The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 72 The Power of the Chaos Clock

Taiyi, whose whole body was filled with brilliant brilliance, faced tremendous pressure.

If it weren't for the Chaos Bell, an innate treasure, he would have destroyed his body and his soul at this moment.

The Taoist fruits that transcend time and the long river of fate will all be knocked down.

It is true that Wang Shu and Chen Yuan are too powerful.

Any existence is a rare existence in today's prehistoric world.

It has been a long journey on the road to Daluo.

Now that the two of them are facing each other, he can sustain it. He is really grateful to the Chaos Bell, if it were not for this treasure.

I wonder what I will look like, I'm afraid my body has been wiped out.

Faced with such a scene, he finally inspired a powerful ability, the ability of the Chaos Clock, which can move to extremely distant places. In his current state, this move is difficult to master, and he doesn't know where he is going.

If you are not careful, you will end up in a very dangerous place.

But the current situation made him know that he couldn't hold on any longer.

Even if there are some dangerous places, compared to such safety, I made up my mind without any hesitation, boundless mana surged, and the huge chaos clock.

The sudden collision sent out a special wave.

The space was shattered layer by layer, and Taiyi, surrounded by chaotic black and yellow energy, disappeared in front of Chen Yuan, making it impossible for Daluo Jinxian to catch up.

With such an ability, even if it encounters extremely huge dangers, it is possible to save one's life. Chen Yuan admired the ability of the Chaos Bell.

Wangshu seemed to suddenly see a ray of light, rushing out from Chen Yuan's hand. The space in front of him was broken layer by layer. This ray of light entered the broken space and did not know where it went.

There was nothing strange about Chen Yuan in front of her, and she thought she had seen it wrong.

Chen Yuan looked at Shu and said: "This man has an innate treasure, and he is an innate treasure that is both offensive and defensive. You should be more careful in the future."

Wang Shu replied: "This person's level is worse than mine. If it weren't for the innate treasure Chaos Bell, he wouldn't be my opponent at all."

Chen Yuan said: "I didn't expect that the Chaos Clock is so mysterious. It can move such a long distance in the blink of an eye. It is really powerful and mysterious. If there is no such mystery, I think we can get it today."

Wangshu thought for a while and said: "How can it be so easy? This Heaven-Opening Sacred Artifact is different from ordinary innate spiritual treasures. It cannot be obtained so easily."

Chen Yuan was surprised, glanced at Wangshu, and admired her beauty. Taiyi and Dijun were the future Emperor of Heaven and Emperor of the East.

They are all extremely powerful beings. The Chaos Clock at this time is in their hands and has its destiny.

"That's not necessarily true. He seems to have left. Now that he has shown his signs in front of me, I have a chance." Chen Yuan thought to himself, but did not say it out loud.

Chen Yuan asked: "How did you meet Taiyi and fight with him?"

Wangshu paused and then replied: "I have been practicing for a long time, and I want to travel to the prehistoric world to see how many new changes there are in the prehistoric world. I can also understand some profound principles from the nature of the prehistoric world."

Wang Shu looked at Chen Yuan, without much expression, and continued: "One day, while traveling in the wilderness, I met this man and invited me to the Sun Star. He said that the combination of yin and yang would help the cultivation of the Tao. Maybe I realized that the innate taiyin origin in me, the complementation of yin and yang, can indeed improve my state. "

Xuanxia Mountain

It took hundreds of years for the two of them to reach this beautiful fairy mountain.

The innate spiritual energy above has condensed into a mist. There are immortal grasses that have grown for tens of millions of years, and Wangshu has planted spiritual roots. There is a hazy light emitting, which is more beautiful than Chen Yuan's Xuanhua Mountain.

After careful construction, it is very different from the original one. Although there was a lot of spiritual energy on it, it is not the same as this time. Chen Yuan can feel that Wang Shu spent a lot of energy in it. thoughts.

Taiyin Star is too desolate after all, even though it is a holy land for cultivation.

But there was no life left, which made Wangshu not want to go back. She had never been to the prehistoric world before.

I would not have such thoughts, but gradually adapted to the ancient continent.

I prefer this world.

At this time, the two of them were standing on a stone table in front of Yuehua Palace, with cups filled with laurel flowers and cold spirit liquid.

Chen Yuan tasted that after he became the Great Luo Jinxian, the effect had been greatly reduced.

Nothing is better than nothing.

Wang Shu said with a smile: "This time, I went to the ancient world and saw a different scene from before. In the past, there were three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn. Now, although there are some, powerful beings have established some forces, they are more powerful than before. 's safe."

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "With you, I am even stronger. In the past, you only had one top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Now you have three top-grade innate spiritual treasures, the Xuanhuang Sun-Moon Umbrella. This defensive treasure, some dangerous places in the past, are now You are not in a dangerous place."

Wang Shu said: "Not only am I making progress, this time I also saw some extremely powerful beings, although their realm is not as good as mine, especially the three brothers. I saw that their auras were extremely pure, an old man and a middle-aged man. Nian, a young man, is an extremely powerful being, even more powerful than Daluo Jinxian at the same level."

In the wilderness, such outstanding existences appeared together with three people.

There are only three clears, especially one old, one middle-aged, and one young.

Chen Yuan's eyes penetrated the long river of time and destiny, and saw Hongjun becoming a saint and ushering in the era of quasi-sages. In today's prehistoric world, there are not many quasi-sages, and there won't always be none. He said: "It will be even more impossible in the future. If you don’t want to be surpassed by them, you have to practice hard.”

There was a firm look in Wangshu's eyes. She was innately sacred, so naturally she was not willing to be surpassed. She replied: "I have slacked off a bit in recent years, and there is no threat from the three races. But this time when I went out, I found that the most dangerous thing in the prehistoric world was... What is not lacking is a powerful presence.”

Chen Yuan said: "Now that you understand this, it's good. You are going to the prehistoric world, but I am going to the endless void to open up a world. I have truly opened up the Small Thousand Worlds, and I have a clearer understanding of Pangu. The gap between the great gods, the great god Pangu opened up such a vast world, and there are countless ways to move the world. "

Speaking of Pangu, Wang Shu admired him immensely. He was the origin of all living beings in the prehistoric world. He had also thought about possessing such a powerful power. Only after practicing, could he understand how great Pangu's power was. The more he practiced, the clearer he became. The power of Pangu.

The frog at the bottom of the well can only see the wellhead. The innate divine being can see the sky compared to what the frog can see.

I don’t know how many times it is vast, but I still can’t see Pangu’s true realm.

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