The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 991: Black market

In the Empire and the United Kingdom, the situation of the black market is completely different.

The empire tried its best to suppress, control, and even send people to penetrate the black market, to attract members of the black market, so as to completely master the black market in the empire. Although the empire had some unavoidable losses in the course of this incident, the ultimate gains were huge. The empire had almost completely controlled the black market in the territory, and monitored the underground world in the entire empire through the black market.

However, the Kingdom’s attitude towards the black market is much looser, as long as the black market does not cause trouble, they are blind to many actions of the black market, and even the federal government will do some transactions and cooperation with the black market. , Through the special channels of the black market, to buy some special materials, because the United Kingdom found that the black market also seems to have a special contact channel, not only to be able to contact the black market of other continents, but also to avoid the black mist to transport special products from other continents goods.

In fact, the United Kingdom really wants to master this black market channel, because even dull people can think that as long as they master this channel, the United Kingdom will also master the future.

However, this event was eventually stopped by Rupert Fitz, who signed some secret cooperation agreements with the black market executives of Velon mainland. The United Kingdom government can obtain some special resources from the black market, and the black market needs to provide some power. The price paid for assisting the Royal Government to govern the underground world is to legalize the black market within the United Kingdom, and it also allows the black market to go from the ground to the ground, forming a semi-open underground power.

For example, the black market in Cabo City is now the largest department store in the city. This department store is ten storeys high. The five storeys below are daily necessities stores for ordinary people in the city, while the five storeys above are black markets. It is open at night and can only be accessed through another secret stairway.

Just like this department store, as the mutants around the world continue to use the line, the boundary between the underground world and the normal world has become more and more blurred. The two are no longer two completely different worlds as in the beginning. It's becoming me in you, you in me.

In the supermarket store that sells normal daily necessities during the day, people with physical changes can also be seen buying things, and in the black market late at night, you can also see many ordinary people with lofty senses wandering and shopping here.

From this perspective, the United Kingdom’s policy of recruiting mutants is very thoroughly implemented, and the Orthodox churches are also helping to absorb some family mutants who have been orthodox gods, making the mutators within the United Kingdom. It can be integrated into the kingdom more quickly, and the destruction of the United Kingdom by world mutation is far lower than that of the empire.

Although this kind of forcible administrative integration will create some contradictions and form a gap between the two sides, but this gap will not exist for a long time, especially after some special role models appear.

After arriving at the black market, Leo saw that the church had also set up an office and other institutions in the black market, and those responsible for these institutions were mutants wearing priestly costumes, and some of them were completely inhuman. Mutations.

However, these mutants have not been discriminated against by normal people like other non-human mutants. Instead, many normal people or normal church believers will talk to those church mutants with a very religious and respectful attitude.

These mutants are special church blessers. They are different from other mutants. They are all families of blessed blessers in every church in the Orthodox Church. The physical variation is a blessing of the gods, which makes them in the church. Having an identity almost equivalent to that of a senior cleric, and the more complete the mutation state, the higher the status.

Basically, if such a family appears in a family, then this family will be identified as a family of family members. Not only will the church regularly issue some supplies every month, but the kingdom will also provide some compensation for these family members. Low-level jobs, as long as they do not violate the Kingdom's criminal law and church canon, such a family of beloved people are basically considered worry-free.

When Leo looked at the information from Sylvia in the hotel, he really thought that the so-called beloved by the church were really beloved, but he only found out that the so-called beloved by the black market through the spiritual network. The gods are only some mutants, not to mention the divine power of the gods, even if the extraordinary power generated by their own mutations is very little, the only thing worth paying attention to is the physical power after their mutations.

The reason why these mutants, especially those who are completely mutated, can still maintain the thinking of normal people has not become completely animalized as Leo has seen elsewhere, except that because of political means within the United Kingdom, these mutants have no time Outside of the harsh environment of non-life and death, more importantly, in these incorporated mutants, there are two things that restrain the mutant powers in their bodies that are prone to insanity.

One of these two things is the spiritual imprint. On these incorporated mutants, there is a spiritual imprint of the Orthodox Church. These spiritual imprints strengthen the power of their own imprint by absorbing the power of mutation, reducing the chance of mental madness during mutation. .

The other thing is the hexagonal suppressor embedded in the skulls of these mutants.

When checking the black market situation with Spirit Net, Leo noticed the hexagonal suppressor on the skull of these attached mutants for the first time. Although he did not know much about the actual situation of this thing, but from this special The shape, the decoration on the surface and the inhibitory effect on the chaotic spirit of the mutant make him unable to associate with another special technological item in the universe civilization.

In the universe, after the spacecraft enters subspace, there are two ways to find the correct course for the spacecraft and avoid getting lost in subspace. One is the navigation wisdom brain from the higher universe civilization, and the other is the subspace navigator.

The navigation wisdom brain is a device with extremely high technology. Only three advanced civilizations in the entire universe know how to manufacture this navigation wisdom brain, and because of the limitations of the manufacturing conditions, the output of this device is extremely small and extremely large. Some of these higher civilizations are for their own use, and only a few will sell other higher civilizations. As for the middle and lower universe civilizations, it is almost impossible to touch the navigation wisdom brain.

Therefore, those mid-level cosmic civilizations can only navigate the spacecraft through traditional methods. This method is to teach psionicists through special methods to train urban subspace navigators.

This kind of training method for subspace navigators is in the hands of governments of various civilizations, and there is basically no outflow to the people. However, according to various signs, this training method is extremely cruel, and the probability of casualties of participating psionicists is very high. Even if the training is finally completed, it will become a psionic monster without any emotion.

The reason why the subspace navigator will eliminate all his emotions through various methods is mainly because the subspace navigator needs a long time to observe the subspace with psionic energy, and the subspace is full of various taboo knowledge and phenomena, If you look at this kind of things too much, it will affect the emotions of the navigator, and ultimately let the navigator fall into a frenzy, so the first basic principle of becoming a navigator is to remove all emotional factors.

It’s just that the emotions of any creature are not simply cut off by some special means, and some taboos of subspace will cause these emotions that are not completely cut off to be infinitely amplified, so this subspace cultivated by psionicists The navigator will also install a special item that suppresses emotions after training. This item is an emotion suppressor.

Leo was a biochemical person in the past, born with no emotions, naturally no need to understand things such as emotion suppressors, but Leo has served as a bodyguard for subspace navigators many times, so the appearance of the emotion suppressor Harmony is no stranger.

In his eyes, the hexagonal suppressors on the skulls of the mutants are very similar to the emotion suppressors produced by the Earth Federation in terms of appearance and function.

The only difference is that the manufacturing process of these hexagonal suppressors is very rough. The outer shell is made of ordinary steel. Unlike the Earth Federation using corrosion-resistant bio-alloys, the materials of the internal components are also They are all mineral materials that can be found in the Velon world, but not other advanced materials.

According to Leo’s estimation, this hexagonal suppressor will gradually lose its effect within 20 years due to material reasons, and the material will also be corroded for various reasons, even causing some damage to the installer, but with the mutant’s In terms of physical condition, such injuries should not have a fatal threat to them.

"It seems that they should have found a manufacturing module of the Earth Federation, otherwise, it is impossible to manufacture a high-tech device of this process at the technological level here." Leo made a heart immediately after analyzing the suppressor Judging, and he is also curious about what type of manufacturing module is mastered in the United Kingdom.

Manufacturing modularity is a key project in the transformation plan of the colonial star of the Earth Federation. Just before Leo was born, all the manufacturing module process technology was completed. At that time, the colonial explorer of the Earth Federation only needed to carry a set of basic manufacturing modules. An unmanned planet, by expanding the corresponding manufacturing modules, can produce various high-tech objects through local resources. It is also because of the emergence of manufacturing modules that individual colonial explorers have become an emerging thing in the Earth Federation.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the manufacturing module obtained by the United Kingdom is a complete set of colonial basic manufacturing modules, as long as you master the method of using this set of manufacturing modules, the technology level of the United Kingdom can be forcibly upgraded to a maximum of ten years. The low civilization of the universe can even make spaceships.

However, this speculation is just thinking about it, Leo feels impossible, because in his memory, there can be no suppressor manufacturing module for subspace navigators in the basic manufacturing module, only some have special subspace The official expedition fleet of exploration missions will have this function-oriented manufacturing module.

After learning about the situation of the black market, Leo soon found the secret room of the black market that specializes in processing all kinds of intelligence information through the spiritual network. He is not planning to buy intelligence from the black market using normal business methods, but intends to test it. Psionic skills that you have learned, sneak in and find the information you want directly.

I saw that after entering the black market, he controlled the psionic energy to resist all kinds of interference energy everywhere in the black market, and formed a thin but strong psionic layer around his body, and then according to his learned skills Let the spirit generate vibrations of different frequencies.

This psionic vibration did not produce any eye-catching effects, or caused any noise, as if there was no such thing, and it did not bring any abnormal conditions to the surroundings, but if someone observes closely, you will find that when Leo is exerting After that psionic skill, he became very inconspicuous. This inconspicuousness is not inconspicuous in appearance and temperament, but everyone who sees or contacts Leo will subconsciously ignore Leo, but But he didn't completely feel Leo's existence.

For example, when someone walks past Leo, the body subconsciously makes an avoidance action to avoid Leo, who is blocking his way, but Leo is completely ignored in his subjective consciousness, as if he is the road A street lamp on the side is common, but it will not be noticed.

Leo also felt the surroundings and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. This psionic skill is one of the few basic skills that can be used for combat. Usually, psionicists will use this skill to sneak into silently. Some places either engage in intelligence theft or assassinate the target.

Under the effect of this psionic skill, all the defensive means of the black market have become ornaments, Leo just so blatantly followed the staff of the black market, entered the internal department of the black market, and came to the information blocked by the secret door File room.

The man who led Leo into the intelligence archives room closed the door of the archives room, and after filing the intelligence archives that had just been taken out, he sat at his desk, keeping a record of the intelligence archives he had recently sent. Realizing that there was one more person in the room, even Leola opened the drawer and made a loud noise, but still did not attract any attention from him.

In such a wonderful situation, Leo quickly read the information in the black market archives room, even the staff just sorted out the information he had just read through, and the staff always A big living person stood beside him.

After reviewing the information, Leo has a more detailed understanding of the current situation in the underground world of the United Kingdom of France, and Leo has obtained the information from the information about the port of Venaya and Lansi Cage. Two unexpected joys.

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