The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1016: 1 person in 3 positions

Leo was quietly hidden in the cliff groove on the side, watching the rescue members who tried to escape were arrested, and then he carefully listened to the various movements in the passage and confirmed that there was no one in the passage. Only then came down the cliff and returned to the entrance of the channel.

   This passage should look artificially cut, and the end should be the other side of the cliff in front of me.

   The abyss fissure has arrived here. It is a bit different from the fissure above. In the distance ahead, you can vaguely see the fissure turn a corner and begin to extend in the other direction, which makes this cliff a barrier.

Leo looked at the surrounding cliffs, and he found that not far from below, he could see some unmaintained, broken and broken platforms and escalators. The platform and escalators extended out until the corner of the fissure. Just disappeared.

   It seems that the platform and the ladder should be built by people in the past. Until the mountain was cut and a more convenient passage was built, the road made by the platform and the ladder was completely abandoned.

   Leo stood at the entrance of the passage for a little thought, then turned and climbed down the cliff, climbed down, came to the platform, stepped on the broken ladder, and walked along this abandoned road.

The reason why he did not choose to take a shortcut directly through the channel is mainly because he felt that there might be something in this channel, these things might sound an alarm when he appears in the channel, exposing his whereabouts, that way He couldn't look at the situation in secret again.

Although it is a bit dangerous to walk the old road, for example, due to disrepair, cracks have appeared on some of the ladder steps, and it will be easy to crack when stepped on. What, before the ladder broke, he had already walked over that ladder.

   Soon Leo came to the corner of the fissure. The platform and the stairway that had originally been called were already shattered and dropped. Leo had to climb the gap in the cliff and move a little bit past.

Although he has a lot of psionic skills and witchcraft to solve this problem, such as directly casting a psionic ability to stick his footboard on a cliff and walking like a normal person, he feels that the power of the surrounding **** realm is getting more and more Powerful, and there is also a little shadow of monitoring in the realm. If he uses extraordinary powers, it will inevitably cause a response from the realm of the gods. In that case, his whereabouts may also be exposed.

   Now through the most primitive climbing skills, Leo silently turned over the crack corner and landed on a slightly preserved platform on the other side, and then calmly looked at everything that appeared in front of him.

  As Leo had thought before when he felt the waves of heat and the smell of sulfur coming from the fissure, after the fissure turned to the other end, the scene in front of him was completely different.

   I saw in the distance, the bottom of the dark abyss was filled with a lava river that did not know where it came from, and this lava river continued to extend forward along the fissure, and there was no end.

The reason why the lava river did not spread to the fissures here is not because the fissures here are high and the lava rivers cannot spread, but because there is an invisible force from the bottom of the fissure to the top of the fissure. Block the lava that pops up.

  However, Leo found that the power to block the lava is not an extraordinary power, but an energy force field, a powerful energy force field of at least the space city level.

This kind of space city cannot be built by any civilization in the universe, and its technical content is even higher than that of the mother nest battleship, whether it is the internal ecological simulation system of the space city, or the star nuclear power of the space city. The engines are all symbols of advanced scientific and technological civilization, and the energy and power field device that protects the entire space city can be said to be the equipment with the smallest continued content, but also the most difficult to manufacture.

   is simple because the principle of this energy field device is no different from the energy field on a battleship, and even the Earth Federation can manufacture similar energy field devices. And it is the most difficult to manufacture because it is impossible to manufacture an energy force field device that can wrap the entire space city and continue to operate for thousands of thousands of years, even if it is based on technology. Less than one-tenth of civilizations can be created for the dominant higher-civilized race.

Leo has entered a higher-civilized space city more than once, so the energy field of the space city is so familiar that he easily recognized that the energy field that blocks the lava river is derived from the energy force of the space city. Field device, which means that at least one space city wreckage of the universe's higher civilization race has fallen here, and the energy field device in the wreckage can still be used, at least in part.

   However, the energy field is not the focus of Leo's attention. His focus is on the building complex in the Lava River.

I saw that in the lava river, a huge remains was quietly kept inside. Only a pair of wings that had turned into white bones protruded from the lava river. The dense bones on the wings were on the cliffs on both sides of the fissure, on these skeletons. Buildings with quaint, bizarre shapes were built, and gradually formed a very special urban area.

Although in terms of the style of the building itself, these buildings are very old ancient French temple buildings, giving people a feeling of seeing the ancient city, but in fact the equipment placed on these buildings is not that old, at least Leo saw through extraordinary vision that some energy-harvesting devices that belonged to advanced cosmic civilization were fixed at the bottom of the building to collect the energy of the lava river below. He also saw a large number of climate mediation devices placed on some squares in the urban area. With these devices, even if the urban area is on a lava river full of high temperature and poisonous gas, people living in the urban area will not be affected in any way.

There are a lot of creatures living in this lava river city area. These creatures have completely mutated monsters and humans without mutations, but more of them are wrapped in a layer of **** skin, with an insect head and many hands and feet Betu.

The status of these Betu people is very high in the urban area, and the place of residence is also on the upper level of the urban area. The Betu people who live in the urban area below are all managers, whether they are monster families or ordinary humans, they will be humble when they see the Betu people. Bowing salute.

However, the Betu people are not the highest in the city. At the top of the lava river city, that is, at the top of the wing skeleton, there are also some people who have a higher status than the Betu people. These people are grown. The Nefiites who are very similar to jellyfish.

Leo did not see the Nefits in person, because the holographic camouflage device used for space battleships was installed in that city, and it was difficult for extraordinary vision to distinguish those camouflage and those are real, so they could not see the people living there. Nefert.

   But a huge statue of the Nefitt in that area is enough to show that there is a Nefitt in this area, and its status is also the highest in the area.

In addition, he also found that there are a large number of idols in the urban area. These idols are installed in various places in the urban area to facilitate the worship of ordinary people and mutant monsters in the urban area. These idols are not a common kind of main idol, but three. The idols merged together, and the three idols were the eagle god, the sky lord, and the Nefert.

After seeing these strangely shaped Nefert statues and a large number of Betu people, Leo has already determined that this is a city built by the Nefits. As for why the Nefits are here, why are they built like this? In a city, he did not understand it for the time being, and he did not intend to understand it.

  Because he has felt something wrong from the weird situation of the idol, and also feels that the surrounding magical field is very strange.

Due to the remains of the eagle **** under the lava river near the source of the divine power, the strength of the divine field has increased a lot, and the power contained therein has also become clearer because of no barriers and the distribution of distance, and the mine is very sensitive to energy details. Ou soon felt that the surrounding divine realm had more power than the divine realm he had felt on it before, and the most powerful of these powers, even strong enough to be comparable to the divine power itself, was a source. From the psionic power of higher living bodies of Omega level.

The hidden psionic power in the field of magic, the weirdness of the idols in the city, and the magical techniques used by the monsters to capture the rescuers were integrated by Leo, making him already vaguely guessable in this lava river city. what happened.

To put it simply, the Nefert exiles here have an omega-class advanced living body, but this omega-class advanced living body has a problem. It may be that the world's rejection has caused him a great impact. He was forced to actively integrate into this world, and the method of his active integration was to create a doctrine of the Trinity, borrowing the corpse of the eagle **** as a springboard to replace the lord of the sky.

Although this method of borrowing corpses to rejuvenate sounds absurd, it feels basically impossible to succeed, because even if the gods retire in the Velon world, gods like the Lord of the Sky with many believers can still carry out powerful attacks on the real world. For example, the Lord of Life and Death on that day erased the demigods, but only launched successive magical attacks.

  The power of the Lord of the sky is stronger than the Lord of all things. Once he notices that someone has stolen his divine power, then he will surely find the source to erase it.

If the Omega-class advanced life form of the Nefert can still have the power of the heyday, it may be able to confront the Lord of the sky positively, but the problem is that the Omega-level advanced life form is more likely to have died, and the power in the body has been He fell to the valley, and there was only one way to die in the face of the attack of the Lord of the sky.

However, now that the gray fog is sealing the sea, the power and perception of the gods are also blocked by the gray fog, which gives this Nefert higher life form an opportunity to use. He only needs to usurp before the gray fog seals away. In view of the belief of the Lord of the Sky on the Weilun Continent and the renewal of the doctrine of the Trinity that belongs to him, then in the end even if the fog disappears, the Lord of the Sky feels that it may be impossible to cause any fatal harm to him.

After sketching a complete picture in his heart, Leo felt some inexplicable worry, because if it develops according to this matter, even if the Lord of the Sky can’t change his belief in the Wei Lun continent and has been usurped, then It will also inevitably launch a fight against usurpers. In that way, a fierce God War will surely be triggered, and the battlefield of God War is likely to be Velen Continent, which is definitely a disaster for people living on Velen Continent. .

   Leo thought that he didn't want to stay here to observe the movements, nor did he intend to dive into the city. He silently turned around along the broken ladder platform, returned to the previous channel entrance, and then walked back from the original road.

Although Leo can be sure to find something more useful in the urban area, and even get some technological devices that can still operate higher cosmic civilization, but compared with the harvest, the dangers contained in it are greater, Leo I felt that once I set foot in the urban area, I might be caught and found.

  The reason for discovering the whereabouts is not necessarily the extraordinary power, it is more likely to be some identification system derived from the higher civilization of the universe.

  Compared to adventurous sneaking into the city built by the Leo is more willing to spread his speculations and discoveries to see what the reaction of the Church of the Lord of the Sky and other churches on the mainland of Velen.

Unlike when he came, Leo did not need to wait for the members of the rescue club to go down, he could go all the way up, and the time spent was shortened a lot. It took less than 20 minutes to return to the mountain channel crack channel on.

It’s just that the peaceful journey seems to be over here. He found that the monsters hiding on the cliff seem to have received some order that no one should leave, after seeing Leo from the abyss below. When he got out, he jumped out of the hiding cliff and fell towards Leo like rain.

In the face of the siege, Leo appeared to be unhurried. His body seemed to have lost his bones. When encountering an attack, he avoided all kinds of attacks in an abnormal human posture. At the same time, a crystalline long sword made with crystalline magic also appeared. In his hands, he stabbed towards the key points of these monsters.

  After a round of attacks, all the monsters close to Leo were pierced by the heart of Leo's crystalline sword and died, while Leo himself was unharmed.

Leo did not clean up these monster corpses, but he resisted a monster with obvious mutation characteristics from the corpse, and this monster has a pair of twisted and deformed sky lord's commandments on his arm, and also has a sky lord on his chest. Holy emblem tag.

Judging from the holy commandments and emblems on the arm, this monster corpse was a senior priest of the sky church before it was mutated. This should be the result of artificial mutation, which can also be used as evidence to prove that The discovery of the crevasse in the mountain stream.

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