The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 45 Zhoutian Purple Lotus

The world's Taoists hold such an idea, and the power of opening up the world and creating the universe has rippled more than once.

But again and again.

A full day's time.

When Chen Yuan looked at this place, he felt that it was beautiful and gorgeous, and that the power of opening up the world was reverberating.

It made him feel that the power of the quasi-sage realm was much more powerful than that of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

"Maybe we made a mistake, it's been a day."

"We have plenty of time. If we can spend some time and get a treasure, it will be worth it. I have decided to have a Yuanhui. If I don't get it after a Yuanhui, I will leave."

Chen Yuan could feel the firmness in his thoughts.

They understood that this was related to the location of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. More importantly, they just felt the origin of the universe and the origin of all things, as if there was a supreme existence.

He is the first and the most ancient.

It was this superior aura that kept them from giving up, otherwise.

Even if there are any different fluctuations, it will not be spent here like this.

After all, although their time is very long, it also takes time to practice and realize the Tao.

If you waste too much time, you will be surpassed by latecomers, which is an extremely sad thing.

Seeing Chen Yuan here, he didn't want to waste any more time here. He had more important things to do.

Now he can't feel any progress. He has cultivated the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal to the limit.

Even if progress can be made, it is no longer necessary.

No matter how much he practices, he will never become more powerful than Daluo Jinxian.

This does not include the power of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong.

Chen Yuan pulled away this will.

Among the lunar stars, Wang Shu was talking with Chen Yuan at this moment.

Chen Yuan told her some things about the ancient world.

Chen Yuan looked solemn. Although he could be on an equal footing with Da Luo Jinxian, he yearned for Da Luo's way. He said: "I want to attack Da Luo Jinxian. If I continue to practice now, I won't make any progress. Please help me, Goddess. "Dharma protector."

Wang Shu said without any hesitation, "Yuan, don't worry about breaking through. I will definitely protect your safety."

Chen Yuan believed this. In today's prehistoric world, the masters were almost dead, and no one would be interested in looking for him.

Thinking of this, there is no longer any hesitation, and the decision has been made, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I will go on.

After saying goodbye, he went to a place a little further away and released his Jiutian Qingkong Tower. Even if he was protected by Wang Shu, he would be safer in the Jiutian Qingkong Tower.

In the Jiutian Blue Sky Tower, it is the place where I used to practice my past. It is the highest mountain in this area in the Thousand Worlds.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, and his appearance was solemn.


A figure appeared with immeasurable power, and light formed a small circle behind the soul.

Although I have been through the long river of time and destiny once, that time was the power of past consequences.

When you reach the realm of Chen Yuan, you can sense the long river of time and destiny, and there is danger there for Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Be still and concentrate.

Looking for the connection with the true spirit, Chen Yuan, who is in the Great Perfection of Taiyi Golden Immortal, can clearly sense the location of his true spirit. This connection allows him to enter the long river of time and destiny.

Without this connection, we would not know where the long river of time and destiny lies.

After breaking through the barrier between existence and non-existence, there is an unimaginable long river, in which the past and the future flow.

It seems to be an eternal one, with a river running through all levels and all possibilities.

The place where Chen Yuan appears at this time is not the place where he appeared last time. The place where he appeared last time is on the long river of time and destiny. Only those who have achieved Da Luo Jinxian can go up.

This is proof that it transcends time and destiny.

Today, Chen Yuan is on the river, with only one head outside, and the rest is underwater.

Although it is just a head, it is extremely huge, as if stepping on the river, a huge head appears on the water.

It means that Chen Yuan has gained a certain degree of freedom and can control his own destiny to a certain extent.

If you were completely a life at the bottom of the river, you could only drift with the tide, and your destiny would develop as the river of time and destiny flows, without any independence at all.

Daluo Jinxian transcends the long river of time and destiny, that is, to leave the river, so as to reach the height where my destiny is my own, but it is extremely difficult to do so.

It is already an extremely incredible achievement for some of them to leave the long river of time and destiny.

Chen Yuan could sense that a true spirit was already deep in his soul.

The true spirit flows with extremely pure light. This light is so pure that it is like the original light. The true spirit is an indescribable thing, but it truly exists in Chen Yuan's soul, giving Chen Yuan an incomparable feeling of perfection. As if it was a part of itself, once separate.

Lost in the long river of time and destiny, now the true spirit has been found again.

It is not that easy to bring this true spirit out, if you don't step on the long river of time and destiny.

By finding the connection with the body in this way, the soul can appear in the outside world, but it cannot take its true spirit out.

If the true spirit is not taken out, and after such a change, the true spirit will go deeper, making the next breakthrough more difficult. This makes many Taiyi Golden Immortals not fully prepared and will not rush through the big breakthrough. Luo Jinxian.

In front of Chen Yuan, there is a bead floating and rising, emitting the energy of the Great Way of Creation.

"Let the Dao fruit bloom..."

The Dao Fruit formed during the Golden Immortal period is the result of the Great Dao of Creation and is incomparably mysterious.

Since the Tao Fruit is a fruit, it means it is mature and can form a bridge to the other side.

Take the creatures in the river away from here.

In front of Chen Yuan, there is a Tao Fruit rising and falling, which is extremely peaceful. It is a Tao Fruit formed by the Great Way of Creation, and contains all the Tao that Chen Yuan has understood.

At this moment it seemed to be split open, as if a universe was born.

The extremely sacred light spreads, and the Tao of creation flows, as if it can support the world and open up the heaven and earth.

In the splendid light, a lotus flower appeared. It was completely purple, like the most beautiful work of art. No matter what angle you looked at it, you couldn't see any imperfections.

It is made of Tao and is filled with boundless divine light.

It blooms there quietly, as if three thousand worlds have fallen, it neither lives nor dies, nor is it moved.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. The scene just now seemed simple.

It was Chen Yuan's usual practice without any tricks that gave birth to a perfect purple lotus.

There are many kinds of things that can be born from the Tao Fruit. In Chen Yuan's heart, the lotus is the most flawless. He also has the Seventeenth Innate Treasure, the Green Lotus, as a reference.

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