The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1087: Abyssal influence

Chrissy could not help but feel puzzled when she saw Leo taking the initiative to attack, but she also felt that since Leo had the confidence to take the initiative, it represented that Leo had absolute certainty in dealing with this Dokama, so she stopped the others to avoid They leaned forward to hinder Leo.

   "What is Dokama? Why have I never heard of it?" At this time, a god-born saint asked suspiciously towards Dao Andu.

   "No one knows what it is, just knowing that nothing can kill it, and that it will swallow all the lives it encounters." The guide Andu couldn't say a detail, and could only repeat what was just said.

As he spoke, Leo had already rushed to Dokama’s side, and Dokama’s tentacles captured the past towards him at this moment, instantly wrapping him in its huge body, and for such a huge body shape In other words, Leo couldn't even count as dried shrimp.

   After devouring Leo, Dokama's movement speed did not decrease by half. It seemed to treat Chrissy as a prey, moving towards this side.

Seeing Leo being swallowed by Dokama seemingly without resistance, and Dokama moving towards this side at a very fast speed, the guide Andu and the Godborn Saint Guard both showed nervous expressions, turning their heads to persuade Chrissy thread Avoid this monster.

But Chrissy shook her head and motioned them not to speak more, and they still floated calmly. Although it was just a feeling, Chrissy felt that the reason why this monster called Dokama appeared here might be related to her and avoid it. It's useless, and she doesn't like to do things that give people away.

   As for Leo, who looked like he was swallowed, she didn't worry at all. She believed Leo should be able to deal with this monster called Dokama soon.

   Soon Dokama rushed to a place where a few people gathered less than 500 meters, and everyone could see what this Dokama looked like.

I saw that this Dokama was not a single life form, but a huge monster formed by countless sea snake monsters entangled with each other, but I clearly saw that it was not a complete individual, but countless sea snake monsters gathered. A group formed together, but whether it is the goddess holy guard, the guide Andu, or Chrissy seeing the state of this monster, they will unknowingly regard it as a single deep-sea monster.

Chriss didn’t know what happened to Leo who was swallowed up, but she saw that this aggregate monster seemed unaffected, and rushed towards herself. She took out the Sea God artifact and prepared to take action. Others saw her. The action has also made corresponding preparations.

However, just when Dokama had rushed to a very close distance and the two sides were about to take action, Dokama, who was still fierce and vicious at the moment, instantly dispersed, and all the entangled sea snake monsters seemed to be invisible. As if the power drained life, it dwindled quickly, and in the end only a pile of bones remained, sinking slowly into the stone forest below like dust.

   And in the center of these bone dust, Leo, who had been swallowed in, floated there intact, as if he had grabbed something in his hand, but when everyone wanted to take a closer look, the thing disappeared.

Leo swims back to Chris and them. The goddess Saint Vikingcha is a little curious to ask Leo what he is holding, but Chris stops him, and then Chris does everything. Did not ask, but turned to Dao Andu and said: "We are going to take a shortcut now, you can lead the way!"

Hearing Chris’ order, the guide Andu didn’t tell Chris how much danger he would encounter when approaching the short road according to his previous thoughts, because now even the terrifying Dokama has died in Leo’s hands. He didn't think that the monsters in ambush on the shortcut could pose any threat to the team.

   So, after identifying the position, the guide Andu led Chris and the others into an undersea tunnel not far from the stone forest, and quickly swam to the next coordinate position.

   Everyone also followed, but Leo was also distracted to check the situation of the Dokama core in his body while continuing to dive with them.

   The reason why Leo would take the initiative before other people reacted just now was mainly because that Dokama had something in his body that could make the crystal snake in his hand react violently.

While the abnormal situation appeared, Leo also discovered that although the entire crystalline snake in his arm reacted, it was actually caused by the abyssal snake eyeball in the crystalline snake, so he could basically judge that it was in that Dokama. There is something from the abyss in his body, and that thing is still an item extremely important to the abyss serpent, otherwise it is impossible to cause such a big reaction.

   After Leo was swallowed by Dokama, on the surface, he seemed to only stay in Dokama for a short period of time, and then he killed Dokama.

But in fact it was completely different. According to his biological clock analysis, he stayed in Dokama or in the abyss space created by Dokama for at least three days, and he killed nearly fifty in these three days. There are many kinds of Dokama appearing in different forms of abyssal creatures, including abyssal dragons and abyssal serpents. In short, they are all creatures standing at the top of the abyssal food chain.

The most troublesome thing is not just the abyss creature that Dokama transforms into. The most troublesome thing is that every time Dokama is killed, the abyss space it creates will undergo a complete change and become a completely different abyss environment. , And these abyssal environments posed a threat to Leo even more than the abyssal creatures at the top.

Fortunately, Leo finally exhausted Dokama’s power completely, causing the core that made this so-called Dokama monster to fall into a deep sleep. The moment he took that core in his hand, the crystalline snake in his arm took the initiative It swallowed it down, and when the abyssal snake's eyeballs fell to the side, they stretched out tentacles and plunged into the thing, seemingly to absorb and assimilate it little by little.

   So even if Chris asked what he was holding in his hand, he couldn't answer it. He could only tell her that it was a meat ball based on the details such as the feel.

Even now Leo, after carefully analyzing the performance of Dokama’s power and the reaction of the abyss snake’s eyeballs, still can’t tell what the thing is and where it comes from, so he can only wait to return to Velen and look at Sylvie. Does the memory that Ya inherited from the Abyssal Dragon has relevant content?

   As the guide Andu described, this shortcut through the sea cave is full of various monsters.

   These monsters are very cruel, and they are not afraid of death. Even the life coercion of the marine people against all marine creatures has no effect on them, including Chrissy’s Leviathan bloodline.

   Their only instinct is to attack all living creatures that dare to break into their territory, and even use the method of life-for-life to bite Leo and the others.

In addition, the appearance of these monsters is completely different from the ocean monsters Chris and the others know about. The appearance of these monsters is more ferocious and ferocious. For example, a monster that looks like a deep-sea ray has poisonous spines on its body. After attacking the enemy to no avail, it will explode, and all the bones mixed with venom will pierce the surroundings like sharp thorns.

Seeing these completely contrary to common sense monsters, Chrissy's face also showed a serious look, and began to center her god-born saint guard, apparently she has realized that this trip to the Taranque Trench may not be like her As easy as expected.

Unlike Chrissy and the others, they don’t know the origin of these monsters at all. After seeing these monsters for the first time, Leo can confirm that these monsters are all deep-sea creatures that have encountered the power of the abyss, their bodies and consciousness. All began to deepen.

However, Leo was puzzled that these abyssal mutant monsters did not fully mutate. Their mutation seemed to be stabilized in a certain state. In this state, the monsters became bloodthirsty and lost. The senses such as fear, waiting for them to retain the basic knowledge of the biological domain, as long as they do not enter their domain or exit their domain when attacked by them, they will no longer swim out of their domain and attack and break. Entrant.

This coexistence of order and chaos completely violates Leo’s understanding of abyssal creatures. He tried to capture a monster and carefully studied the situation inside the monster, but no matter what kind of monster he captured, the monster determined that he could not When running away and unable to attack, a self-detonation reaction will occur, even Leo cannot stop it in advance.

He tried to confine a monster's body and internal power with power, but at the moment when the confinement was completed, he seemed to have touched some kind of genetic switch. The monster instantly blew itself, and Leo’s confinement power seemed to disappear. The same cannot stop it from exploding.

  Finally, after they passed the shortcut of the underwater cave, Leo still didn't understand what was going on with the monsters, and could only temporarily attribute it to the power of the world.

"Is this Mutamu?" After passing through the cave, Chris looked at the surrounding scene, her eyes fell on the thick layer of fish bone corpses covering the undulating seamounts below, and she couldn't help asking. .

   "Yes, this is Mutamu," the guide Andu nodded, and then pointed in a direction and said, "When we leave, we will take the backflow path over there."

   During the conversation between the two, Leo also found information about Mutam, and used the sea language to explain that Mutam meant the end of Mutam.

Muta fish is the fastest fish in the world with the strongest endurance. Even the strongest warrior of the marine clan cannot catch up with this fish. Therefore, the marine clan has a special ritual, that is, to catch a fish by personal strength. Mutayu, those who can complete this ritual will be given a special honor, and can even jump from the bottom of the sea clan as a sea noble.

  Therefore, many sea people hope to get the chance to change their destiny by catching Muta fish. These people also specialize in the life habits of Muta fish and so on, hoping to find helpful information for them.

In these materials, it is mentioned that muta fish have a habit. They will swim somewhere in the deep sea when their life is about to end, and they will swim faster and faster, without rest in the middle. Eventually it will enter the bottom of the Taranque Trench and disappear into the deep sea.

This led to speculation that the place where Muta fish ended up was a Muta fish cemetery, and this speculation was later confirmed by some explorers of the Taranque Trench, and Muta fish’s cemetery also had Mutamu. first name.

  Chrissy mentioned that Mutamu is not interested in Mutayu, but because there is something she has always wanted, but for various reasons she couldn't make it.

   However, now she has come to the Taranque Trench. Although the purpose of coming here is not what is in Mutamu, she doesn't mind taking away the thing that she has been fond of for a long time.

I saw that after she confirmed from the guide that this was Mutamu, she motioned everyone to stay where they were, and then she quickly swam to the top of a sea mountain, standing among the bones of a pile of Mutamu, and watching. When she took out a sea **** artifact that looked like a crystal ball, she lifted it to her chest, and chanted a certain kind of prayer.

Soon the crystal ball burst into a silver-blue light. Although the light is not strong, it is particularly dazzling in the deep sea, and there seems to be a power that can penetrate the darkness in the light. The light covered the entire Mutamu area without restriction.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the silver-blue light was like some kind of traction rope, and some things were extracted from the surrounding Mata fish These things turned into light spots, Following the silver-blue rays of light, they gathered towards the crystal ball, and no matter how firm the bones of the puppets had extracted the light spots, at this moment, they decayed into powder and fell to the bottom of the sea like millions of years.

   Seeing all this, the guide Andu showed a look of surprise. Although he didn't understand what this was doing, he still felt very mysterious and mysterious, which made him a trace of awe from the heart.

Although the god-born saints did not understand what Chris was doing, after all, they had seen the scene when Chris used the artifact many times, and had long been accustomed to this vision, so they did not reveal any abnormalities. Expression,

   Only Leo knew what Chris was doing, because he felt a spirit similar to the soul crystal stone in the light spots extracted from the bones of Muta fish. Obviously, these light spots may be the remaining souls of Mutah.

Leo didn’t know why Muta, a low-level marine creature with no intelligence, could still preserve the soul power in the bones after death, but he knew very well that although the soul energy extracted by a single Muta fish was only qualitative. In other words, it can't be compared with the Soul Crystal Stone, but its huge amount far exceeds all the Soul Crystal Stones Leo has on hand.

   After all, these soul energies have been accumulated here for countless years. Even if most of them have been dissipated for other reasons, the rest is still huge.


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