The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1085: Into the trench

     Everyone who is asking for life in the Taranque Trench reef area is very clear not to cross the sharp knife rock, because after the sharp knife rock is the suction range of the maelstrom.

Although on the surface, there is not much difference in the current velocity on both sides of the sharp knife rock, it should not be dangerous, but in fact, after crossing the sharp knife rock, the sea water will contain an invisible force. The force will pull all objects that break into this area into the Maelstrom little by little.

The most terrifying thing about this power is not how strong it is. In fact, this power is very weak, so weak that it makes people feel that even a person who seeks life at sea can get rid of it, but in fact, this power can neither be No force can be dispelled, and it is impossible to be blocked by any force. No matter how hard a person encounters this force, their efforts will be ineffective. The only difference is the time required to pull into the Maelstrom. It's just long and short.

Once there was a strong sea clan who tried to challenge this force, but as a result, he was drawn into the maelstrom like other people who entered this area, and was shattered by the maelstrom, even if his companions were at the time. Throwing the rope to him, trying to pull it back, but still no success.

At this moment, there is a shuttle-shaped ship passing through the boundary line at Knife Rock, and people are already standing on the reef around Knife Rock. They are all curious to watch the shuttle-shaped ship completely pass through the Knife Rock and follow the ocean current. Circling around the Maelstrom, while being pulled into the Maelstrom by that invisible force little by little.

At this moment, there are six people lying in this not-so-large shuttle boat. They all use ropes to fix themselves to the fixed frame under their bodies. Among the six people, except Leo, Chris and her three In addition to the god-born saint guard, there is also an old man who is completely marine, with a humanoid body and a head like some kind of marine tentacle creature.

The reason why he is said to be an old man is not to say how old his appearance is, but anyone who sees him will feel that the person in front of him is very old. This person will lead Leo and them in the Taranque Trench. The legendary guide Andu who passed safely in the first half.

  The reason why this person is called a legend is mainly because he is the person who has entered the Taranque Trench the most times in the entire Poseidon World, and is also the person who brought the most safe customers from the Taranque Trench.

The topic of why Andu can safely enter and exit the Taranque Trench has always been a hot topic in the local area. There are all kinds of speculations, but it is recognized that the one that may be closest to the facts is that Andu has never been from Taranque. Kehaigou has brought out any items.

In fact, Andu didn’t take anything from the Taranque Trench. This was an unusual behavior that was contrary to ordinary people. It was discovered by others at the beginning, but no one at the time linked this behavior to the safe entry and exit of Andu’s Taranque Trench. Now even if they connect the two, they don't want to believe that this is true.

   Because every entry into the Taranque Trench is a life adventure for the Trench Guide. If you can't get some high-value items by the way, the guide fee alone cannot match the danger they encounter.

  According to the dangers they take, they can go to other places to make more money. Why should they make this guide fee here?

   Therefore, even if you feel that Andu can safely enter and exit the Taranque Trench, no trench guide is willing to believe it or even try it.

As for why Andu can accept to risk such a big risk and get such a small guide fee, although many people are curious, no one will ask too much. After all, this kind of thing is a private matter, so feel free to ask here. The private affairs of others are taboo things.

This time Chris hired Andu as a guide, and Andu naturally had no way to refuse, but unlike the past, Andu made an additional request this time. He hoped that while not affecting Chris’ itinerary, Chris Assist him in fetching something from a certain place. Of course, he also thought that this additional request provided an additional service. This additional service was that he could take Chris into the lower trench until the Abyss Tower.

   Sea people claim to be in charge of all the oceans in the world, so they cannot tolerate the existence of the Taranque Trench beyond their control. They have always hoped to conquer the Taranque Trench as a whole.

   It's a pity that because of the special nature of the trench, the sea clan's power will be weakened after entering here, and the purer the blood, the greater the power weakening.

   After several failed expeditions sent by the Sea Clan that were completely annihilated after entering the trench, the Sea Clan had to change its strategy and instead used huge compensation to hire other people to explore the secrets of the Taranque Trench.

   This kind of hired exploration mission still exists to this day, and the sea clan's exploration of the Taranque Trench, in addition to the open upper trench, also has some undisclosed information on the lower trench, and the deepest part of this part of the data is the Abyss Tower.

   The so-called Abyss Tower is not a real tower, but an active volcano under the sea. Its appearance looks like a minaret with lava continuously emerging.

  The information about the Abyss Tower is only recorded in some confidential information of the Sea Clan. Except for the high level of the Sea Clan, only people with a status like Chris can see these materials.

   So when Andu mentioned the Abyss Tower, Chrissy immediately knew that the marine clan's exploration information about the Lower Trench probably came from Andu.

According to Chrissy’s understanding, the deep-sea monsters in the lower trench are more dangerous and stronger. It would be a good thing if someone could help them avoid these dangers, and according to Leo’s inference on the placement of the blood helmet, The Abyss Tower is one of the key exploration sites.

   However, Chris was also very worried about Andu's extra request, because there is definitely a danger that Andu can't solve for someone who can safely enter and exit the Taranque Trench.

However, Chrissy’s concerns quickly dissipated, and she also agreed to Andu’s request. The reason why Andu was able to make such a decisive decision was entirely because Andu’s goals were the same as Leo’s. The metal block sinking deep in the trench.

When Andu said his goal, Leo was beside him. He tentatively asked Andu why he was interested in that metal block, and because he violated his past principles, Andu did not hide it, and directly stated the reason. The reason is also very simple, because he felt something in the metal block calling him.

Leo was very interested in Andu’s situation, because from Andu’s narrative, he knew that the call had been there since Andu was sensible, but Andu never knew where it came from until he saw the metal Block, I understand that that is the source.

   At that time, even though Andu knew that something that could solve his confusion for many years was right in front of him, he had an inexplicable fear and did not dare to step forward. Even after that, he did not approach the trench area where the metal block was located.

   Until now when Chris appeared, he felt that this was an opportunity that he might never encounter again in his life. He believed that with the goddess Chris, who was in charge of the artifact, there would be nothing wrong with the great danger.

  As the ship gets closer and closer, the speed of the maelstrom is getting faster and faster, and it continues to rotate under the push of the current.

   Everyone on the boat has the ability to control the flow of water, but with Andu’s serious advice, no one uses the ability to control the flow of water, because any attempt to control the flow of water will cause the whirlpool to counterattack more violently.

   Although he did not control the water flow, Leo still tried to use the mental net to perceive the situation outside the ship.

   didn't know if it was his illusion. He could feel that the surrounding water seemed to contain some kind of life energy that only living bodies had.

   For this reason, Leo strengthened the perception of the spiritual network, and once again felt that kind of life energy fluctuation. Although this energy fluctuation is very weak, it is real and not an illusion.

   "Have you ever seen a life exactly like water?" Leo said abruptly as the ship's violent rotation.

   Including Chrissy, everyone who endured the discomfort caused by the rotation felt puzzled and confused when Leo suddenly asked such a question without thinking.

   Feeling the sight of his surroundings, Leo asked repeatedly.

   "No." Chris replied truthfully. When others saw Chris had answered, they also answered the same answer.

   Leo did not continue to inquire after listening, because he knew that he would not be able to ask anything useful.

Although Leo’s spiritual web still cannot find anything from the surrounding vortex and flowing water, the energy fluctuations of the life body and the surrounding special environment make Leo feel that this vortex or the trench below is very likely to have a very special Elemental life form.

Elemental life forms are the names given to such life forms by the people of the Earth Federation, because the form of such life forms is somewhat similar to the element life mentioned in some fabricated stories of the Old Earth era. In fact, this type of life forms in the universe The real name is Noldotuka, which means mixed energy creature.

For example, metal creatures, rock creatures, etc., in addition, people often confuse metal creatures with silicon-based creatures. In fact, the two are two different creatures. Silicon-based creatures have some circuits, processors, and Organs such as the power system, these organs are the core of their lives, just like human blood and internal organs, as long as these organs are damaged, they will be harmed and even die just like humans.

But metal beings are different. They don’t have anything that can be called an organ, so no matter what kind of damage they receive, as long as there is a little body fragment, then they are still alive. One of the body fragments will gain consciousness, and the other Fragments will degenerate into corresponding elements or inanimate matter.

   The energy of the life body that Leo felt in the whirlpool water outside now was probably the water form life.

Compared with other elemental life forms, water-form life is extremely rare in the universe. They are usually treated as energy life forms, and almost all alien civilizations like water-form life very much. After all, water is the form of life. The source is used in most alien civilizations.

   But it is difficult and difficult to find water-form life, and it is not difficult or difficult, because as long as you find the mother of water, you can find water-form life.

Although the water mother and the water form of life are two life forms, the water form of life regards the water mother as their god, and their lifelong pursuit of integrating into the body of the water mother, even if it cannot be integrated into the body of the water mother, It must also be attached to the body surface of the Mother of Water.

Therefore, when Leo felt the energy fluctuations of life bodies in the water, he immediately guided the water-form life. After all, the sea **** in this world may be the mother of water, or part of it is the mother of water. It's a logical thing.

   This also allows Leo to solve the mystery of the invisible suction of the whirlpool. Those who want to break into the whirlpool waters are all drawn into the whirlpool by the hidden water forms here.

The passage leading to the Taranque Trench at the bottom of the vortex is not straight down, but has a large number of bends. Although these bends are also taken into account in the design of the shuttle, it is still inevitable that they will encounter collisions. Various depressions appeared on the ship's wall, and some parts were even damaged. A large amount of seawater poured in and quickly filled the entire ship.

   Chrissy and the others were able to breathe in the sea without any problems, and Leo used his psychic energy to create a converter near his mouth when the sea water poured in.

This is a psionic technique that any psionicist who has received proper training knows. It can help the psionicist to obtain ambient air suitable for their survival in various even in the vacuum of the universe. It can synthesize air through the ubiquitous energy in the vacuum.

This kind of practical psionic skills that can also be used by lower psionicists happens to be the defect that needs to be added the most in Leo’s system, so when a complete psionic inheritance is obtained, Leo’s first learning is not those that are so powerful. It can be comparable to the psionic skills of the battleship cannon, but the lowest level of psychic skills.

   Chris turned her head to look at Leo when the sea water poured into the hull. She knew Leo was just a human, and she didn't know whether Leo could survive in the water.

However, when she saw that Leo was able to breathe normally in the water, and bubbles were generated with his breathing, she knew that her worries were unnecessary, and then she focused on the surrounding boats, ready to When the hull is damaged, other methods are used to remedy it.

However, just as she was worried about Leo's ability to breathe in the water, she was superfluous to whether the hull could withstand the impact. After a very heavy impact tore a gap in the metal wall, the surrounding water flow was very high. Fast became slow, and it calmed down before long.

  At this time, the shuttle-shaped vessel, under the combined force of the water current suction of the vortex itself and the drag of the water-form life, plunged into the vortex, rushed into the center, and went straight down.



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