The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1037: Sean's Dream

Because he had to avoid those monsters, Leo traveled very fast. The journey that took half a day before now only took less than three hours.

However, Leo did not continue walking, not because Leo was tired, but because Sean was in a very bad state at the moment, and he still did not wake up from the coma for almost three hours, and Leo also discovered Sean seemed to be caught in a nightmare, and some of the encounters in the nightmare also affected the reality. For example, there were some more scars on his body, and worse, there were some mutations on his body. For example, some small tokens grow from behind the ears to the neck, and some fleshy tentacles grow from the corners of the mouth.

Leo estimated that if he did not find a way to pull Sean out of the nightmare, but let him continue to wander in the nightmare, then the mutation on Sean would become permanent, and even Sean would be completely lost in the mutation. , Just like the fallen mutants in the world of Vinylon.

Leo naturally wouldn't watch Sean's situation worsen. He found a mountain and came to the top. Like the top of other mountain peaks, there is also a perfect semicircular arch.

He put Sean on the ground next to the arch, then took out some items for building a camp from the storage space, built a temporary camp, and then took out some rune traps and carefully arranged them around.

"Hey! Disappeared!" When he set up the rune trap, his eyes inadvertently swept over the roof of the temple as the destination. However, he found that the distance between the roof of the temple was much closer. According to his estimation, the two caused One of the high mountains in the angle is only one or two hours away from their current peak.

This also shows that the previous state of space folding has disappeared. As for the reason for the disappearance, it should be related to the previous trident light or the hole in the sky and sea water membrane, but he is not sure how long this situation will last. The space is folded When will the situation reappear.

However, this discovery also made Leo hesitate whether he should cancel the decision to camp here, because according to the current situation, as long as he continues on the road, he believes that he can reach the place where the temple is within ten hours.

After a little consideration, Leo still chose to stay here for the time being to camp, rescue Sean, and then continue to the target location.

After making a decision, Leo continued to arrange the rune traps on the ground. These rune traps were re-made by Leo, adding all his influences on runes, magic circles, witchcraft, power of the abyss, power of the gods, etc. The new perception of power, the power is more than ten times or even dozens of times stronger than the previous rune traps, and more importantly, these rune traps no longer exist alone, but are combined into an interlocking, capable Dismantle the reused rune array.

After arranging the traps and carefully checking that there were no dead ends, he came to Sean and lay down, and he fell asleep quickly as if he were a normal sleep, but in fact he is now using the power of nightmare. Entered into Sean's nightmare at the moment.

It was not the first time Leo used the power of nightmare to enter other people’s dreams. While in the Black Forest, he had used this ability to enter the dreams of intelligent creatures in the Black Forest to explore the mysteries of the Black Forest. It is a pity that these intelligent creatures are protected by the power of the Black Forest, and they have not brought him too many secrets of the Black Forest.

Later, after leaving the Black Forest, I tried to enter ordinary dreams. It was all smooth, but it was the first time to enter other people’s nightmares, because according to his understanding of dreams, ordinary dreams and nightmare dreams were dangerous. In terms of sex, there is a big gap. For example, he was attacked just now when he entered Sean's nightmare.

Leo looked at the full-toothed meatball he was holding in his hand, and his palm slightly scratched it. However, the rotten meatball did not smile as quickly as he encountered in other dream worlds. In the dream, it still exists in his eyes, just like a real object.

Leo didn't spend too much time on the monster in this dream. He now needs to determine the state of the world in this dream, and find Sean to take him out of his nightmare.

I saw that in this nightmare world, the sky was the same as the sky and sea outside. Obviously, this shocking scene left an extremely deep impression on Sean, so much so that he restored it completely in his dream.

It’s just that, unlike the sky and sea outside, there are islands floating in the sky and sea in this dream world. These islands are large and small, surrounded by sea water, but you can see that on a closer look they seem to be Some people are active and can even see the smoke stacks of some smelters.

Leo quickly recognized that those islands should be Sean’s fragmented consciousness. These fragmented consciousnesses are all backup dream scenes. Once Sean’s dream requires some of these things, the selected fragmented consciousness will be integrated into the dreamland. In, become part of the dream, and those abandoned dream fragments will be separated.

Right now his location is in a forest. Judging from the types of trees around, it should be somewhere in the northern highlands of the English Kingdom, because the plants here are unique plants and shrubs in the northern highlands, because this is a dreamland, except Apart from the power of the nightmare, there is no other power to use, and naturally the spiritual net cannot be used, making it impossible for him to judge how big the forest is and what kind of environment it is around.

But this did not cause any trouble for Leo. He quickly climbed to the top of a tree, stood on the top of the branch and looked around, and soon he found a town on the side of the forest. It was the only town there. .

After Leo determined his position, he went down to the ground and walked towards the town. It didn't take long for him to reach the hillside outside the town.

Although he had already arrived in the town, Leo didn't immediately walk in, but found a place where he could hide his figure and hid him, and then quietly observed the movement in the town.

The reason why he behaved so cautiously is because he discovered that the townspeople obtained in this town are not humans, but monsters that mutate in various ways. On the contrary, humans are treated as prey and food by these monsters. Ou saw a human corpse hanging in front of a meat shop in the town, and the monster shopkeeper was still using the meat from the human corpse to hand it to the monster townspeople waiting at the door.

From this it can be seen that if Leo rushed in just now, he would only be hunted for food by the townsfolk.

"Is Sean so anti-human in the depths of his heart?" Leo couldn't help but think of a question when he saw this scene.

Although dreams are all false, there is also a kind of truth hidden in the falsehood. For example, this kind of scene now undoubtedly shows that in the depths of Sean’s heart, these mutated monsters are his kind, and humans only act as The food-like bottom layer exists.

In addition, everything in the dream represents some subconscious secrets in Sean's heart. If Leo is given enough time to observe these dreams, he can dig out all the secrets in Sean's heart. Unfortunately, he is not here. It came to Sean secretly. He came here to find Sean and take him out.

Because of the previous experience of entering the dreamland, Leo quickly found the most likely hiding place for Sean's consciousness from the internal layout of the town. This place was in a small red building in the middle of the town.

The reason why Leo would think that Sean’s subconscious is hidden in that small building is mainly because of the location where the monsters wander in the town. If anything, the small building is wrapped in the center, and the entire town’s buildings Although the colors are different, only that small building is the only red color, and compared to other strangely structured houses in the town, the structure of that small building is more normal, like a real small building that will not collapse. .

After confirming the location, Leo began to look for suitable objects to disguise himself. He was going to directly disguise himself as those monsters, walked through the town, and reached the small building.

Soon he found a suitable object, and saw a monster with a human body, an insect lower body and a bird head walking out of the town and into the woods next to the town, as if to gather something.

Leo followed the monster as he walked out of the town, and then followed the monster into the woods, silently jumped onto the trees above the monster's head, and then let the power of nightmare out of the monster without any defense. Condensed into a sharp thorn in his hand, it plunged into the monster's head.

The result was obvious. The monster fell to the ground without resistance at all. Leo put his hand on the monster and used the power of nightmare to assimilate the dream monster, and his body gradually transformed into that monster while assimilating the monster. Looks like.

At the moment when this assimilation was completely completed, Leo also obtained information about this monster from the power of the nightmare.

This monster is part of Sean’s desire. This part of desire can be called the recognition of hard work. He hopes to gain recognition from the people around him through his continuous efforts, but judging from the number and types of various monsters in the town This kind of half-human, half-ant monster is really pitiful, which means that Sean's desire in this area is very low, so low that he hardly thinks that he can work hard to gain other people's approval.

Leo was not interested in knowing what Sean’s mentality was like. After he became a monster, he immediately turned around and walked out of the woods, and then tried to get close to the town to see how other monsters around him treat him as a fake monster. And the result was very good. No monsters stopped him or attacked him. All the monsters regarded it as the same kind, and he entered the town smoothly.

Leo, who entered the town, had no plans to wander around in other parts of the town, and walked straight to the red building in the center of the town, and was about to find the entrance.

At this time, all the surrounding monsters suddenly stopped their movements, as if they were turned into stone sculptures, motionless, and seeing this, Leo also did not make any movements while observing the surrounding situation.

Immediately afterwards, I saw several pieces of land floating in the sky and sea above my head sinking quickly as if regaining weight, passing through the water film, falling towards the town below, and hitting the town in the blink of an eye. .

Then a weird scene happened. The fallen land that was supposed to be enough to completely destroy the town below did not cause any harm to the town. On the contrary, it was like rain falling into a pond and quickly integrated into the land of the town. .

Almost in the blink of an eye, the hut that was in front of him the moment before has been teleported to a very far place. Leo can barely see a line of target houses in the distance from the gaps between the overlapping houses. The unique red roof.

Obviously this is Sean's subconsciousness protecting itself. He does not want his original consciousness to be exposed, so he uses the method of expanding the area of ​​the town to avoid the invaders in the hut where his original consciousness hides.

Moreover, Leo soon discovered that he had not only distanced himself from himself, but also his subconscious mind had arranged extremely tight defenses around the hut, and the appearance of the monsters acting as defensive forces were surprisingly consistent. They are all half-man, half-fish monsters, and these monsters hold a gleaming trident in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Leo shook his head slightly, although Sean seemed to protect his original consciousness again and created the monster he believed to be the strongest to act as a guard, but this did not help Leo at all.

Leo moved directly over there, and then found a chance to draw out a half-man, half-fish monster, kill the monster with the same method, assimilate the monster, disguise the monster, and then pass through those half-man, half-fish monsters without hindrance. The line of defense came next to that room.

It's just that this time he didn't give Sean's original consciousness in the room any time to protect himself again. He directly smashed the window of the room and rushed into the room.

The moment he fell into the house, the scene inside the house instantly changed, from an ordinary indoor room to a sunny and scented garden, and Leo’s body was also under the influence of a force~www. the disguise of half-man, half-fish and became a normal human.

Leo looked around and heard the sound of laughter not far away, so he followed the sound and quickly came to a lawn in the garden.

I saw that the family seemed to be having a picnic on the lawn at this moment. The father and mother were sorting out the picnic mats, taking the food out of the baskets and putting them on the mats. The children were playing around, letting anything Anyone who sees this scene can feel that everything here is very peaceful, peaceful, happy and happy.

However, all of this is full of falsehood in Leo's eyes. Everything, parents, children, etc., looks so false, like a group of theater actors acting on stage.

"Is this the scene you want to see?" Leo suddenly turned to his side and asked.

At this moment, I saw a flower next to him, and a little man who looked exactly the same as Sean but only the size of a worm emerged from a flower beside him. This little man stood at the edge of the petals, looked at Leo, and then He looked at the lawn and said, "Yes, this is the scene of my dream."

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