"Is this?" Leo was stunned when he saw the origin of the gamma-ray energy, and then used psionic energy to sweep away the soil above it, revealing the source of the gamma-ray inside.

I saw that the source was not a radiation item, but a baby girl who was buried alive.

If it weren't for her to emit faint gamma rays outward, the baby girl would be no different from ordinary humans from the inside out.

Because of being buried for some time, the baby girl's life characteristics are a little weak, and she may die at any time.

Leo didn’t think much, picked up the baby girl from the pit, and then used the psionic tremor and other healing psionic skills to treat the baby girl. The baby girl recovered quickly after a slight cough. With closed eyes, he looked at Leo.

When she saw the baby girl’s eyes, Leo somewhat understood why she was buried alive, because the baby girl’s eyes were as dark as ink, and it was like a black glass ball, and it was still vaguely visible in the glass ball. A little flame was jumping.

Being watched by such eyes, even a determined person like Leo will unconsciously feel an inexplicable thrill, and the moment ordinary people see these eyes, they may be completely surrounded by fear .

However, this inexplicable feeling did not affect Leo for too long, and soon he recovered from the inexplicable fear.

Afterwards, he checked some of the baby girl's physical condition, and when she was sure that she had no physical illness, but only malnutrition, she extended her finger and placed it in front of the little girl's eyes.

Although the baby girl’s eyeballs are very weird, she is not blind. When Leo shakes her fingers, her eyeballs will move slightly with her fingers. Afterwards, she feels like Leo is playing games with her and reaches out to catch Lei. European fingers.

In the previous inspection, Leo did not find out why the girl could emit weak gamma-ray energy, or why the girl's eyes could produce a frightening effect, as if the girl were really just ordinary people.

However, it is precisely this kind of ordinary that does not seem to have any abnormalities that is not so ordinary.

A cold mountain breeze blew around, the baby girl shivered and shrunk into a ball, Leo wrapped it in clothes, and at the same time created a constant temperature energy field with psionic energy to keep the baby girl and the surrounding cold night Isolated.

Subsequently, Leo opened his psionic wings and flew into the air, recognized the direction, and flew towards the nearest quarry town.

In Leo’s opinion, the person who would bring the baby girl into this remote and remote woodland must have lived nearby, so he wanted to go to the nearby quarry town to see if he could find this The baby girl's family understands the reason why the baby girl was buried alive. As for the follow-up, naturally the baby girl will not be returned to him, and then let his family bury it alive. He intends to adopt the baby girl.

Soon Leo flew to the nearby quarry town. Through the Spirit Net, he easily found more than 30 mutant families living here, and by listening to the conversations of these families, he was also very relaxed. Found the baby girl's family.

Leo did not enter the apartment where the family lived, and asked the people in the house why he wanted to bury the baby girl alive, but stood at the top of the apartment and spied on these people's conversations through the spiritual network.

The family in the apartment has a total of eleven, two couples with a close relationship, and seven children belonging to different families. A total of seven people in the eleven family have obvious variant organs, and the other four have some secrets. With the signs of mutation, it is the most typical family of mutants here.

Through the conversation between the family members, Leo confirmed that these family members of the baby girl had no guilt at all about burying the baby girl alive. Instead, they felt relieved as if they had removed a scourge. If they had wine and food, even There may also be a special celebration party for this purpose.

As for why this family hates so much, or more accurately fears the baby girl who was not born long ago, there is a reason for this, which can also be learned from their conversations.

The baby girl was born more than a month ago. At the time of birth, there were 17 people who lived in this apartment, and the six people all died within this month. The reasons for the death of these people are all without exception. The mutation is out of control.

At that time, no one suspected that this situation was related to the baby girl. Although the baby girl’s eyes would make people feel terrified, compared with the strange shapes and abilities possessed by other mutants, this kind of black eyeball and the use of the baby girl People's ability to fear is not so special, everyone regards baby girls as ordinary mutants.

It was not until a short period of time that several people died in a row, which attracted the attention of the people in the town, worried that it was a plague, and began to investigate this matter. It was found that these people who died of mutations out of control all took care of this baby girl before death. Two days.

After this discovery, the people in the town repeatedly verified that the baby girl really caused the variation of the body of others to be out of control, so the people in the town thought that the baby girl was an evil incarnation and a cursed girl. Deal with these abandoned people.

The people in the town originally wanted to burn the baby girl, but the burning of people caused some people to have bad memories, so they decided to take the baby girl into the woods on the outskirts, and the family of the baby girl naturally No objection, when they learned that the baby girl was the cause of the death of their family, they no longer regarded the baby girl as a family member.

After understanding the situation, Leo can also guess why the baby girl will cause the mutated organs of those mutated to be out of control, which will lead to death. The reason may be due to the continuous emission of gamma rays from the baby girl.

The Earth Federation’s research on gamma rays has a long history. In the old earth age, there have been specialized agencies engaged in the study of gamma rays, but even in the era of Leo, what is the time of gamma rays, and what do they have? What kind of effect is still a mystery.

Because every time, the conclusion about the function of gamma rays will be overturned by the emergence of new technology, and new functions will be added. According to rumors, even the higher universes of the Supreme Council of the Universe Civilization also failed to fully grasp the gamma-ray cosmic energy ray.

Among the many functions of gamma rays that can be affirmed now, inducing genetic mutation is one of the most basic functions.

Although the gamma rays of the baby girl are not strong, the basic function of causing genetic mutations will not be weakened too much, and the dead people are affected by the rays for a long time, and their bodies are also affected by other Variations are caused by reasons, and gamma rays only play a role in transforming the variation from benign and chronic to acute and malignant.

After learning the situation, Leo did not intend to let the baby girl and her family meet again, but directly displayed the psionic wings and flew back towards Kab City.

"Why did you come back? Has it been resolved?" As Leo flew in from the window, the alarmed Sylvia asked in surprise.

"No, the assassin's things are a bit complicated, and I need to talk to you." Leo shook his head slightly, and then lifted his clothes to reveal the baby girl inside. "But before you help her clean up, Dirt."

Seeing the baby girl in Leo's arms, Sylvia couldn't help but stunned. She never thought that Leo, who had said that she had to leave for two days not long ago, ran back so fast, and she still held a baby girl in her arms.

However, the baby girl's trembling body and muttering sounds immediately awakened Sylvia from the surprise. She did not ask much and immediately stepped forward to hold the baby girl from Leo's hands.

Leo watched Sylvia coax the baby girl and walked to the bathroom in the suite, and then reminded: "This little guy is special, it is best to help her clean herself, not to let other ordinary people approach her."

Sylvia was stunned for a moment. At this time, the baby girl also opened her eyes because of changing the environment. When she saw the baby girl's eyes, Sylvia's heart filled with unstoppable fear, but she The bloodline of the abyssal dragon on the body quickly suppressed this abnormal fear.

"What a powerful force, I was affected without any precautions? Is she a mutant?" Sylvia asked in surprise.

"No." Leo shook his head.

Sylvia did not continue to ask questions. She took the baby girl into the dressing room. After about half an hour, she took the dressing and changed to a baby girl back to the living room.

At this time, the baby girl was already asleep, and Sylvia placed the baby girl next to Little Toran, then did Leo next to him and asked, "What the **** happened? What happened to this baby girl?" ?"

Leo told Sylvia about the abnormality of the baby girl's life and body.

"What? What kind of rays does she mutate?" Sylvia immediately showed a nervous look on her face. She stood up and wanted to go to the cradle to take the baby girl away from Toran.

Leo immediately grabbed her and said, "Don't be nervous. The gamma rays on her are not harmful to Toran, they will only affect ordinary people, and..." Then, he paused. Said: "And maybe her gamma rays are good for Tolan's body."

Although Sylvia believes in Leo’s judgment, she still asks with suspicion: "What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true. Tolan is my son. I won't do anything that hurts him." Leo looked at Sylvia very seriously and saw that Sylvia's expression eased a little. , Motioned her to do it, and then continued: "I suspect that when Tolan was born, the Black Forest made some hands and feet on him."

Sylvia's face immediately became gloomy when she heard the words. Obviously, things like being done with hands and feet on her body were not good things in her past experience.

But Leo said before Sylvia was angry: "However, I don't think these hands and feet are bad."

"What do you mean?" Sylvia glared at Leo with dissatisfaction. Leo did not explain clearly, so he drove Leo out of the room.

Leo still said in a hurry: "Neither you nor my bloodline is a force that this world will allow to exist. Because you and I can control it, the repulsion that causes this world is not very great, but Tolan is different. He does not Knowing the power to control himself, if one day he suddenly wakes up your abyssal power or my bloodline power, then it will surely trigger the rejection of this world, and then he may be in danger of life, so the Black Forest is in his He made hands and feet to block all his blood power, and it should be a good thing for him."

After listening to Leo’s explanation, Sylvia nodded deeply. After leaving the Black Forest, Sylvia clearly felt that the world’s suppression and rejection of her had strengthened a lot. This was obviously and Her bloodline has been further improved.

Therefore, even if the Black Forest doesn't do things on Little Tolan, she might go to church to find someone to block Little Tolan's blood.

However, active request is one thing, passive acceptance is another matter. The practice of secretly starting in the Black Forest still makes Sylvia extremely dissatisfied and angry.

Sylvia asked puzzled: "If you think it's a bad thing to stimulate Toran's blood power, why do you say it's good to let that little girl stay with Tolan?"

"In addition to causing the human body to mutate, the gamma rays on the baby girl can also use a special method to trigger another kind of power." Leo said seriously: "That kind of power is also my original power. I hope to support Lan can inspire the same strength as me."

"Is that power psionic?" Sylvia quickly guessed.

Leo nodded.

As Leo said, www.ltnovel.com~ According to various studies of the Earth Federation and the data of alien civilizations, gamma rays not only cause the human organs to mutate, but also stimulate the human body's spiritual energy. In fact, In the alien's psionic inheritance obtained by Leo, there are very detailed data records on how to use gamma rays to induce the human's potential psionic energy without harming the human body.

Although all of the above content is aimed at the alien race corresponding to the inheritance, Leo was able to infer one from the other to find out some ways for humans to stimulate psionic energy by gamma rays, and immersed in weak gamma rays for a long time. Is one of the methods.

When the baby girl was brought back, Leo had already thought of a method to control the gamma rays on the baby girl. This method is also a psionic skill and has been cast on the baby girl. The effect seen from now It’s not bad. The intensity of the gamma ray in the baby girl has been reduced to one-tenth, plus the special characteristics of Little Toran’s own blood veins, so that this intensity of gamma rays can just affect Little Toran. Will not hurt Little Tolan.

In addition, Leo wants to keep the baby girl by his side, also hoping to find out the mystery of the mysterious power and the origin of gamma rays in the baby girl.

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