The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 430 Death is the Holy One

Miro walked in front of Qingyou.

Miro said: "Brother, I feel that there is a sense of death in the giant egg. Compared with the life and death path of senior brother, it lacks a sense of life."

Qingyou felt it more clearly and said: "The life in the giant egg cultivates the death path."

Miro said: "So that's it..."

At this time, the vision was even more magnificent.

The golden lotus formed by the clouds in the sky suddenly burst apart.

The golden ripples went in all directions, dispersing the surrounding clouds, and the sun star of the world of creation could directly shine here.

In the bright sunshine.

The giant egg changed, and suddenly a crack appeared. At the beginning, the crack was very subtle, but it became more and more dense in a blink of an eye, and it became an egg that was almost broken.

Qingyou just watched.

Not long after, the giant egg broke, and the eggshell fell on the mountain peak and scattered. In the place where the giant egg was originally, there was a living being standing, his eyes were blank, and there was not much spirit.

This situation did not last long.

The eyes of the creatures gradually became smart. This group of creatures observed the time and space of heaven and earth, all things and spirits.

Gradually recalled the past.

He remembered that his name was Youluo, and at the same time, a legacy appeared in his soul, which was a Taoist method called the Death Sutra.

This made Youluo see the way forward. His previous skills were cultivated to the Golden Immortal.

There was luck in it.

If he wanted to go further, he would not be able to do it. The skills of a higher realm were not so easy to create. Youluo had never seen what the existence of a higher realm was like.

This is the importance of inheritance.

It can allow creatures with inheritance to take fewer detours, because there is a grand road to walk on, instead of walking on a rugged path, which is easy to get lost if you are not careful.

Don't even think about being able to cultivate to a very high realm.

There is also a great possibility of going astray, being crushed by the energy in the body, and returning to heaven and earth.

Youluo saw two creatures not far away.

One of them in particular shocked You Luo, and that was Mi Luo, because Mi Luo's origin clan had a pivotal position in history, although the origin clan had long lost its former glory.

Mi Luo saw You Luo's shock and shouted: "Do you know me..."

You Luo's demeanor became a little more humble.

He turned into a rainbow light and rushed down from the top of the mountain, stopped in front of Mi Luo, and said respectfully: "You are the source of glory, the ancestor god's messenger..."

Miro's expression was gloomy. He did have such a title in the origin clan, and said: "That's right."

You Luo performed the etiquette of the origin clan and said: "The messenger... You should have known what the origin clan looks like now. They have become ignorant, and I was lucky to escape."

Mi Luo said: "You can cultivate to the realm of Golden Immortal, you have a good talent, how come you are born from an egg now."

You Luo felt the body he had regained.

Youluo knew that he was alive again, and no longer just his soul. Although the soul of the Golden Immortal Realm can exist forever, it can exist without a body.

Youluo always felt that something was missing.

Youluo said: "God's messenger, I don't know what happened. There is some information in the soul saying that I have become an innate saint, representing the Avenue of Death."

Miluo was shocked.

But the meaning of the innate saint is very extraordinary. As far as Miluo knows, even if the innate saint of the prehistoric world has not become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is not too difficult to become a quasi-saint.

Miluo couldn't help but look at Qingyou, Qingyou is the innate saint.

He is about to become a quasi-saint.

There was a slight fluctuation between Miluo's eyebrows, and Miluo talked to Qingyou through his divine thoughts.

After all, some things are not suitable for Youluo to know.

Miro said through the fluctuation of his mind: "Brother, there are innate gods in the world of creation. It's incredible."

Qingyou was more indifferent and said: "Cultivation is to do the impossible. This can only mean that Master's realm is getting higher and higher."

Miro said: "There should be more than one innate god in the world of creation, and I don't know how many there are."

Qingyou said: "The innate gods are protected by the world of creation. Even if the mind sweeps across the world, it will not see the birthplace of these innate gods unless they are born."

Miro said: "This is natural. It is very fragile in the embryonic state. If there is not enough protection, it is easy to die."

Miro closed the fluctuation of his mind.

He said to Youluo: "What kind of catastrophe did the source clan encounter that they became so ignorant."

Youluo saw the source of glory, but the ancestor god's messenger didn't know it.

But then he thought that the source of glory was not the ancestor god after all, and the divine power was inevitably limited. Youluo was in the realm of golden immortal.

Although he felt that Miro's aura was mysterious.

But it was not beyond the scope of understanding. Qingyou, who was next to Miro, was very unpredictable in Youluo's perception. It was hard to see clearly. Youluo knew that Qingyou was more powerful.

More importantly, Youluo felt a more sublime road of death from Qingyou.

If his road of death was a stream, then Qingyou's road of death was a surging river, rumbling and flowing.


Youluo answered Miro's question, and his expression changed. He thought of the past, the most glorious time of the source clan, but it ended.

Youluo sighed and said, "It was a primitive ancient snake winding on the earth, but we called it the snake of sin."

"Because it has committed too many evils, its snake body can cut off mountains and rivers, and its tail can lightly sweep the peak into smoke and dust."

"I don't know how it was born, but it is so powerful that no one can defeat it..."

Qingyou listened. Although he could not see the time and destiny that created the world, the image of the primitive ancient snake emerged in his heart. The vicious snake head wanted to devour all souls.

Blood-red eyes looked at the world indifferently.

It is the embodiment of destruction, running rampant in the world of creation. It is the embodiment of disaster in the world of creation.

The end of everything.

Qingyou asked: "Junior brother and I have been wandering around the world for a long time, but we have never seen the ancient snake you mentioned."

Youluo saw Qingyou calling the divine envoy his junior brother.

They vaguely understood in their hearts that the ancestor gods should be their elders, and that Youluo had the Golden Immortal realm. He understood that the higher the realm, the more advanced his Taoist and magical powers would be.

The Ancestral God is a creature with a profound realm.

This is Youluo's guess at the moment.

You Luo said: "There must have been some changes, otherwise with the nature of the evil snake, it will not let go of the living beings with cultivation. I also relied on this mountain to escape."

Qingyou could naturally see the mystery of the mountain and said: "Indeed, this mountain can isolate a lot of fluctuations. Now you don't need this mountain anymore, I think."

"Even if the Snake of Sin appears, it will be a long time later. Maybe it will never appear again. It's unknown."

Youluo understood that these two people had extraordinary backgrounds and would not lie to him.

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