The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 89 The Innate Five Elements Essence

"Boy, if you listen well, when I eat you in the future, try to swallow you all at once, so that you can suffer less. If you don't cooperate, you can think about the consequences yourself."

Qingyou, who was transformed from plants, was more cold in temperament and was not afraid of such a situation.

Although he had never eaten anything, he knew what was going on when he saw other creatures eating.

Qingyou said calmly: "Why do you want to eat me? You are Taiyi Jinxian, and you don't need this method to survive. Even if you eat me, there won't be much benefit."

Lanjiu smiled, and the smile of the bird head looked very scary. He said: "You can't fool me. You are an innate sacred, with an innate origin. This origin has extremely huge benefits and can improve the realm of cultivation. It is extremely mysterious."

Qingyou understood that this monster would not let him go. If an ordinary being ate an innate sacred, it would indeed gain great benefits.

The sacred innate origin has the most refined and pure power, which can make the Yuanshen of the acquired creatures more in harmony with the Tao.

Under such benefits, Qingyou would not be let go.

The innate sacred origin is such a rare thing. Qingyou's innate origin is incomplete, and it took him countless time to complete it.

After saying this,

clouds rose under Lanjiu, and the clouds were blue.

Flying in the sky, Lanjiu planned to go to a place where eating Qingyou would have greater benefits.

Qingyou was on the blue cloud, watching the fast-flowing scene below, and was not afraid of life and death. He himself practiced the way of life and death and was somewhat indifferent to life and death.

At this time, an unknown existence appeared in Lanjiu's perception. Seeing this existence.

Lanjiu's expression changed.

He was a witch. In the current prehistoric world, he was not very familiar with the witch clan. He was a demon clan and was very familiar with the witch clan.

He had conflicts with the witch clan. The witch clan was different from ordinary creatures. Generally, the creatures in the prehistoric world no longer needed to eat as long as they cultivated to a certain level.

Like the innate sacred, they never need to eat, unless some heavenly spiritual fruits, things that have great effects.

The witch clan is different, they need to eat, and eat a lot.

It can improve the speed of cultivation. With such benefits, many prehistoric creatures have been eaten by the witch clan.

It turns into food for them to improve their realm. Such food sources are generally prehistoric spirits.

Such actions have made more beings join the demon clan.

Many beings who do not admit that they are demons have joined the demon clan, which has greatly increased the number of demons.

The witch clan was also stunned when they saw this blue dove.

Blue dove laughed strangely. He was forced by the witch clan. He remembered that he was beaten by a burly man at that time and had no power to fight back. In the end, there was a demon clan that saved him.

Before joining the demon clan, he was extremely free.

Now there is a Daluo Jinxian suppressing him. If any Daluo Jinxian doesn’t like him and kills him, no one will care.

A hammer appeared in Lanjiu's hand, with lightning flowing from it. The huge lightning rushed towards the Wu clan, and he didn't want to say anything.

This Wu clan had an extremely powerful body. The powerful lightning bombarded the Wu clan's body. It didn't cause much damage once, but it would cause serious damage if it hit the Wu clan many times.

The power of this Wu clan was different from the Yuanshen Avenue in the prehistoric world.

The Wu clan did not cultivate the Yuanshen, but only the physical body, and had a body comparable to the innate spiritual treasure.

It could withstand attacks.

The realm of the physical body of this Wu clan was much worse than that of Taiyi Jinxian.

The realm of this Wu clan was still a little worse, and he resisted many attacks, and was finally killed by Lanjiu.

Seeing the Wu clan lying on the ground, he killed more than one Wu clan.

He hurried on his way again, and after half a year, he arrived at a place.

There was a tall mountain, surrounded by white clouds, and sometimes the white clouds turned directly into rain to moisten the mountain.

The seemingly ordinary mountain, if he looked at it normally, he couldn't see anything.

But by accident, Lan Jiu saw the difference of this mountain. There was a place inside, filled with extremely pure innate five elements.

Vast and boundless, the endless innate five elements were like a disc, gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Lan Jiu passed through a place similar to a formation and came to a place.

There are endless innate five elements. Here, the Five Elements Avenue is clearer.

The innate five elements are not mixed together, but are clearly divided into five places. The essence of each place is different.

Lan Jiu, who practiced the water avenue, came to the place where the innate water essence was. The water avenue here is clearer.

It is easier to comprehend the water avenue.

Looking at the innate water essence floating here, Qing You thought that he should refine himself here and refine his innate origin.

In such an environment, it is easier to comprehend the avenue and make better use of his innate origin.

This land of the five elements is 100,000 miles in radius, with countless innate five elements essences floating around.

Lan Jiu looked at the innate sacred being in front of him with satisfaction.

Even if it was an innate sacred being, it was still a meal for a creature like him.

Blue Dove liked this scene very much. He wanted to see the food struggle and said: "Boy, if you have any last words, tell them first, otherwise, after I eat you, there will be no chance. Wait until I eat you." After refining it, my realm will be greatly improved. If I drain the five elements essence here and hand it over to the demon clan, I should be able to gain great achievements."

Qingyou didn't have much fear. He had experienced countless deaths. Although he was separated by one layer, he was still a little reluctant to leave his master. He said: "You ate me, but you only lived a little longer than me. In the future, I The master will definitely find you.”

Lan Jiu sneered, sensing Qingyou's realm, and said with a wild laugh: "Your master, I see that your cultivation level is so low. I'm afraid your master is just a golden immortal."

Qingyou was very angry when he heard such words. Even if it was said to him, he would not be so angry. The person who said it was his master. No, he said loudly: "Jinxian, how is it possible? My master is born with a divine nature." , Although I am a bit low-key, it has taken me an extremely long time to restore my innate origin, and my master will definitely cultivate to the supreme state."

If Blue Jiu was an innate saint, he would know that it is extremely difficult to repair the origin of an innate holy being.

Only people like him who don't know clearly think it's nothing.

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