The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 995: Black castle

"Impossible!" Sylvia quickly rejected Leo's speculation and explained: "If there is an abyss fissure here, forming an abyss field, then all people living here will definitely be infected by the abyss. It has become a monster, but since the construction of the Black Castle, no mutation or anything has happened in the Black Castle. If there is a fissure in the abyss, wouldn’t the Neptune Church be found next to it?"

After Leo listened, although he still felt that it should be related to the abyss fissure, he could not refute Sylvia's words.

Sylvia added: "However, what you said is also worthy of attention. The place of Wanghaiya is very weird. We need to check it carefully. I don't want Toran and Elin to live in a dangerous situation at any time. local."

"Leave it to me to check." Leo nodded and said, "You have lived here for too long, even if there is something wrong, you have preconceived that it is commonplace. I first came to be more objective than you. problem found."

As the convoy slowly entered the Black Castle, the servants in the castle had already been waiting here. In addition, the officials of the Port of Randall also came here to wait early with Sylvia's prior notice.

Although everyone on the scene knew from a variety of sources that Sylvia had an heir, they still showed some surprise when they saw a man and a woman in their arms.

Later, Sylvia briefly introduced Leo, indicating his identity as the male owner of the Black Castle. At this time, everyone's eyes could not help but look at Leo. Some people looked at Lei with some dirty eyes. Ou, they all clearly see Leo as the little white face who eats soft rice.

However, Leo did not care about the sight of everyone around him. After getting off the carriage, he carefully looked at the surrounding castle buildings with his eyes.

Leo has been used to surveying the situation of the spiritual network in the past, constructing three-dimensional images based on the feedback information, and surveying the geographical situation in a more comprehensive and intuitive way. Now that psionic power and other forces are restricted, the spiritual network cannot be deployed normally, so he can only pass Eyes to observe the surrounding situation, this is not only inefficient, but also prone to errors and omissions.

This made him have to focus on checking the situation of the castle, and neglected the communication with the people around him, coupled with his indifferent personality, which made Sylvia's introduction and everyone present subconscious Thinks Leo is a rude and rude and arrogant guy.

The attitude of the people around her was naturally seen by Sylvia. She did not explain this misunderstanding for Leo, nor did she prevent the servants in the castle from spreading such misunderstandings. Even under his deliberate indulgence, he had not entered the castle. Leo, who said ten words, became the least popular person in the castle.

When in Cabo City, Sylvia had sent someone to tell the butler in the castle to prepare an independent baby room in the castle, but later because someone wanted to assassinate Little Toran, Sylvia had to Change her mind and place the baby room in her bedroom.

On the contrary, Leo’s bedroom as the male master was arranged in a separate bedroom, which also led to the rumor in the castle that Leo was only the tool man used by Sylvia to make heirs. Now heirs have Leo's role as a toolman disappeared. The reason why Leo is now given the status of a male master is just to look at the charity done in the face of the earl's heir.

So, Leo hadn't walked to his bedroom and changed his clothes. His identity has changed from the castle's master to the castle's surplus.

Although the voices of the people in the castle are very low, and they are all carried by Leo and Sylvia, with the hearing of Leo and Sylvia, the content of these conversations cannot naturally escape their ears.

Leo changed to a casual aristocratic dress in the bedroom and came to Sylvia's study. At this time, Sylvia, who also changed a set of casual clothes, was processing documents accumulated during this period at his desk. Two little guys, Toran and Elin, played in the playground specially built for them not far away, and there were many servants waiting beside them.

Seeing Leo walk in from the outside, Sylvia immediately understood what Leo wanted to say, so he ordered the city officials and servants in the room to wait outside the room, after the outsider left and closed the special door At last, Sylvia, who always kept a serious face, finally couldn't help laughing. Obviously the servants' guess made her feel very funny and interesting.

"My lord the toolman, are you angry?" Sylvia asked Leo with a smile.

Hearing Sylvia say this, Leo knew that it was the result of Sylvia’s deliberate intention, so she smiled helplessly and said, "You can hardly get me from your servant by doing this. Useful news?"

"What useful news can be found among those populations, and if you really become a castle owner, do you think they will tell the truth in front of you?" Sylvia explained: "Actually, you are in such a situation. Well, they will not care about you, or even ignore you, so that you can walk around in the castle, and will not be noticed, it is more convenient for you to investigate the situation of the castle." After she finished, she asked again: "You intend to How to investigate?"

Leo thought for a moment, and said: "I will walk inside the castle first, to understand the general situation of the castle, and then see if the information in the castle's library has been saved in the past." He said, he paused again After a while, I continued: "Also arrange a boat for me. I want to take a look at the sea below the cliff."

"The sea under the cliff is very dangerous. It is full of unsteady turbulence and will be drawn in if you are not careful. In addition to the constant waves all year round, all the ships trying to approach the cliff eventually sink to the bottom of the sea." Hill Via shook her head slightly and said, "No boat will be willing to come here unless you are boating yourself."

Leo was silent for a while and said, "Since no boat is willing to approach here, then I can simply go down the cliff, you can prepare a bundle of rope for me, and it will be available when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, Leo turned and walked out of the room. In order to cooperate with Sylvia’s acting, he showed a very obvious indignation on his face when he went out, and he threw the door hard. Leo and Hill didn’t take long. Via broke down, and soon the castle would no longer have rumors like a man, and spread throughout the castle.

After that, Leo walked back and forth inside the castle, and the servants in the castle neither stopped him nor greeted him, as if he were a transparent person, allowing him to walk around.

Although the black castle is very large, it is several times larger than the average castle, but the building structure of the castle is still not out of the scope of the French Knights Castle.

When the British royal family came here to build a black castle, it was exactly the time when the Frankish knights were the most popular. At that time, there were more than 100,000 formal knights in the entire French Empire, and about 5,000 knights' castles, large and small. In addition to the more than 1,000 officially built Knights' Forts, the other three thousand Knights' Forts are self-built.

Because not every knight has enough financial and material resources to build a knight's castle, most knights will choose to occupy a small hill, and then use a wooden fence to enclose a piece of land to build a few houses, which is called It is the knight's castle of XX.

This kind of village-style knight castle occupies the vast majority of the more than 3,000 knight castles, so some people say that a professional knight castle is a blasphemy against the knight class. This kind of knight castle is not even comparable to those of thieves. Copycat.

Therefore, for the overall honor of the cavalier class, the French Empire promulgated a set of cavalier building standards, which stipulated the basic requirements of the cavalier castle from an administrative level, and subsequently promulgated the architectural specifications of various buildings in the cavalier castle, etc. Formed a form of architecture called Knight Castle style.

At present, this black castle is a standard template that integrates the architecture of the Knights Castle. The outer castle, the inner castle, the knight training ground, the octagonal arrow tower, the large granary, the main castle with both offensive and defensive, etc. are all in accordance with the construction standards of the Knights Castle. Built, and therefore the road inside the main castle of the Black Knight Castle is as intricate as a maze.

The reason why the interior of the main castle is so complicated is mainly to be able to resist in the main castle after the outer castle and the inner castle are captured in the front, and even to reverse the war situation, so the main castle is not only a road It is complicated, and there are still many secret doors and secret passages.

Under the circumstances, these secret gates and secret passages may be able to help the castle owner to resist foreign enemies and even escape the castle. But at this time, these secret gates and secret passages have become a loophole threatening the safety of the castle owner.

After Sylvia inherited the Black Castle, she led people to block all the secret doors and secret passages, but Sylvia had to admit that even in this way, she could not be completely sure of the secret doors in the castle. The dark roads are all blocked, and it is not even certain whether there is a dark room in the castle.

You know, when the British royal family came here to build a black castle, it was already a conflict with the French royal family. It was nice to say that it was a move, and it was bad to say that it was an escape. When they built the black castle, they also I just want to see how the Royal Family of France is prepared to deal with them, ready to escape to the sea at any time, so the castle is built as much as possible in the wartime castle. In such a castle, the dark room used to avoid the war and wait for the time to shift is a must Indispensable, and such a dark room will be very secretly repaired, because the repair is too obvious, it will be easily discovered by people, and it will lose its main role as a dark room.

After Leo walked the main castle around, he only found a dark road that was not discovered by Sylvia and a dark room connected behind.

"I discovered a secret road so soon?" Sylvia said in surprise after hearing Leo's test results.

Leo said solemnly: "I'm afraid there is more than one. If only my spiritual network can be used, I will be able to find out all the secret ways soon."

"It doesn't matter. I've lived here for a few years and nothing has happened." Sylvia said easily.

"But now you are not alone." Leo reminded.

Sylvia's expression became serious.

Leo patted Sylvia's shoulder and said, "Look for someone to plug the underpass that was found first. I'll go to the castle's library to see if there are other underpasses that haven't been found. darkroom."

The Black Castle’s library is not very large. After all, when the British royal family built the Black Castle, they did not consider living there for a long time, so the built library is not very large. Later, the royal family took over this. After the castle was renovated twice, the area of ​​the library was much larger, but it was still much smaller than the library of the normal Knights Castle.

It is precisely because the collection is too small, so there are not many collections here. Most of the new books are placed in the public library transformed from the outer castle with guard towers. Most of the collections here are from the past and Information about the Black Castle, and most of these materials are diaries written by the castle steward.

I don’t know when it started. In addition to the daily affairs, the housekeepers of the noble castles or manors of the French Empire will be appointed by the owner of the castle as the record officer. They will record the daily affairs of the castle or the noble family. The diary writes its own family history, so usually the butler of each castle is hereditary, and the family is responsible for the management of a castle or manor, and Black Castle is no exception.

The history of the housekeeper responsible for the management of the Black Castle can be traced back to the time when the Inge royal family just built the Black Castle, but his family was not a housekeeper at that is just an ordinary attendant. After the British royal family escaped the French empire, their family was kept, and then it was incorporated by the French royal family. Later, because of the understanding of the black castle, their family was appointed by the French royal family as the castle steward. To today.

Because the family has always held the position of housekeeper in the castle, even though the information about the black castle has suffered some fires and other disasters in the past, causing some damage, but the damaged part can still be quickly completed by the housekeeper at the time .

When Leo asked to view the information of the Black Castle and gave Sylvia’s execution order to the butler, the castle steward took Leo to the library, and then let Leo wait for a while and follow him. Several servants placed the black castle diaries written by his ancestors in front of Leo, one by one, according to the chronological order of the materials, for Leo to read.

Leo did not immediately pick up those diaries and looked closely, but quickly scanned the date on the cover, and then asked the castle steward: "What was the earliest information when the royal family built the castle?"

The castle steward replied truthfully: "The materials have been taken away by the Church of Poseidon as early as a few years ago, and they have not yet returned."

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