"Mysterious World under Steampunk ( Find the latest chapter!

When the sun advancing to a certain angle, a light on the lake just hit a pillar in the middle of the ruined pavilion where Sylvia and Leo were, and Leo immediately felt a burst of energy emanating from the pillar. The wave merged with the energy wave at the top of the three surrounding mountains, as if some kind of prohibition had been excited.

"It's already turned on, let's go in!" Sylvia suddenly said to Leo, and then saw her walking quickly towards the lake, stepping into the reflection of the setting sun on the lake, and disappearing instantly. not see.

Seeing this scene, Leo seemed to understand and followed, and stepped on it. When his feet landed on the lake, what he felt on the soles of his feet was not weak water, but solid ground. At the same time, the scene in front of me is no longer a lake and mountain view, but an island in the lake that is not too big.

"This is the secret library I discovered back then." Sylvia stood beside Leo, looked around with a little nostalgia, and said with emotion: "After so many years, this place is still the same. In the next year, there may not be any changes here."

"Well, you're right!" Leo looked around and agreed: "As long as this subspace fragment does not collapse, everything here can be preserved forever."

"Subspace debris?" Sylvia looked at Leo suspiciously.

Leo didn't give much explanation, but looked around seriously, and unfolded the spiritual net to survey the surrounding situation.

I saw that although this island looks like a lake island, the location seems to be in the previous mountaintop lake, but in fact all of this is an illusion. Now Sylvia and Leo are no longer in Panier. The old capital is no longer in the world of Vinylon, but in a subspace plane attached to the world of Vinylon. This can be proved from the fact that Leo's spiritual network is no longer affected.

The island is not big, the surface is very flat, and there are no buildings. Standing in Leo's position, you can have a panoramic view of the island at a glance.

Except for the silt near the water's edge, the entire island is covered with polished and smooth rocks. Except for a few places where it is slightly arched, the other places are very flat. If you stand in the air and look down, the island It's more like a big platform in the water.

There are five identical buildings on the island, all of which are palace-shaped buildings. They are built according to the four corners in the middle. The interiors of the four corners are all solid, which should be rebuilt from the four small hills of the island. The building is a normal building, but normal is only the exterior of the building. The interior is very peculiar, because there are no decorations and no facilities inside the palace. There is only a square stone house on the surrounding and ceiling of the house. There is a relief door that looks like it was carved on each side.

Leo used the spirit net to survey, and said in a deep voice: "This is not built by the Paniers. The style of these buildings is completely different from that of the Paniers."

"I think so too. The architectural style here is somewhat Saville desert style," Sylvia nodded, then walked to the nearest solid building, pointed to the densely engraved patterns on it, and said: "However, the embossed characters above are not Savill's characters, nor any of Vinylon's characters. I have rubbed a copy before and consulted some linguists. They all said that these characters are not of any kind in the world. Writing system."

"Of course not." Leo also looked at the words on the relief and said: "They are not words at all, but a pattern of fragments of wire diagrams."

"Wire diagram?" Sylvia was also a little surprised.

Leo did not explain, but quickly picked a dozen different patterns from the wall, and then spliced ​​them together according to a certain rule to form a complete wire diagram, followed by Hill who has not fully understood Via, said: "This is a fragment of the concentrator wire diagram of an energy weapon. Its function is to divide the imported energy into five levels so that the concentrator can control the output intensity of the energy beam."

Although Sylvia still did not understand what Leo was talking about, she already understood Leo's meaning, that is, the picture he put together was part of a certain device, and the other pictures should be similar. , So this is not the language she thought.

"Is it built by Star Civilization?" Sylvia guessed again.

Leo has talked to Sylvia about cosmic civilization in the past, but because it is difficult to explain the meaning of the universe in any language in the world of Vinylon, he uses starry sky instead, describing cosmic civilization as that kind Civilization above the sky.

Hearing Sylvia's guess, Leo shook his head and said, "No, I suspect that this was built by a tower wizard."

After finishing talking, he pointed to an inconspicuous decoration on the edge of the building’s roof. This decoration looked like the head of some kind of monster, and it looked like several symbols intertwined. Although it was strange, it was because of the surrounding There are other decorations, so it is easy to overlook.

"What is that?" Sylvia asked puzzled.

"That's the emblem of the ninth tower." Leo explained. If it was before, Leo might not be able to tell the origin of this decoration. However, since he plans to rebuild the tower, there are a lot of wizards’ halls in the past. Lone wizards joined in, they all had more or less books and notes left over from the towers of the past, so that he had a better understanding of the internal structure of the towers and recognized the hidden ninth tower at a glance. Coat of arms of the tower.

"The Ninth Tower?" Sylvia thought for a while, and said: "I remember you mentioned that the Wizard of the Wild is the wizard of the Ninth Tower."

"Yeah." Leo nodded.

"This place was built by a wizard of the wilderness?" Sylvia asked again.

"According to time, it should not be." Leo shook his head and said: "However, it should be inseparable from the ninth tower. The ninth tower was moved to the wasteland after the tower was disbanded. This is the last of the wilderness wizards. The reason for choosing to go deep into the wilderness, and many of the wizards of the wilderness have something to do with the wilderness."

"Maybe the ninth tower's heritage is preserved here." Sylvia smiled, and then said regretfully: "It's a pity that the key to open the secret vault is gone now, otherwise..."

Leo interrupted Sylvia and said, "The Eye of the Star Torch may not be the key, and even without the key, it may not be impossible to open the Vault."

Sylvia also smiled, and then walked towards the middle building, Leo followed.

The two soon came to the building and stood in the empty hall, looking at the boxy sealed house in front of them.

It’s no wonder that Sylvia immediately said that after seeing the eye of the star torch, the eye of the star torch is the key to the secret library, because there is a groove on the embossed doors on the wall, the size of the groove and the star of the torch The eyes can be said to be exactly the same, and the grooves have been polished by a very special method. Although its smoothness is not comparable to that of the Star Torch Eye, it is not polished by any mechanical technology in the world of Vinylon. Leo I even felt that even witchcraft would be difficult to create such a smooth surface.

The entire sealed room can provide Leo with too little information. Except for the embossed door, there are no more sculptures on the surface, and the embossed door can't see anything hidden.

Leo tried to infiltrate the sealed room with the spiritual network to see if it was useful. As a result, the information that his spiritual network gave him back was nothing in front of him. In other words, in the perception of the spiritual network, this can be seen, The tangible room does not exist.

After that, Leo tried to use various powers to inspire the hidden restraint of the sealed room, but the result was still nothing. Neither psychic, or divine power, nor witchcraft or abyssal power could bring anything to this room. influences.

"You stand further." After various attempts failed, Leo thought about using the last method, so he gave Sylvia an order and started to use the thunder gun.

After Sylvia heard the order, he immediately felt a spear formed by thunder in Leo's hand, and the spear contained a very terrifying destructive power.

So she immediately walked out of the building hall, hid behind the outside wall, carefully spying on the situation inside.

Although the thunder spear was quickly condensed in his hands, Leo felt that it might not be enough, so he continued to superimpose the psionic energy. The form of the thunder spear also began to change. It was originally just the size of a short spear, but it has now become elongated and changed. Big, it became like a flagpole, and the lightning on the surface became thicker and burst more and more, and even the scattered thunder light was like a thunder whip hitting the surrounding rock wall, pulling the rock wall away. A series of cracks, seeing this building become riddled with cracks under the thunder whip.

Outside Sylvia also felt that she was still too close, and stepped back a long way, until she retreated to the edge of the island, and then stopped. At this moment, the Razers had shattered the building and swept the surrounding others Four buildings remodeled with hills, these buildings are torn apart together with the hills.

Seeing the thunder light in front of me was about to lose control, but in the blink of an eye, all the thunder light disappeared, and the thunderstorm formed by the thunder light collapsed and shrank into the thunder gun in Leo’s hand as if it were caught by some invisible force. At this moment, the lightning gun is shrinking again, and it is smaller than the beginning, only the size of a piccolo, and this lightning gun is no longer interesting from the inside to the outside, but it shows a nebula-like dark purple.

Leo seemed to feel that his superposition of the lightning gun had reached the limit, so he projected towards the square room in front of him.

Almost as soon as he made the projection action, the dark purple thunder gun had hit the square room, and then there was no amazing scene. The whole square room collapsed and dissipated with the thunder gun, and finally turned into a pile of dust. .

At this time, Sylvia might feel that the movement inside has ended, and walked over again. After bypassing the ruins of the building, when she saw Leo standing alone in the center of the original hall, she couldn't help but stunned. , Asked: "Where is the secret library room?"

Leo smiled awkwardly, and said, "I seem to have used too much force. The house has been completely destroyed, and the contents of the house may not be preserved."

"Huh?" Sylvia didn't expect such a result either. She was stunned for a while, looking at the ruins in front of her, a little bit dumbfounded, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Just when Leo was about to check again to see if there was anything left, the entire island or the entire space suddenly shook, and then an invisible force seized Leo and Sylvia separately. The island was thrown out.

When the two of them landed on their feet, they found that they reappeared in the ruins of the small pavilion by the lake they had set off before, and the lake in front of them was flowing rapidly in a whirlpool, and the water surface gradually receded, like the bottom of the lake. A hole was opened in the middle to pump away the lake.

The lake water subsided quickly, and the bottom of the lake was exposed in a moment. At this time, Leo and Sylvia did not pay attention to the bottom of the lake that was about to be completely exposed. UU looked at www.uukanshu.com instead. Behind him, I saw the Shaman apprentices of the Guling Parade who were practicing on the altar of the old capital, led by Rustave.

Leo and Sylvia looked at each other. Although they did not speak, their eyes had already exchanged their views. Obviously, both of them thought that Rustave was not just attracted by the movement of the lake. Yes, because these people appeared too early. If it is the movement on the lake, then it will be passed to the altar, these people will discuss it, and then it will take a long time to come, but now it is such a short time. Being here only means that these people have been hidden in this garden before.

"It seems that you have found the greatest secret hidden in the Sky City." After walking not far in front of Leo and Sylvia, Rustave couldn't wait to ask: "What the **** is that secret? What is it?"

Both Leo and Sylvia ignored Rustave’s inquiry, but scanned the people around them. Although these people looked normal, both Leo and Sylvia could feel that there was something in these people. Similar to the fanatical temperament of a fanatic, and Rustave's current reaction is also very wrong.

Rustave, who used to work in Sylvia’s hands, should be very aware of Sylvia’s strength, and if he is not so closed to the outside world, he should be able to recognize Leo, but now he faces a The powerful witch and tower wizard behaved so recklessly, obviously not in line with his past personality.

Thinking of this, and looking at the people around them, Leo and Sylvia unanimously thought that these apprentice shamans might be controlled by some existence.

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