The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 493 Pangu Dharma Image

He opened and closed his eyes, thinking to himself: "Tsk tsk... I didn't expect that Luo Hou, who fled in front of me, would be so domineering in the prehistoric world, and he wanted to take away an innate treasure."

"Alas... It's true that you can't judge a spirit by its appearance, and you can't measure the sea by a bucket."

This person is Bai Tianjun.

To be more precise, it is the great master Ming Yuan of Hunyuan. He thought to himself: "I have to thank Luo Hou. If he hadn't led the way, I would have discovered the prehistoric world."

"It's impossible. The prehistoric world is not directly exposed to the chaos. It is covered. This is a world where you can achieve enlightenment."

"In the endless chaos, there are not many such worlds, and there are many powerful people in the Hunyuan Taiji realm in those worlds. If I go there with my small body, it will only be a blessing."

Ming Yuan knows the dangers of those worlds too well.

The strongest people in them can easily beat him to death, even if the Hunyuan realm has a vast and deep vitality.

It's useless.

"I have to be careful not to be discovered by others. Otherwise, even if the main body is fine, this barely accomplished incarnation will be in danger."

In the prehistoric world.

It is not easy for a creature without any roots to rise, and Mingyuan's main body has a transcendent realm, which can make the clone ascend to heaven in one step, but it is useless.

Because everything he does must be reasonable.

Otherwise, it will be beyond common sense and people will see the clues and ban him.

Then all his hard work will be in vain.

Mingyuan's clone can directly possess the power of a quasi-saint, but this cannot be done. Isn't it telling others that he has a problem and they should check him out?

Mingyuan is very clear about this.

Even if he can ascend to heaven in one step, he still has to hide himself, and everything must be reasonable. At most, he can practice faster and be more talented.

There are many geniuses in the prehistoric world.

There are also many creatures with strong qualifications, some of which can even be comparable to the innate gods, even if Mingyuan is more outstanding.

It is also okay.


Heaven beyond Heaven.

In the Purple Sky Palace.

Hongjun's eyes were deep, and the boundless power was lingering, mysterious and mysterious. This supreme power could dominate the operation of the heavens.

All things are born and die.

But he was limited by the way of heaven.

Behind Hongjun, the wheel of heaven was turning, and every turn... brought boundless power.

He passed through endless time and space.

Seeing the unscrupulous Luohou, he said in his heart: "Luohou, you are destined to fail. The Three Pure Ones have a trump card. After all, they are the incarnation of Pangu's primordial spirit. If it were the two saints in the West, you could succeed."

"It's a pity that the two saints in the West are so poor that they don't have any innate treasures."

"Perhaps because of this, they can be your allies with peace of mind."

"They are already so poor, so they are not afraid that you have any bad intentions."


Luohou had the Sky Demon Tower on his head, his eyes were dim, looking at the infinite power of the Three Pure Ones, although Luohou's power was stronger.

But he had to admit the power of the Three Pure Ones.

In their every move, they burst out with endless power, all kinds of mysterious magical powers were fully displayed, and powerful treasures stirred up supreme power.

Let the chaos be eclipsed.

Luohou's right hand was like the sky, with endless and vast time and space, like the vast Tai Chi diagram of the universe, constantly stirring up endless divine power,

making this vast and endless time and space.

twisted endlessly, with wrinkles forming, and this power became stronger and stronger. Luohou has not yet refined the innate divine prohibition in it, and the Tai Chi diagram is flawless.

It is like an infinite and immeasurable Hunyuan power.

It is not easy to refine, and a large part of Luohou's power is dragged by the Tai Chi diagram.

Otherwise, his demonic power will certainly be even more supreme.

Luohou advised: "Sanqing, you should retreat. I am not your match."

"Retreat, what a joke... When you refine the Tai Chi diagram, there will be no chance at all."

"By then, you will be even stronger, and your hope of taking back the innate treasure Tai Chi is slim." Laozi said coldly: "Now I will break your right hand and shatter the endless time and space in it, and the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram will naturally return to my hands."

Luohou frowned and said: "My magic power shakes the endless time and space. Although you are saints, you are not strong enough after all. You can only watch me refine the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram."

"And there is no chance to take advantage of it."

"You are Hongjun's disciples. It's a pleasure to let you suffer a setback. Hahaha..."

Luohou Demon Ancestor still remembers the distant past.

Hongjun brought Yang Mei, Qiankun, and the world to besiege him and knock him down. If he hadn't kept a few more eyes, he would have disappeared by now.

There would not be the realm and power that they have now.

Thinking of the past, Luohou's attack was a little heavier, which made the Three Pure Ones a little stretched.

Laozi sighed: "I didn't want to use that move, but Luohou, you are so powerful, I have to use it."

"This is good, it can let the gods know the power of my Three Pure Ones."

Laozi's eyes moved.

He looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu, and saw their determination.

They no longer hesitated.

Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian slapped their heads, and then a faint clear air rose. This is the origin of the Three Pure Ones. They are bred by Pangu Yuanshen mixed with the clear air of the sky.

So they are called the Three Pure Ones.

These three clear airs are different. The one on Laozi's head is Taiqing Qi, the one on Yuanshi's head is Yuqing Qi, and the one on Tongtian's head is Shangqing Qi, all of which are mysterious.

Three pure spirits are resonating.

There is a hazy sound of Taoism resounding, chanting Pangu's name together, and there is a long river of time showing up. The originally calm long river of time is rioting, as if responding to the Supreme Ancestor God.

There is a hazy divine light gathering.

This divine light spreads across the heavens and the worlds, and it exists everywhere, but it is difficult to sense, as if it does not exist anywhere.

But at this moment, it responds to the call of the Three Pure Ones.

This change alarmed all the sacred things. They illuminated the heavens and saw such a terrifying scene. It was like Pangu was reviving and was about to return to the colorful world.

They were amazed at the trump cards of the Three Pure Ones.

This is to borrow the power of Pangu to make the combat power leap, so as to regain the Tai Chi diagram, and to take the opportunity to shock the heavens and show their strength.

Heaven beyond Heaven.

At this moment, behind the Three Pure Ones, there is an infinite Dharma image. He steps on the endless chaos, and a ray of Taoist light emanates from his body, which contains extremely powerful power.

The face of this statue is a little blurry.

It is shrouded in hazy mist and can't be seen clearly.

But you can vaguely see Pangu's face, which is very similar to the real body of Pangu that the twelve witch ancestors transformed into. As the endless divine light surges in the prehistoric world, this Pangu statue becomes more and more powerful and majestic.

His left eye is like the sun and his right eye is like the moon.

His hair is like endless stars and his body is like the prehistoric continent. It is full of ancient and vast artistic conception and is extremely terrifying.

Boundless divine power emanates.

When the Three Pure Ones step into Pangu's statue, Pangu's statue comes alive. The boundless power has someone to mobilize it.

The ancient sound of Tao is ringing.

It is Pangu's statue that is speaking, a roar. This is the first sound of Tao when Pangu created the world. It contains supreme divine power. At this moment, it is shouted out by Pangu's statue gathered by the Three Pure Ones.

It bursts out with vast divine power.

The impact on Luohou made Luohou's body unstable.

Luohou was awed. He could look down on the Three Pure Ones, but he was not qualified to look down on Pangu, the ancestor of the universe. Having been to the depths of chaos, he knew Pangu's greatness better.

He was far beyond the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

He stood at a higher level and looked down on everything.

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