"Impossible, absolutely fake!" After hearing the news about the golden scales, the scepter priest Rudick who was discussing the matter with Archbishop Chrissy immediately said affirmatively.

This scepter priest is an extremely rare sea people on land. Although sea people are not much different from ordinary land people whose bodies are sea people, they are almost half-man, half-fish, and full of scales. , But the fish characteristics of the sea people will be more obvious, more prominent, and the appearance will be more exaggerated. As long as you observe a little, you can easily distinguish each other.

For example, the eyes of this scepter priest are much more protruding than normal people, and the gill area behind the ears is also very large, covering almost the entire back of the neck, and there is a fish fin on the top of the head, from the center of the brow. It grows to the back of the neck and looks very eye-catching.

Due to physical and religious reasons, the Hai people hate land and don't like to come to land.

When the spirit race split from the sea race, with the domineering character of the sea race, a large number of chasing troops would definitely be sent to kill the spirit race, and the spirit race group of defectors would be completely solved, and it would never be like the story said. That way it forgives the splitting behavior of the spirit race from the beginning

However, the Sea Clan did not do that in the end. Instead, the Spirit Clan was allowed to develop on the ground. In addition to the Spirit Clan’s approval of the Sea God, it was more because after they landed on land, their physical strength and combat skills would be severely affected. In addition, the dry air on the land will directly damage the scales and skin of the sea people, causing the sea people to produce a fatal disease called rift disease.

There are very few Hai people who are willing to live on land for a long time, and even fewer Hai people are willing to hold positions in the Poseidon Church. Although the object of the Poseidon Church’s beliefs is Poseidon, in the eyes of the Hai people, this church is a land-based church. The Hai people have their own sea **** temple.

As the only Seagod member of the Poseidon Church who serves as the priest of the scepter, Rudik's reputation is very big, almost to the point where everyone is well-known, but compared to his reputation, his position is a bit embarrassing. The sea people think he is the God of Poseidon. A traitor to the temple, and the Church of Poseidon also finds it difficult to trust a sea clan person. In the end, he can still get the position of priest with the powerful scepter, which shows his ability is only outstanding.

When Chrissy’s Goddess Church was allowed to be established, she attracted many high-level clergy from the Poseidon Church, and Rudick, the priest of the scepter, was one of the few high-level clergy who she went to personally. The high-ranking priests who valued him are now also entrusted with important tasks by her.

For example, although Rudick’s position is still a scepter sacrifice, his power has crossed two levels, becoming a high-level clergyman at the bishop level, and he is now mainly responsible for the connection between the Goddess Temple and the Sea Race, from business and trade to He is responsible for armed cooperation.

As the only Sea Clan member present, Rudick spoke with the greatest strength on the matter of the golden scales, and when he heard about the golden scales, he immediately denied the authenticity of the scales.

However, not everyone at the scene recognized Rudick’s judgment. Another clergyman who had a hostile relationship with Rudick retorted: “Don’t make such arbitrary judgments. The news has already spread here, not necessarily. Really."

"I said it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible." Rudick still maintained his previous judgment, and said: "Back then, Aquaman Okla had asked the Seagod for help because of the golden scales. The Seagod answered and told him that there were only golden scales in this world. Thirty-nine, and now those thirty-nine have been taken back by the Sea Clan, so the golden scales that appear now are absolutely fake."

As Rudick's voice fell, the clergy in the other rooms started talking quietly, but most of the people present now believed Rudick's statement because they also remembered the number of golden scales.

The Sea Clan is a race that respects promises. They value the commitment even more than their own lives. Stories of Sea Clan people who lost their lives in order to keep their promises abound in this world.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, marine merchants will do business with the marines. Even if there is a transaction between two marine merchants, they will also like to find a marine merchant as a middleman or guarantor.

It is precisely because of the importance of the Hai Clan that the Hai Clan people rarely make any promises to the outside world. Even if they make a promise, they will cautiously impose certain conditions on the commitments they have made, and will not make a mere statement that they cannot fulfill themselves. Promise of.

The promise of golden scales is one of the promises made by the sea clan that is out of control, because the conditions and restrictions made by this promise are very few, so that any person who takes the golden scales to find the sea clan must do one. A big promise, several times the Sea Clan had to dispatch the whole clan together, with countless casualties to complete the promise represented by the golden scales.

Because of this, the Sea Clan is very concerned about how many golden scales are falling outside. The royal family specifically finds the great priest of the Sea God Temple, and uses some taboo methods to calculate how many golden scales there are and where are the remaining golden scales. , After that, all the sea races sent out to find the remaining golden scales around the world, and finally collected all the golden scales.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time, because at that time the Sea Clan was dispatched by the whole clan, and even at the mercy of sealing off the sea, it moved violently in all directions, looking like a conqueror of the world. The spirit race was even more frightened by this movement, so that the royal family of the spirit race hid in the sanctuary of the Poseidon Church for a while and prayed until the final truth was announced, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It was because of this incident that the people of the whole world knew how powerful the Sea Clan was, and the people of the whole world also noticed the value of the golden scales.

As a result, many people later regarded finding a golden scale as their lifelong goal. As for the thirty-nine golden scales mentioned by the Sea Clan, they regarded it as a lie, in order to prevent others from going. Looking for the golden scales, what's more, some bold people will forge the golden scales to deceive the promise of the Sea Clan. As a result, it will be easily dismantled, and the liar will not have a good end.

Now that someone took out a golden scale, it was natural that everyone would involuntarily think of the liar.

A clergyman suggested: "Since you are a liar, let the people below deal with him. After all, this incident happened on our construction site. If it becomes a big trouble, it will not be a good reputation for us."

This proposal has been approved by the majority of people, but those who agree are only ordinary clergy, and the true powers of the Goddess Church have not yet expressed their views.

At this moment, Archbishop Chrissy, who was still silent, suddenly spoke and said: "I remember that after the golden scales appeared in the past, the Sea Clan still sent people to confirm the authenticity of the golden scales. This is also what other people think the Sea Clan said about the golden scales. Only thirty-nine pieces are a lie. Is there a reason we don’t know?”

Rudick opened his mouth, trying to explain, but it was as if he was restrained in some way, and the words could not be said.

The sacred priest next to Rudyk said, "I'll explain it! I know a little bit about this." He paused, signalling the people around to calm down, and then continued: "Actually There is nothing wrong with the claim that there are only thirty-nine golden scales in this world from the Sea Clan. At that time, there were indeed only thirty-nine golden scales in this world. But there is one more word that the Sea Clan did not say, that is, the golden scales. The total number is forty."

As soon as the voice of the holy scripture priest fell, there was a voice of doubt in the room, saying: "How is this possible? This sounds really weird, thirty-nine in a while, forty in a while, how can there be two answers. "

Others also echoed.

On the contrary, some people showed a thoughtful look on their faces.

At this time, the person who understood the meaning of the holy scripture priest's words asked in a confirming manner: "You mean that the other golden scale is not in our world, but in other worlds."

"Yes." The holy scripture priest nodded, then turned his head and said to Chris: "My lord, do you remember what we found when we were investigating in Despair Mountain? At a mountain top not far from where the stone was found? The arch has signs of movement, and some signs also indicate that some battles have taken place nearby."

Someone immediately understood what the other person meant, and said: "You mean people from other worlds came here from the Holy Arch?"

"Yes, I wonder if someone came to our world from the holy arch with that golden scale, and then wanted to make the Sea Clan keep the promise." The holy scripture priest told his thoughts carefully: "Actually, I heard just now. When it came to this incident, it felt a little strange, because if it were people in our own world, we would conceal the whereabouts of the golden scales, and then find a sea people to show the golden scales, because the people here understand what the sea people promised Pay attention, and will not do anything that violates the promise because of the value of the golden scales. In addition, if the scales are real, only the sea people can tell immediately. But now that person uses this method to expose the golden scales, which makes me It feels like that person doesn't understand the situation here and the people of the Sea Clan, so he made this kind of inexplicable behavior."

"Indeed, he shouldn't be from this world." Archbishop Chrissy Goddess said in a deep voice: "He should want to make it public that he has the golden scales. With the power of public opinion, he will force the Sea Race people not to violate their promises. ."

Some people don’t understand this kind of thinking, saying: “Is it useful to do this? If you don’t want to keep the promise, even if others say it, they won’t keep it.

"It's really useless, at least it's useless in this world." Chris said deeply.

"I have another question?" Another person said with doubts: "If they are from other worlds, shouldn't they come out of the Maelstrom? How could they come out of the holy arch of Despair Mountain? I remember The Arches of Despair Mountain are all damaged and unusable."

People in this world know very well that there are other worlds. In those worlds, if people who believe in Poseidon want to enter this world, they need to connect to the holy arch through rituals to enter, otherwise they can only try their luck and encounter this world. The maelstrom connected by the ocean can enter this world.

It’s just that the Holy Arch is not eternal and indestructible. Every time the Holy Arch is unusable, some rituals will be needed to recreate the Holy Arch, and the broken Holy Arch will be sent into the despair mountain. .

In the past so many years, there has never been a thing that the broken Holy Arch can still be used.

"I don't know this, but..." Chrissy smiled and said, "Why don't we ask the owner of the golden scales and we'll know." Then, she turned to look at the scepter. Priest Rudyk said, "Master Rudyk, please take a trip. First, tell if the golden scale is real or not, and then whether it is true or not, bring the holder of the golden scale. I have something to think about. Ask him."

Rudik, the priest of the scepter, had no objection, and nodded directly: "Yes, sir, I'm honoring your instructions."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the meeting room, but the people in the meeting room did not leave, but put the matter of the golden scales on hold and continued to discuss the construction of other gods' churches.

At the same time, other forces in Lingdu also heard rumors about the golden scales. Their attitude was similar to that of Rudik, the priest of the scepter. They didn't believe that the golden scales were real. They also included the Sea Clan ambassador and others.

However, when they heard that the Temple of Goddess had sent the scepter priest Rudick to check the truth of the matter, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's original completely negative attitude turned into suspicion, among which the spirit race and the gods of the Poseidon Church The temple is a bit worried, because if the golden scales are real, and eventually the golden scales fall into the hands of Chrissy, then the construction progress of the Goddess Temple will be increased tenfold, and it cannot be stopped.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but send someone to check the situation. They didn't think about stopping this thing, and they knew they couldn't stop it. They just hoped to get news in advance and make corresponding preparations.

However, the attitude of the Sea Clan remained the same, thinking that the golden scales were fake, so no one was sent at all.

However, what makes everyone unexpected is that after the scepter priest Rudick went to the pier construction site of the Sanctuary of Gods, he took the people back to Lingdu soon, and compared to when he only took it. Several people, when he returned, not only added some temple guards, but even the general recruiters who brought back to Lingdu were also a lot more, and those recruits were also faintly protected by the temple guards.

Someone who knows the situation a little bit will not understand when seeing this situation. The previous rumors about golden scales should be true. Rudick should be worried that someone will attack the holders of golden scales, so he added a lot to use it as confusion. With the decoy of sight, the news immediately spread back to the Sea Clan Manor in Lingdu and Yinyue Lake. The Sea Clan also changed its previous unbelief attitude towards this, and immediately sent people to the Godly Temple to investigate the situation.

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