Although I felt that things might not be found back, the fourth-looking shaman was still not reconciled, so he asked in detail about the details of the day of the accident, until he heard that a mine was held here the day before the accident. The auction of mining rights, and when the two unexpected people of Sylvia and Leo arrived that day, an inexplicable feeling also appeared.

Sylvia’s name is naturally not unfamiliar to him. He even had a few dealings more than ten years ago, but those few dealings were not very pleasant, which also made him understand that Sylvia is underground. The world-renowned witch can be said to be worthy of the name.

There is a list in the northern sacred mountain. This list records some people who need special treatment. Some of these people are very powerful and powerful, some are powerful and extraordinary, and Sylvia is one of the few who are considered to be. Noble, special individual with strength.

Compared with Sylvia, the northern sacred mountain has very little information about Leo, usually appearing as Sylvia’s partner, but even so, those departments of the northern sacred mountain that pay special attention to the outsiders are not afraid to do so. He despised Leo, and even listed Leo's name above Sylvia in the subsequent list, placing it in the same position as the popes of the Church of True God, and even at the top in terms of danger.

It’s just because Leo has disappeared all the time and there is no new news, so it was ignored for a long time. It was not until recently that Leo reappeared and began to recruit the wizard's assembly under his command, and secretly began to control the black market. Rebuilding the tower and other amazing things, the thing about Leo has been mentioned again, and has recently become the focus of high-level discussions on the northern sacred mountain, undoubtedly Leo's degree of danger has been placed at the top of the list again.

Regarding Leo and Sylvia's appearance in Bebelante, the fourth-looking big shaman didn't have much doubts. In fact, the last meeting he attended before he left was also related to them.

The tribal conflict in the southern tribal alliance has intensified. The Silvermoon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe have turned a small conflict between the two tribes into an internal war in the southern tribe, because they have begun to have friendship with these two tribes. Other tribes started to stand on the sidelines and have already mobilized for war.

However, in such a tense atmosphere, Sylvia and Leo, two mysterious figures who can cause a major earthquake by doing anything casually, suddenly appeared on the southern sacred mountain, and their routes were also very strange, not straightforward. Walking from the North-South Avenue, but detouring the singularities of this conflict Sobans and Badisa, all this makes people can't help but imagine.

Although from various circumstances, the two people came here mainly because of the food ban in the United States of America. They wanted to buy food from the wasteland to fight against the food ban, and there was also news that clearly mentioned that Sylvia had already interacted with several people. The agricultural tribes in the south have signed a five-year grain purchase contract, but there are always people who feel that Sylvia is not just here to buy grain.

Later, there was news that Sylvia and Leo left immediately after signing the grain purchase contract. They did not spend much time in the southern sacred mountain, but still no one felt relieved, so the northern sacred mountain was always there. Track the whereabouts of Sylvia and Leo.

Later, Sylvia and Leo appeared in Bebelante and met with Bebelante’s famous slave merchant. Although no one knew what they were talking about, it was speculated that it was related to the purchase of slaves. Later, Hill Via and Leo participated in the mining rights auction, and the purchase of the mining rights of several large mines was immediately reported to the northern sacred mountain.

At the meeting held before the Fourth Eye Great Shaman came to Beberante, the issue of Dodd Group’s purchase of mining rights was highlighted. They were worried that after Dodd Group had won the mining rights of these mines, It will affect the ore exports of the Northern Tribal Alliance, because the Dodd Group’s ore imports account for one-fifth of the ore exports of the Northern Tribal Alliance.

At that time, there was no discussion on this matter. When the Fourth Eye Great Shaman left, someone proposed to temporarily suspend these mining rights or impose some output restrictions on the mining rights.

Therefore, Sylvia and Leo participated in the mining rights auction. The fourth-looking shaman knew about it, but he didn’t have many other ideas when he heard it. Now I heard the supervisor of Greenland Manor mention this incident again, and stood on the ruins of this auction house, making him feel different when he heard the same thing, although now he just feels that there is nothing Substantial evidence, but he can already be sure that all of this has nothing to do with Sylvia and Leo, and an item hidden here should already be in the hands of both of them.

"Where are Sylvia and Leo now?" So the fourth-eyed big shaman asked immediately.

"Huh?" The director of Greenland Manor was stunned. He has been paying attention to the reconstruction of the auction these days. He has no thoughts about other things, and he is not responsible for the information and materials of the auction guests, so he answered at a time. Does not come up.

An official of the Northern Tribal Alliance who was responsible for related intelligence immediately replied: "After meeting with the slave merchant Henry Jones on the second day of the accident, they left Bebelante. When they left, they took the Night Crow train. At the speed of that train, they should have reached Brotiro by now, and it is no longer possible to catch them on land."

Hearing the narration of the northern tribal alliance official, the fourth eye big shaman's face became particularly gloomy, and then he seemed to think of something, and said to the official: "You just said that it is impossible to catch them by land? But what if from the air?"

"In the air?" The official was stunned, and quickly replied: "If you walk from the air, you can go directly through the Changshe Mountain Gorge and fly to the northeast. As long as you can reach Lulukan in a day, you can catch up. The Night Crow, because the Night Crow usually stops for a day after driving to Brotiro to overhaul the machinery and refuel."

"Very well, you did a good job." The fourth-eyed big shaman happily patted the official's shoulder, asked the official's name, and took the person to leave the green manor quickly.

Seeing that the Fourth Eye Shaman was very satisfied with his return, and asked his name, the official felt that he might be lucky this time, but he did not realize that he was watching the Fourth Eye Shaman leave. When he was back, the supervisor of the Green Manor looked at him with a gloomy look.

The official didn’t know that when he thought the fourth-eyed great shaman had remembered his name, the fourth-eyed great shaman had actually completely forgotten him, even if he had asked his name just now, now the fourth eye The big shaman is only concerned about one thing, and that is to catch up with that train.

After giving orders to his entourage, he left Beberante alone, and walked quickly in the dense forest around the city. Finally, he came to the bottom of a cliff. There were quite a few long cliffs on the cliff. The tailed eagle hovered.

The long-tailed eagle is a large bird of prey commonly found on the edge of the wasteland. It has a long tail of nearly three meters and wings with a wingspan of more than six meters. Because they live in groups and are extremely ferocious, few other raptors or animals dare to provoke them. they.

After the fourth-eyed big shaman came to the cliff where the long-tailed eagle perched, he carefully looked up for a while, looking for his own target. He stopped observing until he saw an old nest on the cliff, and then he Sprinkled some powder on the body, and then quickly climbed up the cliff.

The group of long-tailed eagles hovering in the air and responsible for protecting the nest instantly spotted the fourth-eyed big shaman approaching the nest with its keen eyesight, and immediately after issuing a warning call, more than a dozen long-tailed eagles turned towards The fourth-eyed big shaman rushed over, about to kill this guy who dared to threaten the Eagle's Nest.

However, something strange happened. When the long-tailed eagles approached the fourth-eyed big shaman, before they had time to make an attack, they immediately seemed to have encountered some natural enemy, and immediately started from the fourth-eyed big shaman. Flying away, afraid to get close to the past.

And the fourth-eyed big shaman knew that there would be such a result for a long time, his hand and foot movements did not stop at all, he crawled towards the target quickly, and soon came to the target lair, under the gaze of a large number of long-tailed eagles in the air, from An eagle egg that was about to hatch was taken out of the nest, and some long-tailed eagle feathers were taken.

After getting what he wanted, the fourth-eyed big shaman immediately returned the same way, and soon returned to the ground.

After that, he quickly cleared a clearing under the cliff, and then took out some ritual items needed to use shaman spells, a dried beast claw, a worn-looking copper furnace, and a block full of mysterious symbols. Rags and a wooden bowl full of oil.

The fourth-eyed big shaman put the feathers on the beast's claws, lit the charcoal in the copper furnace with fire, scratched his fingers on the rag and wrote a few symbols, and then put the eagle egg into it. In a wooden bowl full of oil.

After all this last night, the fourth-eyed big shaman opened his arms and said something in his mouth, and the whole person's spirit entered another state.

As the voice of the big shaman at the fourth eye turned into a vibrating sound that ordinary people could not hear, the surrounding four magic objects also changed, and a wave of different concentrations and colors floated from the four objects. Different smoke, these smoke gather but not disperse, like four long snakes, drilled towards the fourth-eyed big shaman, got into the big shaman's nose, and was inhaled by him.

With the production of a large amount of smoke, the things on the four spellcasting objects gradually turned gray, and finally turned into ashes.

At this time, the body of the fourth-eyed big shaman seemed to have turned into a squirming slime. Together with the clothes on his body, the shape and texture of the clothes were constantly changing. When the irregular change finally stopped, the big shaman had already It completely turned into a giant long-tailed eagle that was twice the size of a normal long-tailed eagle, but the head was not the head of the long-tailed eagle, but the head of the fourth-eyed great shaman.

After finishing all this, the fourth-eyed big shaman stretched out his wings adaptively and slapped his body vigorously to float his body. After a few attempts, he seemed to have mastered the ability to fly, and then I saw him flapping his wings vigorously, floating in the air, rushing forward, and quickly flying into the sky.

The long-tailed eagle hovering in the air saw such a weird guy who looked somewhat similar to them, but was much larger, and was shocked to hide, because their few memories and wisdom had already cast the fourth eye of the big shaman. The human-headed birds turned into those dangerous mutant monsters.

The big shaman at the fourth eye also ignored the commotion of these long-tailed eagles. After flying to a high altitude, he circled twice and got acquainted with the ability to control the airflow soaring. Then he identified a lower position and flew in the direction of the Changsheshan Gorge Past.

When the fourth-eyed big shaman incarnate bird chased Leo and Sylvia's Night Crow, the Night Crow indeed just sailed into the Bro, as the official of the Northern Tribal Alliance in Beberante inferred. In the maintenance workshop next to Tirol Railway Station, the passengers on this train have already got off the train one after another, and under the leadership of the train staff, they came to the hotel next to the train station. After some active passengers put down their luggage, Can't wait to run out, ready to visit this humble small town.

Sylvia and Leo did not leave. They were not very interested in the small town of Brotiro. They were more interested in what is going on now.

As the two expected, Henry Jones could not withstand such a large business at all, so he found Sylvia the next day and signed a contract for the slave trade. Judging from the process of signing the contract, it seemed that he Don't worry about not fulfilling the amount in the contract, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com obviously he should have other unknown slave trading channels.

After signing the slave trading contract, Sylvia asked the people in the office to book the steam train tickets for the day and left the wasteland directly by train.

On the train, Leo accidentally put the stone he got from the auction together with the unopenable tower wizard book given by Carson Sangers, and then he clearly felt the book. The attached banning power is slowly weakening. Although this slow weakening speed is very slow, so slow that it is difficult to detect if you don't perceive it carefully, this weakening situation continues to exist.

Obviously, this stone that can absorb any power can also absorb the banned power in the book, and according to Leo’s estimation, it only takes about ten days at most, and the banned power in this book will be completely destroyed by the stone. If you absorb it, you can still open the book even if you don't crack the banned spell.

Therefore, after discovering this situation, Leo kept putting the stones and the book together so that he could open the book as soon as possible and see the content inside.

However, just today after the train arrived in Brotiro, a small wasteland town, the first layer of banned power in the books was completely absorbed, and then Leo and Sylvia were surprised by something happened.

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