The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1083: Bloodline peeling

After      felt the power to protect himself, Leo turned his head and looked at Chris. At this time, Chris had already taken out the trident and her body had transformed into a murloc.

   Seeing this situation, Leo ignored the constant attacks from the current tentacles around him, and used his psychic energy to adjust his mental frequency to the same state as Old Duke, and instantly entered the spiritual world of Old Duke.

This kind of psionic technique is an advanced psionic technique that only the sixth-level psionicists can perform. The name is spiritual link. Its function is to imitate the special state of the life community and connect the psychic with the same frequency. Together, it forms an artificial life community position, so that all psionics can be screwed together to play an extraordinary role.

According to records, there was once a sixth-level psionicist who used this method to combine more than one thousand psionicists below the fifth-level into a life community, directly contending with an Omega-level higher life body. For a few minutes.

Although ten minutes seems to be short, the gap between the higher Omega-class life forms and those psionics can be said to be the difference between the heavens and the abyss. Under such a big gap, they can contend for ten minutes without being erased instantly. It can be called incredible.

It is also the emergence of this psionic technique that has caused some changes in the way the psionicist fights. In those large-scale interstellar wars, we often see the omnipotent battle team with the sixth-level psionicist as the core. , Walking through the battlefield, controlling the occupation of small battles.

This psionic technique is also a psionic technique that must be learned by the sixth-level psionics. Because of its importance, the use of this psionic technique and experience in the psionic inheritance are recorded in great detail, so that he can learn without any obstacles. And this is also the first level 6 psionic skill he has mastered.

After Leo entered the spiritual world of old Duke, he did not rush to separate the spirit of old Duke from the original bloodline he was going to strip, but according to the method recorded in the spiritual link. , Regained the self-consciousness, to avoid losing his spirit in the spiritual world of old Duke because of the frequency too uniform.

   After ensuring his safety, Leo began to borrow old Duke's own mental power to search for the original consciousness in the original blood, and quickly found its place.

   Just when Leo tried to touch it with mental power, an irresistible force instantly pulled his mental power and consciousness in.

   "Original City?" Leo couldn't help exclaiming after looking at himself or, more correctly, the environment his consciousness was in.

Leo has never been to Origin City, or even the entire Earth Federation, and there are very few people who have been to Origin City, as few as ten people. As for the information about Origin City from the outside world, there is very little information about Origin City, and no one can even tell the origin correctly. What kind of city is like, because the source city in each population is different, but one thing they can be sure of is that when they see the source city, no matter what the source city looks like, they will know that it is the source city, as if The source city is like an eternal concept in the universe.

Just like Leo’s eyes are now a huge, empty pyramid building built of countless black unknown boulders. The inside of this building is empty without anything, and the outside is an endless cosmic vacuum, but in the vacuum I can't see any planet, only the endless deep darkness.

However, what makes Leo feel extremely strange is that the deep space of the universe, which should be darker, gives him a very bright feeling at this moment. On the contrary, the interior of the source city in his depth is deeper and darker, as if those huge ones The triangular doorway **** in the entire universe outside, like a black hole swallowing everything.

In such a deep environment, Leo’s vision was not affected. He could see everything around him clearly, but even if he could see everything around him clearly, it was of no use to him, because there was nothing around him. At least in his eyes at the moment.

Leo stood at the center of the Blackstone Pyramid, carefully observing the details of every blackstone inside. After a long time, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something, and laughed at himself: "The sight? No, I am in a state of mind now. Isn’t it absurd to see things with your eyes?"

As he spoke, Leo’s eyes disappeared like wiped paint, and the moment his eyes disappeared, the Stone Throne appeared behind him again, and this time he seemed to be able to feel clearly. When I reached the existence of the stone throne, I did not hesitate to sit back, just sitting on the stone throne.

At the moment Leo sat on the stone throne, bursts of light burst out from the stone throne. These rays were like some kind of energy rays passing through the deep sky of the universe, sweeping across the surrounding black boulders, and Not only did it sweep the surface, but it also penetrated into the black stone, directly penetrating the past.

   And just as the light penetrated the black stone, the secret hidden in the black stone was also revealed.

  Eyes, there are countless eyeballs densely packed in the black stone. Without exception, the pupils of these eyeballs are all aimed at Leo, and each eyeball has a very complicated pattern, and all the patterns are different.

   Although Leo had no eyes, he could still clearly see every eyeball in the black stone. Yes, he can see all the eyeballs at the same time, as if he had countless pairs of eyes looking at them.

In his eyes, these eyeballs are all false, because all eyeballs are human eyeballs, and there is no visual organ of an alien race. This is obviously different from the actual situation in the source city, so it can only be the blood of the Bouak people. In accordance with his current race to create the illusion of these eyeballs, and the only real thing in these eyeballs is those patterns.

Although in Leo’s eyes this is an extremely complex and mysterious three-dimensional pattern, if there are others here, you will see that the so-called pattern looks more like a tangled ball of thread. Beauty and no mystery.

   "Starting source text?" Leo immediately had a guess after seeing these complicated patterns.

The initial source text is a kind of text that only appears in legends but has never been confirmed. Even the supreme beings of the Supreme Council of the universe do not know the details of the initial source text, but what is interesting is that these supreme beings always believe that The original source text is real, so in the various instructions issued by the Supreme Council of the universe that affect the development of the universe, there is always a task of finding the original source text hanging there.

Although this instruction does not mention what kind of rewards can be obtained after finding the initial source text, everyone knows that this reward is definitely not low, and some even think that the reward is to directly make an ordinary creature become Omega-class higher life forms, gain near-eternal life and unmatched power.

Countless civilizations in the universe have searched for hundreds of millions or even billions of years, and have not found any clues related to the original source text. Naturally, Leo could not know the original source text, but at this moment he saw this three-dimensional pattern in his mind. Just like instinct, he made such a guess, this almost natural instinctive reaction is as if he saw the Blackrock Pyramid and immediately judged that this was the source city, even if he had never seen the source city.

Leo thinks that if these three-dimensional patterns are really the original source text, then this is really a huge irony, because these original source texts are undoubtedly from the Bouaks, and the Bouaks are there. In Yuancheng, get along with those who are eager to get the initial source text of the universe's supreme beings.

   If the supreme beings knew that they were eager for countless years, and the starting source text that led the search for countless cosmic civilizations was around them, I don't know what kind of reaction it would be.

Regardless of whether these three-dimensional patterns are the initial source text, Leo sees them as a kind of rune that contains mysterious knowledge and powerful power, and he also feels that this pattern looks a lot like Gamore, and It is an extremely simplified Gamorey language, and he can even see some combination rules of Gamorey three-dimensional roots in this pattern.

Leo tried to record this three-dimensional pattern, but he found that no matter how hard he tried his memory, he couldn't even remember the trend of a line of the three-dimensional pattern, as if the simple-looking line contained it. It's like endless information.

However, Leo soon discovered that although he could not remember this three-dimensional pattern, the Stone Throne seemed to be absorbing the information transmitted by the incarnation of the sea god, recording these patterns, but just like that time, he could not learn from it. Read any information.

I don’t know how long it took, the endless darkness outside the Blackstone Pyramid suddenly gave out a beam of light, and this beam of light was getting stronger and stronger, completely tearing apart the dark world outside, and the light was also like a bunch of energy. A cannon hit the Blackstone Pyramid. After several impacts, the surface of the Blackstone Pyramid began to crack, and the cracks became more and more, and the light outside became stronger and stronger, squeezing in from the cracks, and the Blackstone Pyramid began to collapse.

   Although the Blackstone Pyramid began to collapse, the three-dimensional patterns were still not fully recorded by the Stone Throne. Until the Blackstone Pyramid completely collapsed and disappeared, the surroundings turned into a world of light, but the three-dimensional patterns recorded by the Stone Throne were less than one ten thousandth.

And at the moment when the surroundings were completely shrouded in light, Leo’s spirit and consciousness returned to his body, and he also found that his spiritual consciousness was drawn into Old Duke’s spiritual world at a distance of time. Only a few seconds have passed.

   At this time, the tentacles on Old Duke's body became more violent and the attacks became more violent, and Old Duke's body began to show a completely inhuman mutation, and the energy fluctuations emanating from the whole body began to become chaotic.

Unlike the seemingly bad change in old Duke, Leo can feel that the medicine that old Duke took before has isolated the blood of the Bouak people, so this seemingly bad The change is actually the result of further purification of the blood in the old Duke's body. The most significant sign is not the change in his appearance, but his heart is no longer a forty-two-sided heart, and has changed back to an ordinary heart. .

   Leo felt that the time was almost right, he immediately extended his psionic energy into Old Duke's body, found the blood of the Buak who was isolated, and then dragged the blood of the Bouak out a little bit by the method he knew.

   The Bouak’s bloodline seemed to have its own will and felt the danger, so it made a self-preserving response, and its only means to resist Leo’s separation was to stimulate the old Duke’s power to attack Leo.

If Leo was just a person, he might be disturbed by this method, unable to completely strip the Bouaks' blood, but now Chris is using the Poseidon artifact to resist all the attacks of Old Duke, so that he has no If you have any worries, you can do your best.

I saw that as Leo continued to activate his psychic energy, a blood-red mist escaped from the pores of old Duke’s body, and under the control of the psychic energy, it condensed in Leo’s palm for a moment. After that, a forty-two-sided blood gem appeared in his palm.

With the formation of rubies, the aerosol that leaked from the pores of the old Duke began to weaken, and the original chaotic energy fluctuations on the old Duke began to calm down, and the attack strength and speed of the tentacles also slowed down. The mutated parts also began to slowly recover, especially the appearance of Old Duke.

   It’s just that, I don’t know if it’s because of the blood of the Bouaks that the old Duke’s appearance has changed a bit from the original appearance.

Until the last trace of blood red mist rushed out of Old Duke’s body and entered the forty-two-sided blood gemstone, the changes of Old Duke stopped and Old Duke’s attack The behavior also stopped, and the whole person fell into a coma similar to the loss of strength.

"Has it been completed?" Chris dispelled the power of the artifact, turned her head and asked Leo, but when she asked, her eyes were always fixed on Leo's hand that represents the blood of the Bouaks Forty-two sided blood gems.

Not to mention Chris’ current identity, even as a princess of the Kingdom of England, she has seen countless gems, many of which are handed down, but when she sees Leo’s forty-two sides At the moment of the blood-shaped gem, she felt an inexplicable feeling that the gems she had seen before were all roadside stones, and this cup of forty-two-sided blood gems was truly a rare treasure worth having.

   "It's done." Leo nodded and said, "It went smoother than expected."

   Chris did not hide her thirst for blood gems, pointed to the blood gems and asked, "That is the blood that was stripped from old Duke?"

   "Yes." Leo looked at Chris' expression, then passed the blood gem in his hand and said, "Do you want it?"

   Chrissy was about to express that she wanted, but she realized what she wanted. She instantly suppressed her desire, looked away from the gem, shook her head, and then changed the subject and said, "It's me!"



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