"Couldn't you just light it up? You almost destroyed it!" Chris took the blood helmet in her hand. The power of the thunder spear remaining on the helmet made her body numb, so she repeatedly checked the helmet. Regarding the situation, one side complained Leo a little unhappy.

   Leo ignored Chris's accusation, because she knew that Chris was just too concerned about the blood helmet.

Although Leviathan did not cross the last obstacle to evolve to a higher life form of Omega level and did not become a god, he is already infinitely close to that level after all, and he possesses a more or less aura of a god. Since the personal equipment can be retained, it proves that this equipment is not ordinary equipment, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a divine tool.

Leo is very confident in his own strength, especially after he has entered the realm of the seventh-level psionicist, he is also very confident in the power of the thunder gun. It is no exaggeration to say that if it is in the universe, with his strength and thunder The power of the gun is enough to contend with the space warships traveling through various star regions.

But even so, Leo still does not think that the thunder gun he casts can destroy an artifact, because the artifact is called an artifact because it has formed a cosmic law, no matter whether the law is strong or weak. It cannot be destroyed by ordinary force, because only the law can destroy the law.

   After checking that there was no problem with the blood helmet, Chris also relaxed a little, and realized that her emotions were not right, she bowed her head apologetically to Leo.

   Leo didn't care about these at all, but pointed to the blood helmet in Chris' hand and said, "Aren't you going to put it on now?"

   Chris shook, and said, "No! I can sense the will of Vivatan in the helmet. I need to disperse the will inside to wear it, otherwise it may be against me."

"Now let's... be careful!" Just when Leo felt that his repulsive force increased again after he cast the thunder gun, he wanted to be separate from Chrissy and separated here, but he suddenly felt that Not far behind Chrissy, an invisible force gathered in an instant, attacked Chrissy, and at the same time reminded Chrissy, it also created a psionic wall behind Chrissy.

  Because the psionic wall formed hastily, it was not particularly tough. Under the impact of that invisible force, it was only slightly blocked and shattered.

However, this block was enough for Chris to cast a spell to save herself, and saw that the set of ornaments on her neck that was not a sea god’s artifact instantly burst out with a burst of dark blue light covering it, when the force attacked. When she was on her body, it disappeared with the light, and at the same time a sapphire on the pendant was also cracked.

At this time, the three god-born saints standing beside Chris also reacted. One protected Chris, while the other two wandered around while using their detection capabilities to find hidden enemies. .

   However, at this moment, Leo and Chris both had doubts on their faces, because even if they had fought with that power just now, they still couldn't tell where the power came from.

   Leo just opened the spiritual net, covering the surrounding area, looking for the hidden enemy, and soon there was feedback, and after receiving the feedback, he immediately reacted and looked down and motioned to everyone.

When everyone’s eyes fell on the lava river below, they all saw that the lava river below suddenly had some changes. The surface of the lava river, which was originally a distance from the top of the trench and crack, began to rise rapidly, and at the same time Seeing a mass of lava emerging from it, it turned into a hideous sea monster and quickly rushed towards Chris and the others.

   This is not over yet. Almost as soon as the lava monster formed, a large number of transparent sea monsters quickly formed in the surrounding sea water, rushing towards Chris and the others with their teeth and claws.

   "It's the spirit of the sea! It's the spirit of the wild sea!" When this scene appeared, the Viking Cha, who was a member of the sea tribe, was taken aback, immediately thought of a possibility, and reminded loudly.

   "What? Sea Spirit!" Everyone couldn't help showing surprise when they heard this name.

The Sea Spirit is like the sacred temple of the sea that they can see every day. It is very familiar, but not everyone knows the internal structure. People inside the sea people are like this, people outside the sea people Not to mention, even the Poseidon Church only recorded some public information related to Sea Spirit.

For example, the sea spirit is naturally blessed by the sea god, and all the defenses of the sea clan’s habitat are taken care of by the sea spirit. In short, all the information gathered together can form a complete picture of the sea spirit, and this whole picture is The spirit of the sea is a sea of ​​wisdom.

Chrissy and the others, even Vikingcha, a sea tribe, don’t really understand the wisdom of the sea. They can only regard the spirit of the sea as some kind of miracle, but the well-informed Leo doesn’t feel too much. Surprised, because there are many such intelligent beings in the universe. They may be a space or a wave of energy. They all have a common name, which is a special life form.

   Just like Chris and the others, most cosmic civilizations don’t know what they are all about. Perhaps only the Supreme Council of the cosmos and a few advanced civilizations understand this special existence well.

There is not much content related to Leo’s memory, and it is very scattered. It is necessary to search the memory database again, but the current situation does not allow him to stop and recall slowly, facing the lava monsters and sea monsters that rushed over. Can use his strength to rush to the past, while fighting, while remembering.

Although these monsters look terrifying, their strength is not as strong as their appearance. Compared with the abyssal sea monsters above, they are slightly inferior. The only advantage is that they seem to be endless, even if After killing a group, new monsters will quickly form, and they will rush over.

Chrissy and the four of them cooperate with each other with Chrissy as the center. Their powers are exchanged through their special connection with Chrissy. All their strengths are integrated into a whole, so that they don’t use the Poseidon artifact. It also exerted the power of almost seven-level psionicists, and easily solved all the enemies that rushed over.

Compared to Clarice's perfect coordination of the four of them, Leo, who is fighting alone, is more relaxed. As his psionic level reaches level 7, some strategic psionic skills that only advanced psionics can use are also Can be used, and the original ordinary common psionic skills have also undergone transformation at this moment, transformed into strategic psionic skills, for example, the spiritual net has been upgraded to a war zone domain skill.

   If you want to compare the war zone skills of the spirit net with a certain power mastered by the world gods of Vinylon, then the war zone skills are equivalent to the castrated version of the gods.

   In the area of ​​the war zone formed by the spiritual network, Leo cannot control everything like the gods, including the life and death of the intruder, but he can achieve limited omniscience and omnipotence.

For example, he can easily grasp all the trends of all intruders, know their weaknesses and attack methods, so that his attacks become deadly and effective, and his psionic skills can perfectly cooperate with the spiritual network. Let the mental network be like his body extending outwards, unlike before, the mental network and other psychic skills are completely incompatible.

Whether it was a sea monster formed from the surrounding sea water or a lava monster generated from below, when they just approached Leo, they inexplicably collapsed, and it seemed to outsiders that a dead zone formed around Leo’s body. Generally, any intruder will die instantly.

   In fact, this is just Leo using the spiritual net as the foundation to create easy-to-use but penetrating psychic thorns on any part of the spiritual net, and silently solve these close monsters.

   "We can't stay here, we must leave. As long as we leave the realm controlled by the Sea Spirit, we are safe." Leo resolved a wave of attacks and said loudly to Chris and the others.

   "Yes, yes! As long as you leave the realm of Sea Spirit, you are safe." Vikingcha seemed to have thought of this too, and he said.

   A sage guard next to the goddess solved the two sea monsters that had just rushed over, and said somewhat complaining: "I want to leave, but now we are all dragged by these endless monsters, how do we leave?"

For this situation, Chris also felt a little headache, because when the sea spirit appeared and made these monsters to besiege them, she felt that the sea **** artifact in her hand seemed to be affected and could not exert its normal power. Used as a general extraordinary creature, and at the same time she also had a feeling inexplicably, that as long as she put on a blood helmet, this dilemma of being besieged would be relieved.

But, being cautious, she never considered this issue, not to mention why Leviathan put this blood helmet here, what is so special about this blood helmet, it's just that this blood helmet was placed here. Over the years, whether there are any other changes in the middle, these are all problems. If these problems are not solved and confirmed to be foolproof, she is absolutely impossible to use this thing with confidence.

   "You enter my domain, I will take you away!" At this moment, Leo suddenly spoke to several people.

   Hearing Leo's words, Chris hesitated for a while, and led her to tackle the surrounding monsters while approaching the dead zone around Leo's body.

   Soon the four of them entered Leo’s mental network war zone. Leo also took over the siege against several people and swam in the direction they came quickly.

At the moment of entering the domain, the three goddess guards were OK and there was no special feeling, but Chrissy felt that she was stripped, and all the secrets in her body were seen, which made her take Looking at Leo with a vigilant heart, he wanted to say something, but felt that it was not the time to say this, so he closed his mouth again.

Leo knew what Chris wanted to ask, and he didn’t know how to explain it, because this was the first time he had used the war zone domain skills. It was very rough and poorly controlled. When Chris and others entered At the moment here, his spiritual web scanned the four bodies indiscriminately, even including some hidden parts.

   Now that Chris hasn't asked, he doesn't need to be troublesome, so his attention is all focused on rushing and resisting the siege.

As Chrissy and others entered the war zone, the surrounding sea monsters formed by lava and seawater became more ferocious, and the number also increased rapidly. Although Leo's speed of swimming accelerated, the psychic engine was almost fully opened. Status, but those sea monsters can always spawn in front of him and block his way.

However, although the number of sea monsters has increased and their power has been strengthened, they still cannot cause any obstacles to Leo. It can't even make him move a little slower. Like the previous monsters, just enter His battle zone area will be immediately attacked by the psychic thorns that appear out of thin air, and it will instantly collapse.

Perhaps the Sea Spirit also discovered that such a blocking action was completely useless for Leo, so he saw that the surrounding submarine volcanoes suddenly vibrated, and then bursts of lava erupted from the crater, accompanied by a large amount of lava. The dust, these things soon enveloped the entire area of ​​the Abyss Tower. The sea water was completely covered by dust and lava, and there was no way forward.

Most of the deep-sea creatures inhabiting this sea area died at this moment~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if they weren’t dead, they were just struggling to death. Sooner or later, the dusty seawater would block their gills and other organs, causing them Suffocated alive.

Although for most people, even Chrissy, this kind of blocking is very effective, but Leocha is an exception. He has already formed a complete topographic map in his mind. And by calculating his travel speed, mark his location on the way, not to mention the current situation of being blocked by volcanic dust, even if Leo’s eyes are blind, he can easily go out with the map in his mind. .

Perhaps, feeling that the dust caused by the volcanic eruption could not stop Leo’s movements, the Sea Spirit was a bit unable to sit still. I saw several volcanoes in front of Leo erupting lava at the same time. These lava seemed to be affected by some invisible force The traction gathered together and then condensed into a huge lava half-mermaid.

However, unlike the common half-mermaid, the humanoid part of this half-mermaid is exactly the same as that of humans, without any signs of marineization, but there are not only one fish tail in the lower body, but dozens of them, almost covering them. The tails of all fish creatures in the sea, even the tails of sea snakes.

   "Leviathan!" Such a striking appearance instantly awakened everyone's memory, and Chris couldn't help but call out the name in the memory.


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