The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1045: Complicated situation

The main reason why the Goddess Church can gain high prestige in such a short event, and people think that joining the Goddess Church can have a good piety, the main reason is because Chrissy used to control the sea **** when building the dock. The divine tool showed everyone the power she possessed, and also established her identity as the incarnation of the sea god.

Because all the places that can be used to build the pier have been occupied, Chris can only use the artifact to directly flatten a cliff near the pier, and then fill the cave under the cliff and remove the bottom of the water. In the end, an extremely fine deep-water port foundation was created artificially.

All these miraculous changes occurred in front of all the people living in the Port of Sanctuary and ordinary people living in Lingdu and surrounding towns, and the process was not very long, and it took less than ten minutes to complete. , And the Archbishop Chrissy Godborn who accomplished all this is of course regarded as the closest existence to the gods.

Even if someone analyzed later that this was not Chrissy's power, it was a miracle Chrissy used the power of Poseidon to accomplish, hoping to suppress Chrissy's rapid expansion of prestige.

But this analysis not only did not suppress Chris’s prestige, but promoted Chris’s prestige to increase rapidly. It has far surpassed the original three archbishops of Poseidon Church, and it has even spread out at the bottom of Poseidon Church. Let Archbishop Chris preside over all things in the Poseidon Church, and the Archbishop of the Gods will abdicate and let virtuous voices.

At this time, the people of the Archbishop of Poseidon Church became anxious, and had to speed up the reform of the Poseidon Church's double churches, so as to let Chris go out independently before her voice became the sole voice of Poseidon Church. Each of them has money to contribute, and they are able to contribute. Not only does the funds for the construction of the Goddess Church do not need Chris, but even the manpower and material resources for the construction of the Goddess Church’s exclusive wharf do not need her, just a few days. The most basic foundation part has been completed.

When Leo and the recruits came to the pier, tents had been set up on the pier, and many people had already lived in the tents. It seemed that they were recruited from other places. Among these people, Most of them are people who have a part of the sea race mutation. These people's mutation status is not particularly large. A small number of facial features are modified. Most of them have scales. However, ordinary people like Leo are very rare. , Counting him, there are only a dozen.

There are also some people who are also rare, that is, half-merfolk with completely mutated bodies. These half-merfolk can barely see the appearance of some humans, but their bodies are completely covered by scales, and their ears have long gills, and they have palms and feet. All have become webbed, and their body shape has increased a lot with the variation, and the shortest ones are almost three meters tall.

These half-mermaid are very eye-catching in the camp, and from the people who gather around them, their status should be higher than other ordinary recruiters.

The person in charge of allocating the barracks originally planned to separate Leo’s and Sean’s temporary residences, because Leo’s status as a person without any marine mutation is naturally the lowest, and he is only fit to live in the outermost area of ​​the camp. Although there are not many mutations on the body, only some fish scales have grown, but people who are still regarded as blessed by God will be arranged near the middle of the camp.

However, now Sean is not willing to live separately from Leo. Leo is now his only hope of accomplishing his goal. Therefore, under Sean's strong request, both of them were finally assigned to the same camp near the periphery.

Leo didn't have any opinion on this, he actually accepted this arrangement more, after all, it would be easier for him to leave the camp.

Although the camp will not exercise too strong control over recruiters, it still requires the approval of the camp supervisor to leave the camp, because they are worried that someone among the recruits will cause trouble to the goddess church and damage the reputation of the goddess church.

This is not because the people in the Goddess Temple have delusions, but they have indeed caught several spies who have mixed into the hands of recruiters not long ago. These spies come from different forces, in order to see if there is a chance to destroy God. The prestige of descendant temple and even Chrissy. And the way these spies thought of was to use their current status to make trouble outside, and the anger of the people in the port would never fall on them, but directly on Chrissy, the owner of the Goddess Temple.

Therefore, in order to avoid such things that damage Chris’s reputation, the people responsible for the temporary resettlement set up some entertainment venues in the camp, such as pubs, casinos and even brothels, so that recruits do not have to leave the barracks and cause trouble outside. .

On the other hand, they have also formulated some learning plans for recruiters, learning some of the basic rules of the Goddess Church and the basic classics of the Poseidon Church, etc., and require that the recruiters in the camp can leave the camp only after reading to a certain level. Play in the port, so that recruiters with unpredictable minds have no energy and time to run out.

So when Leo was just set up, a clergyman from the Goddess Church came to his tent and explained the scriptures of Poseidon Church to him, Sean and other people living in the tent, and told them every day The requirements that need to be fulfilled, the requirements that have left the camp to go out to the port, etc.

Leo didn’t care about this. Although he hadn’t read all the Poseidon Church classics in the world, his database could help him cope with all the problems. As for Sean, he grew up in the Poseidon Church in the English Kingdom and served as After a long period of time, although the Poseidon scriptures are slightly different from here, most of the prayers for blessing Poseidon are surprisingly consistent, so these questions are not difficult for him.

So that after the clergyman just explained the contents of a volume in the classic that he brought, Leo and Sean proposed that they needed to go to the port for a walk, and under the assessment of the other party, they passed the test smoothly. , Obtained the qualification to leave the camp and go to the port.

The clergyman did not expect that someone would be qualified so soon, and even more so that someone would want to go to the port so soon. In his opinion, these recruited personnel should now be in the camp obediently. So he didn't know how to make a decision for a while, so he could only throw Leo and Sean to his superiors.

"What do you want to go to the port for? If it is to buy something, we can buy it for you." The boss of the clergyman is an ordinary old priest. Maybe he often deals with the bottom people, so there is no other clergy like that. Puffed up, on the contrary, like an old man next door, he said softly: "You should know that there are many people here who are dissatisfied with Lord Chriss’s establishment of the Goddess Temple. They will find ways to trouble us. To ruin our reputation, we clergymen may not dare to provoke them, but you recruited newcomers will definitely become their targets, so if it is not necessary, you'd better stay in the camp."

"We are not going to the port town, but to the warehouse area of ​​the port terminal." Leo did not interrupt the other party's preaching. After the other party finished speaking, he said: "We heard that there will be one for sale in the terminal warehouse. We want to take a look at the small market for mysterious objects."

After Leo's words came out, Sean on the side couldn't help but froze. He thought Leo would find an excuse to deceive each other. He didn't expect Leo to tell their purpose directly. Although he didn't understand why Leo did it, but He stood beside him honestly, without speaking.

"Do you want to go to the secret market at the dock?" The old priest looked at Leo with a little surprise, as if thinking of something, and said: "God's blessing is better than natural evolution. It is a blessing, but only a curse."

This inexplicable sentence of the old priest made Sean stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what it meant, but Leo understood what the old priest said, knowing that the old priest should have misunderstood that he went to the secret market. The purpose is, but he has no intention to explain it, as if he didn't say anything by default.

Regarding the spikes, the old priest didn’t say anything. He quickly filled in two pass cards and handed them to Leo and Sean, telling them how long the cards were valid, and they had to come back before the statute of limitations, otherwise they would be recruited. The qualifications will be disqualified, and then they will wave to indicate that they can leave.

After the two left, they did not return to the tent, and went straight to the gate of the construction site. With the first entry in their hands, they left the construction site, and then walked straight to the direction of the dock warehouse.

As soon as the two of them left, there was a man with less obvious body variation and dressed like a normal seaman came out of the construction site, and quickly followed Leo and the others, when he was about to see Leo and the others. , Slowed down his feet again, following far behind.

"In a very period of time, I was really careful. Even if two ordinary people left the construction site, they would send someone to watch." Leo's always-open spiritual net easily caught the tracker's whereabouts, couldn't help but smile and said.

"Stalker?" Xiao En was taken aback for a moment, and did not look back, then asked Leo: "What are we going to do?"

"What should I do?" Leo asked back, and immediately smiled: "Since he wants to follow, let him follow. We are not doing shameful things." Then he asked: "Compared to With the people behind me, I would like to know what exactly are you going to use to trade the sea monster snails?"

Xiao En did not hide any more, took out a palm-sized golden scale from his pocket and said, "That's it."

Leo felt a little puzzled when he saw this golden scale, because he could not feel any energy fluctuations from the golden scales, nor could he feel any extraordinary power in the patterns on the scales. Obviously, this scale was not only big and golden. , There is nothing special.

It’s just that Leo didn’t think that this golden scale was really as simple as he had seen, because when Sean took out the golden scale, the person far behind seemed to have some extraordinary vision and other abilities. , Seeing the things in Sean's hands, his breathing and heartbeat became a lot faster at this time. Obviously, his emotions fluctuated violently because of this golden scale, which was enough to prove that this golden scale was unusual.

Leo took the golden scale and looked at it repeatedly, then handed it back to Sean, and asked in confusion, "Is there anything special about this scale?"

"I don't know, but the documents left by the ancestors mentioned that this golden scale has a very great value." Sean took the scales, retracted his pocket, and said: "Although I don't know how valuable it is, this world People should know, I think it’s okay to exchange for a sea monster snail no matter how low the value is?"

"I think it's more than just a sea monster snail." Leo smiled and said.

"Uh, that's right!" At this moment, Sean suddenly thought of something and said: "I remember where this scale came from. This scale came from a big golden fish called Kakap."

"Kacap?" Leo heard the words, and he felt that he had seen this word somewhere before, and then he thought of the English Kingdom that Sean used when he said the word. If the golden fish is a creature in this world, then the name is natural To use the language of this world, so if the word Kakapu is read in the language of this world, it should be Kakaop.

"I know where this scale comes from?" After Leo corrected the pronunciation of the name, he immediately found the relevant content in the database. Then he looked at Sean with a little surprise and said, "I also know this golden piece of gold. Where is the value of the scale? If you really exchange this scale for the sea monster snail, then you will lose a lot."

"Do you know the origin of these scales?" Sean looked at Leo in disbelief.

Leo explained: "I read a book in the church in the small town outside of Despair I mentioned Karop above."

Afterwards, Leo walked away and told Sean what he knew.

It turns out that this incident also involves the Sea Clan. The Sea Clan once encountered a huge crisis. What this crisis is and how huge it is, I didn’t mention it in that book. It just mentioned that the Sea Clan had to do so. Move out of the capital. Later, the Sea Clan got the help of a golden sea monster named Karop, found a new settlement, and settled down. For this reason, the Sea Clan made an agreement with Karop, as long as someone can hold Karop. When Pu’s golden scales come to the Sea Clan, the Sea Clan will do everything possible to help that person fulfill a reasonable wish.

"That is to say, I can take this golden scale to ask the Sea Clan to make a request?" After hearing this, Xiao En said with a surprised look on his face.

"Of course it can, provided that this golden scale is Carrop's scale." Leo nodded, and looked behind him. At this moment, the person who followed him had left, and it seemed that he was going to make preparations.

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