The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1040: Hitchhiking

In this way, the two successfully passed through the gates of several checkpoints through the concealment of the optical illusion. Leo also mastered some of the languages ​​used in this world through continuous collection of language materials and Sean's commentary.

Just like Leo can’t completely trust other people, Sean can’t completely trust Leo either. Although he has said a lot about the world that he knows, he still hides some things, such as Language.

However, obviously he was not able to hide his little secret completely. When Leo collected the content of those people’s conversations, he showed a focused expression, all showing that he is now listening to the content of those people’s conversations, and he can hear them. Understand the language of those people.

Just like the knowledge passed down by the big families, this language was passed down as a kind of knowledge representing a special meaning by the direct descendants of the Donald family. Naturally, Sean learned it too, and learned it very well, although some For inheritance reasons, some pronunciation and grammar used in vocabulary are wrong, but generally speaking, reading and writing are fairly standard.

With the language provided by Sean as a reference, Leo's mastery of this language has also become a lot smoother, and while mastering the language, he also learned through the dialogue of these checkpoint guards that the world is not like Sean It is said that there is only the land where the ocean and the holy mountain are located. In fact, this world is very large, and may not even be smaller than the world of Velen. Moreover, the main component of this world is the ocean, and the rest are islands, such as where they are now. This land is an island.

By interpreting the content of the conversation with the guards just now, Leo knew that an important festival was being held in the Poseidon Temple on Mount St. Trugo. All the messengers of the island lord sent people to participate in this festival, and even the royal family of the sea clan. The movement caused by the corpse collectors also alarmed the people on the holy mountain. Therefore, the Poseidon Church was worried about what happened in the desperate mountain region and affected the festival. It had to send people to check the situation, and the island lords gathered here. The messengers also sent people because of curiosity.

In order to be able to disguise himself as a local as much as possible, Leo stole two sets of ordinary people's clothing in one of the guards' garrison at the checkpoint, and replaced him and Sean with clothes that were obviously different from the locals.

Although they went smoothly along the way, they were stopped just when they were about to pass through this natural barrier forest, and what stopped them was a checkpoint gate and city wall.

Unlike the simple checkpoints they have walked through before, the checkpoint they see now is not built with trees at all, but is made of big rocks. It not only blocks the entire road, but also Spread to the forest on both sides.

In addition, the gates of the checkpoints are also much narrower, no longer two seemingly fragile wooden gates, but gates made of two whole pieces of metal.

The defensive power of the entire checkpoint has been greatly improved due to the construction materials and construction specifications. The checkpoint itself also contains extremely powerful extraordinary powers, from the gate to the defensive wall are engraved with sea sacred texts containing mysterious power.

The gate of this checkpoint is tightly closed. Leo can only reach the other side unless he enters the forest, bypasses the city wall, or directly crosses the city wall, but Leo did not choose either of these two options. He led Shaun in the distance city. At the edge of the city wall not far from the door, he used rune traps to disguise him, then sat down and waited for the time to pass through the checkpoint.

"Are we just waiting like this?" After waiting for more than half an hour, Sean asked impatiently.

"What are you doing in such a hurry, we still have plenty of time." Leo looked at Sean and said calmly.

Sean didn't say anything. Judging from his somewhat impatient look and his reaction from standing up and walking around from time to time, his heart was obviously not very calm.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Seeing Sean's situation, Leo asked in a deep voice: "For example, those little secrets that I don't know yet."

Xiao En was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "I know what is going on on the Long Spirit Festival?"

"Long Soul Festival?" Leo stunned for a moment, and soon thought that this Long Soul Festival was the festival that was being held in St. Trou Mountain that the guards at the checkpoints mentioned earlier when they talked. It is not difficult to hear this from their tone. Festivals are very important here.

Shaun explained with a serious expression: "The festival of the Spirit Race during the Chang Ling Festival is to commemorate the sea **** who raised his sleeping temple from the bottom of the sea for the Spirit Race. It is the most important festival for the Spirit Race of Mount St. They will collect a large number of sea monster snails on the festival day, and then summon the sea monster to sacrifice to the sea **** by hunting the sea monster."

Leo listened to Sean and said, "What will happen if the sea monster is killed?"

"Each sea monster snail corresponds to one or more sea monsters. As long as the corresponding sea monster is killed, the sea monster snail will be destroyed." Xiao En smiled bitterly and said: "If I didn't get one this time Sea monster snails, then it will take thirty years for the new sea monster snails to fully mature."

"They shouldn't take out all the sea monster snails for sacrifice, right?" Leo said with some confusion.

Sean smiled bitterly and said nothing.

However, after Leo asked, he knew that he had asked a useless question, because you should never treat a group of religious fanatics with ordinary people's thinking. For normal people, there is no necessary loss, for fanatics. It is a sacrifice that demonstrates their beliefs. They will only think that the sacrifice is not enough to hide and expensive, and they will never think that the sacrifice should be saved.

Leo relieved Sean and said: "Don't worry, what we have to wait for now is the return of those who went to the desperate mountain to check the situation."

Sean asked, "Can't you just turn over like this?"

Leo didn't answer. He just turned around and walked to the forest on the edge of the road. He carefully searched the bushes in front of him. Then he found a creature that looked like a poisonous snake, grabbed it and walked back.

Before Sean didn’t understand what Leo was going to do, he saw Leo throw the creature in his hand towards the city wall. Just when that creature touched the city wall, a force burst out of the city wall. , Instantly crushed the creatures, turned into a pool of blood mist, scattered around.

Seeing this scene, Sean also felt a little afraid. He just didn't know why Leo had set up a rune trap so far from the city wall, and now he understood it.

At the same time, the stress reaction of the city wall also alarmed the guards on the city wall. Only a few half-man, half-fish guards quickly came to the triggered section of the wall and looked down, although they carefully searched for the wall. The reason for the defensive force was triggered, but they were never able to find people and suspicious places. Leo's disguise was not seen through, so they could only turn around and leave, returning to their checkpoint hut on the wall.

About two hours after this episode, there was a slight vibration on the ground, and then a team of people appeared at the end of the road. The realization of Sean did not help him see the team clearly. The specific appearance of Li could only be judged to be one of the teams they had encountered before, but Leo was able to see the figures of those people emotionally, and after seeing clearly, he also stood up from the ground.

"Who are here?" Sean also stood up and asked.

"Princess Chris." Leo replied in a deep voice, with a slightly serious expression on his face.

Although Leo deceived these people through the disguise of rune traps during the previous encounter between the two, he could feel that the half-mermaid bishop who was suspected of Princess Chris should be aware of rune traps.

The environment they are in now is a special energy field formed by a bone path. Although his rune trap has been as far as possible to disguise the energy around the place, but compared to the disguise in the Despair Mountain, the disguise here is energy. The volatility is obviously a lot worse.

If the bishop of the half-mermaid used energy fluctuations as the basis for identifying Leo's location, then they would probably reveal the location.

Thinking of this, Leo looked around, and soon his eyes fell on the edge of the city wall not far away, with a bold idea in his heart.

So, he gestured to Sean, then took away the disguise of the rune trap, and led Sean to the edge of the city wall that was enough to trigger the wall’s energy counterattack. Then he used his psionic energy to wrap them up, just doing There is an optical camouflage, and the energy fluctuations are not hidden at all.

However, although Leo's psychic energy fluctuations were not deliberately hidden, the energy fluctuations emanating from the city wall from time to time wrapped it up and formed a layer of cover.

After doing this, Leo and Sean stood quietly, waiting for the arrival of the team.

Soon the team of men and horses had arrived not far away visible to the naked eye, and the guards on the city wall had also spotted those people early. As a command came out from the city wall, the metal gate was slowly moved from inside. turn on.

This team did not come back empty-handed. They assembled a pack wagon, pulled by a dozen lizard monsters, and placed a huge gravel on the pack wagon with a layer of black oil attached to the surface of the gravel. Leo could feel the energy fluctuations of the corpse collector in these liquids, thinking that this should be the residue dropped by the corpse collector after being solved by the trident.

Leo only wanted to leave there at the time. He never thought that the corpse collector would drop the wreckage. If he knew it, he might have already collected it.

At this time, a group of monsters with a height of three meters and human bodies with octopus heads came out from the gate. They saw that they respectfully bowed to the archbishop who was suspected of Princess Chrissy, and then passed the fish. The vibration of the gills spoke the language here with a harsh voice, saying: "Master Chrissy, we need to follow the rules to check what you are carrying."

Hearing what the octopus head said, Leo and Sean looked at each other. If they had 60% doubts about the identity of the half-mermaid bishop Princess Chris, now they are almost 90% sure. The half-mermaid bishop in front of him is Princess Chris.

I saw that Princess Chris, who was sitting on the north of the lizard, did not respond. She just nodded and motioned to these octopus heads to check their belongings.

The octopus heads looked very casual when inspecting the accompanying church knights and priests, and some even only asked two questions. Even if the inspection was completed, the stone that was transported by the pedestrian with the remains of the corpse was treated. Quite strict.

I saw a few of them wearing armor with some gorgeous octopus heads took out a pearl-like object from the armor and placed it around the rock and moved slowly. After repeated inspections, no problems were found. , The octopus head accused Princess Chrissy, and then proceeded to signal the guards inside the city wall to let go.

Just when all these people’s attention was placed inside the city wall, and no one paid attention to other situations around, Leo took Sean naturally to the end of the line, some people who looked like them in dresses and looked like porters. In the middle, and then lifted the disguise.

The sudden appearance of two strangers around them naturally attracted the attention of this group of people, but when they looked at Leo and were about to ask who Leo and Sean were, they felt that they seemed to know these two people. Time couldn't remember the names of these two people, so the doubts in their hearts quickly disappeared, and they did not question them again.

However, just as the two of them joined the team and walked past the city gate, Princess Chris, who was walking in front, suddenly looked back, her gaze swept across the crowd Leo and the others were in, although her gaze carried a trace Suspicious, it seemed that something was wrong, but they didn't stop at Leo and the others. Obviously, he didn't find the mental disguise effect created by Leo's use of psionic power.

After that, Leo originally planned to leave the team after passing this gate, but he found that there was a similar checkpoint behind him, so he changed his mind and continued to stay in the team. Thanks to the particularity of this team, he passed smoothly. The remaining checkpoints.

After passing the last checkpoint, the Bone Road and the forest that served as a barrier also ended, and where they were now was at the foot of a high mountain, which happened to be one of the two intertwined high mountains previously observed.

This place also grows a variety of plants, but compared to the previous plant as a barrier forest, the plants growing here are obviously normal. Of course, this normal is seen in Leo. In the eyes of people who grow weird alien plants, people like Sean who can't even figure out the types of plants in the world of Velen see these plants as if they have seen something magical.

For example, the trees planted on both sides of the road are all fire trees. This fire tree is not an adjective, but a real fire tree. The tips of some branches turned into torches and burned violently, but the flames could not burn no matter how Damage other leaves and trunks that are not burning.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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