For a long time, the in-cylinder brain technology has greatly assisted the Earth Federation in the development of the universe. It was not until the Earth Federation began to contact other alien civilizations and learned new technologies from those alien civilizations. Abolished.

The reason why Leo mentioned Sylvia's in-cylinder technology is that Leo saw some equipment related to in-cylinder surgery at the mecha maintenance station in the abyss defense zone. And he understands that the technology that has been sealed by the Earth Federation in the museum is also because he almost accepted the transformation of the in-cylinder technology.

Although the plan eventually died because of the accidental death of the mentioner, he left a deep impression in Leo’s heart, so that he later looked up the relevant information and carefully checked it, even through a simulated learning device. Through a few cylinder midbrain surgery.

"The method is feasible." Leo carefully recalled the content related to the midbrain in the memory, and then added: "Even if this technology finally succeeds, there will be no small side effects, the most obvious point It means that people undergoing surgery will become less and less humane."

"This is something that will happen in the future. It has nothing to do with us in the end." Sylvia shrugged and turned to look at the meeting room. He said: "You should have heard our conversation. There is a way now. It can understand the abyssal power of Tyrrell’s body and prevent the abyss, but it will cause Tyrell’s body to be completely paralyzed. However, we also have a technology called the in-cylinder, which can Tyrell’s commander I changed my head into a container, and then changed his body for him. Do you think it is feasible and should we help?"

Hearing Sylvia's words, a sergeant Shen Sheng asked: "Will this cylinder-in-brain technology affect Sergeant Tyrrell's combat effectiveness?"

Sylvia turned to look at Leo. Leo stood out and replied: "There will be an impact, but it may be a good impact, or it may be a bad impact, because it depends on what is left by Lance City. Whether the parts are complete and whether the model is suitable. Without enough parts and devices, Tyrrell’s combat power will not only weaken, but will become more powerful, and even the combat strength of the entire Mecha Legion can become more powerful."

Hearing Leo’s words, all kinds of comments were heard in the conference room. After a while, another bachelor asked: “Can we learn the technology of the brain in the cylinder?”

Leo calmly replied: "I need an assistant, you can send someone to help, whether you can learn, depends on you."

Leo's remarks caused discussion in the conference room. Then the speaker of the conference room tapped the table a few times to signal that everyone stopped talking, and then said to Leo: "We need to discuss it before we can make this matter. We decided to wait for the results, we will invite Pope Alice to inform you. In addition, we will not let you do things in vain, as long as you can save the Sergeant Tyrrell, we will definitely pay you to be satisfied of."

Leo did not act too happy, but nodded and agreed with each other.

After that, the connection between the two sides of the image was broken, and the image of the entrance to the abyss reappeared on the screen of the observatory.

It's just that Leo didn't think about observing the entrance of the abyss at this moment, but turned to look at Sylvia and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to use the conversion ceremony on that Tyrrell?"

"Of course for the soul eater in his body." Sylvia explained: "We capture the soul eater through the conversion ceremony, and then use your fire of sin to refine the origin blood line of the soul eater. I absorbed it and supplied the little guy in my stomach, we don’t need to stay here anymore."

"Can the fire of sin karma refine the blood of the higher race of the abyss?" Leo looked at Sylvia in surprise and said.

"Don't you know?" Sylvia also looked at Leo unexpectedly, and then smiled: "It seems that the inheritance of the abyss knowledge you got is not complete. You don't even know such important things. No wonder I have been Haven't seen you seriously develop the power of the fire of crime."

Later, Sylvia very carefully told Leo what she knew about the fire of crime.

As Sylvia puts it, Leo’s knowledge of the fire of sin karma is indeed very shallow, just know that the fire of sin karma can burn the power of the abyss, but in fact the fire of sin karma can also refine the abyss of the higher race Bloodline, able to create temporary sinful abyss, etc., even Sylvia, who inherited the near-complete, abyssal dragon inheritance memory, could not fully say all the effects and methods of use of the fire of sin karma. For any creature, it has a strong restraint effect.

After listening to Sylvia’s story, Leo quickly mastered this method. This is not to say that the method is very simple, but that this method is very similar to the method Leo created himself to remove the power of the abyss. Are burned directly with the fire of the sin karma, the only difference is the intensity of the burning.

"The method is not difficult. You only need to practice a few times to fully master it." Leo explained his situation and then asked: "How about the conversion ceremony?"

"This is simpler, now..." Sylvia was preparing to explain her thoughts, but before she finished, she stopped and looked straight at the image of the entrance to the abyss in front of her. Channel: "Look at it!"

In fact, without Sylvia's reminder, Leo already saw something wrong in her look, and turned her head to look at the abyss entrance image projected on the monitor.

I saw that everyone in Lanxi originally thought that the calming abyss tide erupted again, and this eruption was almost without any prior warning. The black oil and gas mist at the entrance of the abyss erupted like a volcanic eruption, compared to the previous abyss The tide is several times stronger. The shock wave caused by the black oil and gas mist ejected on the dome has already shaken the entire Lanxi City.

Moreover, the black oil and gas mist has also spread at an extraordinary speed, so that all the protective measures in the defense zone have spread to the entire defense zone before it can be activated.

Fortunately, the separation wall composed of the Holy Words of the gods used for blockade outside the defense zone does not need to be activated, and it can function at any time. When the black oil and gas mist full of abyss power spreads, it will block it back without letting the abyss erosion and spread. To other regions.

It's just that in this blink of an eye, the abyss defense zone has completely fallen.

Although this is not the first time the abyss defense zone has fallen, there have been many abyssal forces occupying this area in past defense history.

But those times were completely different from the current ones. Those times were only the abyssal forces spread to the surroundings. The black oil and gas mist composed of those abyssal forces had not yet occupied the whole area. In the middle, the defense force of Lanxi City still has a strong commander-in-chief, organized various resistances, and finally recaptured the defense zone.

However, as the nominal leader of the churches, the Lutheran priests on the other side of the gods died, and the commander of the Fearless Mech Legion also became paralyzed. Although in the occupied defense zone, each combat power remained intact, but it was in A state in which the dragons are headless, it is no exaggeration to say that if there is no correct response, the fall of the abyss defense zone will completely fall.

The abyss tide suddenly erupted, instantly covering the entire abyss defensive zone. At the first time, it was passed to a management meeting that was still discussing whether to treat Tyrrell. Everyone on the scene saw that the monitor was already dark. A piece of video, the look on his face is extremely ugly, in addition to shock, more fear and panic.

"Immediately, immediately open all the dome artillery to attack the ground!" The bachelor shouted immediately.

As soon as the bachelor's voice fell, the sergeant sitting next to him grabbed his clothes and said fiercely: "Are you crazy? There are our soldiers and people in the church, you want to kill Die them, and clear the way for the abyss monster?"

If it is the usual time, the sergeant's rude behavior will definitely be accused by other bachelors, and even provoke a political battle between the bachelor and the sergeant, but now everyone's mind is placed in the abyss defense zone, no one will Ignore the nasty little things between the bachelor and the sergeant.

"I want to go down, check the situation, and preside over the battle!" At this time, Alice stood up from the seat and was ready to walk out of the meeting room and return to the defense zone.

"Wait! You can't go down now." The speaker of the meeting called Alice, and then explained to Alice when he looked at him puzzledly: "You must enter the defense zone at this time, you must open the gate, the gate on the gate The Holy Word is also bound to be affected, and these abyssal forces will surely infiltrate by then."

Alice frowned and said in a deep voice: "Is there no other way to enter the defense zone?"

"No." The Speaker shook his head, and then said very seriously: "I am now in the capacity of the Speaker of the Management Council to order the implementation of the No. 7 defense plan."

"No. 7 defense plan?" Everyone was stunned after hearing it, and then quickly realized what they were all looking at the white-haired speaker with a shocked face.

The management of the seventh defense plan in Lanxi City is called the final defense plan. The method is very simple. It is to use a thick partition that has received many blessings from the gods to completely block all the entrances and exits of the abyss defense zone, and then The output power of all the energy cannons in the dome is adjusted to the maximum, and indiscriminate attacks are carried out on any movable objects on the ground.

In other words, this is an enhanced version of the dispute between the former sergeant and bachelor.



"Are you crazy?"

"Not yet there!"

For a time, all the bachelors and sergeants who had come back to God were opposed. They stared at the speaker in annoyance, as if they were looking at sinners.

"I am sober, and now the decision I make is the most correct one." The speaker's face was also very pale, and he said in frustration: "You think about what happened before, and take a look at this wave of abyss now. The intensity of the tide, it is clear that these abyss monsters have already prepared for this invasion, and may even have figured out the details of all the defense systems in the defense zone, so those in the defense zone are absolutely impossible..."

"Wait a minute!" Alice interrupted the speaker and said, "Mr. Speaker, I think we should wait a bit longer, and someone should be able to save this situation."

"Someone saved the situation?" The speaker froze for a moment, and seemed to think of something, and said, "You mean that Mr. Leo Dodd?"

"Yes," Alice nodded, still hesitant to see the speaker, and continued: "Don't forget that even Leo Dodd could not stop the invasion of these abyssal forces, but we still have one to stop The weapon of the abyss was the one that Leo Dodd had taken out not long ago, and the weapon left by the ancestors of Lanxi City."

"Yes! Yes! We still have a weapon left by our ancestors." At this time, not only the speaker, but other people also thought of it, so they temporarily stopped implementing the seventh plan and began to control the computer Prometheus. People on the side, let them immediately adjust the subspace engine to the activated state, ready to launch at any time.

At the same time, in the defensive zone below which was completely wrapped in the dark oil mist of the abyss, everyone was caught off guard by this big explosion, and they were also a little panicked at this time, because there has never been a similar incident. Things, they don’t know how to deal with it for a while.

But at this time, all the fearless mech sergeants in the defense zone received a series of commands in the spiritual docking system. These commands are different for each team. Among them, the fearless mech sergeants located in the frontline theater are all ordered together. To act as a defensive array, contact the clergy, family members, and fanatics who were also trapped in the thick black oil mist, and set up defensive positions centered on different observatories.

The fearless mech sergeant in the battery area also received different to cooperate with the Holy Church of the Victims' Church, stationed in various defensive forts and opened the fort firepower system.

The more important point is that there is a detailed defensive theater map in the information sent to their mental docking system along with these clear command orders, and the position of each friendly army is marked in detail, even if these black oil and gas The fog blocked all sight, but with this map in place, they were not at all worried that they would hurt their friendly forces when attacking.

All Fearless Mech Sergeants do not know who issued these commands, but the way these commands are given is at the highest level, even above Tyrrell Commander, and all the commands are very clear, completely aimed at the current situation, So even if these fearless mech sergeants did not know the source of the order, they still carried out according to the order, and as more and more people gathered, the defensive positions had been gradually formed, and the hearts of the people had stabilized.

However, in an observatory, Leo, through the plug-in device in the universal universal recorder, cooperated with the spiritual network to control the surrounding situation, gave orders to the fearless mech sergeant, and stabilized the situation, but he did not relax at all, his eyes Always watching the situation at the entrance to the abyss.

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