The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 472 Do you think this is the way of immortality or the way of martial arts?

Qiong Ling looked around.

He said to a little girl: "Come here."

A little girl came over. She was wearing purple clothes and her long hair was tied up high. She was dressed somewhat like a man. She said, "Sister Fairy, please call me."

"Yes, you were chosen."

"Sister Fairy, my name is Jing Mingyue, and I am the daughter of the city lord."

In this way, a boy and a girl were selected. After saying goodbye to their families, they headed towards Fuyuan Fairy Mountain.

Above a fairy cloud.

Zhang Li walked to Nezha's side, looked at Huntian Ling floating beside Nezha, and stretched out his hand to touch it.

Nezha suddenly said: "Don't touch it."

Zhang Li took back his hand with a dry smile, feeling that his behavior just now was very rude, but he was just curious about the immortal's magic weapon, which made him unable to help but make such a move, and said: "Immortal, I was reckless."

Nezha smiled and said: "It's not that I'm stingy, it's just that the treasure you want to touch is not an ordinary treasure. It is a treasure that is difficult to find in the world. When its power is fully bloomed, it can sink billions of miles of mountains, rivers and earth."

Zhang Li was shocked.

He looked at the floating red silk, and felt more and more that it was the legendary treasure, and said: "Is such a quiet red silk so scary?"

Qiong Ling next to her saw a special Zhang Li.

The other human races were standing quietly aside at this moment, even the daughter of the Lord of Jingcheng.

Jing Mingyue was also very quiet.

Only Zhang Li was not like this. She said: "I heard the young master say that this red silk was made by a supreme deity, and the power it contains is beyond our imagination."

Zhang Li asked curiously: "The young master you are talking about is..."

Qiong Ling smiled and said: "I'm used to calling you Young Master. He was originally an official in Chao Ge, but Emperor Xin was stupid and wanted to do harm to my Young Master. But my Young Master is not something that Emperor Xin can deal with. Young Master He walked out of the Chaoge leisurely, and even the imperial master Wen Zhong could not stop him. "

"Then the young master established a sect, but there were no disciples, so he asked us to come to Jingcheng to recruit some disciples. You are very lucky."

Qiong Ling explained what happened.

I don't feel the need to hide anything. The young master is dignified and not a person who hides his head and tail.

Zhang Li was shocked again.

He knew very well what was in the Chaoge, but the history books did not describe a person strolling out of the Chaoge. Zhang Li knew it.

This is entirely possible.

A history book.

It is impossible to completely record history, and it is the history of a world of gods and demons. The world of gods and demons is so vast, and there are countless creatures that breed in it. The stories of these creatures must be recorded one by one.

It's impossible.

Suddenly a huge sky bird appeared in the clouds. It chased the clouds and the sun, its eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the people above the fairy clouds.

It's a look at prey.

"Tian Jue Jiu is extremely ferocious. There is a huge alien space in his body. He especially likes to swallow living creatures. It seems that he is targeting us." The person speaking at the moment was Jing Mingyue, she was very knowledgeable.

Know a lot of knowledge.

"Then we are in danger. Seeing how huge it is, I wonder if the two immortals are rivals." Lin Ming thought in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

Lin Ming was not the only one who had such thoughts.

But they didn't say it out loud. After all, they doubted that they were not strong enough in front of the immortal. This was looking for death. If the immortal threw them directly into the fairy cloud.

Then wouldn't they be too dangerous?

Although Qiong Ling would not do this, these people would think so.

As the saying goes, scaring yourself is the scariest thing.

The sky dove is higher in the sky.

He was looking down with salivation, and there was saliva dripping.

At this moment, he swooped down and screamed through the golden cracked stone. Fortunately, there was a thin film of light above the fairy cloud, otherwise the ordinary people on the fairy cloud would not be able to survive.

About to go deaf.

Nezha said to Zhang Li: "Let me show you its power. Don't touch anything you don't understand in the future. It's very dangerous."

Zhang Li was curious to see the small circle on Nezha's hand being thrown out.

He stared at the Qiankun Circle, and saw that the Qiankun Circle was getting bigger and bigger, and finally bombarded Jue Tianjiu's head.


The power of the Qiankun Circle was too powerful. Jue Tianjiu's other parts did not escape the attack of the Qiankun Circle, although it seemed to only attack the head.

Nothing was left of Juetianjiu, and his entire body turned into powder.

There was no trace.

Then the Universe Circle returned to Nezha's hands.

Zhang Li was stunned, he had thought about a lot.

Although he was shocked to be sitting on the fairy cloud at this moment, it was not as shocking as the Qiankun Circle turning Jue Tianjiu into powder, a sky bird with a body of dozens of feet.

Just disappeared.

Zhang Lizhen truly realized that this was a world of gods and demons, and the power possessed by the strong was beyond his imagination.

Zhang Li was not the only one like this.

Everyone else was shocked, dumbfounded, and wanted such a powerful power.

Finally, the fairy cloud landed on Fuyuan Fairy Mountain.

"Here we are."

Qiong Ling took the lead to walk down the fairy cloud, and the others followed.

Under the leadership of Qiong Ling.

The group of people arrived in front of a pavilion. The door of the pavilion was wide open. Chen Sheng was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

A strong and yang aura rushed towards my face.

The power of the mysterious world was flowing, and Chen Sheng looked at the growing small world inside his body.

Very satisfied.

Qiong Ling introduced: "This is our leader."

Chen Sheng opened his eyes.

Instantly, a great power spread out. Although it was extremely strong and powerful, it was silent and inaudible.

Only Qiong Ling and Nezha felt it.

He said: "Although you are taken to the mountain, I will not accept you as my disciples. I will only teach you martial arts. After you have learned it, you can leave freely in the future."

"Martial arts, isn't this a trick of the mortal world?"

Zhang Li was very puzzled. His impression of martial arts was the way of fighting, which could improve some physical strength, but it could not be compared with the way of flying around.

Chen Sheng did not answer.

A mighty aura spread out, and the sky was cloudless in an instant, and it was empty and quiet.

Zhang Li and the others were pressed to the ground.

They only felt an indescribable pressure that made them extremely uncomfortable, and the girl Jing Mingyue was the same. She looked at Chen Sheng who was sitting cross-legged, and without moving, he made the world change color.

What a powerful force.

Soon... the mighty pressure disappeared.

The scene quieted down again. Chen Sheng said, "Do you think this is the immortal way or the martial way?"

Zhang Li replied, "This should be the immortal way..."

"Wrong, this is the martial way. What I want to teach you is not the old martial way, but the new martial way. There is no comparison between the two. The new martial way can be compared with the immortal way. It was created by me." Chen Sheng said leisurely.

Zhang Li was stunned...

He looked at the sitting venerable. He actually created a way of cultivation to spread the world. He didn't know how difficult it was, but he knew it was difficult.

It was not something that ordinary people could do.

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