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"Do you feel it?"

"How can I not feel it so obvious!"

Leo and Sylvia easily avoided the tribal warriors in the Greenery Manor, avoided the guard trap set by the holy mountain shaman, and came to the underground auction house.

However, after coming here, the two immediately noticed that the situation here is completely different from that in the daytime. This difference is not a difference in energy fluctuations, but a change in the overall environment that has nothing to do with energy.

Both Leo and Sylvia felt that the atmosphere here is more gloomy than during the day. This gloom is not only because there are no torches here, but the surrounding environment has changed. It seems that all the bones around have become a refrigeration unit. The cold air continued to radiate outwards like a machine. The air that the two breathed turned into frost as soon as they were separated. You must know that this place is in a wasteland rainforest, and it is in the hot rainy season, and the temperature outside is now hot. People want to pick up layers of skin, but the temperature here feels like they have fallen into an ice hole.

If all these changes are caused by some kind of abnormal energy, the problem is that in Leo’s mental network and perception, the surrounding energy fluctuations are no different from those in the daytime. In order to avoid mistakes in his perception, Leo still uses I used the energy detection module on the universal recorder to compare the energy here, and the result was exactly the same as the energy data automatically collected during the day, as he perceived it.

The energy is exactly the same, but the entire surrounding environment has undergone tremendous changes. Then there is only one possibility. Something is changing the laws of the world contained in all surrounding environments, making this auction house into another world, just like a mosaic The subspace plane in the world is the same, but this subspace plane is a part of the world itself, it is just considered to be modified.

Leo told Sylvia about his speculation, and Sylvia was also a little surprised after hearing it. In her memory, it seemed that only the so-called divine artifact of the Church of True God could do such a thing.

"That thing buried here is an artifact?" Sylvia immediately thought of their purpose here, suspiciously.

"It's not clear for the time being, but I think it shouldn't be caused by it." Leo shook his head slightly. Although it is inferred from common sense that the mysterious item buried here is most likely to be the cause of the phenomenon in front of him, Leo I didn't feel any abnormal energy fluctuations from that thing, so I couldn't be completely sure.

When he said this, Leo walked to one of the pillars in the middle of the clubhouse. This column was the largest in the entire clubhouse. It can also be seen that the people who renovated it were also very concerned about this column. After a little thought, this footing is almost entirely composed of bones squeezed, superimposed, and entangled with each other, without adding any foreign clay or the like, and all the bones that make up the column have the same characteristic, that is, their spine. The spine seems to be longer than that of ordinary people. ,

At this time, Sylvia also came to the column, followed Leo's sight to see the column, and she quickly discovered the strangeness in it, and recognized the origin of the bones, and said : "Are they Wasteland Snake People?"

"Wasteland Snakeman?" Leo quickly searched for information on wasteland species and tribes in his mind, but did not find relevant information, so he asked doubtfully: "Is the Wasteland Snakeman this species or tribe?"

"No." Sylvia shook her head and said, "The Wasteland Snakeman is a genetic disease that was easily acquired by the early people of the Wasteland tribe. People with this disease will have a longer spine than normal people, and they will With seven extra spine bones, it looks like a snake-man with a human head and self-made. This kind of deformity at birth is usually sent to a shaman who specializes in dealing with deformities when they are young. A good shaman can be raised, but a bad shaman may be killed directly in the infant."

"Mother of the crowd? Snake-man?" Leo muttered to himself, and then asked: "Do you know who renovated this place back then?"

"I don't know." Sylvia shook her head and said, "I didn't pay attention to this kind of thing, why? Do you think that person has a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem." Leo pointed to the pillar, and said: "The following is where the mysterious object was buried. If there is nothing wrong, it should be related to the Kanter family's sacrifice to the mother of the people. The column squeezed from the snake-man’s bones was placed here. I don’t think all of this is a coincidence."

After speaking, I saw him knelt down and quickly drew a Turing root on the ground, and then directly inspired the power of the Turing root, trying to dig out the mysterious thing buried deep in the ground.

However, what surprised him was that he actually failed. Although the Turing radical was smoothly activated and the corresponding witchcraft was also performed, when the power of witchcraft approached the mysterious object underground, the power of witchcraft was unexpectedly Was automatically dispelled.

"Failed?" Sylvia couldn't help asking after seeing Leo inspired Turing radicals without any subsequent changes.

"That thing dispelled my power." Leo nodded, explained the situation, and then tried it with other powers, and found that no matter what power is close to the thing, it will be dissipated naturally, so he went Said: "It seems that I can only dig by hand."

After speaking, he motioned Sylvia to stand a little away, and then directly inserted his hand into the slab below, peeled the slab to expose the soil underneath, and then dug it down a little bit.

Soon he dug down to a depth of almost two meters. At this time, both Leo in the pit and Sylvia at the edge of the pit saw that the soil that Leo dug had changed and was no longer yellow. , And it became grayish white and extremely dry. Even if it was a whole piece when it was dug out, it would break up when it was thrown on the ground and become a powder. It didn't look like mud, but it looked like ashes.

Leo dug down for nearly three meters, and the surrounding soil completely turned into that kind of gray-white mud, and then the mysterious object he discovered gradually emerged from the gray-white mud.

It’s not something that looks like an artifact. It’s just a stone that looks very ordinary. The stone is not big. It’s just a bit bigger than Leo’s fist. It’s no exaggeration to say that this stone is even thrown on the ground. , I'm afraid no one will take a second look.

However, it is this seemingly ordinary stone that has an extremely unusual effect, that is, it can affect all the powers in Leo's body, including psychic energy. For example, when he picks up this stone, it can be very unusual. I clearly feel that as long as the supernatural power in my body approaches the stone, it will quickly weaken and eventually disappear.

It's just that, unlike the dispersal that Leo had guessed before, he discovered that those extraordinary powers were actually swallowed by stones, but the process of swallowing was very similar to dispersing, and it would be difficult to distinguish clearly if you didn't feel it carefully.

Now that the thing had been dug up, Leo didn't intend to stay underground anymore, he immediately climbed out from below, and then handed the thing to Sylvia, briefly explaining the situation.

Sylvia also tried it curiously, and found that just as Leo said, her power was also swallowed by it the moment she approached the stone.

"The mother of the people doesn't seem to have this kind of power?" Sylvia said in confusion immediately.

"Indeed, the mother of the people in my memory does not have this kind of power." Leo also nodded in agreement, and added: "This kind of power is somewhat similar to my devouring power."

Sylvia said: "Do you mean that this power comes from the Chaos Fool?"

Leo did not give an affirmative response, but said uncertainly: "I just said that there are some similarities. As for whether it is from the Chaos Fool, it is not clear. More experiments need to be done."

At this moment, a slight tremor on the ground shocked the two of them, and then they immediately noticed that there was a crack on the pillar that was completely composed of bones, and the bones that were extremely hard at the moment seemed to have been embrittled. Dealing with the same piece of falling downwards, more importantly, this column is the main load-bearing column of the entire clubhouse, and its fragmentation is accompanied by signs of collapse of the entire clubhouse.

Seeing this, Leo and Sylvia couldn't help but rushed outside, because they couldn't put the stones in the storage space, so Leo could only put the stones in his pocket.

The movement of the auction house naturally attracted the attention of the staff of the northern tribal alliance in the Green Manor and the tribal warriors who were in charge of guarding them. They were all well-trained and rushed toward this side, and soon came outside the auction house.

At this time, Leo and Sylvia had already rushed out of the clubhouse, and in order to avoid encountering the tribal warriors and holy mountain shaman who rushed over, they chose to hide in the dark, taking advantage of everyone’s attention. When he was in the clubhouse, he quietly passed through the crowd and disappeared into the dense woods of the manor.

The collapse of the auction hall was quickly over. The entire floor of the hall collapsed, leaving only a pit, and the ruins in the pit also covered the hole that Leo had dug.

As usual, the Shaman of the Holy Mountain began to check whether there were traces of extraordinary powers around them through their methods, and soon got the results, this collapse did not have any traces of extraordinary powers intervention.

Because this is only an auction house, all the valuable things in the Greenery Manor are placed elsewhere. Except for the bones with special significance, there seems to be no other valuable things, so it is expelling the intervention of extraordinary powers. Later, the tribal warriors in the manor only inspected the ruins, and came to the conclusion that there was a defect in the building itself, so they decided to wait until the supervisor of the Green Manor to arrive tomorrow, and then report it to him and ask him to find it. Special people come to clean up the ruins.

At the same time, Leo and Sylvia had left the Greenery Manor and were walking towards the office of the Dodd Group.

The next day, the supervisor of Lvyin Manor came to the manor and worked as usual. Before entering the manor, he had already learned about the events of last night from the long-awaited guard captain.

While he was surprised by the collapse of the auction house, he did not have many other emotions. In fact, he was even happy about the collapse of the club because he had never liked the auction house decorated with slave bones. , If it hadn’t been for the clubhouse that had been built when he came to work, and he had no right to remodel the clubhouse building, perhaps he had already demolished the auction house and built it into a brighter and more spacious building, unlike the previous one. The clubhouse is so gloomy.

So he did not consider this matter as an important matter. He simply asked his subordinates to find someone to clean up the ruins, and then began to deal with daily affairs. It was not until noon that he remembered to report the matter to the holy mountain. By the way, only then did the sacred mountain shaman who resided in Bebelante report the incident.

However, what he didn't expect was that in the middle of the third night when he reported the matter, the fourth-eyed big shaman of the northern holy mountain suddenly came to Bebelante with someone in person, and went directly to the green manor without a rest. Check the situation of the ruins of the auction house, but at this time, the ruins have been cleaned up, and there is only one deep pit that needs to be filled.

At this time, the supervisor of Lvyin Manor was also awakened by his subordinates and hurried over. After arriving at the manor, before he had time to say anything, the big shaman at the fourth eye asked directly: "You have let me Did you find anything weird in it when cleaning up the ruins?"

Faced with this question, the supervisor of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was stunned, and did not answer for a while. It was not that he did not want to answer, but that he could not answer, because he just asked his hand to answer the matter about the ruins , I didn’t pay too much attention to it.

Just when he was at a loss, the subordinate who was in charge of cleaning up the ruins immediately replied to his superior: "During the cleaning, no strange things were found. All the bones were cleaned out and saved separately. Do you think If you want to see..."

"No, it shouldn't be a skeleton!" The fourth-eyed big shaman interrupted the other party, shook his head, and said that he walked into the big pit alone, carefully checking the bottom of the situation.

In fact, the fourth-eyed big shaman didn’t know what he was looking for. He just knew something must be hidden here based on the information left by his predecessor. As for what it was, he didn’t know at all, even his predecessors didn’t know. .

If it wasn’t the news of the collapse this time, he had even forgotten about it. Now that he remembered it, he didn’t come here because he remembered something, but felt a strong loss and panic, and it felt like he was lost. Something important, I thought this feeling might have something to do with this place, so I rushed over from the holy mountain overnight.

After the fourth eye big shaman checked it again, he quickly discovered the five-meter-deep pit that Leo dug out. Although part of the pit was buried due to the collapse, there is still a part below. It still hasn't been filled up, just pay attention to the condition of the ground soil and you will find an abnormality.

"Damn it!" The big shaman at the fourth eye had already discovered the anomaly, and at the same time he could almost guess the result. The strong sense of frustration welling up in his heart made him curse.

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