The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 499: Seven Arrows Book

The dazzling light shines through the loose hut.

Make this house a bit magical.

People in the camp are not surprised that they can often see immortals casting spells.

Their knowledge has expanded a lot, and they know that this is not something they can control, so they just pretend they haven't seen it.

Just do your own thing.

In the city.

Zhao Gongming felt uncomfortable in his body.

All kinds of unspeakable feelings came to his heart, making him extremely uncomfortable. Logically speaking, he was a Daluo Jinxian, and his body at this level was already pure and flawless.

There will never be an uncomfortable situation.

But now such a situation has actually happened. Zhao Gongming feels that he has been plotted. This is not Zhao Gongming's random speculation.

Not long after he blocked Xiqi's army.

When something like this happened, it was hard not to give Zhao Gongming bad thoughts.

At the beginning.

Zhao Gongming was just a little uncomfortable, so he meditated and fell into a state of concentration. In a state of extreme tranquility, the practitioner would be more alert.

Use this to discover situations that could not be discovered before.

"What's going on? Nothing happened. But I am obviously a Daluo Jinxian. My body is light and my body is quiet. My mind is peaceful and my soul is pure. It is impossible to discover such a thing."

"It seems that the person behind the spell caster should not be underestimated. He has real abilities."

Zhao Gongming frowned slightly and looked at the beams in front of him. He didn't know what to do for a moment. He was helpless and could only call Wen Zhong over.

Not long after...

Wen Zhong came with a hurried expression, his face a little thin. Over the years, the Xiqi army that had been getting closer and closer to Chao Ge made Wen Zhong feel ashamed of being a great merchant and thinking of the great kindness of the late king.

Wen Zhong felt even more guilty.

But there was no other way. Xiqi's power was too strong, which had already caused him to lose a lot of his fellow disciples, and they didn't know how to explain it to their master.

Wen Zhong's mental exhaustion was very serious.

Wen Zhong asked: "I don't know why my uncle called Wen Zhong here..."

Zhao Gongming's expression was gentle, and he was not in an unstable mood due to his abnormality. He was worthy of being a Taoist immortal and a master of teachings. He said: "That's it. I have been depressed these past two days, and there are many unsatisfactory things about my immortal body." "

Wen Zhong's expression was shocked and he said: "Uncle Master is a Daluo Immortal, transcending the long river of fate, and a powerful Immortal. How could an immortal body be in this condition?"

Zhao Gongming said seriously: "Who says it's not the case? Alas..."

Wen Zhong said: "This must be someone who explains the teachings. Don't worry, uncle. There are some people who are interested in big business in the Xiqi camp. My nephew will definitely go and find out."

Zhao Gongming smiled happily and said, "Thank you so much, nephew."

That's it...

Those capable and righteous people who are in Xiqi but have aspirations for big business.

Wen Zhong was informed of the inside story by informing Wen Zhong that his uncle was actually harmed by a vicious curse that only lasted seven days.

Even Zhao Gongming of Daluo Jinxian.

He also died without a burial place. Wen Zhong broke into cold sweat after hearing the news. He didn't expect that the other party had such a vicious secret technique.

Even Daluo Jinxian can be cursed to kill. You must know that Daluo Jinxian's soul is high above the river of time and destiny.

There are great achievements that are unimaginable by ordinary people.

It's not easy to be plotted, but now it's really happening, and seven days have passed, so Zhao Gongming is in danger.

If Zhao Gongming dies.

Then this city will be in danger. Without the masters to stop Xiqi's army, Xiqi's army will definitely be overwhelming and there will be no obstacles to attack Chaoge.

Di Xin, who was in Chaoge, was in danger.

Wen Zhong didn't know that Emperor Xin was no longer what he used to be. He had a profound state of Taoism. If he hadn't practiced for a short time, his state would have been extremely profound.

Di Xin's cultivation does not use innate spiritual energy.

It's about the wishes surrounding him, and perhaps these wishes are negative.

But for Di Xin, who practices the Wanyou Sutra.

It is more suitable. As long as there is enough time, he can push his realm to an extremely advanced level. This is what Di Xin relies on.

But if he is no longer the king of Dashang.

That would change dramatically.

Di Xin will never practice at such a fast speed again. The reason why he can practice at such a fast speed is not because of anything else, but because he is the King of Great Shang.

No one in the world can get around Emperor Xin, no matter whether he is wise or stupid.

All so.

On this day Wen Zhong walked towards Zhao Gongming.

When I saw Zhao Gongming.

Wen Zhong's face couldn't help but sink. At this moment, Zhao Gongming became extremely depressed, and he didn't look like a Daluo Jinxian at all.

Originally, Wen Zhong had some doubts about which spell could kill Daluo Jinxian.

but now……

Convinced, no more doubts.

Wen Zhong told Zhao Gongming the information he knew. Zhao Gongming pondered for a long time, and a soul suddenly stepped into the long river of time and destiny.

He looked at the unknown river of time and destiny. Standing on it, he could sense countless information.

The information is complex.

Countless future scenes appeared in Zhao Gongming's eyes, but these future scenes were all very different.

There's absolutely no credibility to it.

In a daze, Zhao Gongming saw a scene. He saw a man wearing an immortal robe standing in the Lingxiao Hall, and the person sitting on it was Haotian.

And that man wearing an immortal robe.

His appearance is the same as that of Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming came back to his senses and wanted to see more, but unfortunately, all of this had disappeared without a trace.

Although Zhao Gongming didn't want to believe it, he felt that this scene was very real.

He had never been to the Heavenly Palace.

But he also knew that there was a place called the Thirty-Three Heavens. It was the center of the Three Realms, with a good cultivation environment, a supreme holy place, and the whole world was very transcendent.

Zhao Gongming sighed secretly.

The Yuanshen flew to the fate trajectory of Yunxiao, exerted a much weaker magic power, transmitted a message to Yunxiao, and then left the long river of fate. Zhao Gongming is now not as good as in his heyday.

He can't stay in the long river of time and fate for long.

Otherwise, he would like to exchange information with Yunxiao.

Wen Zhong sent powerful generals to destroy the place where Zhao Gongming was cursed, but what disappointed Wen Zhong was that the generals he sent never returned.

And Zhao Gongming's condition was getting worse day by day.

Finally, this peerless Golden Immortal, who is born only once in countless lives, the outer disciple of Jiejiao, Zhao Gongming, fell silently.

All this was full of drama.

The moment Zhao Gongming fell, the Golden Dragon Shears sensed it and flew away from Zhao Gongming's body in an instant, going far away.

To return to the hands of the Three Heavens.


A figure appeared silently at Zhao Gongming's place, searched for a while, and took away the twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu, all without anyone noticing.

If it were someone else, it would definitely cause trouble.

But with the Qiankun Ruler, Randeng would be so smooth.

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