The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1182: Find the source

"The mysterious world under steampunk ( Find the latest chapter!

Sylvia, who was a well-known adventurer in the early years, obviously had a lot more experience in the wild life in the world of Velen than Leo. When Leo set up the rune magic circle next to the hut, Sylvia was already there. There was a fire in the fireplace, clearing the open space for rest, and even caught prey, preparing for the evening meal.

"It's not far from the old kingdom of Panir. Should we go and take a look tomorrow." Sylvia suddenly asked Leo while dealing with the prey.

Leo froze for a moment and said, "I remember that you seemed to have written a book about the old capital of the Kingdom of Panir. Do you want to see if the things you didn't take away are still there?"

"Have this idea." Sylvia admitted with a smile.

The old capital of the Kingdom of Parnell is called Cancantotan. It is a stone city built on the hillside in the depths of the Panere Mountains. Everyone who sees this city thinks it is a miracle of architecture.

The reason why the Panirians chose to build a city in the deep mountains was mainly to defend against colonists and adventurers from other continents. This decision made the Kingdom of Panir very difficult even in the war-torn era of Mozambique. Calm, even the old capital Cancantotan has become a refuge for various indigenous tribes.

However, as the situation stabilized, the Parnir Kingdom began to have frequent contacts with the outside world, and exchanges in trade and politics increased. However, because the old capital was deep in the mountains, access was difficult, which was not conducive to various exchanges. The kingdom chose to move its capital, and moved the capital to the edge of the mountains, closer to Kalut in the north. As for the old capital, it remained as a royal fief.

However, because the old capital’s geographical location is too remote, the Paniers who have already begun to enjoy the prosperity of the outside world are naturally unwilling to stay in the old capital. Therefore, the population of the old capital gradually decreases. First young people leave, then middle-aged people. Only some old people remained here. In the end, the old people died of old age, and the old capital became a deserted city. No one came to live here anymore. A lot of vegetation was covered here. When Sylvia went, only The altar that was transformed from a small hill in the center of the old capital is still not covered by duties.

It stands to reason that Panier’s old valuable things were transported long ago, and then left unused for so many years. Some of the frescoes and reliefs on the walls and other slightly valuable things were dug up and taken away. It is no longer possible. There is nothing else of value, but when Sylvia went to explore the old capital, she discovered that there was actually another palace hidden near the old capital, and she also found a hidden treasure in the palace, but the gate was Protected by some unknown force, she couldn't open the door of the treasure house in a short time, and there were other things to do at the time, so she didn't stay there any longer.

This incident was written in her book when she returned to the French Empire, but she did not specify the method to enter the palace or the location of the treasure house, so most of them read People who have read this book think that the so-called palace is just a story she made up to make the adventure legendary.

But then there seemed to be news that an expedition team specializing in the excavation of relics in the United States seemed to have found the palace mentioned by Sylvia. As for whether to find the hidden treasure house, whether to open the treasure house and take away the contents inside. I don't know.

However, it is said that shortly after returning from the old capital of Panier to the American capital, the expedition prepared a large number of tools for excavation and exploration, and recruited more than 30 veterans to go to the old city of Panier. All, as a result, there was no more news from that expedition.

At that time, although this matter did not cause much impact in the entire world of Vinylon, it caused a sensation in the United States. Because several people in the expedition were the heirs of the United States, the United States also sent The search and rescue team went to the old capital to find the expedition. In the end, let alone the expedition, even the hidden palace mentioned by the expedition was not found.

For this matter, the U.S. Kingdom also sent a diplomat to find Sylvia, and wanted to ask Sylvia about the hidden palace in the old capital of the Parnir Kingdom. As a result, Sylvia was busy with other things. The diplomat of the Kingdom of America was ignored at all, and the diplomat thought that Sylvia was insulting him, so he left directly, and the matter went away.

After the U.S. Kingdom, I also found the Kingdom of Panir. After all, it was the old capital of Panir. The Kingdom of Panir should know its previous capital better than others. What turned out to be disappointing was the old capital. All of the documents of the city were burned by a fire shortly after the capital was moved. Now all records about the old capital are pieced together from the records of shamanism and surrounding kingdoms and tribes, and the level of detail is not even as good as that of Sylvia. That book.

After searching to no avail, the American kingdom gave up on searching, and after the families of the noble heirs elected new heirs, they didn’t care so much about the former heirs. This matter eventually changed quickly. Disappeared from people's memory.

Going to the old capital of Panir to open the treasure house was not a sudden thought by Sylvia. In fact, after she moved to the mainland of Mozambique and settled down, she had thought of going to the old capital of Panir to open the unopened treasure house several times. Look at what is there, but there are always things that hold her hands and feet and prevent her from making the trip. Now that Leo is accompanied by Leo and the location is so good near the old capital, she naturally thinks about it. This matter.

Leo naturally wouldn't object. For him, this trip to the sacred mountain of the tribe in the southern part of the wasteland was completely a trip, and the food issue was only secondary.

A little bit of time passed, and the sky soon became dark. The entire forest was completely swallowed by darkness. Only a little bonfire light swayed in the darkness, and this little light was like a magnet attracting those hidden in the dark forest. Those moths.

"Are you not going to test now?" Sylvia used a knife to cut a small piece of meat from the prey that was grilling, tasted it, and signaled that Leo is ready to eat, and then looked at the arrangement that was not far away. Rune Magic Circle asked.

"Not yet time," Leo used his spiritual vision to look at the rune magic circle he had set up, and at the faint light radiating from the runes, and then at the eye-catching energy shining in the dark forest. The individual said, "You need some sacrifices to run perfectly."

"Sacrifice?" Sylvia was stunned, and then followed Leo's line of sight to the dark forest. Although she could not easily see the mutant monsters hidden in the forest like Leo, she could still Using other means to perceive the location of those monsters, she saw that she put the knife in her hand on the prey on the grill, and then asked Leo: "Do you want to live or die?"

Seeing Sylvia eager to try, Leo did not stop him, and replied, "As long as their heart is enough."

Hearing Leo's words, Sylvia didn't say anything, stepped into the darkness, and quickly disappeared into a wood.

Then I heard a scream of the monster before he died from the woods. At the same time, the energy bodies in Leo Ling's vision were also rapidly decreasing. Those monsters that were strong enough to cause hundreds of soldiers to suffer heavy casualties. In front of Sylvia, they were as vulnerable as some poultry to be slaughtered and died without resistance.

Ten minutes later, the last energy body in Lingshi dimmed. It didn’t take long to see Sylvia dragging dozens of blood vessels connected to the heart into the firelight, and the blood on the monster’s body stuck to the fire. On her clothes, she looked terrifying.

Leo took the heart in Sylvia's hand, then used witchcraft to clean up Sylvia's blood, and then said that those hearts were placed in several runes of the magic circle.

At this time, the magic circle seemed to be stimulated by the blood of the heart, emitting a blood-red light that even the naked eye could see, and these lights formed a strip of light, linking the heart and the rune magic circle together. The full heart is slowly declining.

Seeing this, Leo took out the monster's head that had been cut off earlier and placed it in the center of the rune magic circle. After placing it, all the surrounding light belts passing through the heart also extended towards the head. It is injected into the brain in the skull and stimulates the mesh on the cerebral cortex.

At this moment, the mesh suddenly emitted bursts of energy fluctuations, spreading towards the surrounding like a signal wave. It didn't take long for Leo to see through his spiritual vision that more than a dozen appeared in the distance. An energy wave similar to a mesh.

After these energy waves appear, the wavelength of the energy waves is constantly changing as if transmitting some kind of information, but because the mesh energy waves forged by Leo cannot change the wavelength of the energy waves, they cannot give any response, so These energy waves that appeared quickly subsided.

Although the whole process was very short, it was enough for Leo to remember the approximate location of those energy waves, and through this situation, it also confirmed his previous guess that the mutant monster with the mesh is indeed able to pass this The web gets in touch and communicates.

As the hearts in the rune magic circle began to shrink and decay, the light band began to dim, and the energy waves emitted by the brain at the central rune also began to weaken, and no new energy waves appeared in the distance.

Just when Leo believed that the matter was over and was about to wait for the nearest energy wave generation point to capture a new mutant monster with a mesh, an energy wave suddenly burst out in the distance to the southwest. This energy The single wavelength of the wave is similar to the previous energy wave, but there is a huge difference in intensity, which is equivalent to the difference between a small torch and a spotlight, and even because the intensity of the energy wave is too large, the energy wave interferes The energy particles in the normal world, the friction between the two produces a beam of light that looks like lightning, which looks very gorgeous from a distance.

"What is that?" Sylvia naturally saw such an obvious sight, so she asked in confusion.

"That should be the source." Leo looked at the direction where the energy wave appeared with a solemn expression. Although it looked very close, it was actually separated by several mountains, and the distance between them could still make him Feeling the powerful energy wave, obviously the source of that energy wave is probably a very powerful existence.

"You guessed it right? That means that the mutant monsters are all puppets, and that is the source of the puppets?" Sylvia asked with a relaxed expression that became serious.

"Well! If there is no accident, then it should be the source." Leo answered affirmatively, then thought about it, and added: "The source is very strong, probably better than bones."

Sylvia's eyes showed a hint of worry. You must know that the bone butterfly is a catastrophic mutant monster. Each appearance will bring a series of destruction. Now there is a monster more powerful than the bone butterfly, and this Monsters are still hidden so close to civilized society, and they are also smart, able to create and control smart monsters. How can this make her not don’t worry so much," Leo seems Seeing what Sylvia thought in her heart, she said with relief: "The reason why the bone butterfly will cause huge disasters every time it appears, and it is difficult to be wiped out, is mainly because its own ability leads to its strong survival ability and Destructive ability, in fact, its power is not particularly strong. And the source of this puppet monster..." As he said, he looked at the fading light beam in the distance, and said: "Although the energy intensity is much stronger than the bone butterfly, it has not exceeded the limit we can handle. It shouldn't be difficult to solve him by our means. "

After hearing Leo's words, Sylvia's expression relaxed a little, and then as if thinking of something, she looked at the distance where the beam had almost completely disappeared, frowned slightly, and said: "That The side seems to be the place where Panier's old capital was."

Leo couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and said, "Isn't this just right? It saves us another detour tomorrow."

As Leo's voice fell, the rune magic circle not far away, as well as the heart and head inside, all turned into ashes at the moment the energy wave disappeared and scattered on the ground.

Leo and Sylvia didn't think much about other things. They returned to the campfire, ate the food that was being roasted, and hugged each other, leaned against the fireplace, and fell asleep one after another.

Because Sylvia cleaned up the mutant monsters around at night, so that they did not encounter any attacks that night, until the next morning, a bold carnivore ran in and stole some of the birth last night. Barbecue, awaken the two from their sleep.

The two of them cleaned up and washed a bit, packed their clothes, left the temporary camp, and rushed towards the source of the energy wave discovered last night.

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