The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 433 Luo Hou's Breakthrough

Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts penetrate the sun and the moon, and endless time and space.

Look towards the source of the avenue of destruction.

In the vast world of demons, Luo Hu understood the avenue of destruction. He was the incarnation of the innate power of destruction.

Restrain each other with Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan saw black ripples rippling outside the vast world of magic, pushing nearby stars further away. Chen Yuan looked at this scene solemnly.

He knows what's going on.

Every living being has such an experience.

Rahu broke through, but Rahu did not restrain the fluctuations of the breakthrough.

That's why it had such a huge impact.

The Avenue of Destruction is turbulent and unstable. This scene is too terrifying.

It seems to be destroying all heavens and realms.

If there are any living beings outside the vast world of the demon world, and these living beings do not have a profound realm.

He will disappear along with the ripples of destruction, and nothing will happen.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the ruler of the prehistoric world.

He has supreme power with him, but usually, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will restrain his own power.

Otherwise, it will have a huge impact on the universe.

Even if the prehistoric world is very vast, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can still destroy the prehistoric world.

It just takes some time.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to create. Creation is the highest manifestation of order. The prehistoric era is a good place for cultivation for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can live freely in chaos.

But chaos is too unpredictable.

Except for Luo Hu who knew more, the only thing Chen Yuan knew was that chaos was vast and he didn't know where it would end.

Chaos is an infinite space and time.

After a while, the ripples outside the demon world dissipated. This was Luo Hu's breakthrough, achieving the eighth level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Chen Yuan felt a stronger sense of urgency in his heart.

If the difference is twofold.

Although Chen Yuan is not in danger in front of Luo Hu, he will not be able to fight back. This is something Chen Yuan cannot accept. Only Chen Yuan can break through and become the seventh level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Only then will the situation change.

Chen Yuan also thought about the breakthrough of Luo Hu's realm.

Luo Hu is not an ordinary being. He is an innate divine person who takes the form of the innate destructive energy. His qualifications are no different from Chen Yuan's, but there are some differences in their methods of attaining enlightenment.

This will make Chen Yuan's cultivation faster.

Even if Chen Yuan practices faster, Luo Hu will not stand still.

Maybe Luo Hu also wanted to leave Chen Yuan behind.

After all, Luo Hu was extremely powerful during the fierce beast catastrophe, and only a few creatures could compare with him, but now Chen Yuan is about to catch up.

How could Luo Hu feel better?

When Chen Yuan saw that there was no movement in the demon world, he withdrew his gaze and fell into cultivation. For Chen Yuan at this time, cultivation was the most important thing.

Chen Yuan also wanted to see the scene in chaos. Chaos should have many worlds floating in it.

Chen Yuan yearned for it very much.

The sun and the moon go by, time passes, and I don’t know how many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and no one is specifically recording it.

There are about two yuanhui.

As long as a creature becomes a Golden Immortal, it has almost infinite life, and time does not need to be of much concern to them.

But it is said that the human race was in the Shang Dynasty at this time.

one day.

Stars appeared in the sky during the day, and a starlight that could not be seen fell into the earth.

On this day a baby was born.

There is a lifelike flying bear on the baby's back. He is the destined person, named Jiang Ziya, because Jiang Ziya has the destiny in him.

So the secret about him is very obscure.

Neither the saint nor the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would know where he is.

It just depends on who the destined person is destined to be.

Who will you marry?

Jiang Ziya gradually grew up and became extremely intelligent.

But he is not very interested in wealth and wealth in the world. Perhaps he sees things in the world too clearly and wants to pursue the elusive and unpredictable path of immortality.

this day.

Jiang Ziya looked at his home with a dark look. His eyes were complicated, but he was not reluctant to leave. Jiang Ziya's parents had both died long ago. For the thirty-two-year-old Jiang Ziya, this meant that he could pursue the path of immortality.

The lifespan of the prehistoric human race is nearly a thousand years.

Thirty-two-year-old Jiang Ziya can be said to be very young and still has hundreds of years to live.

This is the reason why Jiang Ziya made up his mind.

Jiang Ziya left his home. Jiang Ziya also did his homework on where the immortals would be. According to Jiang Ziya's knowledge, generally speaking, the immortals would be in the blessed land of the Immortal Mountain.

The environment there is quiet and peaceful.

It is a good place to practice without being disturbed by many creatures, but these places are often dangerous.

Jiang Ziya is not afraid of danger.

He has long made up his mind to pursue the ethereal immortality even if he is eaten by wild beasts or monsters from the outside world.

Won't regret it.

Jiang Ziya left after making up his mind.

He was holding a sword, which he bought with most of his money. Jiang Ziya had practiced some swordsmanship, and this was Jiang Ziya's only strength.

Jiang Ziya walks in famous mountains and rivers.

But he has not met an immortal. Even if he is about to meet an immortal, he will miss it for various reasons.

Even if there are immortals who have not missed Jiang Ziya.

He also wouldn't want to take Jiang Ziya under his wing, because Jiang Ziya's qualifications are too poor.

Jiang Ziya was walking in the wild, and suddenly there was a strong wind, which made Jiang Ziya unable to open his eyes. After a while, it became calm.

Jiang Ziya opened his eyes again.

Jiang Ziya was very surprised and held the sword in his hand tightly. There was a cold light flowing on the sword. It was obviously a top-quality treasure.

It was extremely sharp.

Of course, this was only for ordinary creatures. For creatures with a certain realm, this sword was worse than scrap iron and would not be looked at twice.

At this time.

A human appeared in front of him, and there was dry wood on his shoulder.

Jiang Ziya thought to himself: "This should be a villager nearby, who came to the mountain to get some wood to cook food."

Then Jiang Ziya chatted with this human.

Jiang Ziya was very surprised at the knowledge of this human and asked: "May I ask your name?"

The human said: "I am Shen Gongbao."

It turned out that this creature was not a human, but a leopard who had become a spirit and had some Taoism.

But not high.

He took a fancy to Jiang Ziya and wanted to eat him. If the monster took humans as blood food, it could practice faster, but Shen Gongbao never thought that Jiang Ziya was not an ordinary person.

He was protected by a great luck.

Jiang Ziya's destiny was not fulfilled, so he would not die so easily.

Jiang Ziya's survival in the wild for so long was also related to Jiang Ziya's luck. If it were someone else.

I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

Only Jiang Ziya has been wandering in the wild for so long and has not died yet.

Shen Gongbao talked with Jiang Ziya.

He understood what Jiang Ziya wanted to do, and Shen Gongbao was a little afraid of Jiang Ziya, because he turned into a gust of evil wind and pounced on Jiang Ziya.

But an inexplicable force emerged from Jiang Ziya's body.

Shen Gongbao was pushed away. When he was pushed away, Shen Gongbao was very worried, fearing that Jiang Ziya was a senior master.

But he did not leave in a hurry.

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