The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1021: Twisted Book

The twisted book is very famous among the various churches in the Velon world, mainly because this book is the only book banned by both the True God Church and the Evil God Church in the Velon World. When the book was banned, the Orthodox Church The court has not yet appeared, and all churches are still separate churches. In an era where even the true God church will attack each other, it is enough for all churches to make the same decision, which is enough to distort this book of distortions. The banned books are included in the world's most well-known banned books, and there is no one.

  Although the twisted book has a great reputation, this reputation is limited to Velun churches and some interested people. Most ordinary people have not even heard of this book.

   Leo's understanding of the book of twists is derived from a collection of banned books written by the old man Rembrandt in his early years, where he recorded various banned books in the Velon world.

   It's just that for some reason the content is not complete, most places have been deleted, so the reference value is not very great.

However, this collection has made Leo remember the forbidden book, because in that collection only the first page of the book is written with the name of the twisted book, the content is completely blank, and other books in the collection, such as The madman's knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods still has some textual introductions, which also makes him later actively seek information related to the book of distortion.

After   , all the information he got about the twisted book was fragmented, but it was enough for him to put together a complete picture of the twisted book.

The threat of twisted books in the minds of various churches is at the top, so much so that they even wiped the author’s name directly from all written records, not to mention that the people do not know who wrote the twisted book. , Even the Wizard of the Tower knows nothing about the author's name.

   It's just that the wizard of the tower has managed to collect various materials, and finally found a clue that the author of the twisted book should be the saint of a church at that time.

  In the early development of various churches in the Velon world, the sacredness of the saints was very strict. It is far from the requirement for sacredness to be very low as it is now. Only a little contribution to the development of the church may make it possible to consecrate after death.

At that time, only those who were extremely favored by the gods, who were qualified to be called Sons of God, and who had made great deeds were eligible to be holy. At the time, the churches were only qualified. Only by looking at the attitude of the church where the saint is located, other surrounding churches also need to agree to this person's sanctification in order to be truly sanctified.

This is just the difficulty of consecrating after death. If you want to consecrate a living person, the difficulty is more than one hundred times the difficulty of consecrating after death. There are only two cases of declaring a living person to be consecrated in the Velon World. The first is St. Prom who established the city-state civilization, the second is St. Carmelite who established the Orthodox Church, and the person who wrote the book of distortion should be the third living person to consecrate, but his record has been completely erased Anyway, I can't find the reason for his sainthood.

However, according to various historical documents, the tower wizard and a small number of scholars who ban the book think that this disappeared saint is very likely to be Luo Prang, who founded the first black forest empire in the Velon world. He is a descendant of St. Plan. , And suddenly disappeared after the establishment of the Black Forest Empire, and the Black Forest Empire fell apart. The first dynasty of France was established under the remains of the Black Forest Empire.

Because the appearance and disappearance of the Black Forest Empire is too short, according to estimates less than two months, so many scholars doubt whether the Black Forest Empire really exists, but compared to folk scholars, the high tower wizard seems very certain The existence of the Black Forest Empire shows that they should have solid evidence.

It's just that Luo Prang is the disappeared ordained person, and not everyone agrees. Even if the history of the Velon world seems to be the only one who is qualified to be blessed by living people, Luo Prang exists. There is a very large gap between the time of the time and the appearance of the twisted book, which is more than five hundred years. If you want to consecrate, then you have been consecrated by the tribal beliefs of the original religion at that time, just like the Prophet Like Long, there is no need to wait for more than 500 years before consecrating him.

However, for those who questioned Luo Prang’s hypothesis, he could also find an explanation. That is, Luo Prang was blessed by the Lord of the Black Forest, he had an endless life, and he also had a kind of The ability to travel through the void world, and ultimately this ability helped him complete the book of twists.

The specific content of the twisted book is unknown, because all the churches have recorded that the twisted book was jointly banned and destroyed by the churches on the day it was completed, even if the inside of the church is only aware of the twisted book Name, and some fragmented data that cannot be verified.

But the tower wizard has inferred the general content of the twisted book by collecting debris data. This content is not a magical thing, it is just a traveler’s travel note, but the traveler’s location is not the Velon world. The towns and forests of the world are different worlds that cannot be understood by normal people.

  Because it cannot be understood by anyone, anyone who reads the contents of this book will be distorted instantly from body to mind, becoming a distorted monster that cannot describe its body shape, which is why this book will be destroyed.

  However, the banned books that should have been destroyed are now in their own hands. Leo and Sylvia are both very curious people and want to see what is in there.

  It's just that Leo is still a bit puzzled and said, "Do you think this book is a bit of a misnomer if it is really a twisted book?"

   "Why do you say that?" Sylvia puzzled.

"Do you imagine that the importance of the church or the mystery of the book itself far exceeds the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman, but..." Leo looked at the twisted book covered by the clothes in his hand. Said: "But now the effect of this book seems to be very different from those records. It feels not as strong as the legend. It is far from the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman. It is far from the first. A reputation like banned books."

Sylvia nodded in agreement after listening to it. Although she was hit just now, she was influenced by that book, but it was only because she had no precautions. Now she has precautions and even does something. The necessary protective measures, when you read this book again, the impact will be much smaller, and may not even be affected.

In this way, this book of twists that she believes is indeed not true, because in the church, the book of twists is called the source of disaster, and as long as it appears, it will bring endless disasters to the world, so it must be destroy.

But even if this distorted book is circulated to the people, it is difficult for this book to have a greater impact on the world. After all, the monsters produced by the distorted mind and body of this book may not be as raging as the Velon world is now. Mutants are much more dangerous.

However, even if this judgment is made, Sylvia still thinks that this book is a twisted book. This is not because the shell of this book is exactly the same as the twisted book she knows, but because it is an inexplicable one. It felt like the moment the book was seen, the name Twisted Book was engraved in her mind.

"Forget it, we don't need to know whether this book is really a twisted book, we just need to know whether the content in this book can let us know the secret of Wanghaiya." Leo looked at Hill With a pensive look on her face, Via reached out and patted her shoulder, and then said in a serious way: "When you read this book, the state is not right, don't touch this book. After I read the content, Tell you what's inside."

Sylvia opened her mouth to veto Leo’s proposal, but her words didn’t come out in the end, because she also felt that when she saw the book, she felt something was wrong. I should read that book again.

   Thinking of this, the words that were originally rejected also became the language of approval.

  The two returned to the castle, Sylvia took care of the two little guys, Leo came to the lighthouse, and he was going to read the twisted book here.

In addition to worrying about what will happen when the book of twisting is done, he hopes to reduce the impact of the accident through the hidden power of Wanghaiya. He also hopes to have some resonance through the book of twisting and the power of Wanghaiya. This is a peek into the secret of the hidden power of Wanghaiya. After all, this book has answers to the hidden power of Wanghaiya. Maybe it resonates with this power.

It’s just that it’s obvious that Leo thought about these things completely. He was well prepared inside the lighthouse, and all kinds of rune magic arrays were arranged inside and outside the lighthouse, which removed the book of twist from the wrapped coat. Take it out and open it carefully, but as a result nothing happened, as if he opened it just like an ordinary book.

   "How could this be?" Leo looked at the opened twisted book somewhat puzzled, and began to incline to the previous speculation that this book might not really be a twisted book.

When opening this book, Leo only had a slight discomfort, just like his first subspace voyage, he felt a little disgusting, but this feeling soon disappeared, as if never appeared Again, this situation is far from the first banned book in his mind.

It’s just that Leo soon no longer struggled with whether the book is a twisted book. It doesn’t matter to him whether the book is a twisted book or not. The secret of Wanghaiya recorded in this book.

   So he quickly cleared his mind and began to read the ancient book in his hand.

The text used in this book is an ancient Black Forest tribal language called Gagaruka, because this language is one of the origin languages ​​of the French language, so this language is also very well preserved in the French Empire In the literature.

Although the details of this language were lost several times because of the war, but because of the relatively complete preservation of the literature, coupled with the excavation of ancient tribal ruins, a large number of Gagaruka writing systems have been found on some relics. The pattern and the language of this language have become more complete.

Leo has also learned this language, although because this language is not a language with special power like the Gamorian language, he did not spend too much time on this language, just stayed in the reading of ordinary words. Cognitive writing and meaning.

So much so that when he reads this book written all in Gagaluka, it is a bit laborious and the progress is very slow. There are even some contents in the book that cannot be confirmed because of the damage, so he has to stop. Only after analyzing the content, can we continue to read.

Fortunately, this situation does not last long. As Leo gradually mastered the laws of this language, his speed began to accelerate and became a normal speed.

After more than three hours, Leo finished reading the last page of the book. He closed the back cover, looked at the twisted patterns and symbols on the back cover, and muttered to himself: "This book looks It really looks like a twisted book."

The reason why Leo made this judgment is because the content in this book is the same as the legendary twisted book, which is a travelogue describing the different world of the In this book, the author uses a large paragraph Large sections of text describe what he saw, but the vast majority of those texts are chaotic and disordered, and have no interpretation value.

But it is the kind of psychic shock produced by this disordered and chaotic writing, even if Leo is prepared, it can not be avoided, and it appears in the heart with this shock. There are still some blurry images in the mind.

Leo can see some twisted branches, twisted and deformed landforms and a dead black sky from the blurry images. In any way, these images show that he has seen one by one. On the verge of destruction.

And this state also made him understand why this twisted book would make him and Sylvia feel unreliable. The reason is very simple. It means that the power contained in this book has been consumed for so many years. There is almost nothing left.

But even this surplus power can still cause Sylvia and him to produce some negative reactions. It can be seen that when this book was written, what kind of impact would the power contained therein have on the society at that time? There will be no damage to the environment, so the churches at that time called it the source of disaster, and it was not unreasonable to destroy it.

In addition, Sylvia’s judgment is also correct. The twisted book is not only one, but there should be many. As for the number of Leo, it is not very clear, but I know that there are at least eleven because he Now the twisted book in hand is the eleventh volume, and how many twisted books were destroyed by the churches and how many twisted books were preserved is a mystery.

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