The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1043: Discrimination

Leo still understands things related to the Water Mother, because among the various civilizations in the universe, there are many worshipers of the Water Mother who have established various religions for him. There is also the religion of the Water Mother in the Earth Federation. .

It’s not uncommon for some civilized races to regard Omega-level higher life forms as gods. However, such religions rarely receive a response from Omega-level higher life forms, because they are It is said that their own evolution and the exploration of the mysteries of the universe are the most important things, and the beliefs of those civilized races are completely redundant.

But the Mother of Water is different. He is a very special Omega-level higher life form, the embodiment of all water-like substances in the entire universe. As long as there is water to pray to him, he can be sensed, and he will also Respond, so in the universe, there are so many religions in the name of Mother of Water, and believers are all over countless races in the universe.

According to the truth, the mother of water is the least trouble-free person among all the Omega-level higher life forms in the entire universe, because the mother of water is one and two-way, if it dies in the universe, then it can be in the subspace Rebirth, dying in the subspace, then can be reborn in the universe, so as long as it does not encounter a fatal attack in the subspace and the positive universe at the same time, it is almost an immortal existence.

However, the Poseidon has now suffered a very serious injury. Since the establishment of the Poseidon Church, he has been healing his wounds in the temple built for him by the believers. If it were not for the believers to receive the Poseidon’s response after praying, and give blessings and divine powers, maybe Someone already suspected that Seagod had died in the temple due to his injuries.

So from this point of view, it seems unlikely that this sea **** is the Mother of Water, a powerful, immortal Omega-class higher life entity.

However, Leo did not deny the information he obtained from the Poseidon Church texts and the judgments he made based on this information because of this common rational inference, because some clues from the past Leo felt that he was before being reborn. , There must be something significant in the universe. These events not only affected the civilizations of the universe, but also caused accidents in the ancient existences of the Supreme Council of the universe. The Water Mother may also be a member of the accident. .

Therefore, Leo has become more proactive about going to St. Trou Mountain. He hopes that after helping Sean get the sea monster snail, he can still sneak into the sleeping temple of Dao Seagod, feel the situation there up close, and see if he can Discover more interesting secrets.

Because it was the convoy of the Goddess Church, even if it encountered some checkpoints and church armed forces to maintain the law and order of the Changling Festival on the road, the convoy did not encounter any difficulties. It just checked it and let it go.

The convoy traveled very fast, and the spatial overlap phenomenon encountered in the Despair Mountain did not reappear, but because the convoy needed to meet recruiters from other towns around St. Trou Mountain, it had to detour a long way. After walking through all the towns around Lushan, he began to drive towards the spiritual capital under the Saint Trushan.

Although the detour caused a lot of time loss, it is not a bad thing for Leo. Whenever he arrives in a town, he will go to the shops in that town and collect some interesting things for him. And these very interesting things are junk that others don't understand, so Leo spent very little money to buy these things, so little that he felt like he was picking them for nothing.

Most of these things considered as waste by urban shops are actually some high-energy substances. These high-energy substances should be the residues of some higher organisms in the sea after death, and a large amount of this substance remains in these substances. By studying the composition of these powers, Leo can perfectly imitate the powers through the power of nightmare, and then master the effects of these powers.

Although these forces are somewhat weak in terms of power and are of a single type, they are all related to the ocean and water, but for Leo they have an extraordinary effect, because he can gain control over the ocean and water by imitating these forces. After returning to the world of Vinylon, maybe he does not need to borrow the technology of the English Kingdom to be able to navigate freely in the waters blocked by the gray mist.

Leo's collection of waste products also attracted the attention of some people in the team, but because of Leo's relationship with the person in charge of recruitment, even if those people were curious, no one dared to come in and ask.

In this way, Leo’s recruiting team circled around the surrounding area of ​​Mount Saint-Tru, and finally came outside the spiritual capital at the foot of Mount Saint-Tru.

Lingdu, as the name suggests, is the city of the spirit race. It is the place where almost all the spirit races live on the whole land. Therefore, the buildings here are also full of spirit race style, gorgeous, gorgeous, and no matter how gorgeous, as if the spirit race uses all the wealth In the construction of various looking very gorgeous buildings and urban landscapes.

Although the spirit race and the sea race are two different races, in fact their roots are the deep sea race, but because of unknown reasons, they split into two races. The sea race in the ocean still retains the human body fish. The shape of the tail, and after the spirit race went ashore, it almost completely changed the structure of the body. The fish tail became legs. If it weren’t for them, there were obvious murloc characteristics, such as the shape of the ears with fins and the neck. There are special organs that produce air underneath, and there are also a large number of sea clan-specific scales and other characteristics on the body. Maybe they have merged with ordinary humans into the same clan.

The body of the spirit race may have faded, but the strength of the spirit race has not weakened. Even because they have received the favor of the sea god, they are in charge of the sleeping temple of the sea god, so that their power has not weakened, but has become stronger. , And even they have developed a spiritual technique that is different from the sea art of the sea clan.

When Leo heard of spiritism, he thought it was a psionic skill, but after seeing a spirit race in the recruiting team using spirit skills, he determined that the spirit skills used by that person were only modified. Added some dazzling light effects of the sea sea art, which is essentially no different from Leo's power from those high-energy materials imitating.

In Leo’s view, this kind of spiritual modification is like those buildings in the Lingdu, which are full of complex patterns and look very gorgeous. They are flashy, and he also sees the character of the spiritual race through this incident. The same is true, just like a proud peacock, showing his most beautiful side, but also revealing his most ugly side.

However, for people in this world, the spirit race is synonymous with beauty. Everyone who sees the spiritual capital, no matter how many times he sees it, will cry out again, and hope that he can live in this way. Inside a gorgeous city.

It’s a pity that it is very difficult to obtain the right to reside in the spiritual capital. It requires not only the recommendation of a hundred spiritual people, but also special identities and powers. Of course, money is also indispensable, so those who can truly live in the spiritual capital There are very few people in the Spirit Race, and they add up to less than 300 people.

Although the Lingdu allows outsiders to purchase properties and live for a long time, this does not mean that the Lingdu refuses everyone to enter. In fact, in normal times, the Lingzu will allow a certain number of outsiders to enter the Lingdu to do business, and even stay in a hotel for a while. It’s not impossible for a long time to be long, and when it comes to the Long Soul Festival, a very special festival for the spiritual race, the opening rules of the spiritual capital have been relaxed and supplemented. Not only the number has been expanded, but even the residence time has also been extended. A lot.

It’s just that the accompanying patrol city guards also strictly inspect foreigners. If the procedures are slightly incomplete, they will be sent directly to the prison in the city. Until the end of the Chang Ling Festival, those who pass the review will Was released.

The person in charge of the recruitment knew very well what the situation of Ling is now, so he did not lead the recruited man directly into Lingdu and went to the temporary office of the Holy Spirit Church, Zilan Pavilion, but temporarily placed the person in Ling. In a small hotel outside the capital city, he went to inform the people of Zilan Pavilion to go outside the city to conduct a second review of these recruiters.

During the waiting period, most people stayed in the hotel honestly, but Leo was obviously not so honest. He took a chance, put on his clothes, left the hotel where he lived temporarily, and went to this hotel. The temple in the small town, inquire about the sea **** temple and the sea monster snails.

Through the collected data, Leo already knows that the Poseidon Temple is on the top of Mount Saint Trullo. In fact, the entire Mount Saint Trullo, which is more than 2,000 meters high, was pulled from the seabed to the surface of the sea by the God of Poseidon. Its height It is the height of this world, because the trident relief on the top of the Poseidon Temple is just connected to the lower end of the sky sea, and there is constantly clear water gathered around it by an unknown force, and then follow the trident relief from the sky sea It flowed down, divided into hundreds of tributaries, and gathered together halfway up the mountain to form Silver Moon Lake, and the church of Poseidon Church was located next to Silver Moon Lake.

Yes, when Leo saw the name Silvermoon Lake again in the data, he felt a little weird, because it was not the first time he saw a lake named Silvermoon Lake in other worlds.

Although the name Yinyue Lake feels very ordinary, any lake that can produce the reflection of the moon can be called Yinyue Lake, but the problem is that this Poseidon world has neither the sun nor the moon, so I have never seen the moon locally. How did people give such a name to the lake?

What’s more interesting is that the name Yinyue Lake contains a power that even the spiritual web can’t feel. This power can make anyone who reads this term think of someone who can only feel it himself. The strange feeling that cannot be said, this feeling is as if the reader has already understood what the meaning of this word is, even if the reader has no impression or concept of the two things, silver moon and lake, it does not matter. He read this word I understood it immediately, as if I was born with it.

Leo also tried to study the mystery contained in the word Silver Moon Lake, but found nothing. Obviously, the mystery contained in this vocabulary far exceeded his knowledge and understanding, and it should be a higher latitude knowledge.

The Poseidon Temple at the top of Mount St. Trou is jointly guarded by the Poseidon Church and the Spirit Race. According to the external claims of the two, the Poseidon Temple has no protection and anyone can go to worship, but in order to prove that the worshiper is a devout believer, So visitors need to undergo some tests.

The specific test is not written in the materials. This is not to say that the Poseidon Church and the Spirit Race do not allow the content of the test to be written, but because each test is completely different, writing down the previous test items basically does not have any usefulness.

Soon Leo came to the sea sacred church in this small town. Instead of looking for the stewardship clergy who was in charge of the entire sacred church, he just picked up a clergyman who seemed to be of ordinary status and stuffed it. A little money, a little hint, and directly asked him about the Seagod Temple.

"It's the first time you have come to Mount Saint Trullo, right?" After listening to Leo's question, the clergyman in the Sea Holy Hall, a small town outside Lingdu, looked up and down Leo and asked.

Leo pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

The clergyman looked at Leo again and seemed to have found something. Although the look on his face did not show, a look of contempt appeared in his eyes, and he said coldly: "If you have been to Saint-Truu before Mountain, it should be very clear. On the Longling Festival, St. Trull Mountain will not be open. After the Longling Festival, it is allowed to visit the Poseidon Temple. But don’t think about it, you are remote islands like you. People are not qualified to visit the Temple of the Sea God."

After finishing, it seemed that he was reluctant to say a word to Leo Duo, as if there was something dirty on Leo's body, he quickly walked away, making Leo's question about the sea monster snail too late Ask the exit.

Although, it has been seen from the words and deeds of the people in the team that the locals are very truthful to people on remote islands, especially people like Leo who do not have any marine mutations, they are at the bottom of the discrimination chain. Xiao En even told him that several people had found him and asked him to give up the protection of Leo, as if in the eyes of those people, Sean, who had the characteristics of the mutation of the sea race, was the protector of Leo, a normal person.

Now the performance of this clergyman made Leo realize how low a normal person’s status is here. He has no doubt that if he hadn’t used a little trick to affect the clergy’s cognition and thinking, I'm afraid that even if he took out money bribes, the priest would not hesitate to drive him out of this sea sacred hall.

Leo didn't stay in the temple anymore, turned and walked out of the temple, thinking at the same time: "It seems that I need to change my image, otherwise, it will be difficult to move here."

And as his thoughts produced, his temperament changed slightly.

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