The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1201: Deep into the mine

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After solving the two mercenary guards at the door, Leo and Sylvia entered the mine one after another, and walked all the way to the depths of the mine.

There are not many early warning methods arranged by the Society of Unknowns in the hidden areas of the mine, but there are many tricks, and they involve a wide range, from witchcraft to shaman spells to divine spells, and there are more than a dozen types. , It can be said that the early warning methods for the extraordinary forces of Vinylon mainland are complete.

It has to be said that the Yiwen Society is indeed the most extensive secret force of its members, as can be seen from these early warning methods, and since the same Yiwen Society uses so many early warning methods here, it also represents the importance of the Yiwen Society.

If Leo is given enough time, he can crack all the early warning methods without disturbing anyone, but now he obviously does not have much thoughts to crack them one by one slowly, so he can only forcefully destroy these early warning methods. At the same time, when he walked through some places, he would also drop some rune traps to prevent others from chasing in.

In addition to the early warning means containing extraordinary powers, in the depths of the mines, there are several places that should be absentee breaks. The Yiwen Society has also arranged several teams of heavily armed mercenaries to be responsible for those key areas to prevent anyone from entering. .

In addition, there are a few extraordinary people who obviously have energy fluctuations on their bodies are also hidden among the mercenaries, and these extraordinary people are equipped with some strange things, which is enough for them to deal with most of the extraordinary people in the world of Velen.

However, neither Leo nor Sylvia are one of the overwhelming majority. The power of any one of them is far beyond the limits of these people, so they have not waited for these carefully arranged guards to understand what is going on. , Sylvia's witch's power had already drained the air around them, making them unconscious because of suffocation.

When Sylvia solved the mercenary guards guarding the critical zone, Leo could also feel that the first rune trap he left behind was touched. These rune traps were not killing traps, but Some hallucinogenic traps, after these traps are triggered, can create a psychedelic domain in a certain area, allowing any intruder to sink into the illusion from the spiritual level.

"Huh?" However, Leo quickly showed an unexpected look on his face, and said to himself: "It's really not easy to learn to learn from different smells."

"What's the matter?" Sylvia asked suspiciously.

"Someone from the Yiwen Society easily broke through the first rune trap I left." Leo responded briefly, and then smiled again on his face, saying, "Unfortunately he didn't break through the second rune trap. A rune trap."

Sylvia didn't ask for the details anymore, but looked at this remodeled absenteeism rest spot, and after not finding anything useful, he and Leo continued to walk down the mine tunnel.

Although there are a large number of fork roads in the middle of the mine tunnel, the traces left by Yiwen Learning to dredge the collapsed mine tunnel are too obvious. Without any cover, it is very difficult for the two of them to go the wrong way.

However, as they reached the depths of the mine tunnel, the doubts on Leo and Sylvia's faces increased, because the surrounding environment was too far from the underground mine tunnel they expected.

The climate of the wasteland is humid and hot, and it can almost be said to be raining every day. It should be said that not only the ground should be wet, but even the underground soil should be full of seepage water.

In addition, this mine tunnel is near the Dajiao River, and the water from Dajiao River will certainly penetrate into this area. Therefore, according to common sense, the moisture concentration in the mine tunnel is absolutely suffocating, and it is necessary to constantly use blowers and exhaust fans. Only by pumping fresh air into the mine tunnel and taking away the moisture can it be ensured that there will be no harm to those who enter.

However, according to Leo and Sylvia's estimation, their current position has at least reached more than a thousand meters below the ground, but they can't see any blasting and exhaust equipment in the mine, and the air will not only prevent people Feeling damp, on the contrary, gives people a sense of dryness, just like being in a desert.

This is not an illusion. The surrounding air is really dry, and there is no water droplets on the wall. It feels like touching a dry wall.

"What's going on?" Sylvia looked around with some confusion, and felt the surroundings through her method, but she didn't find any traces of supernormal power intervention.

"There is no supernormal force involved, and there is no abnormal energy." Leo said Sylvia's thoughts, and then he broke off a rock from the side, looked carefully, and found nothing special about the rock. .

This made Sylvia couldn't help but smile: "This is really weird. Compared with the above, it's like two worlds."

"Two worlds?" Sylvia's words seemed to have inspired Leo, and Leo raised his hand to activate the universal recorder in his hand and activate the environmental analysis module.

Although the environmental analysis module of the universal recorder is an extreme castration version of the environmental analyzer, it is not professional at all. In the words of the planetary pioneers of the Earth Federation, it is a toy for two-year-old children, but this environmental analyzer is used to analyze ordinary Environmental conditions, such as air composition data, are sufficient.

Soon the analysis data was presented to Leo and Sylvia. Those data Sylvia did not understand at all, but Leo carefully put the original air data of Vinylon World and the current environmental analysis data in it. At the same time, and the differences are specially marked, so that people like Sylvia who do not understand the content of the data can clearly see the differences between the two sets of data.

"You are right. This is indeed not Vinylon, but a subspace that overlaps the Vinylon world." After reading the comparison list of all the data, Leo also gave the answer: "This subspace and The world of Vinylon overlaps so closely that it has almost merged with the world of Vinylon. Therefore, the environment here is also affected by the world of Vinylon, so we can survive here. Otherwise, with the original state of this subspace fragment, I am afraid..."

Leo didn't continue to speak, but changed his mind to thinking about the remains of prehistoric civilization.

Prior to this, Leo had always believed that the remnants of prehistoric civilization discovered before, such as the remains of spacecraft, the buildings of alien civilizations, etc., existed in this world originally, but were buried for various reasons, but The scene he saw now gave Leo another idea, that is, whether it is a spacecraft sinking to the bottom of the sea or a ruin buried by quicksand or mud, these are likely to come from some subspace debris, and these debris After being captured and fused by the world of Vinylon, those spacecrafts and relics also merged into the world of Vinylon and became part of the world of Vinylon.

The relics of prehistoric civilization they are going to now should be such a relic of prehistoric civilization that was mistakenly regarded as a local civilization, and the subspace fragments where it is located should have entered the end of fusion, and it may not be long before it will be completely integrated into the world of Velon. , And the collapse of the mine that caused the death of Old Rembrandt should have been caused by the fusion of subspace debris.

Leo was thinking about it while telling Sylvia his guess. After listening to it, Sylvia thought about it carefully and felt that Leo's guess might be correct.

Although the Dodd Group has been dominated by politics and business in recent years, because Sylvia has obtained a lot of knowledge about universe technology from Leo, she knows that some prehistoric civilization relics contain technology and equipment far beyond the current industry, so she A portion of the profits have always been used to purchase items from prehistoric civilizations or to support the excavation of prehistoric civilization relics.

This kind of action is unique in the current world situation. The core of the world now is to defend the homeland and resist mutated monsters. The energy of all countries and forces is put on this, and the nobles who were keen on prehistoric civilization research cannot. Without giving up their funding, those scholars who made a living by studying prehistoric civilization have lost their status and become the bottom of society.

There is no doubt that Sylvia's research support for the remains of prehistoric civilization is like a saint in the eyes of scholars of prehistoric civilization, so the Dodd Group has become the center of prehistoric civilization research in the world of Vinylon.

Although Sylvia has invested a lot of resources, she has also gained a lot. For example, she has found multiple universal recorders, and found a lot of cosmic civilization weapons and devices that can be used. Most of them don't know how to use, but only those devices that can be used can already recover all of Sylvia's investment.

In addition to these devices, the scholars under her staff have combined their research on prehistoric civilization into a system, and they have also come up with a conclusion that has become a theorem, that is, all prehistoric civilizations are not connected and are independent. civilization.

The current academic circles of prehistoric civilization recognize this theorem, but they also raise a question that cannot be answered so far. That is why the world of Vinylon can produce so many individual civilizations, and why these civilizations have not been affected by each other.

For example, in a village in the United States, just separated by a not very high mountain, two separate relics of prehistoric civilization were found on both sides of the mountain, and judging from the various traces, the two prehistoric civilizations should be the same It appeared during the period, but all the items in the relics of the two prehistoric civilizations, from text to utensils, etc., have no connection at all. This is basically impossible under normal circumstances.

However, Leo’s guess now undoubtedly gave an explanatory answer to the biggest problem that plagued the academic circle of prehistoric civilization.

With doubts, Leo and Sylvia continued to move forward, and the two soon entered the collapsed area.

The mine tunnel did not collapse in its entirety but in sections. The Yiwen Society has dug up more than 30 collapse points and reinforced this section of mine tunnel with various reinforcement methods.

However, they are still some distance away from the final destination, the underground relics of prehistoric civilization, and at this distance they seem to have encountered some trouble, because it is a block of tungsten ore that blocks the mine tunnel, and conventional dredging methods cannot be used. , They can only dig up this ore in a few segments of primitive mining.

At this moment, there are still absentees hired by the Institute of Abnormalities in mining. They are stacking the dug ore on the rail mine cart, and when the cart is full, several people will push it up and dump it.

Leo easily fainted them, and then came to the end of the mine, looked at the big ore blocking the way in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "You come or me?"

Sylvia also stepped forward, checked the situation, shook her head, and said, "It's up to you! If I use the Flame of the Devil Dragon, I'm afraid it will melt the entire ore, which may cause a second Collapsed again."

Leo nodded when he heard the words, and didn't say anything. He walked directly to the piece of ore that had been chipped away, and then raised his hand and drew a Turing root that appeared to be truly purple on the ore.

As the Turing root submerged in the ore, a slight vibration began to occur around the ore, and then the ore cracked from the middle, and the gap became larger and larger, as if an invisible force was squeezing the ore around to death. A passage for one person to pass through was soon formed.

"So simple?" Seeing this scene, Sylvia was also a little Leo answered briefly, and said: "There is a kind of witchcraft in the witchcraft of the tower wizard. In this situation."

Afterwards, Leo stepped towards the opened passage, and Sylvia followed closely.

Although there are no torches to illuminate the road, Leo and Sylvia both have dark vision. Even if there is no light, they can see the surroundings clearly.

After that, the two encountered several collapse points that blocked the mine tunnel. Leo used the same method to clear a tunnel, and their speed did not suffer too much.

After walking for about ten minutes, the last collapse point was cleared, the road behind the mine road became much flatter, and the downward mine road was specially built for attachments and assisted wheelchair mobility. The device, it seems that this should be specially prepared for Old Rembrandt.

After going through a downward possession, passing through a carefully rested arch, what Leo and Sylvia saw was a small underground cave.

In the underground caves, you can see some discarded excavation tools and some excavation equipment, but the corpses of those trapped in the past are not seen, and there are no valuable prehistoric civilization research materials and objects in the tent. The trapped people packed up their things while looking for a way out.

On one of the walls of the cave is a relic of a prehistoric civilization. This relic is integrated with the surrounding rocks, and it feels like a builder who dug directly on the rock.

But Leo took a closer look, and soon discovered that the main body of the ruins and the surrounding rocks are completely different rocks. They were forcibly kneaded together by an unknown force, just like the main body of the ruins is not a single piece of rock. , Is also formed by kneading some small rocks.

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