The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 447 Refining the Sword of Ending

Luo Xuan's eyes were cold. He felt that Chen Sheng was looking for death.

Although he thought so, sensing Chen Sheng's realm made Luo Xuan feel a little strange. The fluctuations on Chen Sheng's body.

It didn't look like the fluctuations of a person who practiced the Great Dao of the Yuanshen.

Instead, there was a surge of blood and qi in his body.

It was too vigorous, like a sun contained in his body. Although Luo Xuan felt that Chen Sheng's state was a little strange, he had absolute confidence that he could defeat Chen Sheng.

This was not because Luo Xuan was arrogant-

But Luo Xuan saw clearly the level of Chen Sheng's realm, which was equivalent to the peak realm of a true immortal, while his realm was the realm of a golden immortal.

There was a big gap between them.

Some creatures could rely on stronger skills and treasures to make the battle situation contain variables, but he was a disciple of a saint. Although he was not a true disciple, he was only an outer disciple.

But he also practiced the skills of a saint.

But it made Luo Xuan different from ordinary creatures.

Luo Xuan shouted and said coldly: "Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for not giving you a way out. For some reason, there are always creatures who want to challenge stronger ones."

"This is not a challenge, because I am stronger than you."

The powerful aura around Chen Sheng spread, changing the color of the sky and earth. The magma above the ground was pressed back into the earth. He said leisurely: "Only the weak challenge the strong."

"Okay, I didn't expect that you are so arrogant when you are not at a high level." Luo Xuan also exuded a powerful aura.

He began to feel that Chen Sheng was not simple.

Because he knew that he was powerful, he could still be so calm and composed. This must be based on something, of course, it could also be that the other party was swelled up.


I saw a sword in Luo Xuan's hand, the whole body was fiery red, with burning divine fire wrapped around it, and the power was extremely strong.

Luo Xuan raised the sword to the sky.

A fiery red sword energy that penetrated the sky and the earth emanated, and without any hesitation, it slashed directly at Chen Sheng, who held the black divine sword.

The power to end everything flowed on it.

The true meaning of the end that Chen Sheng himself comprehended and the innate spiritual treasure induction.

This was the same avenue, allowing his magic power to easily penetrate it. Suddenly, a lot of information came to him. He understood what kind of treasure this was, and why the deity wanted to give him this innate spiritual treasure.

This is an innate spiritual treasure that can evolve.

As long as this innate spiritual treasure devours and ends other innate spiritual treasures, the grade of this innate spiritual treasure can be improved

or end living beings.

It will generate the corresponding power of ending, thereby promoting the improvement of the grade of the ending sword, and making its power stronger and stronger.

More and more grand.

This is undoubtedly a very suitable innate spiritual treasure for Chen Sheng, and now it is only a low-grade innate spiritual treasure, which will not attract too many people's attention and can accompany Chen Sheng's growth step by step.

Even if it is finally upgraded to the level of an innate treasure, it is possible.

But the conditions are quite harsh.

Chen Sheng did not look carefully at the information on how to make a sword become an innate treasure. This is still too far away for Chen Sheng. The most important thing is to deal with Luo Xuan.

Chen Sheng, who has refined the first innate divine prohibition of the Ending Sword...

He did not hesitate at all, and a sword energy was swung out, and it collided with the sword energy slashed by Luo Xuan. The two sword energies were annihilated at the same time. Luo Xuan looked at Chen Sheng in disbelief.

"This is impossible..."

Luo Xuan was shocked and said in a hoarse voice: "Although I am only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, there is a big gap between you and me. The Golden Immortal realm is accompanied by the Dao, and every move contains the power of the Dao. Although you are powerful, you are only the Dao intention. How did you cross the gap?"

"If you kneel on the ground now, I might be able to tell you." Chen Sheng looked gloomy.

Luo Xuan said with a gloomy expression: "Don't be too proud too early. I was not serious just now. I just casually swung out a sword energy. This does not really represent my strength. Now I will be serious and let you know that the gap in realm cannot be crossed."


Chen Sheng stepped on the cloud and raised his hand to cut out a sword energy of termination. The sword energy was dark and contained the power to end everything. He shouted: "My power is not as simple as it seems. Are you ready to die..."

"Death, what big talk, even if you have extraordinary power, the realm gap is not something you can cross." The five dragon wheels on Luo Xuan's head rotated and cut, cutting the solid space into pieces.

Very scary.

The five dragons cut towards the sword energy slashed by Chen Sheng, splitting the black sword energy and splitting the sword energy to shoot at the earth.


A huge tiankeng appeared on the earth, and boiling magma flowed into the tiankeng. Some creatures that can survive in the magma swam among them.

The five dragon wheels that can cut through space on that side.

Without stopping for a moment, he went straight to Chen Sheng.

There were five sharp teeth on the wheel, flowing with amazing cold light.

It was going to cut Chen Sheng into countless pieces.

"Are you scared now? Although this is not an innate spiritual treasure, it is made by collecting Taibai gold and refining it. The divine prohibition engraved in it is extraordinary." Luo Xuan's eyes were extremely cold.

He looked at the black sword that had been refined by Chen Sheng.

He couldn't believe it.

Although this sword was only a low-grade innate spiritual treasure, it was refined in such a short time.

This was really beyond Luo Xuan's expectation.

A low-grade innate spiritual treasure is also an innate spiritual treasure. He refined the first innate divine prohibition so quickly. Luo Xuan felt that this person had a great fate with this black sword.

Even if I think his fate may be greater.

But Luo Xuan did not retreat. In the ancient world, power was the most important thing. Stronger power could decide many things. No matter how great the fate of the other party, he only needed to kill that living being.

That fate will also disappear.


The low-grade Xiantian Lingbao Terminator Sword collided with the Five Dragon Wheel, and an extremely powerful force surged from the Five Dragon Wheel. It was about to turn Chen Sheng into Jifen, but his body was extremely strong.

Strong Qi and blood are flowing.

A huge force was derived, allowing him to withstand the power of the fire path coming from the five dragon wheels.

Chen Sheng took an unknown number of steps back.

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, Chen Sheng knocked down a towering mountain peak. Half of the mountain peak fell from Chen Sheng's eyes, cracking the earth, but it was immediately filled with magma.

He was currently drowning in magma.

The hot magma was flowing outside his body. At this moment, Chen Sheng was using all his strength to resolve the power of the Five Dragon Wheels, and did not use any additional strength to resist the magma.

The magma is hot.

Extremely hot, but not enough to threaten his safety.

At this moment, a figure flew from a distance.

"I didn't expect you to be able to withstand the Five Dragon Wheels. This is not what a true immortal should do." Luo Xuan was not in a hurry to take action, even though Chen Sheng's performance was a bit beyond his expectation.

But he still thought he could kill Chen Sheng.

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