The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1191: Anxious people

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In the temporary tavern set up next to Eagle Body Lake, other tribe members and mercenaries of the smuggling caravan who came here to perform certain rituals like the Long Feather tribe drank not very intoxicating fruit wine while alleviating the fear in their hearts. At this moment, only the sound of drinking and heavy breathing can be heard in the tavern. Apart from this, there are no other sounds, and everything seems very quiet.

The soaring flames in the distance were so eye-catching, not to mention the nearby olecranon, this flame that directly burned the sky red might even be visible to the two sacred mountains in the north and south.

The people at the Eagle Mouth Tribe Camp do not know what happened there. The shaman of the tribe wants to communicate with the spirits of nature, such as the earth, wind, trees, etc., and the response they get is painful wailing, even this The pain and wailing have affected the shamans of several tribes, causing the shamans to fall to the ground one by one, and they are still unconscious.

Everyone realizes that something terrible has happened on the soaring flame, and this terrible thing may even threaten the safety of everyone on the Eagle's Mouth Rock, so both the wasteland tribe or the smuggling caravan sent themselves. The best fighters go to the flames to check the situation in order to make countermeasures.

Although many people think that this may be related to mutant monsters, because not long ago, a caravan in a panic escaped to Eagle's Mouth Rock, and that caravan claimed to have been attacked by a group of monsters and lost more than half of its personnel. , And the direction when the caravan came was just in the direction where the soaring flame appeared before.

However, some people think that it is absolutely impossible for the soaring flame to be made by a mutant monster, because if the mutant monster can really create such a terrible flame, it is absolutely impossible for the smuggling caravan to escape the monster attack, so those people think The soaring flame may be a geographical wonder similar to a volcano.

Only few people agree with this idea, because anyone who has seen a volcanic eruption can easily recognize that the flame has absolutely nothing to do with the volcano.

Now the people in the tavern are waiting for the spies sent out to return. No one has the mind to talk, and their weapons are also placed on their bodies, so that when something unusual happens outside the camp, they can pick up their weapons and participate in the battle at any time. .

At this time, the door of the tavern was opened, and a cold wind blowing from the lake penetrated into the somewhat boring tavern. Everyone in the tavern turned their heads and looked towards the door, followed by disappointed heads. Turned back, but there were still a few people who looked at the door curiously.

I saw that the people who entered the tavern were a man and a woman, both dressed as travelers. They also wore a wide-brimmed hat commonly seen among adventurers on their heads. The hats just covered their faces, except for this. Outside, the whole seems to be nothing special.

After the two came in, they walked directly to the simple bar in the tavern with a few wooden boards, each took off their hats, and then ordered a glass of ordinary fruit wine to the boss.

At this time, everyone saw the appearance of the two people clearly, only to see that the man of the two looks very ordinary, and there is nothing special, but the temperament is very special, so that anyone who sees him will feel inexplicable awe. , And the woman was very beautiful, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the tavern. They were very sure in their hearts that this woman was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen in their lives.

However, compared to those tribesmen who had been fascinated by the women's looks, the faces of the heads of the smuggling caravan in the tavern all showed awe, and their eyes were full of surprise.

A caravan supervisor still couldn't believe his own judgment, and whispered to the supervisor of another smuggling caravan nearby, "Is that her? That woman?"

The caravan supervisor did not speak, but just nodded.

At this time, these smuggling caravan directors all had a huge doubt in their hearts. They wondered why this big man would appear here at this time. In their opinion, this big man should sit in O'Dorrain and fight against the Americans. The kingdom’s food ban is right.

The identified woman is Sylvia who left Panir’s old capital not long ago. Although Leo has not been recognized who she is, his temperament and attitude when communicating with Sylvia also make The directors of the smuggling caravan realized that Leo's identity was very unusual.

After drinking the fruit wine in his hand, Leo asked the owner of the hotel: "Where can I buy a map of the wasteland?"

Hearing Leo's question, the surrounding wasteland tribes all stopped their hand movements and looked at Leo in unison, with vigilance and disdain in their eyes.

These unusual sights made Leo realize that he might have asked a stupid question.

The boss was silent for a while, looked at the people around, and said, "Unless you explore by yourself, no one will sell maps."

As soon as the boss’s voice fell, a person stood up and slapped his face: “I have an exploration map in my hand, but it’s incomplete. It only marked the holy mountains, a few large tribes, and a few dangerous areas. If you want , I am willing to give it to you."

Hearing this person's words, all the tribesmen in the tavern looked at the person in surprise, because such a map represents not only a map, but also a safe smuggling route. This is any smuggling caravan. His lifeblood is definitely not something that money can sell, so in the eyes of the people of the tribe, the director of the smuggling caravan might be crazy, otherwise he would never make such a crazy decision.

However, contrary to the attitude shown by the tribesmen, the supervisors of the other smuggling caravans were surprised, and their faces also showed envy, as if they were envious of the crazy actions of their competitors. .

The abnormal performance of these smuggling caravan managers also made several of the managers of these tribesmen in the tavern suspicious. They looked at Sylvia with more scrutiny. They should have thought that they could make these selfish. There is only one possibility for smugglers to make this kind of abandonment of interest, and that is that this kind of action will bring them huge benefits.

Just as some people ridiculed, some people envied, some people doubted, etc., under the gaze of everyone mixed with complex emotions, Sylvia nodded to the person who took the initiative to sell the map, and then saw that the person was very happy. I took out the exploration map in my pocket that was related to the future interests of their smuggling caravan, walked in front of Sylvia, and respectfully handed the map to Sylvia, without talking about the price during the whole process. problem.

Sylvia also didn't ask how much the picture cost, because she knew that the other party would make such a move only represents a possibility, and at the same time can guess what the other party wants.

As a result, Sylvia did not open the map, but handed it to Leo. Leo opened the map and scanned it quickly, remembering the contents of the map in his mind, and his sight was marked on the map. When I scanned the place where I got up, I accidentally found a place and marked the location of this place in my heart.

After doing these things, Leo folded the map again and handed it to the supervisor of the smuggling caravan. The supervisor was at a loss for a year, because Leo opened and closed it in less than five seconds. He didn't think that Leo had read the entire map in such a short period of time, so he just thought that there was something wrong with his map and was mistakenly regarded as a fake map, so he was ready to explain it for himself.

However, before the supervisor of the smuggling caravan could speak, Sylvia said, "I am very satisfied with your map." After speaking, he quickly wrote a few calligraphy and paintings on his sticky note. He then tore it off and handed it to the supervisor of the smuggling caravan, saying: "Take this note to O'Dorrain. All the items you buy will give you the greatest discount."

Hearing what Sylvia said, the supervisor of the smuggling caravan immediately showed ecstasy on his face, took the note with both hands, and then cautiously received it in his underwear pocket, and then prepared to talk to Sylvia What, but seeing Sylvia signal that he can leave, he didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly returned to his position in the enviable sight of other smuggling caravan supervisors.

This scene was seen by everyone in the pub. They all realized that these two travelers were probably not simple characters, so they wanted to ask the smugglers about the situation, but the smugglers seemed to be worried about nothing. Say.

Just when the tribesmen in the tavern were curious about the identities of Sylvia and Leo, the door of the tavern was pushed open again, and then they saw people who had been sent out to investigate the situation came in one after another. There was no look of fear or panic on his face, but he was extremely excited, and he could see some frenetic emotions that were similar to those after a certain shaman ritual.

After these people entered the tavern, there were people who couldn’t wait to ask them about their situation. These people didn’t seem to recover from the complicated emotions and didn’t immediately answer them. Instead, they came to the bar and ordered a cup of fruit wine. Drink, it seems that I want to use this non-intoxicating drink to ease the unstable mood at the moment.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, their emotions seemed to recover, and then someone told what they had seen, and some people would also interrupt and add. In this way, the spies sent by these tribes and caravans would take all the lives of an area. , Including the scene that the giant mutant monsters were all petrified.

The people who heard these descriptions were all shocked and confused. They didn't know what to say for a while, and they were all attracted by the content of the story. They didn't see Sylvia and Leo looking at each other. And showed an inexplicable smile.

"Batokaka! It must be Batokaka!" At this moment, an apprentice shaman from the Wasteland tribe suddenly shouted.

The caravan smugglers in the tavern looked at the apprentice shaman in a puzzled way. They didn't understand what the apprentice shaman was saying, but the other people from the wasteland tribe seemed to understand the apprentice shaman’s words. All become a little ugly.

Those who didn't understand then asked other people about the situation, and only after hearing the explanation did they understand that Batokaka in the mouth of the shaman apprentice turned out to be an evil **** in the legend of the wasteland tribe.

According to legend, Batokaka possesses a powerful ability to swallow all life, and all creatures swallowed by Batokaka will turn into stones.

Because this evil desolate **** swallowed up all lives unscrupulously, and eventually destroyed the balance of nature, it was banned by other desolate gods in the wasteland. As for where the ban was, no one knew.

And now these people from the wasteland tribe heard that life in a large area was petrified, and immediately thought of Batokaka. They all subconsciously thought that maybe Batokaka had been released from the ban, which seemed to them. It's definitely a big deal.

Feeling the seriousness of the matter, the people of the Wasteland tribe all stood up and left the tavern, preparing to return to their respective residences, waiting for the tribe’s patriarch, shaman, and others to make a decision on this matter, and the tavern owner who is also a tribe member It also signaled the people in the tavern to leave and closed the tavern, and the entire tribe camp became extremely tense for a while.

Perhaps because of the emotional influence of people in the tribe, those smuggling caravans also feel that this is not a place to stay for a long time, so they plan to return to their caravan to sort out their shape, leave here as soon as possible, and take the news here by the way. It depends on whether you can buy a good price. After all, the crisis caused by an evil desolate **** breaking through the prohibition and re-emergence is definitely not much weaker than the danger brought by the appearance of a destructive mutant monster like the bone butterfly.

There were also several caravan smugglers who tried to take the opportunity to get close to Sylvia. UU read in order to obtain those tempting goods from the Dodd Group, but they soon discovered that they had just stepped out of the tavern. People have lost their shadows at this moment, which makes them feel chagrin and missed a big opportunity.

However, these smugglers seemed to have thought of something later, and invariably looked towards a smuggling caravan camp, and the smuggling caravan happened to be the caravan that obtained the Sylvia note. Obviously these smugglers thought about it. Another way to obtain profiteering commodities.

At the same time, Leo and Sylvia have walked outside the camp. Their main purpose for coming to this camp is to obtain a relatively detailed map of the wasteland, because after they entered the wasteland, they found that they were in Odolin. The wasteland map found there is useless at all, because that map was a map before the foggy year. After the foggy year, various geographic movements and the influence of mutant monsters made the wasteland many locations that can be used as coordinates, such as Places like Eagle's Mouth Rock have disappeared. They are already a little lost on the edge of the wasteland. If they go deeper into the wasteland, they might really get lost in the endless sea of ​​forests.

"Where shall we go next?" Sylvia asked after leaving the camp.

"Go to Badisa!" Leo thought for a while and said: "The map shows that there is an abandoned slave-transporting railway that leads directly to the southern sacred mountain. We just need to follow the railway."

Sylvia nodded, and then sighed again: "I knew it, we'll just walk straight down the Shuangshengshan Avenue."

Leo smiled disapprovingly: "If you walk along the Shuangshengshan Avenue, how can you get the spirituality of that wild **** and let your abyssal flames evolve to this level?"

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