The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 932: Advanced Civilization Craft

There are different restricted areas in Lanxi City. Some of these restricted areas can only be entered by locals, and some must have a bachelor status to enter. Therefore, having a bachelor status can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Leo originally thought it was very difficult to obtain a bachelor's degree in Lanxi City, but from the grocery store bulletin board, he found that obtaining a senior bachelor's status is indeed a bit troublesome and will take a lot of time, but obtaining a general bachelor's status is very simple, only You only need to take the academic certification exam held by the Bachelor's Association, and the latest exam is just after two graduation hours, which is one day after Weilun World.

However, on the bulletin board, there is no written test item and type. For this reason, Leo asked the clerk of the grocery store. From the clerk's mouth, he learned that the content of the test is pharmaceutics, and this clerk knew that Leo planned to take the academic certificate After the test, spare no effort to promote the materials and books related to the academic and political examinations in the grocery store.

Leo and Sylvia glanced at random, and found that these books are very basic, almost all of them are common sense content. According to the clerk, the first-level academic proof only needs to memorize the contents of these basic books. Basically all can pass.

  If you want to obtain the second-level academic certificate, you need to use the first-level academic certificate to go to the nearby library to borrow specialized books.

Under the introduction of the clerk, Leo bought all the basic books and other types of books in the store. In addition, Leo also found a large number of black forest species that he had never seen in the grocery store. He also chose to buy them. Down.

   For this small grocery store, Leo’s crazy sweeping is definitely the biggest deal since they opened the store. This made the owner of the grocery store also shocked and hurried down the stairs to greet Leo personally.

   "If you still need other books and collections from the Black Forest, I can find it for you?" After the shopkeeper ordered the clerk to send the things to the hotel where Leo lived, the shopkeeper whispered very carefully.

   "Other books and collections?" Leo looked thoughtfully at the shopkeeper at the grocery store.

   "Yes, very precious books and collections!" The owner of the grocery store emphasized the tone.

Obviously, the precious books and collections mentioned by the shop owner are some items that are restricted by the laws of Lanxi City, but these items should not be considered particularly serious forbidden items. Even if they are found, there will be no major problems. Otherwise, the grocery store owner will never presume these things in the face of a stranger who has just met.

In this regard, Leo did not refuse the recommendation of the grocery store owner, but let the grocery store owner get as many books and collections as he could in the past two days, and emphasized that the "precious" books and Collections, as long as he has not bought books and collections from the store this time, can be sent to him.

Hearing Leo’s words, the grocery store owner was naturally overjoyed. He could already foresee how much he could make from this sale, so when Leo and Sylvia left his shop, he immediately went to find him. All suppliers collect various books and Black Forest collections for Leo.

  Although I have bought a lot of things, Leo and Sylvia did not plan to go back to the hotel in this way. Instead, they continued to stroll around this public city area while learning about the situation in Lanxi City and the Black Forest.

If it were not for this time to enter the domain of the mother of filth, Leo and Sylvia did not know that the Black Forest actually had so many intelligent races and so many different systems of city-state civilization. In their understanding of the Black Forest, Black The forest is just a virgin forest inhabited by ancient species and containing mysterious power.

Leo is not too novel about the Black Forest, which has a large number of civilizations. After all, there are countless civilizations and intelligent races he has seen, so the situation in the Black Forest is only reported to the ordinary state of inquiry, but it is Sylvia is extremely excited and curious about everything here, especially when she sees all kinds of human and non-human intelligent races, they all show extremely obvious strange eyes, which makes the races that are looked at a little unpleasant. And annoyed, almost collided several times.

   But it was just a handicap. Although Leo and Sylvia deliberately converged their power, their higher form of life characteristics did not want to converge.

Although these black forest wisdom races have been in the environment full of various mysterious energy for a long time, the life forms naturally evolved. The overall quality is much better than humans in the Velon world, but compared to Leo and Greek There is still a big gap in Sylvia. In the face of the suppression of life forms, they all instinctively responded with withdrawal and avoidance.

Because of their identity, Leo and Sylvia only walked aside in the public area below the 30th floor. As for the middle 30th floor, they needed to find a guarantor or stay in Lanxi for up to four full months to enter .

  , Leo and Sylvia are not in a hurry. As long as they have obtained the first-level academic certificate, these regions will no longer restrict them.

After the two ended their visit, they returned to the hotel. The clerk in the grocery store had sent all the purchases to the room they rented. Fortunately, the room selected by Leo was the largest room in the hotel. Buy Although there are so many things, they only occupy a small corner of the room.

After returning to the room, Sylvia could not wait to pick up a book and read it, although the language above was similar to the ancient French variant of the second French dynasty, which is very different from the current French. There is a big difference, but Sylvia has also studied the ancient French language, and has also studied the language of the Second Dynasty. At first, there may be some misery in the content of this book, but soon she found the law of language, Almost able to proceed at normal speed.

  When Sylvia read a book, Leo began to collect the collections from the Black Forest that he bought from the grocery store.

His packing method is very simple. I can directly feel whether these items contain energy fluctuations. Those collections with energy fluctuations will be left by him. As for other items, they will all be treated as garbage, so that the hotel waiters will be cleaned away. And these items that he regarded as garbage are a lot of unexpected wealth for the waiter who helped him clean up the items.

Among the items left by Leo, in addition to those herbs that contain energy fluctuations, there are only four items that contain strong energy fluctuations. However, it is not right to say that four items are more correct. Four items.

  The four items are four metal cards, each of which has a very complicated pattern engraved on it. In these complex patterns, Leo saw a shadow of the wizard tower, but it was only a little shadow.

   What exactly does the four metal cards do? Leo is not very clear, but he can be sure that these four metal cards should be a singular thing that can be used, and the method is to inject energy to activate the patterns on the card.

Although he has initially learned how to use it, Leo did not intend to try to activate these metal cards, because he is not clear what power is contained in these four metal cards, whether this power is dangerous, and these four Whether a metal card can only be used once, or can it be used repeatedly, etc. answers to a series of questions.

  Compared with the power of metal cards, he is more curious about the process of making metal cards, because he can see that these four metal cards are all made of Abron metal.

In Leo’s memory, Abram Metal is one of the strongest, strongest, and most wear-resistant metals in the universe. This metal is often used to make protective shells for subspace engines. This metal can withstand It is melted at a temperature that is seven times the temperature of the star's core, which is almost a hundred million degrees.

  The method to distinguish the Abbel metal is very simple, that is, let the light shine on the metal surface, the metal surface will have a very obvious light absorption effect, even obvious to see the light distortion on the metal surface.

The technology capable of processing Abram metal has always been regarded as one of the necessary conditions for the promotion of cosmic civilization and other civilizations. The vast majority of advanced civilizations have only mastered part of the processing technology, and the cosmic civilization that masters a full set of processing technology can be said to be second to none. Countably, even the Earth Federation does not have this metal processing technology.

  However, the metal with such a high processing technology is now made into a slap card. The processing technology contained in it is definitely the top in the universe.

   "Should I be wrong?" Because of this, Leo couldn't help but wonder if he had a problem with this metal card. In fact, this metal is just like the Abbel metal.

  In doubt, Leo lit the fireplace in the room, and when the flame in the stove burned violently, he threw a metal card in his hand into the fire.

Not to mention that it is a special metal that can withstand a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees. Even ordinary metals are difficult to melt in a fire at this temperature, but Leo is not testing whether the flame can melt the metal card. Instead, test the card's effect on the flame.

  I saw that Leo suddenly raised his hand and reached into the flame of the furnace.

"Leo, what are you doing? Are you crazy?" Sylvia, who was reading the book, also noticed Leo's move, and immediately screamed, followed by throwing away the book in his hand, and rushed over to grab Leo 'S arm, trying to pull Leo's hand out of the flame.

   "Don't be nervous, I'm okay." Leo raised his hand to stop Sylvia, and then let his palm intersect in the fire several times, then placed his hand in front of Sylvia.

  I saw that Leo’s palm had not only no hand, but even the hair on the palm was not burned.

"What's the matter?" Sylvia looked at Leo somewhat puzzled. At first, she thought Leo had attached a layer of extraordinary power to the surface of her palm to isolate the flame, but she thought about Leo just now. The behavior, and feel that Leo should not use any extraordinary power.

   "You try too." Leo gestured like a flame in front of him and said to Sylvia.

  Hilvia hesitated after hearing the words, but still trusting Leo, without any protection, he put his hand into the flames.

   "This? What's going on with this flame?" Sylvia immediately felt abnormal after putting his hand completely in the flame, and he watched with surprise as his hand swayed back and forth in the burning flame.

  Not only did she not feel the temperature of the flame when the flame burned her palm, but she felt a chilly feel like she put her hand on the ice.

Leo did not answer Sylvia’s doubts, but looked at the Abron metal sheet burning in the fire. At this moment he has determined that this is Abber metal, because in addition to the light absorption characteristics, the conversion of heat energy is also One of the characteristics of this metal.

The heat energy conversion of Abram Metal is not the same as other heat energy conversion devices to convert heat energy into other energy. It is only the temperature generated by the heat energy conversion, so that the temperature of the heat energy is greatly reduced within its range of action, and the heat energy itself This characteristic has not changed, just like the flame cannot burn human hands, but it can still burn wood.

   Until Leo’s death, the principle of the contradictory effect of the thermal energy conversion of the Abram metal in the universe remains unsolved.

Now such a processing technology is still the top special metal in the universe civilization, but it has been made into a singular object with mysterious This undoubtedly shows that it has mastered a certain civilization in the Black Forest. This kind of mysterious processing technology, if this news reaches the universe, it will definitely cause considerable fluctuations.

"Is this the cause of this metal?" Sylvia soon discovered the problem, took the metal card from the fire, and then tried to put his hand closer to the flame, and immediately felt the temperature change of the flame .

   "Yes." Leo nodded, and then gave Sylvia a detailed introduction to this metal. Hearing Sylvia was stunned.

   "How high is the temperature of 100 million degrees?" Sylvia asked stiffly after imitating the word 100 million degrees in the earth's federal language.

   Leo thought for a while, pointed to the flame in the fireplace, and said: "This flame is about one or two Baidu, 100 million degrees is almost one million times the temperature of this flame."

  Although Leo made a comparative description, Sylvia's common sense concept still can't know much about this one hundred million degrees.

   Then, Leo made a more appropriate description, saying: "If a flame of 100 million degrees appears in vinylon, the entire vinylon world will be burned to scorched earth in an instant, and the center point will even gasify."

Sylvia took a breath, although she had not seen the scene Leo said, but she had seen the volcanic eruption until what the scorched earth looked like, and Leo described it quickly in her mind. scene.

  After calming down, she couldn't help but looked at the metal sheet in her hand, and she couldn't help but ask: "It takes such a high temperature to process this metal. What method is this metal sheet made of?"

   Leiou smiled and said: "I want to know."

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