The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1185: Plotter civilization

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"How to use this thing?" Sylvia can already understand some concepts about the universe and subspace, but she only understands the concepts. She is still at a loss as to what the universe and subspace look like, but Compared with the distant things of the universe, subspace, and advanced civilization, she cared more about the things around her, so she asked.

Hearing this, Leo couldn't help but was stunned, his attention returned to the front, and then as if thinking of something interesting, he laughed a little self-deprecatingly, and said: "If I knew how to use this thing, I wouldn't be here. "Follow me," he said to himself again: "I think too much."

Leo laughed at himself completely because he found that he was thinking about something beyond his abilities, such as this star torch eye, and the subspace exploration spacecraft of advanced civilization, and so on. He was still thinking about finding that ship. After the spacecraft, he could get something good, but he didn’t realize that even if he found a subspace exploration spacecraft of advanced civilization, his knowledge of all the technological equipment in it would not be much better than Sylvia’s. go with.

Leo’s understanding of advanced civilization technology is all based on public technology equipment, and the subspace exploration spacecraft is the result of the highest technology of advanced civilization. It is classified as a secret. No equipment will be disclosed to the outside world, even if it is the same. Other cosmic civilizations of higher civilizations are not willing to know the manufacturing principles and methods of subspace exploration spacecraft of other civilizations. It is no exaggeration to say that even if a subspace exploration spacecraft is docked in front of Leo, he may not even be able to door. turn on.

As for the eye of the star torch, it is even more confidential. Except for the people who make the eye of the star torch, only the advanced clan star torch family responsible for using the eye of the star torch knows how to use the eye of the star torch. There is no difference between the eye in the hand and a stone on the side of the road.

Just now Leo was still thinking about what he could do if he had the eye of the star torch, and then found the subspace exploration spacecraft of the higher civilization. As a result, an inquiry from Sylvia brought him back to reality, making him originally because of the star. The excitement from Torch's Eye instantly cooled down.

"What do you think too much?" Feeling the change in Leo's mood, Sylvia looked at him suspiciously. At the same time, she crouched down and stretched out her hand to try to pick up the perfect metal ball on the ground. Take a closer look in front of you.

However, what surprised Sylvia was that although her hand touched the ball, she couldn't grasp it, as if there was a force on the surface of the ball to make it extremely smooth, as soon as her hand touched it, it would immediately slip away. There is no place to focus.

"What's going on?" Sylvia felt a little puzzled after trying to pick up the metal ball without success.

"The eye of the star torch is a perfect sphere, the surface is almost absolutely smooth, and it is impossible to lift it up directly." Leo explained, using a force from his body to wrap his palm, and then from the bottom The ball is held up and suspended in the hand.

However, at the moment he dragged the ball up, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at the bones on the ground, then flipped through the burial objects on the ground, and found something that looked like a bracket. , And then put the ball on the bracket.

When the ball fell in the middle of the bracket support claws, the bracket produced a wave of energy, wrapping the ball and letting it float in the air.

"Is this a matching item?" Sylvia took the bracket from Leo, looked at it before her eyes, and wondered: "This is not a strange thing."

"It's really not a strange thing." Leo nodded, and said: "It should be the Star Torch Eye Bracket made by that advanced civilization."

Although Leo gave Sylvia an answer, he himself did not understand the working principle of this bracket. In his mental web scan, this bracket was a metal bracket similar to gold, and it did not have it. Any rune that can generate extraordinary power, etc., there is no high-tech energy generator inside, but this simple metal object spontaneously generates energy when the eye of the star torch approaches, capturing and controlling the eye of the star torch. In this regard, he can only think that this is a high-tech product beyond the scope of his cognition.

The two did not stay here for too long. They left the ruined pit without discovering anything of value. Leo filled the pit again and buried the body of the tomb robber at any time. As for the golden burial objects, they didn't take them. They left it to the tomb raider as the burial objects, and waited for the lucky person to find these things.

After leveling the ruin pit, Sylvia handed the Eye of the Star Torch to Leo. Leo had no place to store this item, so she took out some bottles from the storage space that could be put on her body. Pharmacy and so on, after freeing up the space, he directly received the Star Torch Eye into his storage space.

However, what made him unexpected is that after Star Torch Eye received the storage space, Star Torch Eye immediately burst out with a burst of light, and at this moment he could not feel the existence of the storage space.

Just when he thought the storage space was too bad, the burst of light from the Star Torch Eye disappeared, and the storage space returned to his control. At the same time, the Star Torch Eye disappeared with the bracket, and a lot of The information of rushed into his mind, causing him to fall into a state of almost insanity, and his body also fell into a coma under self-protection.

Sylvia on the side only saw Leo putting things in the storage space, and then Leo's face suddenly became pale, and then he fell into a coma.

Everything happened so suddenly that Sylvia didn't even have a chance to react, but Sylvia quickly returned to normal. He took out the rune trap made by Leo and threw it out. Rune The traps were scattered in the air, and when they landed, they also formed something like an energy shield, enveloping Leo and Sylvia.

After throwing the rune trap, Sylvia immediately squatted down and checked Leo's physical condition nervously. She soon confirmed that Leo was in a coma and there was no physical damage, but she was nervous. Emotions did not ease because of this, because in her opinion, the physical injuries were easy to deal with, but the mental problems were difficult to solve, and she could not even help.

However, Sylvia's worries soon subsided, and Leo had recovered from a brief coma, but his eyes still seemed to be blurred, and it seemed that he hadn't figured out what was going on.

"How are you doing now?" Sylvia helped Leo to do it, and took out a bottle of sober potion, gave Leo a drink, and asked with concern.

Leo hesitated a little, and said, "I know which cosmic civilization this Star Torch Eye belongs to."

Sylvia couldn't help asking: "Do you know how to use that thing?"

Leo shook his head regretfully, and said, "There is a method, but I don't know those words."

The information that was poured into Leo’s brain just now was all related to the Star Torch’s Eye, but the information was all graphic symbols that Leo couldn’t understand at all, and even some of them were information waves that were difficult to crack. Said that the effect of this information on Leo is almost equal to zero.

However, from the graphics and symbols with very obvious characteristics, Leo still recognized that the information should belong to an advanced civilization in the universe called the Mapper.

The mapper civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the universe. It appeared before the establishment of the Supreme Council of the universe. The core of this civilization is to map all the time and space of the entire universe.

Ordinary people can understand how to draw space, but as for how to draw time, it is difficult for other civilizations to understand the details except for the civilization of the mapper.

Let’s not talk about the star maps of normal cosmic space. Although the exploration of subspace was initiated by the Supreme Council of the universe, the source was the mapper civilization, and at least half of the subspace routes were explored and developed by the mapper civilization. No one knows how much the mapper civilization knows about the universe, but it is certain that even the oldest Omega-class life forms, the understanding of the universe's time and space may not be comparable to the mapper civilization.

Now, Leo can feel that the Star Torch Eye of the mapper civilization has been integrated with his storage space. It should be his storage space that triggered the Star Torch family of the mapper civilization to stay in the Star Torch Eye. A certain mechanism made Star Torch Eye mistakenly believe that he was a Star Torch Navigator, and after fusing with his storage space, it would pass on information such as how to use it to him.

If he can decipher this information, it would be a great thing to master the method of using the Star Torch Eye in the information. Perhaps he will be able to grasp all the secrets discovered by the mapper civilization in subspace exploration through this Star Torch Eye, but The problem is that he can't understand the graphic symbols at all.

To him, these graphic symbols are like random garbled codes. Even if his linguistic semiotics is already top-notch in the world of Vinylon, after seeing the graphic symbols of these plotters’ civilization, it is still like reading a book. No way to start.

"It doesn't matter, you can crack it slowly. Anyway, this is not an urgent matter for us." Sylvia relieved Leo. Obviously she didn't know that the graphic symbols of the plotter's civilization could not be deciphered by linguistics. .

Leo didn't explain, he went to take out a bottle of sober potion and drank it again. Feeling that the side effects caused by the infusion of a lot of information had quickly diminished and disappeared, he got up from the ground and signaled to Sylvia that he was all right.

Seeing Leo's face returned to normal, Sylvia's last trace of worry disappeared, and she continued to walk towards the hidden secret vault location she knew, followed by Leo.

Just as they left, a mountain mouse that can be seen everywhere in the area suddenly appeared in the grass not far away. This mountain mouse looked humanely in the direction where Sylvia and Leo had left, and then Quickly made a mark in the ruin pit that was filled before, and disappeared into the ruins of the palace, and the direction of its disappearance was exactly in the direction of the altar.

The two passed through the ruins of the palace and entered a small garden surrounded by four hilltops behind the ruins. Because of the terrain, there is a small lake in the middle. The surrounding vegetation is very dense. Some of the trees transplanted on the plane grew savagely. This neatly planned small garden has become a small jungle.

After entering the garden, Sylvia pushed aside the weeds on the ground and walked along the previously paved flagstone road towards the lake in the middle of the garden. After reaching the edge of the lake, she turned around and went to a small piece of rubble not far away. In the past, it was supposed to be a pavilion and other facilities. Judging from the damage of the stones on the ground, it was obviously man-made damage.

After arriving in this ruin, Sylvia did not go to other places, but looked at the sky, then randomly found a place to sit down, and said to Leo: "Now there is nothing else, just wait for the sunset. When the time comes, the way to enter the secret library will appear."

When Leo heard the words, he asked curiously: "Is the way into the secret vault hidden by extraordinary power?"

Sylvia shrugged and said, "I don't know about this. I want to see if you can discover the secret inside."

Seeing Sylvia like this Leo also became interested, but he was not prepared to wait here, but tried to use the spiritual net in this restricted environment to see if there was anything around Something that contains extraordinary power.

However, he walked around the lake and did not find anything that made him feel unusual. This is an abandoned garden next to an ordinary lake. He even checked the bottom of the lake in various ways, but did not find it. any problem.

Although he didn't find anything, Leo didn't feel depressed. On the contrary, he was more excited, because the more so, the more unusual the secret library was. Just the entrance was hidden so mysteriously, what about the secret library itself? What's mysterious and powerful there, and what kind of precious things are in the collection?

Leo did not continue to wander around the lake, but returned to Sylvia, as if he was on an outing with Sylvia, took out food and drinks, and ate on the edge of this abandoned lake. .

Time passed quickly. After the sun passed overhead, it sank to the west again, and the sky gradually dimmed. When the sun sank to a certain angle, the sun shone on the mirror-like lake, leaving a stretch The deformed reflection of the sun, and the reflection on the lake also reflects the sunlight thinking about it.

At this time Sylvia had already stood by the lake, waiting for the moment in her memory to arrive, but Leo's attention was attracted by the light reflected from the lake surface, because he felt the normal sunlight emitting through the lake surface. Later, there seems to be some mysterious power, and it is very strange that the reflection of the lake is not reflected according to the physical angle, but is reflected from the opposite physical angle toward the top of the three surrounding peaks, and it seems to hit a certain mountain top. On these luminous bodies, let them emit a little light.

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