The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

: Chapter 958: Countermeasure

"You said that Tyrrell Commander and Luther Priestess might be possessed by a high-level race called Demon Eater in the Abyss?" Alice, who had just pulled out of the post-war cleanup work, heard Leo and Hill After Via’s words, she looked at them dumbly, trying to find signs of telling a joke from their faces. After a while, she covered her forehead and looked like a headache, saying, "You know What does this accusation mean? What kind of impact will it have? I started to doubt that bringing you here is the most wrong thing I have done."

"It may also be the best thing." Leo said calmly in the face of Alice's question, "If you don't find ours, the soul eater may use the possessor to use the power of the abyss. It only takes a short time to infect anyone, and Lanxi City may be completely swallowed by the abyssal forces."

"It is still unknown whether Lord Tyrrell and the Luther priest are possessed by that soul eater. Those are just the words of the two of you." Alice shook her head and said, "Even if I believe you, I am willing to investigate this Things, but do you know how much resistance there is? Tyrrell Commander is the commander of all fearless mech sergeants, and also the chief commander of all mech sergeants, the most powerful person in Lanxi, Luther Although the priest is not as powerful as Tyrrell's commander, he is the spiritual mentor of the filthy mother priest in the entire Lanxi city, one of the three priests of the filthy mother church, and a candidate for the future church pope. What do you think I would do if they were investigated by an unconfirmed message?"

"You don't need to investigate them." Sylvia signaled Alice not to worry, said: "We can lead the soul eaters out, you just need to create opportunities for us when necessary, and let others not hinder us. Now."

"How do you plan?" Alice asked.

Facing the inquiry, Leo and Sylvia smiled at each other without saying anything, and they looked like they did not trust Alice.

Alice frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "You don't tell me anything, how can I help you lead a soul eater?"

"Alice, you seem to be wrong, we don't need to deal with soul-eating ghosts!" Leo calmly corrected Alice's words: "We will not stay here for too long, according to the situation of Sylvia. It only takes a few days at most for the fetus in the stomach to stabilize and grow normally. We do this to help you, or you, avoid being swallowed by the abyss."

Hearing Leo's words, displeasure appeared on Alice's face, even if Leo said the truth.

"Of course, you can not take this seriously, just think we are alarmist." Alice added: "However, you must know that once Lanxi City is occupied by the power of the abyss, the Lord of the Black Forest will definitely be like that. Abandoning the Axel Forest is the same. If you abandon this place, no other gods will help you. It will definitely fall into the abyss."

Alice was lost in contemplation, and after a while, she asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Leo put forward the conditions and said: "First arrange Sylvia and I in the observatory where Tyrrell’s Commander or Luther Priest resides. We need to get in touch with them to confirm who is possessed. Or they are all possessed."

"Yes, this is not a problem," Alice nodded and said, "It just happens that the Church of the Victims will send a group of people to the observatory to change their defenses. By the way, check if the priests who helped the defense were infected with the abyssal forces. Just add your name."

Leo said very seriously: "In addition, we must arrange the high-rise of Lanxi City and the church of the Mother of Dirty in advance. Once confirmed that we are possessed, we will immediately start, because the soul eater is very cunning, a little later. It may be escaped by him. If he escapes, it will be difficult to find his whereabouts."

Alice hesitated for a moment and said, "This needs some time for me to prepare, because this matter can't be solved with a word."

Leo made the final request: "In the end I need to enter the smart core. With the help of the smart core, I can more easily determine who is possessed."

Alice did not immediately agree, but looked at Leo with a sceptical face, as if to confirm whether Leo was being faked.

However, after not seeing Leo’s mind, she shook her head slightly and said, “This is a very difficult task, and it is almost impossible to succeed.”

"No, this is not as difficult as you think." Leo smiled and said: "Don’t forget that the mental docking system has already shown amazing effects in this battle, fearless machine With the help of this system, the combat coordination of Sergeant A is almost perfect, and the casualties are far less than expected. Think about the fearless mecha sergeant is only a small part of the entire mecha sergeant group, the vast majority of other mecha sergeants They are just ordinary mecha sergeants. Now those mecha sergeants cannot form any combat power because of the mental docking system, and I can help those sergeants to rebuild their combat strength and let them improve the overall combat effectiveness through the mental docking system."

Alice heard this and pondered for a moment, but still did not give an affirmative response, saying: "I try, but not necessarily successful, you better prepare a spare plan."

Having finished speaking, she did not continue to stay here and turned and left the room.

"It's too obvious for you to do this!" After Alice left, Sylvia said to Leo: "She should see that your condition has nothing to do with finding the soul eater."

"What if I can see it?" Leo smiled and said, "She can't refuse it. After all, the bait I threw is so big." Then, he turned to look at Sylvia with a serious look Said: "According to your method, how confident is it that you can lead the soul eater out?"

"If it were just me, there should be only 30% certainty, but with yours, there would be 90% certainty." Sylvia gave her own estimated answer, and was in Lei Before inquiring, Ou explained: "There are three evolutionary forms of the soul eater. After he has evolved to the final form, he will become the abyss lord. To evolve into the final form, he needs to devour the blood of the abyss, and the entire abyss has the purest. There is only one high-level abyss race in the blood of the abyss, that is, the abyss snake. As long as you reveal the power of the abyss snake, and the soul eater senses it, his greedy nature will not let this opportunity pass, and he will definitely try his best to seize it. You draw the source blood and you will know who the soul eater possesses by then."

"You shouldn't be directly involved in this matter." Leo looked at Sylvia who was eager to try and said, "Your body is not suitable..."

"No! My body is very fit." Sylvia interrupted Leo's words, and then saw that the pupil of her eyes suddenly became a snake-like pupil, and a strong energy fluctuation also emanated from her body.

"Abyssal Dragon?" A memory material immediately appeared in the Leo's mind that felt the energy fluctuation. It was obvious that Sylvia's energy fluctuation or power breath now displayed, and the memory of the Abyssal Snake The abyssal dragon in is almost exactly the same. What's more surprising to Leo is that the intensity of the energy fluctuation in Sylvia's body is very close to the sixth-level psionicist, which shows that her strength has been greatly improved.

"How do you feel?" Sylvia dispelled the power of the blood gathered on his body, and the pupils of his eyes returned to normal. Then he asked with some pride.

"The power is very strong," Leo recognized, and then Feng Feng turned around, saying: "But strong power does not mean that the power is also strong. If there is no proper way to use power, even if the power is strong, it is useless. You are now The strength of the force has just been improved by leaps and bounds, and it is impossible to achieve perfect control. Some skills that used to use force are now unable to be perfectly controlled. Letting you join the battle will only distract me."

Sylvia was annoyed when she heard Leo pointed out her current problem, but she could not refute Leo, because she was very clear about her situation, and Leo said nothing wrong. Her control of her power is now very different from before. She just showed her improved power in front of Leo, and has reached the limit of her control. Let her use the current method of witch's ability in the past. The power will definitely be out of control.

"Have your bloodline power been fully inspired now?" Leo asked curiously.

"No." Sylvia shook her head and said, "I need to choose whether to choose the abyss dragon or the faceless one in order to continue to develop the blood power."

"Is this still a choice? Of course it is the Abyssal Dragon?" Leo was a little puzzled: "The faceless are in the abyss' sequence level, but they are much worse than the abyssal dragon. The bloodline development is further back. The bigger the gap."

"I also know." Sylvia sighed and said, "It's just that the power of the Abyssal Dragon is too strong. The further the bloodline develops, the greater the risk of leaseback. I have no absolute confidence to resist the Abyssal Demon. The side effects of the Dragon Bloodline. In addition, the strength and sequence level of the Faceless are much worse than the Abyssal Dragon, but the Faceless have some very strange but useful abilities, such as this possession, and imitation, etc., These abilities may be much weaker in lethality, but in terms of practicality, they are much higher than the abyss dragon, I am a bit difficult to choose."

Leo said: "You still need a long time to fully grasp the current power. This time should be enough for you to consider what choices to make."

Afterwards, Leo exchanged control methods with Sylvia, and analyzed the power differences between the two high-level abyss bloodlines of Sylvia to help Sylvia find out the way to use her own power.

Because the abyss tide has passed, Leo still pulls the strength of the surrounding abyss to gather, but it no longer has the obvious momentum before, and the ash butterflies begin to dangle around at this time, and they flap their wings to fall into the abyss. The power has a strong ablation effect. All the abyssal forces attracted are melted away by the ashes of the Ash Butterfly except for the part that is gathered into the room.

Although Leo was distracted to help Sylvia exercise control and attract abyssal forces, his spiritual net was still covered on the battlefield, monitoring the movement of Titan Mech Sergeant Tyrrell and the filthy mother priest Luther.

After two days of observation, Leo did not find any abnormalities in the two, nor did he feel any unusual power in the two, but two things actually caught Leo’s attention.

One thing is that Sergeant Tyrrell submitted an application to the Sergeant Front Command a day ago. The content of the application is that after the war, the frontline sergeants have been extremely tired, hoping to approve the frontline sergeants to return to the rear city in batches to rest a period of time.

This matter itself is not a problem. Anyone who reads it will think that it is a leader who cares about the physical and mental conditions of his subordinates and asks his boss to take a vacation. Even the most demanding people will not object to this, but if you think about it carefully, you can I realized that something was very wrong.

Because the fearless mech sergeant has undergone multiple operations, all brain cells that control negative emotions have been dealt with. The feeling of mental fatigue does not appear on them at all, and the fatigue of the body is due to the special nutrient solution inside the mech. It can supplement body loss, repair body functions, and stimulate body excitement, so there is no possibility of fatigue.

And another point is that the fearless mech sergeant does not need to go to other urban areas to take a vacation, because the abyss tide has passed, and the first-line battles have become extremely rare, even if encountered, there will not be too much danger, so Terry Sergeant Sergeant can let the newly-added fearless mech sergeants and front-line sergeants guarding the battery position rotate between Let the front-line sergeants rest in the battery position.

This will not only solve the so-called fatigue problem, but also when the accident occurs, these combat sergeants can join the battle as soon as possible, and there is no need to go to the rear urban area to rest.

The other thing is related to Luthe, the maggot priest. He spent the past two days alone at the top of the observatory to observe the entrance to the abyss.

Under normal circumstances, this is nothing. After all, just after the abyss tide has passed, who can surely not appear for the second time?

But the problem is that in order to stay at the observatory to observe the entrance to the abyss, he actually handed over the prayer ceremony of the mother of filth that he should have presided over to his deputy.

This incident also caused a lot of commotion among those who were completely mutated, because this seemed to be the first time that Luther the priest gave the prayer ceremony to others. You know that in the church of the mother of filth, Luther has a pious Luther's name, and this act of handing over the prayer ceremony to others, seemed to be disrespectful to the mother of filth.

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