The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1213: God's hindrance

Macaroo mechanically stamped a seal on the document in front of him, and handed a set of documents to the young tribe in front of him. He said the words repeated countless times, and said: "Take these documents and go there to collect them. Materials, proceed to the final level, and then go to the temporary camp next to the train station. At that time, someone will arrange for you to enter the troops you belong to and assign your tasks." After you finish, before the other party responds, you will take the things in your hands. Put the plug to the opponent, and then moved the opponent's body to beckon him to go away, and shouted at the person next to him: "Next."

There are more than fifty registrars like Makaro in the camp of the Silver Moon tribe under the sacred mountain. Each of them has handled more than thirty on this day. Judging from the situation outside the camp, there are at least one thousand. Many people are waiting for registration. This is only the first day when the news spreads. If two days pass, more people will know, and more people will come here to accept the employment of the Silver Moon Tribe and join the inevitable. Go in the tribal war.

Regarding this sudden tribal war, not only did the lower officials of the Silvermoon tribe like Makalo have not received any news in advance, even the senior officials of the Silvermoon tribe had not many people who were psychologically prepared in advance. The vast majority of them were just It is believed that the relationship between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe is getting worse and that conflicts are inevitable. Who can think that things will directly develop into a full-scale war. It is precisely for this reason that the Silver Moon Tribe is not prepared. Had to use this method of hiring other tribal warriors to form an army first and launch an attack.

Things need to start two days ago. At a routine meeting on the southern sacred mountain, the great shaman of the Silvermoon tribe suddenly attacked, accusing the Tinder tribe of slaughtering a tribal camp of the Silvermoon tribe, and also took out a very full The evidence proves this claim.

And the envoy of the Tinder tribe at that time was completely overwhelmed by the sudden accountability. In his opinion, this meeting was just chatting and walking through the scene like countless meetings in the past. He did not expect that the Silver Moon tribe would suddenly get into trouble. The important point is that he doesn't even know how to answer the other party's question, because he has never heard of the silver moon tribe camp that was slaughtered.

In recent years, the relationship between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe has indeed gone downhill. Small frictions and conflicts between the tribes have occurred abnormally. The great shamans of the two tribes have also been quarreling for various reasons in the southern sacred mountain. , But no matter how they don’t deal with it, they will retain some bottom line between them and restrain the desire to destroy each other. Therefore, there are many small conflicts between the two races, but the major conflict has basically never occurred, let alone war.

Those large southern tribes that have camps in the southern sacred mountain are also happy to comment on this situation. After all, the Silvermoon tribe is already strong enough. If a tinder tribe is added, then the entire southern tribal alliance may really become a reality. The Silver Moon tribe is now the largest family.

However, they also don’t want to see a large-scale conflict between the Silvermoon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe. After all, the Southern Tribe Alliance is very loose, and it is entirely to counter a coalition force formed by the Northern Tribe Alliance. If it is a large internal tribe. If there is a war, then this loose alliance may really disperse.

Therefore, when the Silver Moon tribe questioned the Tinder tribe about the camp being slaughtered, the messengers of the various tribes were trying to calm the incident, calm the Silver Moon tribe, and even considered letting the holy mountain form an investigation team to investigate the matter.

In this regard, the messenger of the Tinder tribe naturally agreed, but the messenger of the Silver Moon tribe had some misunderstandings about the actions of the holy mountain.

In his opinion, with the strength and status of the Silver Moon Tribe, when he raised the accountability of the Tinder Tribe, the other tribes of the Holy Mountain should choose to stand on his side and attack the Tinder Tribe together. But now the result is completely beyond his expectations. Not only did the Silvermoon tribe fail to get the support of other tribes of the Holy Mountain, the Holy Mountain Tribe seemed to have the idea of ​​intervening in the dispute between the Silvermoon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe over this incident, and even The unprecedented proposal to send an investigative mission is clearly out of ulterior motives in the eyes of the suspicious Silver Moon tribe envoy.

So that night, the messenger of the Silver Moon Tribe on the Holy Mountain directly reported what he had seen and heard with a little bit of personal prejudice to the main camp of the Silver Moon Tribe, and the result was quickly returned. Come here, the content is simple and clear, there is only one word to start the war.

Therefore, before everyone could react, the Silvermoon tribe first announced war against the Tinder tribe, and directly recruited advance mercenaries from the holy mountain, and went to Badisha to prepare for the attack on the Tinder tribe Sobans.

As a veteran tribe in the wasteland, although the Silvermoon Tribe is not the largest and strongest tribe, its network of contacts is spread throughout the entire wasteland, large and small tribes, and many tribes have alliances or kinship, so when the Silvermoon Tribe announced After the war and the recruitment of mercenaries, the number of volunteers soon reached the upper limit of a normal mercenary.

The appeal of the Silver Moon tribe also made other tribes of the holy mountain not optimistic about the Tinder tribe. Except for a small number of tribes who chose to secretly provide some resources to the Tinder tribe, most of the other tribes have decided to remain neutral in this battle. If necessary, you can unite with the Silver Moon Tribe to completely disperse the Tinder Tribe.

On the other hand, the Tinder tribe was completely caught off guard by the sudden decision of the Silver Moon tribe to go to war. Even if the Tinder tribe’s messenger on the holy mountain used a special method to send the news back, the tribe’s senior officials could not make an effective decision on this matter. , This made the holy mountain envoy of the Tinder tribe also feel that their tribe’s chances of winning in this war conflict are very small.

I don’t know if God doesn’t want to see the Silver Moon tribe go too smoothly in this conflict and war, so it creates a little obstacle. The wasteland, which had not yet reached the rainy season, suddenly had a storm, and it continued to fall. For three or four days, the storm not only affected the mercenaries who were preparing and setting off on the holy mountain, but also the only train to Badisha.

According to the previous news, the heavy rain washed down the hillsides in several sections, formed mudslides and flooded the railway. For this reason, the train had to be suspended at some stations and waited for the mudslides to be cleared before continuing on the road. It delayed the arrival of the train to the holy mountain for several days.

Normally, such a delay is not a big problem, but the problem is that the Silvermoon Tribe recruited a large number of mercenaries, because at the time they thought that they could send these mercenaries on the train as soon as possible, and then drag them to Badisha. Going to Sobans to launch an attack on the Tinder tribe does not need to stay for too long in the holy mountain, so there is no restriction on the recruitment order, and there is no limit on the number of recruits, so that a large number of mercenaries are stranded under the holy mountain and there is no way to start.

So many people not only have to pay their commissions every day, but also provide them with a lot of food, and because it is a hastily formed army, the silver moon tribe’s holy mountain camp does not prepare enough food and can only buy it from the holy mountain.

However, the sacred mountain itself does not produce food. All the food here comes from other tribes in the southern tribal alliance. Because the supply was sufficient before, the sacred mountain has never experienced food shortages, so there is no mechanism for storing food. Most At times, they are directly purchased from nearby tribes or caravans in the holy mountain go to distant tribes for food trade.

But now, a large number of mercenaries are stranded in the camp of the Silver Moon tribe at the foot of the holy mountain, and they need to consume a lot of food every day. Even if the food on the holy mountain is not completely consumed in a short time, it still creates the holy mountain. The price of food, especially the price of food, has soared, almost several times what it was a few days ago.

This invisibly disrupted the lives of other tribes on the holy mountain and the upper echelons of shamanism, and made those who were neutral or oriented towards the Silver Moon Tribe could not help but feel a little resentful, although this aversion would not make them stand in the Silver Moon Tribe. The opposite position, but to a certain extent affected their attitude towards the Tinder tribe.

Although the Angel of the Holy Mountain of the Silver Moon tribe can clearly see the various drawbacks, he has not been able to change these things at all. Whether it is to disband some of the mercenaries or stop recruiting mercenaries, they must continue, because the Tinder tribe also Mobilization has begun in a state of war, and the Tinder tribe has more allies.

If the Silver Moon tribe suddenly attacked the Tinder tribe and turned the relationship into the worst state of war, which is barely beyond the expectations of all the tribes of the holy mountain, then the mixed-blood tribe at the bottom of the chain of contempt for all the wasteland tribes suddenly joined This war and conflict, and the high-profile alliance with the Tinder tribe, really made these tribes completely unexpected.

For all the tribes of the Holy Mountain, those mixed-race tribes living in the most dangerous areas are some unclean people. They are the products of evil. Although the Holy Mountain does not oppose these mixed-race tribes to settle in the wasteland, they do not allow it. The mixed-blood tribe is close to the holy mountain, and any mixed-blood tribe close to the holy mountain will be executed for blasphemy against the holy mountain.

Therefore, when the Tinder tribe took the initiative to form an alliance with the mixed-blood tribe to fight the Silver Moon tribe, the messengers of the various tribes of the holy mountain also felt that the high level of the Tinder tribe might be crazy, and the tribes who had some sympathy for the Tinder tribe began to change their minds. , And the tribes who wanted to maintain a neutral state in this battle gradually occupied the majority.

But, then again, although the mixed-race tribe is discriminated against by the wasteland tribe, the wasteland tribe has to admit that the combat effectiveness of the mixed-race tribe cannot be underestimated.

Perhaps, the mixed-race tribe does not have a shaman, who is vital to any tribe that wants to survive in the wasteland, but the mixed-race tribe also has a lot of power from the outside civilized world to fill this gap. Tribes are better at smelting and manufacturing. People in all tribes can wear armor with very strong defense. For example, mixed-blood tribes can use other methods to create some extraordinary people comparable to shamans.

Therefore, when the mixed-blood tribe and the Tinder tribe form an alliance, the overall combat power of the Tinder tribe can almost be said to have improved a step, and the strength of the veteran tribe of the Silver Moon tribe has been brought closer. This conflict The outcome of the war has become complicated and confusing, at least now no one dares to believe that the Tinder tribe is at an absolute disadvantage in this conflict like a few days ago.

In the early morning of the second day when the heavy rain stopped, the sound of a whistle from the distant jungle broke the tranquility of the holy mountain. Those who lived on the mountain with conditions stood on the roof or balcony of their homes, facing the whistle. Look at the place where the sound is coming from. When they saw a wave of water vapor floating from the dense branches and leaves of the jungle, everyone could not help but have the same idea in their hearts, the conflict and war between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe It's officially started.

When the huge steam train entered the station, the Silver Moon tribe, which had been prepared, immediately dispatched porters to remove all kinds of goods from the car, and every time a carriage was emptied, there would be a group of mercenaries who were already ready to go. Fill it up again.

At the same time, the staff at the railway station unhooked the old locomotive, pushed out the overhauled locomotive, hung it at the back of the previous car, and completed the turn of the train. At the same time, the maintenance personnel also quickly knocked on the various parts under the train to check for damage If found, replace parts immediately.

The passengers on the train didn’t know what was going on, so they were driven off the train by the people of the Silver Moon tribe. Although the train was delayed for several days, which made them feel tired and annoyed, the sight before them also made them afraid He complained about the crude actions of the Silver Moon Tribe, so he could only leave the train station honestly, and then ask the situation nearby.

Leo and Sylvia got off the train before the train entered the because they had discovered that a large number of tribal warriors had been stationed in the train station far away, and they also didn’t know why. , So to be on the safe side, they got off the car just before entering the station, then walked through a thick jungle, avoided the guard of the holy mountain in the jungle, and entered the town outside the holy mountain.

Before they took the initiative to inquire about what happened to the people around, they had already obtained the information they wanted from the conversations of the surrounding tribesmen, and the Silver Moon tribe went to war against the Tinder tribe.

Regarding this incident, Leo and Sylvia were not too surprised, because this was what they expected. At the same time, they also praised the decisive decision of the Silver Moon tribe, if it was not the weather that caused the train to be delayed. , Now the Silvermoon Tribe may have long been relying on these temporarily recruited mercenaries to hit Sobans by surprise. Even if they can’t take Sobans in one fell swoop, they can make Sobans no longer able to counterattack, as long as they intercept Sobans’s. Foreign aid, Sobans will be taken by the Silvermoon Tribe sooner or later.

It’s a pity that God doesn’t seem to be on the side of the Silvermoon Tribe, creating all kinds of obstacles. Now the advantage in the hands of the Silvermoon Tribe is not much. If this mercenary cannot be used in the battle against Sobans With a decent record, then the Silver Moon tribe is likely to fall into a passive state.

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