The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1094: Reach the Abyss Tower

After strangling an abyssal sea monster comparable to large ships through a split storm composed of hundreds of psionic blades, the sea monsters in the nearby waters were also emptied, Leo stopped advancing, and waited a while. After Si and the others followed up, they said to Chrissy: "If you have any purification and defense magic, you'd better give them three to use it, because the next situation will be very bad."

   Hearing Leo's reminder, everyone was stunned, and then looked around and didn't seem to find anything unusual.

After entering the cracked trench on the boundary between the upper trench and the lower trench, the surrounding scenery remains unchanged. The two sides are far down the trench wall, and the bottom is the bottomless seabed. If not every time you go downstream, you can Obviously feeling the surrounding water pressure is strengthening, they may all wonder if they are still staying in place.

   However, compared to the ignorance of the Godborn Saint Guard, Chris has already discovered some abnormalities, and turned to look at her men, looking up and down with a serious face.

God-born Saint Guards didn’t understand why Chris was looking at herself with such an expression. She looked at a loss, and instinctively checked her body, but they didn’t find any abnormalities in them, but they felt even more of their current state. Very good, especially Vikingcha. After entering this sea area, the feeling of weakness disappeared. Not only did the body's strength recover, but there was also a slight increase.

It’s just that they feel good, but Chris doesn’t look that way. After looking at the three of them for a long time, her frowning brows not only didn’t untie, but they wrinkled deeper, as if seeing something in the three of them. Very difficult problem.

   "How could this happen? When did this happen?" Chris turned her head and asked Leo.

   This question is boring, and people don't understand what Chris is asking, but the goddess guard can feel that this question should be related to the three of them.

   Leo replied: "It should be after entering the lower trench."

"Damn it, what's wrong with us? Can you explain it more clearly, don't you know how to speak?" This kind of inexplicable question and answer made Vikingcha, the goddess holy guard, feel inexplicably anxious and could not bear it. He spoke to the two of them, and his tone was extremely rude.

Both Chrissy and Leo looked at Vikingcha, and Vikingcha realized that they had been so rude to Chris just now. They were stunned. They didn't know what to do for a while, and the other two The celestial sage guard also stared at his colleague in a daze, wondering how the Vikings, who had always respected Chris, would make such a rude behavior.

Chris opened her mouth to break the silence around her, and motioned to her men not to feel guilty for what she had done just now. She explained: "Don't think too much about Vikingcha's rudeness. It was not his intention. You are caught in the deep sea. The power of the abyss has penetrated, and both emotions and mind are affected, but Vikingcha is more affected because of his special body."

"Abyss power?" Vikingcha and other god-born sage guards were stunned when they heard the words, and then carefully checked their bodies, but they couldn't detect the signs of their bodies being invaded by external forces. No matter how you check, I feel that my physical condition is very good.

   Chris did not give any further explanation, but turned to Leo and asked, "Do you know this will happen in advance?"

"Yes, I do know in advance that such a thing may happen, and you should have estimated it before you leave." Leo nodded and admitted, then added: "But the abyss power here is different from the abyss power I know. It is different, so the error in my estimation has not been discovered until now."

Most of Leo’s understanding of the power of the abyss comes from the inheritance of the eyes of the abyss snake, so the experience of the abyss power is also the experience of the abyss snake, and now the abyss power in the Taranque Trench is the same as the abyss known by Leo There is a big difference in power.

In Leo’s understanding of the power of the abyss, the intrusion and penetration of the power of the abyss are domineering and rapid. Once the creatures in other worlds are successfully penetrated, they will be poured into the gap in the penetration like a flood bursting a bank. , And let the opponent quickly complete the abyssal mutation, only part of the lucky ones will mutate, and the poor luck will be completely abyssed.

   It is precisely because the intrusion of the abyssal force is very overbearing and violent, so those who encounter the intrusion of the abyssal force will feel it, but whether it can be prevented after the induction is different.

But now the abyssal force in the depths of the Taranque Trench completely violates the obvious characteristics of the abyssal force in Leo’s memory. Their penetration of creatures is completely silent, and they can even be completely integrated into the body of the creature, and the entire penetration The process is also extremely secretive, only when the body has obvious mutations, it is possible to be discovered.

Now the three goddess guards are infiltrated by the power of the abyss, and the abyss power has been integrated with the body and power of the gods guards, just like part of their original existence, which is also impossible for them to self-check. Discover the cause of the physical abnormality.

However, Kriss is different. Because of the protection of the sea god’s artifact, she has not encountered the infiltration and erosion of the abyssal force in the sea, and there is also a soul-like connection between her and her god-born saint. Through this connection She could easily feel the physical condition of the Godborn Saint Guard.

   After comparing the sensed situation with the condition of his body, he can easily find something wrong with a few people from a completely bystander angle.

After she noticed it, Chris didn’t say much, she directly took out a pearl-like sea **** artifact and activated it. The artifact emitted bursts of light like a stream of clear current. Washed the body of the god-born saint guards, dispelled all the abnormal power in their bodies, and formed a thin but tough light film on the surface of their bodies.

After the abyssal power that had penetrated into the body was cleared, the three god-born saints immediately developed a very strong sense of exhaustion, as if they had experienced a battle that lasted for several days, they would close their eyes and fall asleep at any time. Fortunately This intense feeling of exhaustion came and went quickly, and at the moment their bodies were enveloped by the magical light film, everything returned to normal again.

   After motioning to the three of them to check their physical condition again, Chris turned her head and looked at the depths of the trench, and said, "It's almost the Abyss Tower."

   Leo sensed the rising sea temperature around him and nodded.

   Seeing this, Chrissy asked about the situation of her three men. After confirming that they were all right, she swam toward the heat source sensed in the deep sea.

Leo didn't catch up immediately, but turned his head and looked far away. He could clearly feel through the crystallization of the serpent that there was an abyssal power hidden in a hidden deep sea not far away. This abyssal power is not the kind of abyssal power in the sea, nor the abyssal power of deep-sea creatures after the abyss, but a very pure abyssal power, which also represents that there is an abyssal creature hidden there, and the purity of the abyssal power Judging from it, even if it is not the upper abyss race, it may not be much different.

Although most creatures in the abyss are monsters that only know **** and swallow, there are also abyss creatures with wisdom. The closer one is to the upper abyss race, the stronger the wisdom possessed. The wisdom possessed by a quasi-upper abyss creature is already Not much worse than the upper abyss race.

Obviously, the power of the Seagod world is extremely comprehensive and extremely powerful in suppressing the abyss. This is what Leo can clearly feel this suppression through the eyes of the abyss serpent inside the crystallized serpent. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the upper abyss race enters After arriving in this world, the power of the Seagod world would completely destroy it instantly, so it can be determined that the upper abyss race is absolutely impossible to enter this world.

  Since the upper abyss races cannot enter this world, what about the non-upper abyss races? Leo felt that even if the non-higher abyss races were able to enter this world, it wouldn't have any effect, because when they encountered those completely abyssal monsters in the deep sea here, they might only become food.

And now Leo sensed this quasi-higher abyssal creature. He felt that perhaps the abyss had found a way to penetrate into this world. This creature that was infinitely close to the upper abyssal race but was a non-upper abyssal race seemed to be able to resolve and enter this world. All the drawbacks encountered.

   However, Leo was a little curious as to whether this quasi-high-level abyss race evolved from a middle-level race to the present level, or whether it was downgraded from a high-level abyss race to this state.

If it was not because he felt that the time he stayed here is running out, perhaps Leo would go to the abyss race hiding place to check the situation in order to satisfy his curiosity, but now he just perceives the opponent's location and Circumstances, he turned around and left, with no plans to learn more about the situation.

Soon Leo caught up with Chrissy and the others, and Chrissy also noticed Leo's abnormality just now. After Leo approached, she directly asked Leo: "What happened just now? I found out. What is suspicious?"

   Leo didn't conceal it, and told the news of the quasi-higher abyss race he had just sensed.

After listening to Leo’s narration, the goddess saints thought that the quasi-higher abyss race in Leo’s mouth was just some special and powerful deep sea monsters. They didn’t care too much, but Chriss understood Leo’s words. Knowing that the abyss creature in Leo's mouth is the real abyss creature.

   "Is it dangerous?" Chris asked cautiously.

   Leo did not answer directly, but emphasized: "He has wisdom, very high wisdom."

   After hearing Leo's answer, Chrissy had already understood Leo's meaning, and decided to solve the scourge after the blood helmet.

   The group of people dived very quickly, and it didn't take long before they saw bursts of red light from the crack below, and felt the temperature of the sea rising rapidly.

   After they passed through the rift, they came to the Abyss Tower in the center of the lower trench.

   As recorded by previous explorations, the Abyss Tower is a deep-sea volcano, and this type of volcano is not just one, but the entire seabed is full of such volcanoes. Looking at it, there is no end in sight.

Although it is a deep-sea volcano, the volcano here is different from other volcanoes. But the volcano here is not only one crater. In addition to the largest crater at the top, there are many small volcanoes around the volcano. The crater looks like a huge cheese. A large amount of lava flows out of these craters and gathers together into the deep sea cracks below the channel. It is not known where it will eventually flow.

In addition, when the general submarine volcano erupts lava, it will be accompanied by a large amount of poisonous gas, but when the volcano here emits lava, it will only heat the surrounding seawater, and no poisonous gas will be incorporated into the seawater. It is precisely because This special situation makes the deep sea creatures in this area extremely numerous.

   And what is even more peculiar is that most of the deep-sea creatures here have not undergone any mutation. Even if there is an abyssal mutation, the degree of mutation is very small. It must be completely different from the completely abyssal monsters in the upper trench.

Leo and Chris both noticed this situation at the same time. They looked at each other and seemed to understand each other's thoughts, and then checked the surrounding sea water according to their own What compared to Leo Nothing was detected, it just felt that the water temperature here was a bit high, the microorganisms were very active, and did not feel any abnormal power, but Chris was completely different. She did not use the sea **** artifact in her hand, but relied on her blood. A certain connection sensed that the surrounding sea was filled with invisible power that was of great benefit to her bloodline.

In her opinion, this place is simply her ideal territory. Not only can she use the invisible power in the sea to increase her bloodline power, she can also use the convenience of the environment to gain her own power when encountering enemies. Get additional support.

"Leviathan's blood helmet!" Chris quickly figured out what was going on, muttered to herself, and then did not explain to Leo, she confirmed the blood helmet through the bloodline induction. s position.

   "Follow me." After sensing the blood helmet that was moving, Chris couldn't wait to say to everyone, then rushed towards the blood helmet position, and the others followed closely.

   Chris was swimming fast, and getting faster and faster, as if he was chasing something. Even the Vikingcha, who was born in the sea clan, couldn’t keep up with Chris, so let’s not mention the other god-born saints.

   However, the psionic engine controlled by Leo can still be very relaxed. Afterwards, he even went forward with the few god-born saints.


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