The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1092: Unexpected evolution

"Don't stop him!" Leo suggested.

"Don't stop? You're crazy." Chris looked at Leo with a look of surprise, and said: "Can't you feel the change in him? If he touches that metal block, it will definitely happen beyond our expectations. Changes, then..."

"Don't worry, he is not as powerful as you think." Leo has already turned on his spiritual vision at this moment, and has injected the power of the real eye into his eyes, although the power of the real eye has been extremely suppressed in this world , But it still allows Leo to see a lot of truth hidden under false appearances.

For example, the energy contained in the remains of the Atassas is already very weak. Even if it is combined with the guide Andu, it is impossible for Andu to be reborn.

In addition, the power of the real eye allowed him to see some of the Atassas consciousness hidden in the wreckage. This consciousness was like a beam of light in Leo’s eyes, but now the light appeared very dim, like it was Like a flame that will go out at any time.

No matter what method the Atassas uses to preserve his consciousness, this preservation method cannot keep his consciousness from losing for a long time, and how many valuable things and self-consciousness are still in his consciousness now, I don't know.

Hearing Leo’s proposal, Chris was silent for a moment. Although her safety awareness made her instinctively prevent Andu, Leo’s proposal made Chris feel that she was indeed overestimated. The danger of Andu.

"We want to leave here, maybe need his help." Leo said again.

Chris heard the words, thought for a while, shook the trident in her hand, and then saw that the water wall in front of An Du disappeared instantly.

Without the obstacle of the water wall, Andu quickly came to the remains of the Atathas, and stretched out his hand to press on the remains.

At the moment when Andu touched the remains, the huge pile of remains collapsed instantly and turned into a pile of dust, and Andu's body exuded bursts of light, and his energy intensity gradually increased, and increased. The speed is very fast, from the initial energy fluctuation approaching the first-level psionicist to the energy fluctuation approaching the fifth-level psionicist, less than one minute.

However, it is like a large amount of water is suddenly poured into a small container. Either the water that exceeds the container overflows and releases the strong water pressure to the outside, or the water is completely enclosed in the container. The container bears all the pressure.

Obviously, Andu’s situation is the latter. He has endured all the energy instillation from the wreckage of the Atassas. As a result, his container cannot withstand such a huge energy. Leo felt that the energy fluctuations in his body were moving When the level of the sixth-level psionicist crossed over, his whole body burst into a pile of blood mist in front of Leo and Chrissy, staining the entire platform red.

Things happened so fast that Leo and Chris didn't even have a chance to make a remedial action. They could only use their own power to block the sprayed blood mist.

Looking at the **** fog-stained platform in front of them, Leo and Chris could not speak for a long time. Not only Chris didn’t expect this result, even Leo was completely stunned, because in his opinion Andu is obviously the resurrection stand-in arranged by the Atathas people, and should be able to consider the bearing problem beforehand. How could this situation happen?

"What are we going to do now?" Chris gradually recovered, turned her head and asked Leo with a serious face.

"I don't know." Leo smiled bitterly and responded, and then stepped on the plasma all over the floor and walked towards the dust of the remains of the Atathas, trying to see if he could find it. What is useful.

This pile of dust on the ground is no different from the dust that can be seen everywhere in the universe, but Leo can still sense a very weak energy fluctuation from the dust, but this energy fluctuation is rapidly weakening and will soon disappear completely.

At this moment, Leo suddenly had a bold idea. Although he felt that it was a bit risky to do so, but in this situation, he had to do it, so he saw him standing in the ashes of the Atathas. While feeling the energy fluctuations remaining in the ashes, while imitating this energy through the power of nightmare.

Leo’s actions were naturally seen by Chris. She didn’t know how Leo did it, but she knew very well the aura of power exuding from Leo’s body at this moment, which reminded her of the metal that had turned into dust just now. Piece.

When the energy produced by Leo through the power of the nightmare is consistent with the energy fluctuations of the remaining Athasians around him, he saw countless light spots rushing out of the surrounding dust and plasma, pouring into Leo Inside Leo's body, Leo's mental core also got into a vague consciousness, trying to control Leo.

However, Leo had been prepared for this a long time ago. When using the power of the nightmare to create the energy of the Atathas, he had already created a phantom of the stone throne in his spiritual core, and he had accompanied it as he expected. With the influx of a large amount of Atathas energy, an external vague consciousness also invaded Leo's spiritual space, and was deliberately released by Leo to the spiritual core area.

Just as the fuzzy consciousness entered the core zone, before it had time to infiltrate Leo’s spiritual core, the special power possessed by the Stone Throne phantom completely dissipated and crushed this consciousness, and tried to absorb it. It was like absorbing the huge flow of information from the Seagod incarnation before.

However, this time Leo didn't want the Stone Throne to disperse these Atathas consciousness fragments, so he promptly dispersed the Stone Throne, and then slowly absorbed the broken consciousness fragments in the spiritual space.

The remaining consciousness of the Atassas was already fragmented, and after the impact of the stone throne, the remaining consciousness became more fragmented. Leo absorbed it very easily and simply, and it completely took a short time. Cleaned up, and while absorbing these fragments of consciousness, he also obtained some scattered information.

However, before Leo could sort out the information, the sudden situation in his body pulled his consciousness out of the spiritual space.

"This is..." After Leo regained consciousness, he instantly felt the powerful psychic energy burst out of his body and the life energy burning like a star, and the expression on his face was also full of surprises, and he muttered in shock. Muttered to himself: "Is this evolution?"

Leo was confident from the beginning to the end that he could enter the level of the seventh-level psionicist. After all, he had reached the limit of the sixth-level psionicist and touched the edge of the seventh-level psionicist, but he also thought that this was not A simple thing that can be completed in a short time, this process may take a long time, several years or even more than ten years.

The subsequent situation also proved his guess. Since he reached the limit of the sixth-level psionicist, the psionic energy on his body has stopped growing. He can only increase the depth of psionic energy by improving other physical strengths. He didn't know how long he stayed at this stage.

From the inheritance of psionic knowledge he has obtained, he knows that although there is only one psionic level difference between the sixth-level psionicist and the seventh-level psionicist, the life form has undergone a fundamental change, and he has transformed into another kind. High-level life forms, if according to Velen's world theology, it is the moment he has entered the seventh-level psionicist, he already possesses divinity, and can be called a demigod, even if it is called a god.

This is because many evil gods and true gods in the world of Velen are almost seven-level psionicists. For example, most of the swamp gods of the Hanoisian Alliance are seventh-level psionicists.

In the inheritance of psionic knowledge, it is mentioned that nearly 90% of the psionics in the entire universe are stuck at this stage. Only less than 10% of the psionics can cross this barrier of life evolution, and those who cross the barrier The time it takes for psionicists to take this step is measured in ten years, and most of them are over a hundred years.

So when Leo felt that he reached the top of the sixth-level psionicist, he never thought of being able to become a seventh-level psionicist in a short time.

But now, this thing he couldn't even think of has happened. His life form is evolving rapidly under the action of life energy like a stellar explosion. He can even sense that every cell of his body is constantly constantly through the mental network. Fission, evolution, continued fission, continued evolution, each fission seems to be equivalent to nuclear fission, each evolution seems to evolve into a new life, and the psychic energy is constantly improving like a volcanic eruption. Leo had an illusion that he was so powerful that he could easily crush a planet.

Leo soon thought that his life level had begun to evolve, which was probably related to the Atathath energy he had just absorbed, because this Atathath could become the messenger of the Supreme Council, which meant that he had at least level nine spirits. The power of the capable person, and his energy naturally contains the secrets of advanced life forms. When Leo absorbed these discrete unowned energies, his life barrier was like a gap opened. Those from Atta The energy of the Sathians seemed to be a guiding beacon, guiding Leo's psychic energy to evolve to a higher level, and finally completely broke through the life barrier.

Just as Leo felt the changes in her body and carefully controlled the evolutionary process, Kris on the side felt extremely powerful pressure from Leo, and this pressure did not just come from Leo's body. The various powers of Leo are more from the fantasy of a stone throne above Leo's head.

Although the illusion is very vague, Chrissy can feel the details of each uneven surface of the stone throne very strangely, but she can't express it in any way, but these uneven details that seem to be indistinguishable from other rough stone surfaces are in But her eyes seemed to contain the mystery of everything in the world, which made her involuntarily want to get close to the past and become a part of it.

Fortunately, the Sea God artifacts on her body have played a role at this time. The power mixed with the deep sea yin and cold is transmitted from these artifacts, not only refreshing her somewhat confused mind, but also suppressing the restlessness in her body. Power is just the suppression of the life level acting on her, but the power of the artifact does not work, so that there is always an urge to bow to Leo in her mind.

Just as Leo’s life form evolved so suddenly, the end of the life form evolution was also very sudden. Just when Leo had the illusion that he could evolve to a higher life form of Omega level, the life energy of the body Harmony began to gradually calm down from the turbulent state, and soon returned to normal.

If Leo didn't actually feel the growth of psychic energy and the evolution of life forms in his body, it would be difficult to believe that what happened just now was true, and would only think that it was just an illusion.

When Leo’s changes stopped, it wasn’t him who felt the deepest, but Chris on the side. Although she could still feel the suppression of the higher life forms from Leo, she was so strong that she almost bowed down compared to the previous one. The power of is much worse, and the illusion of the stone throne above Leo disappeared.

"What happened just now? How do I feel your power..." Chrissy, who was full of doubts, couldn't wait to ask Leo's situation, but she felt that her problem seemed to involve Leo's secrets, so she didn't take the whole question Ask all to export.

Hearing Chris's question, Leo didn't just make up a lie to fool the past, but thought about it carefully and said seriously: "I seemed to be a demigod just now."

Seeing Leo uttering a serious answer that sounds Kris was immediately unhappy, but she didn't know why she thought Leo was true.

Compared to Leo, Chrissy, who grew up in the church, knew very well what it was and how difficult it was to enter the realm of gods, especially when she came to the world of Poseidon and became the master of Poseidon’s artifact. By virtue of the power of the sea god’s artifact, she can easily enter the realm of a demigod and feel the profound power of the demigod. This also makes her more aware that an ordinary person, even an extraordinary power with power, wants to get past How difficult it is to become a demigod at the boundary between the gods and mortals, at least from the various records in the world of Velen, no one has been able to accomplish this feat, and the world of Poseidon is the only exception for the first sea king Leviathan.

Now Leo actually told her that she has become a demigod, and in the short time just now, this kind of thing will make anyone feel extremely absurd after listening, and think Leo is probably crazy. Such an unrealistic delusion.

But the problem is that even if Chris’s sanity tells her, Leo’s situation just now was definitely not about becoming a demigod. Becoming a demigod would definitely require a certain ritual. There is absolutely no abnormal phenomenon like the one just now, and she changed from a mortal to a **** , But his instinct believed what Leo said, the person in front of him was already a demigod.

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