The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 427: Azure Dragon Sacred Beast

Chen Yuan said: "Look..."

Chen Yuan pointed forward, where there were five innate spiritual treasures.

Two of them are top-quality innate spiritual treasures. Ao Min was born a long time ago. He existed during the great catastrophe of the ferocious beast. At that time, there were many innate spiritual treasures hidden in the world.

Ao Min found a lot.

This is what Ao Min can rely on to survive the dragon and phoenix catastrophe.

In addition to the two top-quality innate spiritual treasures, the other three innate spiritual treasures are of different grades.

Two of them are top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

One is a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure. It can also be seen that Ao Min once had extraordinary luck and was a creature blessed by heaven and earth, but his destiny can also be transferred.

You will not favor a certain creature forever.

Of these two top-quality innate spiritual treasures, one is in the form of a spear.

The other item is a tower-shaped innate spiritual treasure.

Chen Yuan looked at the two objects and said, "I'll take the spear, and Wang Shu, you take the tower-shaped innate spiritual treasure."

Wang Shu said: "Okay, in the future, Yuan Miao's realm will deepen, and there will be treasures for her."

Two top-grade innate spiritual treasures were divided, and among the remaining three innate spiritual treasures, Chen Yuan took one top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and Chen Yuan let Wang Shu accept the remaining ones.

Wang Shu did not refuse.

As a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, her high-grade innate spiritual treasures and mid-grade innate spiritual treasures no longer have much effect.

It can only be used to give to others or give gifts. Of course, it is very rare to use innate spiritual treasures to give gifts.

After all, the innate spiritual treasure can be used to kill corpses.

This greatly increases the value of the innate spiritual treasure, not to mention that the innate spiritual treasure also contains profound avenues, and living beings can understand the avenues within them.

It can increase the speed of cultivation.

Chen Yuan, Wang Shu is gone.

The prehistoric world is very vast, and this is just the first stop of their journey. They still have many places to go, and they will not stay in one place forever.

A place close to the fetal membrane of the prehistoric world.

There is a huge space here, and there is a huge green dragon in the space. The green dragon emits a green light all over its body, full of rich vitality.

Qinglong's divine eyes illuminated the East China Sea, and he saw Ao Min turning into powder under the great grinding of yin and yang.

Not long after...

There was a crisp sound, and the source of the sound was a fiery red bird.

This is the Suzaku incarnation.

Suzaku said: "Why don't you stop the Heavenly Lord of Creation and let him destroy Ao Min."

Qinglong showed no emotion or anger on his surface.

But the surroundings of Qinglong became very dark, and the vegetation on the ground withered and was no longer full of vitality. Suzaku could tell that Qinglong was in a bad mood.

Qinglong's majestic voice rang out and said: "Creation Heavenly Lord is not a weakling. It is difficult to defeat him, so I did not show up. In addition, the Dragon Clan and I are just the same shape, and I don't have a deep racial relationship with them."

Suzaku said: "It's also Ao Min's bad luck. Who told him to offend Xuanyuan and Wangshu, two innate saints? If it's Zhen Yuanzi and his ilk, it's no big deal. He can definitely deal with it."

Qinglong said quietly: "That's right... I don't know what kind of abilities the Heavenly Lord of Creation has that can help Wang Shu achieve Taoism."

Suzaku said: "Compared with the saints, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, although he cannot rely on the power of heaven, all the power comes from himself. If the saint can choose, I am afraid he will choose the path of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian instead of the saint." road."

Qinglong agreed very much and said: "After all, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Saint both have the power of immortality, and there will be no essential changes if the power is stronger."

"Freedom is more important. After all, Hongmeng Purple Qi is a foreign object. Although it can replace the Hunyuan state, it is not owned by the cultivator after all, and there will eventually be hidden dangers."

Suzaku said doubtfully: "How come there are so many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Hongjun, Yangmei, Luohu, Xuanyuan, Shijie, Taiyi and Wangshu in the world? There are seven in total."

"I even doubt that it is easy to become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Our four holy beasts are the protective power left by the ancestor god Pangu and cannot be counted among them."

Qinglong said leisurely: "Easy is opposite to difficulty. These sacred Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, the treasures or spiritual roots in their hands are all extraordinary."

"Before Wangshu became a Taoist, two top-quality innate spiritual roots were destroyed on Xuanhua Mountain, and then Wangshu became a Taoist."

Suzaku said: "Last time Zhen Yuanzi asked Wangshu how she achieved enlightenment, Wangshu said it was to cultivate a Hunyuan spiritual root."

"The price Wangshu paid for cultivating a Hunyuan spiritual root is that two top-quality innate spiritual roots will disappear forever. The laurel and hibiscus no longer exist."

Qinglong said: "Who do you think the next enlightened person in the prehistoric world will be."

Zhuque looked at the prehistoric world and said: "I hope it is Fengzu, otherwise she will have no hope when Shennong becomes the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Qinglong said leisurely: "The road to success is too cruel, the only way is the road."

Suzaku sighed and said: "If I am also a naturally born creature in heaven and earth, even if I have an innate divine origin, I don't know if I can become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. I think I can't."

Qinglong said lightly: "Who can say that it will be possible? It is full of variables and there are too many possibilities."

Suzaku said: "Although we are not as free as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, we are already very satisfied."

Qinglong said seriously: "I still want to be more free."

at this time.

A turtle slowly walked into this space. The turtle said: "Qinglong, if you want freedom, you will not be free until the ancestor god wakes up from his slumber. It is just possible, not certain."

Qinglong looked at the slow-moving Xuanwu and said, "Don't you like to sleep? Why did you come out?"

Xuanwu smiled and said, "This is just my clone. My real body is still sleeping. For me, sleeping is a way of cultivation, and my realm can also be improved."

Suzaku flew in the air for a while.

Finally, it stopped on the tortoise shell of Xuanwu. The bird and the tortoise looked very small, and seemed to be ordinary creatures, without any extraordinary features.

Qinglong would not underestimate the bird and the tortoise.

At this moment, Suzaku and Xuanwu were just clones, which looked small and did not contain too much powerful power.

Their original bodies were holy beasts.

Qinglong's real body circled in the sky, and the terrifying aura shook the world, which could make the sun and the moon pale. Qinglong flew for a while.

Then he returned to his original place.

Qinglong continued, "There will be a catastrophe soon. There is a catastrophe energy rising in every part of the world. I wonder how many lives will be lost in this catastrophe."

Xuanwu said leisurely, "Qinglong, this is not something you should worry about. Life in the world is born and dies. It is impossible to be born all the time."

"If it does not die, if it is born all the time, it will make the world lose its balance. Although the prehistoric world is vast, it cannot bear more and more lives."

Qinglong said, "I don't know what the ancestor god is pursuing. It is impossible to open up the world for no reason. Such a vast prehistoric world cannot be easily opened up."

Xuanwu said, "You can ask the ancestor god in the future, but I don't know if the ancestor god will answer you.

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