Chen Yuan smiled and said: "You only know one but not the other. That magical power is just an axe."

Kong Xuan said in surprise: "Master, you are saying... they don't have the energy to use this magical power a second time."

Chen Yuan said: "Indeed, the magical power looks very powerful, but in fact it is just like that. Hunyuan is immortal, and the magical power that cannot be used a second time is not as powerful as you think."

"The reason why Pangu's true form used by the witch clan was terrifying was because he could die in the quasi-sage realm..."

Chen Yuan still had some words he didn't say.

If he faced that move, he could resist it, but it would expose the Chaos Bead. With the Chaos Bead, he wouldn't panic at all.

Even if they face the combined forces of the Three Purities in the future.

It can also be dealt with.

I sighed secretly in my heart: Pangu was too transcendent and powerful, and everything related to him was extraordinary.

No matter it is the true form of Pangu of the Wu clan.

The Pangu Dharma of the Sanqing Dynasty has the power to turn things around, but this method also has drawbacks.

It just requires multiple people to perform it together.

Kong Xuan said gratefully: "Seeing the Hunyuan Battle at this time has benefited the disciples a lot. I only feel that my Taoism has improved a bit, and my understanding of the Five Elements Dao has become more profound."

If Chen Yuan hadn't projected the war in the outer world, the war would have happened.

Even if he can see it, it will be extremely distorted, because the Hunyuan Power is too powerful, and the power of the Great Dao is carried with him in every move.

And Chen Yuan projected a war in the outer world.

After peeling off the cocoon to reveal the avenue, magic power, and all the mysteries of the body, Kong Xuan said something that benefited him a lot.

Then the disciples dispersed.

Xuanyuan Taoist Palace returned to its former peace.

Chen Yuan's magic eyes illuminate the world, and he feels the boundless magic power in his body. With occasional fluctuations, he can create the world and create all things.

I just observed the battle between Rahu and Lao Tzu.

Not only Kong Xuan and the others benefited a lot, Chen Yuan himself also benefited a lot. No matter what avenue, it is the embodiment of order, whether it is the avenue of Sanqing or the avenue of Luohu.

They all made Chen Yuan feel like he was experiencing something different.

Chen Yuan looked at all the heavens and realms, endless time and space.

Finally, looking at the area where the human race was located, Xiqi's army was once again blocked and unable to move forward. The person blocking them was Zhao Gongming.

Although Zhao Gongming was defeated by Qingyou.

But he still didn't give up the trouble of looking for Chanjiao, and now he met Wen Zhong.

I want to avenge my fellow disciples.

Wen Zhong said: "With the arrival of our master uncle, we will definitely give them a good look and let them know that our Jie Jiao is not someone to be trifled with."

Zhao Gongming's seniority is higher than that of Wen Zhong.

And he is also a Daluo Jinxian.

This state has extraordinary performance even in the Kyushu Barrier. It is not comparable to the state below. This allows the fleeing army to stop their decline and start to counterattack.

Xiqi Camp.

Ji Fa, the King of Wu, was sitting upright, and it was he who presided over the conquest of merchants. His father had died and returned to dust, so Ji Fa became the lord of Xiqi.

Just destroy the Shang Dynasty.

That is the founding king of the country. He has a high status and controls many living beings.

Ji Fa is worried...

The resistance of the Shang Dynasty was really strong, and this time on the road to conquer the Shang Dynasty, Ji Fa felt like he was in a dream, like gods and demons that were hard to see in the past.

popping up one after another.

Although there is a Kyushu barrier.

But the power displayed by these immortals made Ji Fa feel insignificant, as if he could be crushed to death at will. He clearly felt the ancient energy of these immortals.

Some immortals.

It is longer than the history of the human race.

And Ji Fa's age is not even a fraction of the opponent's, especially after learning from some immortals that if he is outside the Kyushu barrier, he can easily destroy billions of miles of mountains and rivers.

Although I don’t know if the immortal has any lies.

But Ji Fa knew.

Even if there are lies, the power of immortals is definitely extremely majestic. That is, as long as you become a golden immortal, you can become immortal in heaven and earth.

Ji Fa wants to embark on the path of cultivation and become one of the ancient gods and saints who traveled to Mu Cangwu in Beihai.

Instead of cutting down businessmen.

Of course, I can only think about it in my heart. The Shang Dynasty is about to be destroyed now. If he quits, it is conceivable that even he will not end well.

It would be fine if there was a whole corpse.

Ji Fa asked the immortals in front of him for advice and said: "Now that we are blocked again, and they don't go out to fight, what should we do?"

This was Wen Zhong's idea.

As an immortal, it is not easy to attack mortals.

The biggest duty of an immortal is to deal with the immortals on the opposite side. If too many mortals are killed, the karma will be huge and it will be a big obstacle to the future cultivation path.

To be able to cultivate to such a high level.

All of them are human beings.

Naturally, he would not do thankless things, so he kept his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart. The old god was sitting there, not at all anxious.

As an immortal.

The time of cultivation has been endless, and their state of mind has been polished to a mellow state, and they will not act impulsively. They have great autonomy.

Although Jiang Ziya wanted something.

But his status is actually not high. Just because he is a person who can confer gods, the Twelve Golden Immortals look at him differently, but it is limited to this, and there is no more.

After all, strength is the most important thing in ancient times.

Luo Hu has the power to seize the Tai Chi Diagram. Even if he does not succeed in the end, it is the combination of the Three Pure Ones and the Pangu Dharma that possesses powerful power.

And not because of anything else.

Even Hunyuan is like this.

It can be imagined that the lower realm will not be an exception. Just like this, the Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit in the starry sky rotated countless times.

In a place unknown to King Wu.

Randeng sneaked out of the camp.

Because his treasure Qiankun ruler was vibrating faintly, emitting a little spiritual light, pointing to a direction, Randeng was very worried, but the camp of the Shang Dynasty was deep.

Randeng couldn't cover his mind with his divine thoughts.

But Randeng was a quasi-saint.

Even if he didn't use his divine thoughts, his eyes could see things in the distance clearly.

Randeng felt the Qiankun ruler.

The Qiankun ruler had been refined by him, and he could clearly know where the Qiankun ruler pointed to. There was a man dressed in Taoist clothes.

A flow of qi that transcended time and fate flowed.

This was a Daluo Jinxian.

In the Shang Dynasty camp, there was only one Daluo Jinxian, that was Zhao Gongming. Randeng imprinted Zhao Gongming's appearance in his heart.

I vaguely heard the sound of their argument.

Zhao Gongming was dissatisfied with the current situation and did not go out to avenge the disciples of Jiejiao.

This made Zhao Gongming unacceptable.

But Wen Zhong advised: "They are powerful. Although you have the power of Daluo, there are many Daluo Jinxian on the other side. It is better to stay put for the time being and wait for the opportunity."

Zhao Gongming said angrily: "Tomorrow I will try their strength. What makes you so cautious? You don't have the spirit of a Jiejiao disciple at all."

Wen Zhong could only smile.

In the distance, Ran Deng saw that they stopped talking and returned to the camp.

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