The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 461 Chen Sheng and Cang Jie

Xuanyuan said: "With my way of doing things, it's not difficult to know the reincarnation of a living being, but if I can't see Cangjie's reincarnation alive or dead, I still owe him a big favor."

Fu Xi suddenly said: "Maybe Chen Sheng is Cang Jie."

Xuanyuan asked: "How can I say that if you saw Chen Sheng's past through the fog, it was because the empress told you something."

Everyone's eyes turned to Fuxi.

Fuxi is different from them. The Human Virgin Mother is his sister. If he knows something from Nuwa,

It's very possible.

Fuxi faced everyone's gaze and said with a smile: "No, it's just that Xuanyuan just said that he couldn't find Cangjie, and Chen Sheng's past was shrouded in endless fog. If Cangjie is Chen Sheng, he can't find Chen Sheng. This It’s normal for someone to cover up their whereabouts.”

"The Heavenly Lord of Creation..."

Xuanyuan's expression condensed and he said: "Because the Heavenly Lord of Creation has concealed the secret of heaven for Cang Jie, we can't see where Cang Jie is."

Fuxi smiled and said: "Chen Sheng definitely has a deep relationship with the God of Creation. Nezha's body is a spiritual bead. The God of Creation begged it from my sister. Now he was born into the human race and was accepted by Chen Sheng. Disciple, it is impossible to say that there is no relationship between them."

Xuanyuan's eyes were deep and he said: "Chen Sheng has extraordinary potential. If he creates his own method, he will be blessed with great fortune, which makes me think that he may become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal."

Shaohao said in disbelief: "This is Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, can he really succeed?"

Fuxi smiled and said: "It is possible, but not necessarily... Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is too transcendent to be calculated."

Xuanyuan sighed, looked at the outside world with misty eyes, and said: "I hope that the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal will be born in the human race, and then he will be free."

But Shennong said: "Now Chen Sheng is just a golden immortal. If someone wants to do harm to him, he will be too dangerous."


Everyone looked at Xuanyuan in unison, very neatly, and the deep meaning in their eyes was very clear to Xuanyuan.


Knowing everyone's thoughts, Xuanyuan said: "Now the female demon is not in the Fire Cloud Palace, she is in the deepest part of the Netherworld Sea. I don't know if she is willing. I can't force her."

Fuxi said: "Your daughter is very enviable. She is so powerful. Now she has the Taoism of the late quasi-sage. Unlike my daughter Mi Fei, she likes to go to her aunt. My sister gave her several innate spiritual treasures. ”

Xuanyuan smiled and said: "My wife has a strong family background, and she has the Hongmeng Tianzhi, which is comparable to the innate treasure. She looks down upon other innate spiritual treasures."

Shennong said: "I hope Chen Sheng can realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian."

"Common wish..."

Xuanhua Mountain.

Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Chen Yuanfa's eyes shine on all the worlds, guarding against anyone who will be harmful to his future body.

Chen Yuan attaches great importance to the future body, and it is by no means as plain as he said in the future body's soul space. The reason why he said that at the time was just that he didn't want the future body to be proud.

For Chen Yuan.

In the future, he will realize Tao Hunyuan, which will make his cultivation speed faster and faster.

Chen Yuan can break through the realm again during this period of time.

Achieving the seventh level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the midst of impossibility is precisely because of the world and Taiyi. If all three bodies are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There will be big changes, which he is looking forward to very much.

In addition, Chen Sheng founded martial arts. It would be a disaster rather than a blessing if a creature without foundation established martial arts.

But the future is different.

He has Chen Yuan as his backing.

Suddenly, a majestic force fell from the demon world and headed towards the human area, with mighty power.

Can destroy everything.

This is the action of Luo Hu from the eighth level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Why did Luo Hu take action? Chen Yuan didn't want to know. He and Luo Hu had not fought each other once or twice. Although there was a huge gap between the two, it was not a world of difference.

In addition, Chen Yuan's treasure is very strong.

There is also the Chaos Spiritual Treasure Chaos Bead, which has not been used so far. Chen Yuan is not afraid of Luo Hu at all.

Chen Yuan was unhurried.

A brilliant lotus rose slowly above the human race area.

The Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus was like a huge world, covering the sky. The creatures under the Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus looked at the sky in panic.

The sky was bright and clear just now, but in an instant it turned into darkness. Such a huge change made it difficult for them to adapt.

I thought the sky was going to fall.

This extremely terrifying scene makes everyone feel terrified.

bamboo forest.

In the future, Nezha was explaining martial arts to Nezha, and the bright sky suddenly turned into darkness. This scene made Nezha very strange.

And this kind of darkness is different from the darkness at night.

There is the Lunar Star hanging high in the night sky. Although this infinite supreme star is not as bright as the Sun Star, it is still as clear as water, even if it is obscured by dark clouds in the sky.

Wisps of brilliance will also fall.

But at this moment all the light was swallowed up.

Nezha looked around, it could be said that he couldn't see his fingers. Nezha was a little panicked. At this moment, there was a green light falling from the sky, and there was pure vitality in the blue light.

In this boundless vitality.

Nezha felt that the vitality in his body was more vigorous, and unspeakable changes had occurred.

It's unclear.

Nezha looked around and saw that the sky turned blue and everything he saw was reflected in blue, which puzzled him.

Not sure why.

"Master, why does the sky turn blue?"

Nezha turned to look at Chen Sheng, who was calm and composed. He didn't know that this force was going to attack his master.

Chen Sheng was not worried about the attack in the sky.

He replied: "It's not that the sky has turned blue, but that there is an innate treasure across the sky. This kind of treasure is infinite and will show such a wonder."

"The treasure can be so huge, how powerful must the person who uses the treasure be." Nezha asked in disbelief.

Chen Sheng smiled and said: "The owner of the innate treasure is one of the most powerful people in this world."

Nezha said: "Did a fight happen in the sky?"

Chen Sheng smiled but didn't say anything.

He saw that his master didn't answer, and knew that he wouldn't tell him.

So he didn't ask again.

Chen Sheng said: "Things in the sky don't affect us, I will continue to teach you martial arts."

Nezha listened to Chen Sheng's explanation of martial arts.

But a lot of his attention was on the sky. This experience had a great impact on him, although he didn't see the true face of this fight.

But he also got a glimpse of it, which broadened Nezha's horizons.

Know how majestic the most powerful existence in the world is.

There is an infinite lotus flower in the sky above the human race, which attracts the attention of too many creatures.

The area covered by the lotus flower is very vast.

Many great masters are watching here. They are naturally familiar with the lotus flower that covers the sky, having seen it many times, and they are also shocked by the black light that falls from the demon world.

They are worried that innocent people will be affected.

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