The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 49: Arrangement of the Dojo

There was a thin voice in Chen Yuan's ear. It was Wang Shu talking.

"Yuan, what will this mountain be called in the future?"

With some memories of the past, Chen Yuan replied: "Xuanxia Mountain..."

Chen Yuan thought for a while, and a ray of light appeared, with formation flags inside. When refining before, not only one set was refined, but several sets were refined.

Since Wangshu has set up a dojo next to it, this place is not like the Taiyin Star, so there is no need to use such a formation. There are few living things on the Taiyin Star, and few people will come to the Taiyin Star.

In such a long time, only one living being has been there, Dongyang, who took the form of a hibiscus tree.

No other living being has ever been there, maybe Yang Mei has been.

But it is different in the prehistoric world. There are too many creatures here, too many creatures with different realms.

If there are creatures that accidentally come here, we can't kill them all.

At this time, a formation is needed. It doesn't have to be very powerful, as long as it can stop these creatures.

Chen Yuan's formation is very powerful and can block the beings under Daluo Jinxian. Even Daluo Jinxian can block it several times.

There is some information on the formation flag that Wangshu can lay out.

Even so, Wang Shu failed several times.

She had not had much contact with him before, and Chen Yuan had never arranged anything in front of her.

Fortunately, she is the Great Luo Jinxian. The spirit of the Great Luo Jinxian is extremely majestic, and her thinking speed is extremely fast.

Only by thinking extremely quickly can you freely mobilize your own powerful magic power. You must know that the magic power of Daluo Jinxian is extremely vast, the avenue is extremely profound, and the various changes and magical powers in it are all mysterious.

The mystery of the Dao requires extremely powerful thinking. If you don't have strong thinking, don't even think about understanding the Dao.

They won't understand the mystery.

The Great Dao is an extremely complex principle, which is the composition of everything in the universe. If you want to understand the principle.

Without a strong soul and profound wisdom, it is difficult to achieve success.

There was cyan light permeating Xuanxia Mountain. This light was very soft, and finally flickered a few times, and finally turned into a natural scene.

Chen Yuan's mind smiled slightly when he saw the scene over there.

The other party just abandoned the Taiyin Star. Chen Yuan knew the reason behind it. Although there was some friendship, the more important thing was that the Taiyin Star was no longer that important to Wangshu.

Wangshu, who has achieved the Yin-Yang Avenue, no longer needs to be on the Taiyin Star. The Taiyin Avenue on the Taiyin Star is very clear and can be understood more easily.

But now that she has transformed into the Yin-Yang Avenue, the clearer Taiyin Avenue on the Lunar Star is not so important to her.

Since Chen Yuan wanted to come to the ancient continent, she followed him.

Nowadays, Chen Yuan no longer has a place to live. The palace he used to refine was given to Wang Shu.

Now he needs to refine one again, but now he wants to refine it differently. The previous two times were to refine thirty-six palaces.

Now he plans to practice more, and other beings may come in in the future, if he has disciples in the future.

Thirty-six will seem a little too small.

"There is no need to connect them together like before. Let's separate them this time. There is no need to refine them so big."

Then Chen Yuan sacrificed his creation fairy fire.

He took out the green gold he got from the Taiyin Star, and even took out some innate Geng Gold.

By adding some innate Geng Gold, you can refine it to a higher grade.

When the thirty-six palaces of Wangshu were refined before, no additions were made.

There are those thirty-six palaces, which is a huge reason, but the innate Geng gold obtained is not that much.

Even if you add some, it won't make a huge difference.

Because the refining was different this time, Chen Yuan did not think carefully before refining such a large palace.

For example, for cultivators, it is better to be separated so as not to affect the cultivation of others.

It can also give every living being a relatively free space.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan started refining. This time the refining was not connected together.

Instead, refine many separate palaces so that you can place them wherever you like.

Different creatures like different places.

With previous experience, it took about half a year to refine a hundred palaces.

Chen Yuan looked at his finished products with satisfaction. One of them, Xuanyuan Palace, was very huge, with a radius of ten miles. He was very satisfied. This palace was placed in the center of the top of the mountain.

This is one of the palaces that has the most innate Geng gold added to it.

The grade is the highest.

Within half a year, the top of the mountain that had been flattened by Chen Yuan regained its vitality, the tenacity of life in the prehistoric world.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan planted some of the spiritual roots he had collected.

In particular, there is a fire jujube tree. After taking it, it can increase mana and train the soul. It can be said to be a good treasure.

There is also a fairy peach tree. Taking it can make the mind more peaceful and purify mana. It is a good treasure. When Chen Yuan took this treasure away, he took a fancy to the fairy peach tree when it was blooming. , it was only taken away when the fragrance filled the air.

Chen Yuan found it on Buzhou Mountain.

There are some such things, and Chen Yuan planted them separately. It is best not to have other spiritual roots next to them.

Seeing the endless vitality, he nodded with satisfaction. The innate spiritual energy here is very thick, as if it has begun to form water droplets.

Sometimes, such innate spiritual liquid can be seen on the spiritual roots. This is why Chen Yuan chose this place. There is an innate yang vein underground and an innate yin vein next to it.

The two are in the shape of yin and yang.

Chen Yuan guessed that there might be some innate spiritual treasures here. It is normal to have innate spiritual treasures with the spiritual energy here.

Today's world is not yet an era of thorough development.

Even after an extremely long time, there will be some naturally existing innate spiritual treasures waiting for sentient beings with predestined relationships.

Chen Yuan had the idea of ​​treasure hunting.

Since he had such an idea, Chen Yuan took action.

"Innate spiritual treasures generally have no fixed place. Look for them carefully, and the rest depends on fate."

With this idea, he used his divine thoughts to observe the creatures on Xuanhua Mountain. He didn't know that there was an incomparably majestic existence, illuminating the world.

The gap is too huge. Even if Chen Yuan did not cover it up, he would not let these creatures know. If it was the light of the sun, Chen Yuan's observation would be as natural as an extremely natural thing.

Chen Yuan, the Golden Immortal, carefully observed Xuanhua Mountain with his vast divine consciousness, and what he saw was an extremely normal scene.

Author's words: Thank you Fengyun Rumo for the reward, and thank you for every recommendation vote.

May you be safe and happy.

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