache now."

The room fell into silence immediately.

After a while, I heard someone say: "Although our relationship with Sylvia has become a little bad over the years, she grew up in the Church of the Lord of the Sky. Relationship."

Someone dissatisfied and said: "You made a mistake, the person who is related to Sylvia is not us, but another person."

An old man wearing a missionary robe whispered: "They are also the people of the Lord of the Sky, aren't they? We and them are just a dispute over ideas. With the return of our lord, all the disputes over ideas will inevitably be subdued. , The idea of ​​our lord is the truth we seek."

Someone said with disdain: "But the problem is the so-called ideological battle. It's just your own thoughts. They want more than just the victory of the idea, they want something more core."

The room was quiet for a while, and the senior members of the Church of the Lord of the Sky were also extremely annoyed at this moment. They had the ability to pinch it out when everything was still in its infancy, but they let it grow to the present level, and the tail can't get rid of it.

What is even more embarrassing is that a similar thing happened again to Sylvia. If Sylvia moved to the mainland of Mozambique, they could pay attention to this matter and suppress Sylvia in time. , Things will not develop to the current dilemma.

It's just that, then again, everyone's attention was focused on the various disasters created by the mutant monsters. Energy and combat power were all placed there. Who could think that Sylvia could be so fast? Having established a firm foothold on the mainland of Mozambique and created their own forces, when they recovered, Sylvia was no longer what they could suppress if they wanted to suppress it.

"In fact, we don't need to care about Sylvia." At this time someone suddenly said: "The king of the Kingdom of Bodo is Toran Dodd. We only need to have a good relationship with the Kingdom of Bodo. For example, in the near future Toran ·Dowd’s enthronement ceremony, we sent suitable people to participate in the ceremony to recognize the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Bodo. It is enough to establish a second-level church in the Kingdom of Bodo."

"Toran Dodd? That puppet?" someone said disdainfully.

"He is not a puppet. Sylvia has handed over the Dodd Group to Toran and even the laboratory hidden in the forest has been handed over to him. Now, except for the first witch still controlled by Sylvia, plus Leo Dodd’s new tower, he has mastered all the departments of the Dodd Group.” The man refuted the puppet’s statement and continued: “ According to the information I received, the war against the Kuishan Allies was completely led by Tolan Dodd, and there is definite information that even if he did not appear next to the Kuishan Allies’ capital, the war against the mutant monster group would be resolved. The results will not change. Toran Dodd is said to have prepared weapons specifically for mutant monster groups, which can wipe out a group of mutant monsters in a short period of time without damaging themselves."

"What? There is such a weapon?" Many people exclaimed, followed by various questions.

It’s no wonder they question this, because for more than two decades, the Church of the Lord of the Sky has never stopped researching on mutant monsters, and has been trying to find weapons specifically for mutant monsters, but the problem is that these mutant monsters are all different. , Their abilities are different, their fatal weaknesses are also different, and they can't find a unified weapon to deal with them.

Some people now say that they have developed weapons that can solve the mutated monster group, how can everyone believe it.

It's just that this time the person didn't explain it anymore, because he just received relevant information and didn't see the entity of the weapon, so even if he believed that the weapon really existed, he would inevitably have some doubts.

The controversy in the room did not last long, and soon a conclusion was reached. Just as the proponent said, it is enough to have a good relationship with the Kingdom of Bodo and Toland Dodd. As for Sylvia and Leo Choose non-contact and non-hostile methods to deal with.

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