The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1041: Gather intelligence

"What a magical place?" Xiao En looked at the fire tree in front of him dumbfounded, and stretched out his hand to catch the fire debris falling from the sky, feeling the slight heat coming from his palm, and couldn't help but sigh.

"What do you want to do next?" Leo didn't have much interest in the fire tree. After just one glance, he immediately returned to business and asked.

"Huh? Next step?" Sean returned to his senses, with an embarrassment on his face.

Seeing this look on Sean, Leo couldn't help but guess: "You haven't even thought about what to do after entering here, right?"

"According to the original plan, the place where we came out should be in Mount Saint-Truce," Xiao En quickly explained: "When we come out, we will have the mark of the sea **** on our bodies, and the exit of Mount Saint-Truce will have the arrangement of the spirit race here. The reception staff at, they will receive us and arrange everything. We only need to make some unreasonable demands on them, but now..." He smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know at all. How to go next, maybe going to St. Trou Mountain can have an answer."

"Are you planning to go to Saint-Truce to meet the Spirit Race people, and then show your identity?" Leo sighed and asked, "But the question is how can you prove your identity?"

"I have..." Sean was trying to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Leo knew very well that Sean wanted to say that he had the mark, but the problem was that the place they came out was not the entrance of Mount Saint-Truce, but the entrance of Despair Mountain. There was no way that the entrance could leave a person on his body. The Seagod's Mark, which means that the two of them are now unidentified intruders.

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Sean asked helplessly.

Leo pondered for a moment and asked, "How are we going back?"

Sean did not understand why Leo asked this question suddenly, but he answered truthfully: "We have a time limit when we come to this world. When the time is up, we will be sent back directly by this world, but everyone stays for a different time. The same, some days, some ten days, so the time to leave is not the same." He paused, and said with some doubts: "But it is strange that no matter how long the time interval is, In the end, they will all return to Wanghai Cliff at the same time, and the time there has only passed by less than a day, and at most it has not been more than five days."

"Can everyone go back?" Leo thought of the missing Poseidon church loyalists in Randall City in the file he had seen before, and he couldn't help but question.

Sean shook his head and said, "I don't know the specifics."

Sean did not lie. The largest part of all his information about this place comes from the records left by the ancestors of the Donald family, and the other part comes from the information of the Poseidon Church and the royal family. It is just that those information contains information about those who participated in the sacrifice ceremony. There are very few records of people. Among them, there are reasons why Landauer Poseidon’s church deliberately concealed it, and those who participated in the ceremony experienced memory loss after returning to the world of Vinylon, and there was no way to provide more useful information.

"I'll get to the Saint-Trussian first." Leo looked at the team in front of him and made a decision.

After speaking, Leo gestured to Xiao En, and then, without the people in front of him, left the team, mixed into the crowd nearby, and quickly disappeared into the small town market outside the checkpoint.

Now the town where Leo and Sean are located should have been specially used to place checkpoint guards, but by this time, the role of the town is no longer so single. There are some forging workshops, taverns, etc. everywhere in the town. All facilities indicate that this place should be a logistics base for desperate mountain adventurers.

Although the Despair Mountain is very barren, and there is no grass, it seems that nothing of value can be found. In fact, the monsters in the Despair Mountain are valuable things in themselves. At least some of the high-energy parts of these monsters can be used for Making potions can also be used to make strange things.

Judging by the number of taverns and temporary hotels, there were probably tens of thousands of people who gathered here at the time when it was the most crowded, but now it is very deserted. There are few pedestrians on the road, and there are fewer people in the tavern. They all look like orchids. Like the unemployed sailors in Doyle’s Tavern, sitting there drinking and passing the time.

It seems to be because of the Changling Festival that is being held here. All expeditions, hunting and other activities aimed at the Despair Mountain have been temporarily stopped. The checkpoints for entering and leaving the Despair Mountain are also closed. The hunters and explorers who originally gathered here are also Go home, or go to Mount Saint-Truce for the Changling Festival.

Leo and Sean walked around this small town. Through observation, Leo found several grocery stores that bought prey, and imitated the high-energy matter that the locals had separated him from the monsters in the Desperate Mountain. Sold to a grocery store in exchange for some local money.

Later, he found a tavern, ordered some local alcohol and food, and chose a place by the window with a wide view to sit down, just like other local adventurers who were temporarily unemployed, drinking and eating. Something, pass the boring time.

Sean was silent. Although he was anxious about the sea monster snail he wanted, he did not show it. On the contrary, Leo wanted him to do whatever he wanted. He knew very well that if he still wanted something , You can only rely on Leo to achieve your goal, and you can also only hope that Leo’s doing this will help him get the sea monster snail.

The reason why Leo did not follow the team to St. Trou Mountain, the center of the land, but stayed on the edge of this desperate mountain region, is to make himself more like a local. He observed the bloodbath The words and deeds of the locals should be perfectly imitated as the locals, so as not to run to the Saint-Trussian mountain and be discovered because of improper behavior.

The level of civilization in this world of Poseidon is equivalent to that of the Cavalier Era in the world of Vinylon, but the people here are not as ignorant as ordinary people in the Cavalier Era. Mastered some civilized etiquette, making their overall temperament look more like people in the world of Vinylon.

The reason why everyone here has a certain amount of knowledge is because the Poseidon Church and the Spirit Race here provide free education and free skill training, such as the use of weapons and fighting skills.

From the conversation with the people in the tavern, Leo learned that the people who stayed here and waited for the Desperate Mountain to open again were mainly because they didn't want to participate in the Long Spirit Festival, or that these people were anti-spiritual.

This land, or the world, is not as they thought before, there are only the Sea Race and the Spirit Race. If the Sea Race and the Spirit Race are compared to the two classes at the top of the pyramid, then under their rule, there are a lot of other The ethnic groups live in this oceanic world. Most of these ethnic groups are from the Sea Race and Spirit Race, but some come from the outside world, such as the human world similar to Velen.

Yes, this Poseidon world is still connected to other worlds. Leo was surprised after hearing the news, but he also felt that it was reasonable. After all, the world of Vinylon could be connected to this world through Poseidon belief, so other worlds would naturally It can also be connected to it through Poseidon’s belief, and what really surprised him was that from those people’s conversations, he found that the connection channel between the other worlds connected to the Poseidon world was very stable, even stable to the two worlds. People can communicate freely.

Therefore, not all of the island lords originated from the sea and spirit races, but some originated from other worlds.

For example, in the tavern, there is a person from other worlds who settled in the world of Poseidon. These people take the form of a human as a whole, but their skin is covered with special organs that resemble leaves. What use are these organs for? Not sure, but Leo estimated that the functions of these organs should be similar to that of leaves.

In addition, through the conversations of these people, Leo also found that the Despair Mountain is not barren, even extremely rich, because in addition to the monsters that grow in the Despair Mountain, there are some very special mines under the Despair Mountain, and the sky and sea will also from time to time. Most of these things will fall in the Despair Mountain. These dropped things are valuable treasures. Someone once found one of the dropped things, sold it to the Poseidon Church, and then obtained it He became an island lord in an island under the control of Poseidon Church.

So as long as the Desperate Mountain is open, there will be a large number of people entering the Desperate Mountain, hoping to get rich overnight, but most people enter the Desperate Mountain, they will never return, because the Desperate Mountain is extremely dangerous except for those monsters. The mountain environment It is also very dangerous.

After hearing these messages, Leo felt that he and Sean were very lucky to appear in the Despair Mountain at this time, because a strange power called the Decay Ray appeared from time to time in the Despair Mountain, and this power came out of thin air. The place of appearance is irregular, and all people exposed to death rays will undergo mutations in just a few days. Eventually, they will either die due to organ failure during the mutation, or they will mutate into real monsters and be killed by others.

Although Leo has not seen the decay ray with his own eyes, according to the descriptions of those people, this kind of ray should be some kind of energy ray that can cause biological gene mutation. This kind of energy ray is very common in the universe. There are tens of thousands of kinds, and the solution is very simple. A set of radiation protection suits that filter rays or a filter generator that disturbs the frequency of rays is enough. But if there are no radiation protection suits and filter generators, let alone ordinary people. Even psionicists below level 3 will experience some irreversible mutations when encountering such rays.

In addition to some miscellaneous information, Leo also learned some information about the Poseidon Church team they had accompanied before. In fact, the incident that occurred not long ago caused a lot of trouble here, so that Poseidon Church sent people to Despair Mountain. During the investigation, many people paid attention to this place. Now the team of Poseidon Church has finished the investigation and brought back some things, which naturally aroused the curiosity of many people. Therefore, there are people discussing these things in almost all local pubs. It's hard for Leo to listen or not.

Among the information collected from the local church of Poseidon, the first information confirmed by Leo was the identity of the bishop of the half-mermaid, Archbishop Chrissy, the archbishop of the goddess. It is almost certain that the archbishop is Princess Chris, just her blood. Mutation has taken place, or reversion.

As for how Chrissy came to this world, the information these people talked with did not mention Chrissy's status in the current Poseidon church in this world. To what extent? Even the patriarch of the Spirit Clan or the Sea King of the Sea Clan, you need to salute when you see her. The other **** family archbishop who can be equal to her in the entire Seagod world.

The reason why she has such a high status is not because of how powerful she is, but because of her identity as a god, she is the only **** in the Poseidon church now recognized by the **** of the sea, and therefore she can use all the gods of the sea. Artifact.

Later, these people revealed another message, that is, the previous trident light was the power displayed by the archbishop Chrissy Godborn after using the artifact.

In addition, they also mentioned some things about the Poseidon Church, but these things involved disputes within the Poseidon Church, and most of them were hearsay content, so Leo didn't particularly care.

What really made Leo a little concerned was that the Archbishop Chrissy Godborn seemed to be preparing to recruit a large number of people to expand her men when the Seagod believers from various islands gathered here during this long spirit festival.

After listening to the recruitment conditions they mentioned, felt that this might be an opportunity to get into St. Trou Mountain, because according to normal circumstances, people like them without identity want to be in Changling During the festival, it is very difficult to enter St. Trushan. During this period, the entire Spirit Tribe and Poseidon Church are very strict with people who enter St. Trushan. Many people who stay here are identified and rushed. Out of St. Trou Mountain.

If Leo had only one person, he wouldn’t need to worry about his identity. He would be able to pass the level easily by casting a little witchcraft, abyss spells, and psionic skills that affect the spirits of others. Run away, but there is now a Sean who is similar to an ordinary person beside him. Once something happens, Sean can't escape, so he has to modify his way of doing things and choose to enter the St. Trou Mountain from the normal way.

Thinking of this, Leo turned to Sean and asked, "Sean, can you sing?"

"Sing?" Sean didn't understand what Leo meant by asking this question, but he shook his head truthfully and said, "I can't sing, but I can use musical instruments," he said, pointing his finger at the tavern. An odd-shaped violin on the wall said: "I can play Camosa, I have practiced since I was a kid."

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