Leo’s conversation that day did not convince Sylvia to believe that the people sent by the Orthodox Church could not investigate any useful information, because she was very familiar with the people sent by the Orthodox Church, and they were all powerful. Several people, even if she didn’t have the confidence to win against them, so she thought that such a team could be found out, no matter how deep it was hidden.

However, the follow-up news she received the next day made her realize that things were really going as Leo had thought. The investigators of the Orthodox Court went deep into the abyss of the mountain stream and saw no traces of man-made structures. Although he found the Lava River, he did not see any cities built on the Lava River. The only thing worth their attention was the bones of the huge eagle **** who sank into the Lava River.

It is a pity that even if it has been destroyed for such a long time, the power of the eagle **** is still not weakened at all. Those strong from various churches will be a little suffocating, and they can only crawl on the ground.

   These people who have been in contact with the spirit of the gods for a long time are so embarrassed when facing the skeleton of the eagle god, let alone others, as for the construction of the city on the lava river, it makes them feel absurd.

   So when they returned to the Orthodox Court from the mountain crevasse, they all gave the same conclusion without exception, that is, the information given by Sylvia was not credible.

   "What should I do now?" Sylvia asked dullly.

"You actually found the wrong person at the beginning. You shouldn't go to the Orthodox Church." Leo said bluntly: "The Orthodox Church has been in operation for so many years, and the internal thinking has long been rigid, and because of the struggle with secular powers such as royal power, they All of my thoughts are on the battle of these secular powers, and there is one thing you have ever thought, their ideas on the mountain abyss may not be consistent with ours?"

   "Why do you say that?" Sylvia frowned, puzzled.

Leo asked in return: "If what I said is true, the Nefert usurped part of the teaching power of the main church of the sky on the Weilun mainland through the eagle god, and became the **** of the Weilun world, and began to follow their nature. Is it really bad for the Orthodox Church to conquer the civilization of the Velon world?"

"It's not a bad thing, is it still good..." Sylvia was about to refute Leo's words, but suddenly he thought of what he was about to say and stuck in his mouth again, and swallowed again, his face also exposed Pensive expression.

"You must have thought about it." Leo saw that Sylvia had known that Sylvia already knew what he was going to say, so he continued to help Sylvia clarify his thoughts: "Actually It is not a bad thing for the Orthodox Court that the non-specialists usurped the bishop of the sky and become the new gods of the Velon world. Once the Nefitts start to conquer the worldly civilization, then only the other countries in the Velon world can rely on. Gods, because only gods can fight gods, and the end result is that the Orthodox Church and the churches regain the power of secularism over the world."

   "It is impossible for governments of various countries to promise this kind of thing to happen." Sylvia said in a deep voice.

"It's impossible to agree, but what's the use?" Leo shrugged, and then continued: "And new gods reappear in the Velon world and can be active in the Velon world, so what about other gods? Being able to use the word “breakthrough” to return to the Velon world will eventually bring the Velon world back to the original era of the gods, which is also the era of the greatest power of the church. How attractive is it to the churches in the Velon world? ."

Sylvia heard nothing to say here, and the look on her face became very dignified, because for the witch like her, or other extraordinary people in the Velon world, the era of the most religious gods is definitely not a memorable one. In this era, in those eras, they were all heretics who were hunted by the church as prey. They lived a life of precariousness, and no reasonable person would be willing to return to that kind of life.

   "You just said that I was looking for the wrong person," and after a while, Sylvia broke the dull atmosphere in the room and asked, "So who do you think I should ask to investigate this matter?"

   Leo quickly replied: "The Lord's Church of the Sky in the French Empire, the United Kingdom of France, the Black Forest and Melia."

"I can understand the two choices of the French Empire and the United Kingdom. After all, with the increase in religious authority, the monarchy and the political power will inevitably be hit hard. Neither of those in power in the two countries would like to see this happen." Aya slightly agreed with some of Leo’s answers, but still had doubts about the other two subjects, so he asked, “But what’s going on with the main church of the sky in the Black Forest and Melia? You’re not talking about new Is the appearance of gods good for other gods?"

"Yes, it is indeed good, but not everyone is good." Leiou then explained again: "Don’t forget, what is the reason for the appearance of the new god, the sky master will definitely not want to see this new **** appear. From the current situation, the majority of the cleansing churches in the sky church in the United Kingdom are likely to become believers of the new god, but the sky church in the Miria region is different, they should still be very religious Members of the Sky Lord Church. I guess they should also see that something is wrong in the church before they decide to split up and take away the believers who are loyal to the Sky Lord, so as not to be corrupted, so find them as partners, they will definitely Spare no effort to investigate this matter."

   said, he paused a little, took a sip of fruit wine on the table, and continued. "As for the Black Forest, it is even simpler. The Nafiites are an outsider to the Velon world. The Black Forest will never allow outsiders to penetrate the Velon world through that tricky method, so the existence of the Black Forest knows There will definitely be movements in this matter, and the movements will be very large. After all, the Dibia Mountains are also an extension of the edge of the Black Forest. The gods of the Black Forest can also play a strong enough force here."

After listening to Leo’s explanation, Sylvia also made sense. She immediately decided to abandon her previous plan to cooperate with the Orthodox Church, and decided to pass the matter of the mountain stream to the Sky Church in Miria and the United Kingdom. As well as the Black Forest, as for the head of the foreign empire on the side of the French empire, it is not suitable for direct contact with it. The United Kingdom has more secure contact with it.

After writing two letterheads introducing the situation, Sylvia wrote the names of Grandma Hannah and Rupert Fitz on the recipient's column, and then handed them over to the best hands. Agents, let them deliver these two letters to the recipient in the shortest time.

After doing all of this, she wrote a more detailed letterhead and made a special mention of the fact that the Nafiites came from outside the starry sky, and then asked Leo to come when they left the Black Forest. The deer gave them a sacrifice made from the skull of an unknown monster.

   This sacrificial object allows Leo to contact the white deer in the Black Forest without location constraints and communicate with him on a letterhead.

The two took the sacrificial ware, left the black castle, and went to the suburbs. Then they painted the white deer's name badge on the ground according to the method of Professor Bailu. Then they placed the skull in the badge and recited it by Sylvia. In a series of prayers, the white deer's emblem of the god's name immediately radiated real light, and these lights were also incorporated into the skull, so that the skull appeared a phantom of a monster with a huge mouth like a ball, landing on the ground with eight feet.

   The moment the monster appeared, Sylvia threw the letterhead in his hand into the monster's mouth.

   After the entrance to the letterhead, the monster closed its mouth, then disappeared, and the light on the skull and the emblem of the God's name also disappeared.

   "The next step is to wait for the news." Seeing that it was over, Sylvia was ready to pick up the skull.

   But Leo caught her and said, "It's not over yet."

  Just as Leo's voice fell, the God's name badge and skull re-emerged, and the illusion appeared again on the skull, but this time the illusion was no longer that monster, but a white deer.

  I saw that the look on the white deer's face was very serious. After the illusion stabilized, he immediately asked Leo and Sylvia: "Is the matter in the letter certain?"

   "Yes, you can be sure." Leo replied affirmatively.

   "This news is very important to us." Bailu said very seriously: "I still need your help."

   "What help?" Leo asked.

  White Hart said in a deep voice: "You just said that you will join the French Empire, the United Kingdom and some of the sky bishops to investigate this matter. I also hope that you will contact them for me, saying that the Black Forest will also participate in this matter."

   "This is no problem." Leo nodded.

Bailu also said: "Although the Dibia Mountains are an extension of the Black Forest, the power we can play there is very limited, so if you want our Black Forest to join the battle, you need to try to help us make a temporary Black Forest ."

   "What should I do?" Leo asked.

The White Deer didn’t answer, but stretched his neck and spit out his cheek from his mouth. He said, "This method is written. You better give it to the priests of the Sky Lord. They use this method. Appropriate object." After he finished speaking, he was ready to end this conversation and disperse the power of condensing his body, but when he looked over the surrounding environment, he saw the black castle standing on the cliff of Wanghai. He couldn’t help but stop. The act of dissipating power turned to Leo and Sylvia and asked, "Is this a place called Wanghaiya in the south?"

   "Yes." Sylvia froze a little, and said, "Do you know this place?"

   White Hart couldn't help but show a little weird look, looked at Leo and said, "How do you choose to come here?"

   "Here is my fief, and the black castle behind is my castle." Sylvia explained, and then asked, "Is there anything hidden here?"

"Of course there is a problem," White Hart gave an affirmative answer, and then in an unbelievable way, said: "I didn't expect someone to build a castle here to live in, and it hasn't happened yet," said, and he looked again Looking at Leo and Sylvia, he pointedly said: "This is really a miracle!"

Seeing the obvious attitude of the White Deer, Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other, and then asked, "I don't know if you can tell us what secrets are there in this Wanghai Cliff?"

"It's inconvenient to say, but..." White Hart shook his head first, then thought of something, and disappeared with his body shape, but the light of the skull and the badge of God's name did not disappear. After a while, it reappeared again and faced the ground again. Spit a book and said: "This book is a boring travel written by a boring person, not a product of the Black Forest, not subject to the rules of the Black Forest, you can take it and take a look, you want to know The thing is inside, even if the content inside looks a bit nagging." He said, and he said very carefully: "But I must be careful not to be fooled by your content."

  Finally, White Deer did not wait for Leo and Sylvia to raise new questions, and directly dispelled the force, and disappeared from the two.

When Sylvia picked up the skull~www.ltnovel.com~ to clean up the **** badge on the ground, Leo also picked up two books on the ground and said, "These two books are waiting for me to finish reading, then Talking about the content..." He stopped suddenly, followed him carefully after looking at the cover of the book that recorded the secret of Haiya, his face showed a look of surprise, and he couldn't help but say in shock: "It is the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman. This is the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman."

Sylvia heard the news and immediately looked at the book in Leo’s hand. When her eyes fell on the cover of the book, she immediately felt a kind of nausea that was never before, and was accompanied by a strong Dizziness, eyes are also distorted in this bad feeling, everything seen becomes a distorted object that cannot be expressed.

Fortunately, this feeling came quickly and went quickly. When Leo found that Sylvia was not right, he immediately wrapped the book in his hand and covered the cover. The book was in front of her. After disappearing, she recovered.

   "How is your reaction so big? I thought..." Leo saw Sylvia's pale face and was just about to say something.

   "This is not the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman." Sylvia interrupted Leo's words, and while adjusting the state, he said affirmatively: "This is the book of distortion, the book of distortion written by the heretics."

   "This is the twisted book of the Heretics?" Leo froze, looked at the book wrapped in his hand, and said, "Isn't the twisted book already destroyed?"

   "Yes, as far as I know it was destroyed." Sylvia nodded and then guessed: "Unless the heretical saints wrote two twisted books."

  :. :

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