Remember in a second【】

I don’t know how long it passed, there was suddenly a low horn sound outside the house, and as the horn sounded, the believers of these dirty mothers who were still in excitement all seemed to be drowsing up like sleep. Similarly, they all returned to their berths, simply sorted out the clothes, and soon fell asleep.

Leo and Sylvia looked at each other, and then Leo quickly wrote a problematic horn sound in the air with his finger.

This is not Leo's arbitrary guess, but he discovered through supernormal perception that all the people in the hotel were sleeping, the people on the street disappeared, and only some patrol soldiers walked on the street.

"Signal!" Sylvia also quickly wrote a response.

Leo nodded after watching it. Neither he nor Sylvia felt any extraordinary power in the horn sound. Obviously, the horn sound is more like a signal to remind everyone who can hear that it is time to go to sleep. So it can play such a big role, everyone obeyed the command of this signal and immediately went to bed, I am afraid that it is related to the habits of the years and months, and hearing the corresponding signal to do the corresponding thing has become the human physiology here Part of instinct.

In this regard, Leo did not feel anything surprising, because the recruits of the Earth Federation will also receive such instinctive training, so that when they reach the battlefield, they can rest quickly when they encounter a big battle.

Seeing this, Sylvia and Leo didn't think about it any more, and went to sleep likewise, waiting for the ritual ceremony of the Mother of Dirty tomorrow.

When Leo fell into a deep sleep, his dark eyelids suddenly showed a faint light. After opening his eyes, he saw that he was no longer in the castle's hotel, but in a ruin that could not be seen. .

"Abandoned capital? Where is all the end?" An answer immediately appeared in Leo's mind after seeing everything in front of him, because the ruins here are very similar to the ruins of all the places of end, where damaged buildings of different civilizations piled up. together.

But he soon realized that he had guessed wrong, because there is no such a special kind of deadly breath of the end of the place, and there is also the unique creature ashes butterfly that does not have the end of everything here.

At this moment, Bailu's voice suddenly sounded behind him, saying: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

As the white deer's voice fell, he saw the white deer pacing forward from behind and standing beside Leo.

Leo turned to look at the white deer and said, "Who are you?"

Hearing Leo's inquiry, Bailu froze, looking at Leo with some surprise.

However, Leo did not show much respect and again asked in a plain tone: "Who are you?"

Bailu then smiled and said, "How did you see it? There should be no difference between him and me. Even his family members cannot distinguish the two of us."

Leo didn't answer, but followed his fingers around.

At the moment when the white deer appeared, Leo knew very well that the appearance, temperament and energy fluctuations are almost the same as the mysterious existence of the white deer, not the white deer.

This is not because Leo saw the flaw in the other party's disguise, but because he had appeared, Leo's intuition denied the identity of the other white deer, and after denying his identity, various doubts around him became more than one. He got up and further confirmed his intuition.

Among these doubts, the biggest doubt is the surrounding environment. Obviously, in the few experiences of contacting White Deer, Leo did not dare to say that he knew the habits of White Deer well, but he can guess how much he likes him. The ruined environment where the ruins of civilization are superimposed on each other certainly does not meet White Deer's preferences, so as soon as the other side spoke, Leo almost determined that the White Deer was a fake.

Although the pretender saw Leo's answer pointing around, he didn't know Leo's meaning, but he didn't continue to quibble and hold on, and then he faded his disguise.

I can see that this white deer has no change in body shape or antlers. The only change is the color of his body. The original white color has become dark, the antlers are crystal clear like black crystals, and the deer's eyes shine brightly. Stardust-like light.

"You can call me Black Deer, or Walker." Black Deer briefly introduced herself.

"Casamo?" Leo immediately thought of a legend when he saw the black deer, and could not help saying it.

Helu Wenyan thought for a moment and said, "Is Casamo? The name sounds familiar, as if it was a name given to me by some guy who broke into the Black Forest a long time ago."

There has always been a legend about the shadow of the white deer in various legends in the Black Forest. In this legend, it is mentioned that the shadow of the white deer is also a god, but he is usually hidden in the dark. This shadow The name of the white deer is called Casamo.

Although this legend has been widely circulated, it has never been confirmed, and now it seems that this legend is true.

"What happened to the White Deer?" Leo asked straightforwardly.

"Why do you think so?" Black Deer didn't seem to hate talking to Leo and asked rhetorically.

"Because he didn't show up, but you did." Leo looked at the black deer and said quietly: "Except for his accident, I can't think of another answer."

Black Deer directly disclosed an important message without concealing it: "It was a little trouble, but there was no major problem. Although he is currently healing and unable to move, he still understands the situation of the Black Forest, otherwise it will not Will sense you entering the Black Forest and let me come in contact with you."

^0^One second to remember【】

"White Deer hurt?" Leo was slightly surprised.

Although the White Deer has not evolved into an omega-class higher life form, it is not a real god, but after all, he is the designated agent of the Lord of the Black Forest. He has supreme authority in the Black Forest, even when necessary. Borrow the power of the King of the Black Forest.

Although he is not necessarily invincible in the Black Forest, he will never suffer much damage even in danger, but now the White Deer is injured, and the injury is so serious that he cannot move casually. If Leo is not If I personally experienced it, I am afraid it is difficult to believe that this kind of thing will happen to White Deer.

Although Leo did not know the specific situation, he felt that the cause of the White Deer’s injury was probably not inside the Black Forest, but outside the Black Forest, because only outside the Black Forest could the White Deer be seriously injured, and there was something outside the Black Forest. This is not what Leo can guess, after all, he has too little information.

Although Leo was very curious about the cause of White Hart’s injury, his instinct told him not to ask too much. It seemed that asking too much, knowing that it would cause him a lot of trouble, so he resisted curiosity and asked Black Deer. To: "You come to see me now, do you want to succeed White Hart and me to complete the transaction?"

Seeing Leo didn’t ask more about the White Deer’s injury, the Black Deer felt a little surprised, but He quickly recovered as usual, shook his head at Leo, and said, “You and Him are done by yourself, others People can’t intervene, and the things related to the contract ring are not accessible to us. The reason why I will see you is mainly because the guy felt that the contract ring ran into the domain of the mother of filth. I’m also worried, so let me take a look."

"Why worry? Can the mother of pollution still threaten the white deer in the Black Forest?" Leo didn't miss any chance to get information from the Black Forest.

The black deer looked at Leo profoundly, and seemed to see Leo’s careful thoughts, but he didn’t get angry, but said truthfully: “There are many ancient existences in the Black Forest. In contrast, although they now take shelter of their master's Black Forest, their identity will not be weakened, and so will their power. The benevolent mother of dirt is also an ancient existence that must be respected."

"Benevolence?" Leo laughed when he heard the black deer's description of the mother of filth. "Can an ancient existence advocating blood sacrifice be called kindness?"

"Why can't you?" Black Deer retorted: "You humans often kill other animals and eat them, but you will do some good things to your companions and take care of the weak. You can call this kind of person kind, so why can't the mother of pollution be What? In your eyes, there is no difference between humans and animals. What he does is exactly the same as what you humans do to animals, and he is very good to his believers. As long as he believes in him, he Will not hesitate to take shelter, not only give them powerful strength, but also give them a lifespan far beyond ordinary people, can't such a **** be called kindness?"

Although the Black Deer's words sound strange, Leo couldn't find the right words to refute him, because even in the cosmic civilization, the attitude of Omega-level higher living bodies towards those lower living bodies is absolutely like Like ants, it is not unprecedented to easily destroy a planet with intelligent creatures for some reason. Compared with the lives slaughtered by higher-level omega-class living bodies in the universe, the gods of this world are simply too kind.

Leo did not continue that topic and instead asked: "Have you come here to see me just to see my situation?"

"Of course not. I originally planned to participate in the Blood Sacrifice of the Mother of Dirty. After all, there are not many opportunities to obtain blood food for this reason." The black deer shook his head, denied Leo's guess, and then said: " However, since I have already seen you, I still want to remind you that the Black Forest is huge and there are many areas full of taboos. Except for the owner, even the guy cannot know the whole picture of the Black Forest. If you don’t want to be inexplicable If you die in a corner of the Black Forest, it’s best not to enter the realm of strange existence.” Then, he looked at Leo’s contract ring and said, “You’re very lucky this time, mother of filth. The mind is not placed in the realm, he is fighting a arrogant idiot, and you have the contract ring of the Black Forest, the power of the realm will not affect you badly, otherwise, I am afraid it is difficult for you to be so stable now Talk to me, or whether you can still talk to me now is not necessarily."

Leo did not think there was anything wrong with the slightly ridiculous words of Black Deer, nor did he think that these words were exaggerated. In fact, he has always felt an inexplicable sense of crisis since he entered the area controlled by the mother of filth. This sense of crisis made him seldom use spiritual nets, let alone turn on spiritual vision, because he felt that if he opened spiritual vision and used spiritual web, it would cause some bad things.

"Put your head over." Black Deer said again.

Leo heard that without any objection, he put his head up.

The black deer put out his tongue and added a bit to Leo’s forehead, followed by some knowledge that was transferred to Leo’s brain. This knowledge is a piece of geography, environment and other information related to the Black Forest. The information is consistent, but there is a lot of information that Leo does not know. Undoubtedly with these Black Forest information, Leo can walk in the Black Forest more easily.

"Bah! Bah! Bah! You guy is so stinky!" Black Deer suddenly looked at Leo very disgusted, and said: "The body's so deep abyss smell is as smelly as a bath in the septic tank, you Be careful when the guy and the abyss are so close, the abyss likes to pull people down unconsciously, don’t look at you, it’s OK now, but wait

^0^One second to remember【】

It is too late to feel that something is wrong, not every great being can purify the power of the abyss like the mother of filth. "

After speaking, he had no plans to continue chatting with Leo, and turned to leave.

Leo suddenly asked at this time: "Have you ever been to the end of everything?"

Leo's inquiry made the black deer stop his feet, and he turned to look at Leo and said, "Where do you know the end of everything?"

Leo didn't answer but asked rhetorically: "Is it important to know where?"

"If I were you, you wouldn't say it because all the places of termination are taboo for many great beings." The black deer turned around again, walking forward, the body disappeared, In the end, only the voice survived and said, "I haven't been to the end of everything. Maybe I will go later, but that will be a long time later."

As the black deer's words fell, his figure completely disappeared from Leo's eyes, and the surrounding scene also shattered into countless fragments like a broken mirror, and the surroundings instantly fell into darkness.

Almost at the same time, Leo also woke up from sleep. At this time, it was still quiet outside. It seemed that the sleep time was not over. Sylvia lying beside him was awakened by his movements, watching with vigilance. After seeing no danger around her, she looked at Leo again, and seemed to be asking what happened to Leo.

Leo did not conceal and quickly wrote down what happened just before her eyes.

Compared with the various knowledge and information disclosed to him, Sylvia is more curious about the black deer itself. After all, she also knows some folklore about the black deer, so she often asks about black deer. In the case of deer, time passed quickly in this question and answer.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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