The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 974: Cosmic civilization light

At the entrance of the abyss, countless lower abyss monsters and higher races are entrenched here. In the middle of these monsters and races, a huge abyss snake is entrenched, and the scarlet eyes are watching outside, on the head of the weird snake Full of hesitation.

He has discovered this fissure in the abyss for many years. The powerful beings that he discovered with him have also died one after another. Some died from the attacks of other abyss higher races, and some ventured into the other side. As a result, the strength was completely suppressed, causing a group of ants to die.

However, unlike these powerful, dead beings, the Abyssal Snake hides itself from the beginning, suppresses endless greed, and carefully observes every detail across the rift, looking for the right time to invade and penetrate method.

For any abyss creature, the abyss rift represents an evolutionary approach. As long as it can actively participate in the actions of polluting other worlds, then when that world is pulled by the abyss power and slides into the abyss, all participating abyss creatures will follow him. We contribute to receive gifts from the abyss. These gifts usually directly promote the evolution of the abyss creatures. Some gifts can even make the abyss creatures evolve to another level, including abyss creatures such as the abyss snake that have evolved to the top.

It is precisely because the abyss gift is so huge, so once there is an abyss rift leading to other worlds, any abyss creature who knows where the rift is rushing to another world crazy, paving the way for the polluted world, good luck can live to fall in that world The abyss either hides the abyss fissures, slowly penetrates the pollution, and swallows the abyss gifts obtained by polluting a world alone.

The abyss snake chose to hide the abyss fissure, and there are several abyss higher races who made the same choice as him, and finally this abyss fissure was hidden, and his competitors either died on the road to the polluted world. Or, he was secretly regarded as a vassal under his complete control.

Leo has been preparing for the pollution of the Black Forest world for a long time, and even in order to explore the power of the Black Forest world, he did not hesitate to leak the abyss rift hidden for many years to an abyss worm passing by nearby, and lure the abyss worm into Another world.

The Abyssal Snake did this not only because his character was careful and cautious, but also because from the beginning he could feel that the world opposite the fissure was completely different from the world he had seen before. This abyss fissure The world opposite the Black Forest is a world with great power. He has no doubt that if he acts rashly, he will die silently on the other side like the existence of other abyss where fissures are found.

Therefore, the abyssal snake has been sending monsters to invade this way, and has obtained countless practical experience materials, so as to find out the situation of the opposite world.

And now he feels that the time is ripe, and he releases two pollution weapons that have been prepared long ago, but things seem to be very unsuccessful, the first weapon has happened before it can fully function, and the other weapon looks like it is now. It hasn't been exposed, but I can't hide it for long.

Although the situation is now out of anticipation, he has not completely collapsed, and he has prepared for the back hand, so he did not continue to endure, while taking advantage of the effects of disrupting the defense power of another world, he could not wait to change the original The suppressed tide of the abyss is released, and the lower abyss creatures that have already been on the move are sent into another world, and at the same time, another polluting weapon is ordered to immediately launch the abyss sacrifice and create the abyss realm.

According to his vision, the defense forces on the other side of the rift should be very chaotic. Unmanned defense lines, coupled with the abyssal tidal eruption and the impact of a large number of low-level abyss monsters, will soon collapse into an army, and the abyssal forces will occupy the outside for a short time. Most areas, and then the sacrifice will succeed, creating the eye of the abyss and forming the abyssal realm. These higher races of the abyss can enter another world without being suppressed by the power of another world. Pollution will be half the battle.

However, the development of the matter is completely different from the process of repeated deductions of the Abyssal Serpent for many years. First of all, the defensive forces have not been confused by the loss of the leader, but instead have formed a stronger defense line, completely blocking the cannon fodder he sent.

At the same time, the situation on the pollution weapon side was not good, and an extremely dangerous message was sent to him as if he had encountered a natural enemy. For this reason, he had to use extreme means to spawn the eye of the abyss.

But just when he felt that he had succeeded, a breath of terror that had never been felt suddenly appeared. That breath of terror not only worked in the other side of the world, but even penetrated into the abyss through the fissure, and it made people more It was incredible that a powerful force that was not much worse than that terror breath also appeared out of thin air, not only dispelling that terror breath, but also destroying the already formed eye of the abyss.

Various accidents have caused the Abyssal Serpent to be completely bankrupted for many years. Although this does not mean that it has been unable to invade the world opposite the fissure, but if it continues to invade, then even if it succeeds, the cost will be much greater, and it will not. Must be able to successfully create a pollution spot on the other side.

The final gains and losses made the abyssal snake hesitate whether it should continue to invade the world opposite the fissure, and unlike the abyssal snake hesitant mentality, the other abyssal higher races around the abyssal snake controlled by special methods have been completely killed by the opposite. It seduce the most primitive killing and greed in the heart, even the prohibition of the Abyssal Serpent could not suppress this primitive desire.

At this moment, the other side of the fissure suddenly heard a monster-like loud noise, and the Abyssal Serpent and other abyssal monsters looked up at the place where the sound came out.

Their eyes easily penetrated the dark oil and gas mist transformed by the power of the dense abyss, and saw the scene where the sound came from. I saw that just above the fissure of the abyss, a cone-shaped giant metal object looks like It was blooming flowers that slowly opened nine metal plates, revealing a strange-looking ring-shaped object hidden in the metal plate.

The Abyssal Serpent did not know exactly what this was doing, but He felt a strong danger, as if there was something deadly lurking in it.

Just when the Abyssal Serpent wanted to look further at what was inside, the ring-shaped object that was almost the same size as the crack began to shine, and then a dazzling light spot formed in the center, and the light The point is rapidly magnifying, and when it spreads to the inner ring of the ring, a powerful energy flow is formed and it is ejected toward the abyss fissure below.

After the powerful and unmatched energy flow rushed out, all the abyss monsters that stood in front of the energy flow and did not have time to burst out of the crack instantly burned to ashes.

When the energy flow poured into the abyss fissure, the world barrier of the abyss fissure itself began to work, trying to block the impact of the energy flow on the abyss.

However, there is a high-energy ion beam in the energy flow that directly tears this layer of barrier. Not only does the energy flow pass through the crack and rush into the abyss, but also the fragmentation of the abyss barrier forms Space energy fragments are also mixed in the energy flow, impacting the abyss world at the other end.

At the moment when the energy flow appeared, the Abyssal Serpent felt extremely dangerous. He ignored the life and death of other abyss creatures around him, and opened up in the surrounding abyss biota with the fastest speed and the strongest power. A path of escape, and other abyss creatures have no idea what happened to the abyss snake, and they are still in the same place.

However, even if the abyssal snake made the most correct choice in time, he still could not completely escape the attack range of the energy flow. His tail was swept by the edge of the energy flow, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye was dry and fragmented. Ashes.

The Abyssal Snake, which has lost its tail, did not stop to check the injury, and still fled towards the distance at the fastest speed.

The edge of the energy flow alone already has such a powerful power, and the area covered by the energy flow center is naturally more powerful, so it is just right for the abyss creature on the other side of the fissure, whether it is a higher race or a lower monster, even struggling action Without it, it instantly burned to ashes, all the abyssal forces were also dispelled, and the impulse of the energy flow has not weakened. It was like a beam of destruction that rushed out for nearly a hundred kilometers. Everything that was blocked was vaporized, and the edge The scraped area was also burnt into a glazed shape.

Almost at the moment when the energy flow spewed out, the abyss tide ended earlier under the impact of this energy flow. Although there are sporadic abyss monsters, they no longer have any threats.

At the same time, except for the ventilation equipment and main lighting equipment with a separate energy source in Lanxi City, all other large and small equipment that require the main energy engine to provide energy output are automatically turned off, that is, those that require magnetic energy to fly Floating cars, automatic doors that require energy to open, all instantly enter a closed state.

This sudden accident made everyone caught off guard. The floating cars that were still flying in the air in other urban areas fell directly from the air one by one, smashing the following buildings into big holes and smashed them. A lot of people were injured. They should have come to maintain the disaster site. The majority of the sergeants and bachelors who stabilized the people’s emotions were locked in their own lounges and offices. .

Such a small number of people, and the lack of powerful deterrent weapons on hand, makes some people who already have other thoughts feel that this is an opportunity.

In the outermost suburb of Lanxi, a large number of thugs began to attack people on the streets of the urban area, robbed various commodities in the urban area, and soon fell into chaos.

Although other urban areas have not been plagued by riots like the surrounding urban areas, they are all in a mess because of panic and the lack of contact with senior management such as the bachelor society and the sergeant society.

However, at the moment, the people in the management of Lanxi City are all messed up, because they are also trapped in the conference room, and the monitor screen is also turned off automatically because of the energy supply problem when the subspace engine is started. They are now I don’t know anything about the outside world. The only certainty is that something big should happen to the defense zone, because the last picture they see from the monitor is the picture of the subspace engine protective shell opening, they can’t help but think of Leo said The powerful weapon against the abyss.

Waiting anxiously is obviously not the character of these managers, nor the character of Alice. They immediately looked for a way to leave in the meeting room, and also tried to see if they could open the door of the meeting room. Unfortunately, all this was futile.

At this moment, in the abyss defense zone, Sylvia was temporarily blinded by seeing the energy beam directly with her eyes for a while. Now she has recovered, but the monitoring screen of the observatory has disappeared, and she is worried about the situation outside. Yes, she immediately walked out of the observatory.

However, the abyssal forces in the defense zone she saw at this moment have become extremely thin, and everything around can be seen clearly. A large number of fearless mech sergeants, clergy, clergymen and fanatics fell on the ground. On the ground, life and death are unknown, and some people who have not fallen are fighting a large number of abyss monsters. With the suicide attacks of fanatics, although the defending party is sparse, the monsters are still being beaten down and look very good. The battle will end soon.

When Sylvia looked at the entrance to the abyss, she was shocked by what she because she found that the entrance to the abyss was two-thirds smaller than what she saw And the power of the abyss in the entrance has become very chaotic and thin, no longer allows anyone who sees to feel the pressure and fear as before.

"Is this caused by the weapon just now?" Sylvia asked, unable to help himself.

However, she had never thought of getting an answer, but she heard Leo’s voice ringing in her ear: "Yes, this is caused by the energy flow of the subspace engine, but the power of this energy flow is really incredible. , Far beyond my expectations."

Sylvia heard that and turned to look at Leo. Leo was pale now, and he looked tired as if he was injured.

"Are you all right?" Sylvia asked with some worry.

"It's nothing. It's just overexertion, beyond control." Leo replied casually, indicating that Sylvia didn't have to worry, and then walked to the edge of the abyss entrance, feeling the chaotic energy fluctuations there, saying: "Look It looks like Lanxi City should be able to stabilize for a long time."

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