In the Old Earth Age in 2237, the Prometheus carried one million old world warriors, astronauts and various scientists to start the voyage, and their goal of that voyage was the most similar solar system in Andromeda. Galaxy.

  The choice of this galaxy is the result of repeated observations in the Old Earth era through the best astronomical telescope at that time. They felt that according to the situation of that galaxy, it is very likely that a planet suitable for human habitation will appear.

Prometheus spent about a year flying out of the solar system’s gravitational range at normal cruising speed without disrupting the solar system’s gravitational balance, and then used space ejection to increase its speed by five within half a year. Ten times, and is still approaching the apex of the universe's conventional speed at a rate of ten times a year.

  According to this growth rate, they can reach the limit of the normal speed of the universe for up to seven years, and flying at this speed, it takes about 13 years to fly to the designated Andromeda galaxy.

  In this process, the spacecraft has always maintained close contact with the earth, and relevant information will be sent out every month. Although the information is inferred according to the time one or two years ago, this connection has not been broken.

At the same time, the emigration of the planet to Mars has already begun. The first batch of about 30 million people began to emigrate to Mars. Their task is to test human adaptation to the Martian environment, and transplant the first batch of genetically cultivated environmental plants to conduct preliminary preliminary studies on Mars. Renovation.

In the process, nearly 10 million people died due to environmental adaptation, unknown diseases, and accidents. The remaining 10 million people initially established a foothold on Mars and built five Mars cities. First Nearly 60% and more than 3,000 of the environmental plants brought in by the batch were completely adapted to Mars, and began to multiply. Almost half of the air in the five Mars cities has already been obtained through the photosynthesis of these plants. Everything seems to be moving towards The best direction.

In this case, the United Nations organization in the Old Earth era started the second phase of the Mars immigration plan. This second phase of the Mars immigration plan is essential to the entire plan because their group of immigrants will be responsible for mining ores in the universe. task.

At that time, the resources of the Old Earth era had reached its limit. After the completion of the second phase of the Mars migration plan, there would be no more resources to advance the third phase of the plan. Only the second phase of the immigration plan can extract various resources from the universe and ship it back to the earth. Only by supplementing resource vacancies can we continue to advance the migration plan and ultimately reduce the burden on the planet.

However, during the implementation of the second phase of the Mars immigration plan, a sudden cosmic magnetic storm swept through the solar system, and all communication equipment failed. When the magnetic storm swept through the solar system, the spaceship loaded with 50 million second phase immigrants Still flying in the universe.

   Three years later, the impact of the cosmic magnetic storm on the solar system completely disappeared, the earth began to contact Mars, and after understanding the situation, they all felt desperate.

   The second phase of the Martian immigration spacecraft was completely destroyed in the cosmic magnetic storm. All the equipment on the spacecraft was destroyed. None of the immigrants on the spacecraft survived.

The defensive power of the Martian atmosphere cannot be compared with that of the Earth. In a cosmic magnetic storm, various cosmic rays and radiation fall on Mars, and the environmental plants that have already survived have died in large numbers, and the various equipment in the five Martian cities are also to varying degrees. Damage, of which the most severely damaged are various life support systems.

In the face of survival problems, violence inevitably appeared. Inside the five Mars cities, between the five Mars cities, wars began. The mode of wars ranged from the first high-tech weapons to the later gunpowder weapons. After the cold weapons, until they were able to communicate with the earth, only one of the five Mars cities could maintain basic life-support operations, and the population had been reduced to only more than one million, and this one million was not one. Divided into more than a dozen factions occupying different areas of this Mars City, barely able to maintain a state that will not perish.

  In such a bad state, it is a question whether these one million people can live for another ten years, let alone support the earth.

After receiving this news, the earth was in despair, because the second phase of the immigration of the spacecraft can take off successfully is already the limit of the earth’s resources. Now the earth resources do not need to reopen the immigration plan, even if it is an early number of people on board Spaceships with more than a hundred people can't do it, not to mention that the cosmic magnetic storm destroyed the earth's communication system, and the political situation and people's livelihood inside the earth have also fallen into chaos, and world wars will erupt at any time.

  Although feeling despair, the old earth government still did not give up the last glimmer of hope. This glimmer of hope is to fly to the Andromeda Prometheus spaceship.

After restarting the reception of cosmic signals, the Earth also regained the information from the Prometheus. Because of the destruction of the cosmic magnetic storm, this information is incomplete. After reorganization, we can get a general understanding of the Prometheus’ situation. Fortunately, I did not encounter this wave of cosmic magnetic storm.

  As far as the old Earth government is concerned, as long as the Prometheus successfully found a colony planet of an alien galaxy, there is still hope for everything, so with this last glimmer of hope, the governments of the old earth era have maintained fragile stability and balance.

  However, one day three years later, the old Earth government received the new message from Prometheus. There was only one sentence above: "We are wrong, we are wrong, there is nothing here, nothing!"

Although this sentence has no beginning or end, everyone sees the message and understands what the message means and what the message means. The stability that the governments of all countries have maintained in the end is completely destroyed. The World War of Doomsday War broke out on the third day of information release. On the fourth day, all countries in the world, including those as small as a town, were involved in the war.

Later, the Earth Federal Government specifically investigated the Prometheus incident. They inferred from various data that according to the flight speed of the Prometheus at that time, it should have not reached the target galaxy, and the target galaxy is not like the information. There is nothing like the description, but it is a very galaxy environment that is very suitable for human habitation as inferred by scientists in the Old Earth era. It has up to three colonizable stars and six resource stars.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Prometheus spacecraft can reach the target galaxy, then the technology on the Prometheus spacecraft can completely replicate one to three new Prometheus in three years, which will be a lot of Resources are brought back to the earth, and more earth immigrants are transported to relieve the pressure on the earth, and naturally there will be no end of war.

  However, not only did the information received by the old Earth government was unknown, but even the spacecraft Prometheus disappeared from the route.

   Even if the Earth Federation later searched by various means, even an Omega-level higher living body capable of capturing the cosmic time rays from the Cosmic Parliament, asked him to find answers from the time rays, and still found no clues.

   The answer given by the higher-level Omega-class living body is that a higher form of living body interferes with the cosmic time rays.

This also caused the Earth Federation to wonder if people in the old Earth era were counted by a certain omega-class advanced living body, but when I think about it, I think I might have thought too much, because if there is really an omega-class advanced life To deal with the people of the earth at that time, it is not necessary to use these methods at all, and it is not difficult to directly destroy the entire solar system.

Precisely because of all this, Prometheus has become an unsolvable mystery in the history of the Old Earth Age of the Earth Federation. The only thing that can be known now is that there are alien races calculating the earth, but in the end it is Which alien race is still a mystery.

  Scientists also believe that the extraterrestrial race that counted the earth may have been extinct in a civilized ethnic war, so that the Earth Federation’s investigation could not find clues, because all clues disappeared with the demise of civilization.

When Leo was a bioman, he did not have any interest in these things from the old earth age. He just passively accepted these data and information. Now when he tells Sylvia about these historical materials, he also regains his experience. Have gone through the changes of the world in the age of the old earth.

  I don’t know if it is because of normal human emotions. During the process of recounting this history, Leo couldn’t help but have some indescribable emotions in his heart.

  Leo is still the case, the emotional fluctuations in the heart of the broken listener Sylvia are even greater, and she completely listens to Leo's content as a mythic epic.

   There are a lot of words in Leo's story that seem to be another language. She can't understand it at all, but the part that she can understand is enough to make her feel shocked.

For example, in a spaceship where tens of millions of people can fly in the sky, such as the ability to transform stars and immigrate stars, it seems to her that she is listening to some kind of myth, even if she has seen so many technologies of cosmic civilization, I even saw the Prometheus towering in front of my eyes, but I still felt incredible.

  Although the two deliberately slowed down, they still came to the entrance gate of Lanxi City after Leo finished narrating the ending history of the old earth age.

I saw that the city gate should be the material transportation channel of the Prometheus mid-deck. The transmission deck of the channel has been extended and fell to the ground. Later people reinforced the bottom of the deck, added some stone pillars, and placed it on the deck. Some stairs and pavements made up of stone slabs are included to facilitate walking.

According to the rules of Lanxi City, every foreigner needs to pay a certain amount of metal similar to gold. Although this metal is a rare metal in the Black Forest, for those who want to enter the city, this point Paying is nothing, so there is still a bustling scene at the city gate.

At this time, Sylvia had recovered from the emotions of the history of the Old Earth era. She looked up at the huge mountain-shaped hemispherical spaceship in front of her and asked, "Why is this Prometheus?" Will the number be here?"

   "This is what I want to know." Leo replied calmly.

Leo looked up at the light from the observation windows of the outer wall, and then looked at the lights projected inside the city gate. He can be sure that the basic lighting energy of the Prometheus can still function normally even after so many years have passed. This also means that the main computer in the Prometheus can also be used, and he may be able to get some useful information from there.

However, Leo was also puzzled, because according to the energy system on the Prometheus that he remembered, it was estimated that even if only the lighting of the entire spacecraft was maintained, it would never be able to maintain tens of thousands of years. The auxiliary energy system is the most primitive energy sail. This kind of energy sail can only collect a small part of cosmic rays and light energy. Even if there is no damage, in the environment of the Black Forest, the energy sail is almost a decoration.

  So, he was very puzzled what exactly was the device that maintained the entire Prometheus lighting energy source.

Although Leo and Sylvia stopped by the gate aisle and looked up at Lance City, the behavior of the people around them was a bit out of place. In their view, those who came to Lanxi for the first time were not questioned by the magnificence of Lanxi City.

Leo and Sylvia also paid the entrance fee with The Lanxi tax officer responsible for the fee was somewhat novel about the gold coins such as Jinsa, but he did not ask more about Jinsa. After all, he has received a lot of novel currencies in the past, and he has seen even more bizarre currencies.

After learning that Leo and Sylvia came to Lancy City for the first time, he briefly described the precautions, and then came up with a booklet that recorded these precautions and a simple map of Lancy City, together with The three-day temporary residence permit will be handed over to Leo.

After entering the city, Leo simply flipped through the booklet and found that the map on the booklet was very rudimentary, but only marked the locations of major urban areas and some restricted areas. Most of the contents behind the booklet are some tours. guide.

  Sylvia took the book from Leo and looked at it. He quickly discovered the problem with the map and said: "The area of ​​the map above seems to be much smaller than the actual area of ​​Lanzi City."

   "Only less than one tenth of the actual area." Leo gave a relatively accurate figure.

Among the materials in his memory, there are some drawings of Prometheus' construction, equipment and internal structure, etc. These drawings are so detailed that Leo believes he can also if he has enough manpower, financial resources and materials. Rebuild a Prometheus with these drawings.

It is no exaggeration to say that as far as the understanding of the Prometheus is concerned, the Lanxi locals are probably far from comparable to him. Just by looking at the drawing just now, he has already found at least three In more than ten places, you can avoid any Lanxi city guards and enter the restricted area safely.

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